"Oh? No, no, no, no, aren't I kidding you?" Lin Zhe said righteously, "How could I bother you? I would never.

There is no other way, not even giving in at this time.

This girl is not very good at other things, but when it comes to complaining, absolutely no one can compare with her.

Lin Zhe doesn't want to be scolded by his parents when he returns home. This is not the most terrifying thing. Think about what if his wife is angry...

The consequences were not something Lin Zhe could bear. Anyway, he felt there was no need to mess with his sister, otherwise it would be very detrimental to him.

When it's time to admit your mistakes, you have to actively admit them. Isn't it just telling a few lies? What's so difficult about this?

"Tch, isn't that what you just said?" Lin Shuyu curled her lips and glanced at Lin Zhe with disdain, "Why did you make the change so quickly? Isn't it because you are afraid?"

Seeing Lin Zhe quickly admitting his mistake, Lin Shuyu also began to harden up, knowing that these brothers' weaknesses had been caught and there was no need to be afraid of him now.

In fact, Lin Zhe basically doesn't have any weaknesses. If he has any, it's probably his wife Ye Wanqing.

Apart from her... Lin Zhe should have no one to be afraid of. Even when facing the business talent Xu Bing, Lin Zhe723 dealt with it easily with a nonchalant look and never took it seriously. thing.

It can be seen from this that Lin Zhe is still very afraid of Ye Wanqing. In fact, it is not so much fear as respect.

Because Lin Zhe was also worried about Ye Wanqing and worried that she would be unhappy, but Lin Zhe didn't want that.

"Tch, when have I ever been afraid of your brother?" Lin Zhe looked like he was just talking hard, "I just felt that I did something wrong just now, so I admitted it. Do you understand? As a man, I must To be responsible, you must also have the courage to admit your mistakes.

"Even at my height, as long as you are human, you will eventually make mistakes. This is inevitable, but if you make mistakes, you will be strong if you have the courage to take responsibility."

Suddenly having a good idea, Ye Tian changed the topic and talked about the philosophy of life. Lin Shuyu should have nothing to do with him, right?

But Lin Zhe didn't seem to realize a problem. What Lin Shuyu seemed to hate the most was that he said these workers

Ye Tian became more and more energetic as he spoke, slowly stood up and put his hands behind his back, looked at Lin Shuyu and continued:

"Shu Yu, you are still too young now, and you may not understand what I am talking about yet, but one day you will understand. If you want to succeed, you must learn from your brother and me, do you understand?"

At this time, Lin Shuyu seemed to have dots floating in his head.

Why can my brother be involved in this no matter what the matter is? Is this a talent?

Lin Shuyu suddenly felt that his brother would be able to become a successful master in the future, and he would definitely be able to make the students confused.

However, Lin Zhe was completely unaware of this. Seeing that his sister was silent, he thought she really listened.

No matter what, the main thing is to make her forget what happened just now.

Otherwise, this stupid girl can do anything, but she won't be able to protect her. She will make a video call to her parents and his wife tonight... but she will be the one who suffers!

"Forget it, just this time." Lin Shuyu waved her hands with a speechless face, "There must be no next time. I'm going back to the room first."

After saying this, Lin Shuyu turned around and walked out of Lin Zhe's room.

Lin Zhe's voice followed closely, "Hey, remember to close the door for me."

However, Lin Shuyu seemed not to hear it, ignored it at all, and walked out directly.


Is there anyone who does this? When you enter someone’s room in the middle of the night, you don’t even close the door?

It's simply too much.

Do you know how much this hurts a person lying in bed? Do you know how much I don’t want to move?

Doesn’t this force me to exercise?

The distance from my bed to the door is more than ten meters...

At this time, Lin Zhe looked at a distance of more than ten meters and fell into deep contemplation.

He was thinking carefully, should he close the door?

In other words...should I restart my body again and exercise because of closing the door?

After thinking carefully for a moment, Lin Zhe felt that it was completely unnecessary.

Anyway, there is no one else in the villa, just the two siblings. Does it matter whether the door is closed or not?

Yes, it's entirely because there's no need to close the door... It's not because he's lazy at all.

In the end, Lin Zhe completely convinced himself.

On the other side, a luxury five-star hotel.

The two women woke up slowly and found themselves lying on the chairs next to the dining table. They looked at each other in confusion.

Because the two of them woke up almost at the same time, they didn't notice anything wrong. They just thought they were drunk and fell asleep.

"It's really strange. Why did I drink so much today after just this little amount of wine? And I seem to have completely lost my mind. I can't remember anything about what happened before. "Song only remembers that we ate and chatted together...

"I'm about the same, maybe because I'm older. It seems like we're really suitable to find someone to take care of, and then we can take good care of ourselves in old age... and so on.

One of the girls suddenly remembered something. They drank too much and fell asleep. What about Xu Song?

This is their cash cow...there must be no neglect!

But it seems like he hasn't eaten yet. Isn't that the end of the world?

Good guy, the two of them have eaten and drank enough, but Xu Song still doesn’t know whether he has eaten or not. If he is not taken care of, he will not be happy...

The consequences of this can be imagined. Now that they have finally got such an opportunity, after being adopted, it means that they will no longer have to accompany this or that in the future.

You just need to take good care of Xu Song, but now something seems to have happened unexpectedly.

"Where is Mr. Xu? That's too bad. Go to the room and see if he is asleep? Remember to keep your voice down so as not to wake him up."

As a result, the two women began to search frantically for Xu Song in the hotel.

Finally, the two found Xu Song on the balcony. At this time, Xu Song was lying on the ground on the balcony, sleeping with his arms and legs spread out.

"Why...why did Mr. Xu fall asleep here? It's so cold underground, so you won't catch a cold, right?"

"Shh, please speak in a lower voice, don't wake up Mr. Xu. We didn't take good care of him before... Oh, I can't drink so much in the future. Drinking will cause trouble."

"I think so too. Alas, now I can only hope that Mr. Xu does not blame us, otherwise we cannot afford the consequences."

"It's best not to blame us, otherwise we will all be doomed..."

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