While the two were chatting, Lin Zhe's phone suddenly rang.

"Huh? Why is he calling at this time?"

Seeing the caller ID, Lin Zhe was subconsciously confused and hesitated with his finger on the phone's answer button.

Lin Shuyu also noticed Lin Zhe's surprise and asked in confusion: "Whose phone number is it?"

She had never seen Lin Zhe's expression like this before. She seemed to be a little surprised and a little confused.

In the past, Lin Zhe was always confident no matter what he did, but he never secretly expressed any doubts, as if everything was under his control.

This is also what she finds most attractive about her brother.

"Uh...Xu Song." Lin Zhe replied in confusion.

Logically speaking, shouldn't this guy have gone abroad by now? Why is he still in contact with me?

"Why is he calling?" Lin Shuyu pouted and muttered.

She doesn't have a good impression of this guy, she can even say she hates him very much.

They all know what Xu Song did behind his back, including killing his biological father. Can he be called a human being?

If Lin Zhe hadn't said anything and there was no evidence, Lin Shuyu would have even wanted to report Xu Song to the Supervision Bureau.

Of course Lin Zhe had his own ideas, but Lin Shuyu at the time could not have imagined that this kind of war between big families, especially a civil war within one's own family, why would outsiders get involved in it?

Whoever lives or dies is their fate, and this cannot be changed.

Only the strong will survive.

But Xu Song called him at this time.

Lin Zhe couldn't understand or guess the specific reason, but after thinking for a moment, he still chose to answer the phone.

After all, Lin Zhe was actually a little curious and wanted to know why Xu Song called him?

According to his understanding of Xu Song, a profit-seeking person, if he didn't have anything to ask for help, he probably wouldn't make a phone call.

Because Xu Song must know in his heart that asking Lin Zhe for help will definitely mean that he has to pay a corresponding price. Lin Zhe will not help in vain. This is unrealistic.

"Hello? Are you Lin Zhe?"

As soon as Lin Zhe answered the phone, he heard Xu Song's voice coming from the other end of the phone.

Time goes back to one hour ago.

Xu Song sat in the hotel, still thinking about his plan.

After careful consideration, he decided not to report it to the Supervision Bureau. These matters required detailed planning and long-term consideration.

There was no need to rush, as if something went wrong, he might lose his life.

So Xu Song prepared to plan for a while.

And he should be relatively safe during this period. After all, he has to pay the black-clad killer regularly, and no one can touch him.

But who knows if Xu Bing still has a back-up plan?

Therefore, Xu Song is also ready to take the initiative and turn passivity into initiative.

Now that he and the killer in black have formed a cooperative relationship on the surface, it means that at least I am still willing to cooperate with the killer in black, even for money.

"Xu Bing, how should I retaliate against you?" Xu Song muttered.

What he has to do now is definitely to fight back. That guy Xu Bing came up and hired a killer to kill him, so he has to give him a proper and powerful counterattack...

After thinking about it, a figure suddenly appeared in Zhu Song's mind.

Lin Zhe... Can Lin Zhe be of any help?

Wait, Xu Bing hired a killer now. According to his previous guess, it was either the killer Xu Bing found before he went bankrupt, or he pretended to be bankrupt and actually still had a lot of money.

However, during the previous chat with the black-clothed killer, the black-clothed killer had clearly told him that he was indeed the killer he was looking for before going bankrupt.

But... he could just make up a lie at will and say that Xu Bing was actually bankrupt. Who cares?

When the time comes, tell Lin Zhe directly and you can use Lin Zhe's hands to suppress Xu Bing.

In any case, this can definitely cause some trouble for Xu Bing.

Although Xu Song can't do anything to Xu Bing now, he wants to do anything that can upset Xu Bing.

"Xu Bing, Xu Bing, don't worry, this game on the ground has just begun. It's not certain who will have the last laugh?"

"I guess you didn't think about it, right? Not only did I survive, but I also had the chance to kill you, but no one reminded you that you should be more careful..."

With these thoughts in mind, Chu Bing lit a cigarette.

Regarding his brother, Xu Song wanted to pull out his muscles and bones immediately, but he couldn't do that yet.

It doesn't matter, take your time, Xu Song is not in a hurry.

Now he is not in a hurry to leave China, and he doesn't even have the idea of ​​leaving. He wants to stay here and continue to fight him.

Until the winner is determined, one of the two must die.

Thinking of this, Zhu Song dialed Lin Zhe's phone number.

Lin Zhe is definitely an indispensable key part in his plan. After all, in the entire Magic City, there are not many people who can really pose a threat to Xu Bing. Lin Zhe is definitely one

Moreover, the two of them had cooperated before, Xu Song felt that he could speak up, and this matter was inherently beneficial to Lin Zhe, so Lin Zhe would most likely help.

The phone rang for a long time before the call was answered.

Xu Song didn't ask why it took so long to get through, but said calmly: "Hello? Is this Lin Zhe?"

"It's me, Mr. Xu is here okay." Lin Zhe's probing tone came from the other end of the phone, "If nothing unexpected happens, Mr. Xu should be enjoying life abroad now, right? Let me guess where he is. Fangyouting or which beach to pick up girls on?"

It was precisely because Lin Zhe knew that Xu Song could not be in this state now that he deliberately tried to test him.

(Wang Li's) In this way, he can get straight to the point and let Xu Song tell his situation.

"Hahaha, Mr. Lin is joking." Xu Song laughed dryly, "You and I are both smart people, so I'll get straight to the point.'

"To be honest, I did encounter some difficulties recently, so I haven't left the country yet."

When Xu Song saw that Lin Zhe had directly understood the purpose of his visit, he simply said what he had prepared without hiding it.

"Oh? Can you prevent Mr. Xu from leaving the country? This is really difficult..." Lin Zhe smacked his lips, "I really can't guess this, just say it."

"I'm being hunted."

There was a trace of helplessness in Xu Song's words, "I am still a professional killer from abroad, but fortunately I was lucky enough to survive, so I want to ask you to help me get revenge."

"I know you want to refuse, but don't worry, this matter will also be of great benefit to you.",

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