"Hey, Wanqing, I finally see such a domineering side of you again."

"You don't know, I've been seeing you acting like a slave to your husband in your house these days."

"I thought you were completely hopeless."

After walking out of the teahouse, Qiao Yuxin chattered next to Ye Wanqing.

"What is a husband slave?"

"That's what I call love for my boyfriend."

"Forget it, it's hard to explain to someone like you who doesn't have a boyfriend."

"Whenever you find someone who truly loves you, you will understand my current behavior."

Ye Wanqing rolled her eyes.

Just be a husband slave.

My pleasure!

Qiao Yuxin was speechless for the moment when she was attacked.

Woohoo, so angry!

It’s okay to eat dog food, but now I still have to be criticized for being single.

I came to Hangzhou this time to work or something?


"Okay, okay, don't look like a doormat."

"I'll take a day off today and go shopping with you."

"That's okay."

Looking at Qiao Yuxin's stinky face, Ye Qing smiled politely.

"Humph, that's what you said."

When Qiao Yuxin heard this, her originally stinky face immediately became brighter.

Put the abuse aside for now.

What Ye Wanqing didn't know at this time was.

When she and Qiao Yuxin were going shopping.

A piece of news that is crucial to the real estate industry was announced on the Hangzhou official website at ten o'clock this morning.

The announced content is that officials are preparing to develop Qingyuan District as a new economic development zone.

It can be said that the announcement of the content of this information directly caused shock to the entire real estate developers in Hangzhou.


Fengmao Real Estate, in the general manager’s office.

When Xue Qiang saw the news, the cup in his hand fell directly to the ground.

Then it fell to pieces.

"how so!"

"This is impossible."

"Why did the official announce Qingyuan District as a new economic development zone at this time?"

"This is unscientific."

Xue Qiang never expected that the government would create an economic development zone just after he bought a piece of land.

If we had known earlier that Qingyuan District would be selected as a new economic development zone.

He will never buy that piece of land No. 1.

Everyone knows that participating in a new economic development zone is definitely the most profitable project.

Because the official wants to develop the economic development zone, it will definitely provide corresponding support and preferential treatment so that the economy of the region can develop rapidly.

And these supports and preferential treatment can make various businessmen make a lot of money!

What's more important is that once the new economic development zone is built.

Then it will definitely attract a lot of traffic.

At that time, if there is enough land, you can make money lying down.

"Wait, Qingyuan District!"

"If I remember correctly, the No. 3 land is where Qingyuan District is located."

"That woman Ye Wanqing didn't compete with me for the No. 1 land in the end."

"Did she already get the news?"

Xue Qiang clenched his fists tightly, and veins popped out on his forehead.

This is angry!

Because he knows it very clearly.

With the emergence of economic development zones.

Those who are thinking about buying a house will also calm down.

Waiting to see what the housing prices in Qingyuan District will be like.

Or just take a gamble and go buy a house in Qingyuan District while the housing prices in Qingyuan District are not high yet!

Some brave people may even buy off-plan properties that are under construction!

It's not impossible.

First, Qingyuan District has just been selected as an economic development zone.

The house price will definitely not be too high.

Second, if you buy off-plan, the price will be much cheaper.

These two factors combined will definitely attract many people to buy a house.

Whether it is an existing house or an off-plan house, it will be very popular.

However, this is good news for those buying homes.

But for Xue Qiang, it was no news.

Because, as Qingyuan District becomes an economic development zone.

Then, their company's plan to purchase land No. 1, build a large shopping mall, and raise surrounding housing prices was completely disrupted.

Projects that could have earned hundreds of millions or even billions were simply aborted.

There may even be a possibility of losing money.

After all, the price their company bid for land No. 1 was much higher than the market price.

As a result, Fengmao Real Estate is in a dilemma!

If Qingyuan District becomes a new economic development zone, then all real estate developers will definitely choose to get a share of the pie.

However, Fengmao Real Estate just spent a huge sum of 1.2 billion to buy a piece of land.

It would be a bit difficult to go to Qingyuan to differentiate between the two.

Nothing else, insufficient liquidity!

In addition, the newly purchased land has also become a hot potato.

Go build it, it will take a lot of manpower, material and financial resources!

In the end, you may not make any money or even lose money.

It’s impossible not to build!

After all, I spent so much money to buy it back.

If you don't do anything, wouldn't it mean that you are letting your losses go?

And, what embarrasses them the most is.

Now even if they want to sell this land.

It’s not like anyone would want it.

Because, all peers are now raising funds and preparing to invest in new economic development zones.

Who would spend so much money to buy this piece of land in his hand?

Not to mention the thankless work, you may also lose money.

This is why Fengmao Real Estate is in a dilemma.

"General Manager, I also heard something, I don't know if it's true or not."

When Xue Qiang was furious, the secretary beside him said.

"What's the matter? Tell me!"

Xue Qiang frowned and said coldly.

“I heard that some time ago, Jiajing Real Estate purchased land in Qingyuan District on a large scale.

"I don't know exactly how much it cost."

"But there are at least more than a billion."

The secretary said to Xue Qiang cautiously.

"you sure?"

When Xue Qiang heard this, he immediately looked at her in disbelief.

If this news is true, then the energy behind Ye Wanqing's woman is a bit scary.

"I'm not sure about this, I also heard what others said.

The secretary didn't dare to lie and said honestly.

Xue Qiang frowned, then without saying a word, made a call.

He is asking people to check the authenticity of this matter.

Half an hour later, Xue Qiang received the results.

What his secretary said is true.

Half a month ago, Jiajing Company began to acquire land in Qingyuan District.

It wasn't until a few days ago that the handover was completed.


"Damn it, I still underestimated the energy behind Ye Wanqing."

"You know, all the real estate companies in Hangzhou have not received any news in advance.

After knowing that the news was accurate, Xue Qiang said reluctantly.

While he was unwilling to give in, his fear of Ye Wanqing increased by several levels.

Obviously, in his heart, he already thought that Ye Wanqing had received the news in advance.

That’s why I gave up Land No. 1 and purchased Land No. 3 instead.

Moreover, a large amount of land was purchased in Qingyuan District.

Being able to receive such important news one step ahead of time without anyone knowing.

It is enough to show how huge Ye Wanqing's official power is.

However, Xue Qiang never expected that things were completely different from what he thought.

Ye Wanqing, like him, had no idea that Qingyuan District would become a new economic development zone.

The only difference between the two is that Ye Wanqing has a boyfriend who can know information about the future.

Moreover, she has 100% trust in her boyfriend.

It is this trust that makes Ye Wanqing and Jiajing Real Estate one step ahead of all real estate developers.


Of course, compared to Xue Qiang, the one who regrets the most is Mr. Chai.

I think at the beginning, he was also optimistic about the No. 3 land.

As a result, after being persuaded by other people in the company.

He gave up the bidding!

Now that I see the information in front of me, I regret it to death.

This wave of giving up cost at least several hundred million dollars.

"Has it finally been announced?"

"Haha, now it's time to wait for the harvest."

"Of course, the most important thing is that it's almost time for Ye Wanqing's parents and I to meet."

At this time, Lin Zhe also saw the news announced on the official website.

In addition, there is an agreement between Ye Wanqing and his father.

Lin Zhe already knew this.

This is what Ye Wanqing told her.

However, Lin Zhe gave Ye Wanqing a reassuring look at that time.

He won't let her down.

The result is of course self-evident!

Along with the news that Qingyuan District has become a new economic development zone, it was announced.

I believe that my future father-in-law in Shanghai will receive the news as soon as possible.

I just don’t know how my future father-in-law will feel at this moment.

Is it shock, curiosity, or something else?

Of course, this is all important later.

What Lin Zhe is really concerned about is that with the announcement of this news.

His net worth is probably about to skyrocket.

This piece of land worth 500 million will triple its value in one month and become worth 2 billion!

In other words, Lin Zhe made 1.5 billion in just one month!

You won’t make much more than you did with garlic futures before!

However, unlike garlic futures, this land worth two billion cannot be moved or sold.

Because once the land is sold, Lin Zhe will not earn 1.5 billion.

The land value-added tax alone will be deducted by 60%.

By then, let alone 1.5 billion, I'm afraid there won't even be 700 million!

More than half of it was cut off directly.

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