"Sister Ruan, what did you tell them? They all left.

In the store, I kept observing Zhizhi outside, and saw Zhou Ruan finish talking to them, and when he came back, the two people also discussed it and left. He asked curiously, holding Zhou Ruan's hand.

"Oh, it was nothing. I just said a few words to them, and they understood what was going on and left in a sensible manner."

Seeing the happy Zhizhi who was gone, Zhou Ruan did not tell her the truth of the matter, but made up a lie to cover it up. Anyway, they would never come back again.

“Sister Ruan is awesome*!”

When Zhizhi heard Zhou Ruan's explanation, he raised his thumb and said.

"Okay, let's clean up quickly. After we finish cleaning up, we can get off work.

He said to Zhizhi who was still flattering him.


Zhou Ruan looked at his sister's office in the corner. He had not left the room all afternoon since he came back from Gu Hai.

Several times in the afternoon, Zhou Ruan thought about the worst possible outcome. When his sister went to pay back the money in the morning, Gu Hai did the same thing to his sister two years ago. Thinking of this, he quickly interrupted the thought. Although That matter has always been a worry in my heart.

Even if 807 gave that Gu Hai a hundred courages, he would not dare to do such a thing to his sister. Maybe he was just a little tired as his sister said and wanted to be alone for a while.

Ring ring ring one

"Hello, who's there?"

There were no lights on in the room. Zhou Wen faced the window and looked at the dark sky, dotted with a few scattered stars.

While Zhou Wen was watching quietly, the phone in her pocket rang.

Seeing that the number displayed on the phone was a strange caller I had never seen before, I thought for a while and pressed the connect button.

"Who am I? What do you think?"

A man's voice with a thick voice came from the other end of the phone.

"If you don't tell me who you are, I'll hang up the phone!"

The person who knows his phone number must know him. The person on the other end of the phone wants to play such a childish trick. If Zhou Wen usually guesses, Zhou Wen is not in the mood to guess at all now and said in a somewhat angry tone.

"Haha, Wenwen, you are still so irritable."

"Gu Hai, what's the matter with your phone call?"

Hearing the annoying voice on the other side, Zhou Wen took a deep breath and asked him.

"Naughty, we are both family members, aren't we?"

Gu Hai heard that Zhou Yao, the opposite party, was a little angry and impatient. He suddenly felt confused and thought to himself: This woman is still pretending to be cold to him [but he still asked with a smile on his face.

"Who is your family? When did I promise you!"

Listening to the shameless Gu Hai, his words became more and more explicit and he hung up the phone angrily.

The moment Zhou Wen hung up the phone, the office door was opened from the outside, and the lights were turned on a second later.

"Sister, who are you calling? Why don't you answer?"

Just when he was hanging up the phone, Zhou Ruan opened the office door, looked at the dark office, and turned on the door switch. "He asked Zhou Ting who was sitting in front of the window.

"Nothing, just a suitor."

When he heard that his sister had come in, he calmed down, stood up and returned to his desk.

“My sister’s charm is still the same as before!”

Seeing that his sister still has a suitor who keeps calling her, Zhou Ruan covered his mouth and joked with a smile.

"Did you come in here to laugh at me? Tell me something?"

Looking at Zhou Ruan who was making fun of herself, Zhou Wen looked at Zhou Ruan and asked.

"Ang, I just wanted to ask when you will get off work. It's not early now, it's already past ten o'clock."

Zhou Ruan walked to the desk and sat down on the chair opposite Zhou Wen. He took out his mobile phone, opened the screen, put it in front of Zhou Wen and said.

"This laziness has no sense of time, so let's go."

Looking at the time on her phone, Zhou Wen (acac) didn't expect time to pass by so quickly. She got up with the car keys and walked outside. Zhou Ruan looked at his somewhat confused sister and followed behind and snickered.

"What do you mean, you hung up on me!"

Looking at the extinguished screen, Gu Hai angrily threw the phone in his hand to the ground and roared loudly.

The subordinates standing in the hall didn't dare to speak when they saw the angry Gu Hai, they lowered their heads and remained silent.

Bang Dang Yi

"Boss, I don't know what's going on?"

Everyone in the hall looked at the man kneeling on the ground, and they were thinking: You have made the boss so angry, you are in trouble.

All of a sudden, the envy just now turned into secret joy. Fortunately, they didn't do such a thing at that time.

Seeing that no one else he knew in the hall stood up to speak for him, it was very strange that when he gained power, he was completely in the same sky and on the ground.

Gu Hai didn't care what Liu Shang had brought to him, he was already carried away by the incident of Zhou Wen hanging up his phone just now, and now he wanted to kill Liu Shang who was kneeling on the ground.

"MD, Liu Shang, who asked you to come back? Didn't I ask you to stare at that coffee shop?"

Looking at the person kneeling at his feet, he kicked Liu Shang hard on the chest and asked loudly.

Liu Shang who was kneeling on the ground was the leader who was watching at the door of the coffee shop just now. He didn't expect that he had come back early. Why was his boss so angry? He just kneeled on the ground regardless of whether he was right or not.

"Ahem, the boss is Zhou Wen's sister Zhou Ruan walked out of the store and said that they had paid off all the debts with you, and asked why we are still staring here. We thought that now that we have collected the money, we can There’s no need to keep staring, just come back.”

Liu Shang was knocked off his feet by Gu Hai's kick just now. He coughed twice and knelt down again, and told the whole story of what happened just now.

"Why didn't you make it clear just now!"

After Liu Shang finished telling what happened, Gu Hai covered his head and fell on the sofa, pointing his finger at Liu Shang who was kneeling on the ground and was speechless for a moment.

Liu Shang knelt down on the mountain aggrievedly, not knowing what he had done wrong.

Recalling that as soon as he came back, Gu Hai directly found him.

"Liu Shang, why are you back?"

Gu Hai looked at Liu Shang and asked him with Gao Yi written all over his face.

"It was the owner of that store who asked us to come back. She said he was with you...'

Before he finished speaking, Gu Hai stood up and laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha, finally let go, I succeeded."

"I'm the boss."

"I'm very happy about Liu Shang. When I cook the rice, you will be rewarded!"

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