Only then did Zhou Ruan realize that, combined with the state of his sister's return that day, and what he told Liu Shang that they had not paid off their debts, there must be some hidden secret that he didn't know about.

"Originally, I was still somewhat hostile to you. Seeing as you invited me to this meal today, I won't hold a grudge. I also know what your intention is in inviting me to this meal. However, if you want us to leave, you have to care. Hai told me personally, otherwise we wouldn't have left."

"If you have to let me go, it's not impossible. Gu Hai will send someone here by then, and the person they send won't be like me. They will block your door and cause trouble every day. If you want to do that If so, I can go talk to you."

Liu Shang wiped his mouth with a napkin and explained the matter clearly to Zhou Ruan, making Zhou Ruan understand that he was already very kind compared to others.

"In that case, it might as well be you. It looks like you're not the kind of person to be a gangster! Why do you have to hang out with that Gu Hai?"

Looking at the very polite Liu Shang, Zhou Ruan asked in confusion as he did not understand why such a person was hanging out with Gu Hai.

"This is a long story. Why do you think I can't hang out with Gu Hai?"

Listening to Zhou Ruan say such words, Liu Shang also became curious and asked Zhou Ruan.

"A woman's intuition. When I first met you, even though my tone was a bit harsh, you didn't get angry. When you heard that we had paid off the money, you just left. Because you believed in my words, you didn't say anything to me. Gu Hai asked about the authenticity of this matter. Am I right?"

Zhou Ruan looked at Liu Shang and wanted to hear it. He looked at the time on his phone and saw that it had been some time since Lin Zheng came here, so he expressed his opinion.

"You're right. I did believe what you said at that time and didn't confirm it with Gu Hai, so that's why I ended up with this."

Listening to Zhou Ruan's analysis, Liu Shang nodded and said.

"You are such a polite person who is willing to trust others easily. How can you follow a person like Gu Hai and join the society?"

Zhou Ruan, who still didn't understand, continued to ask Liu Shang.

"Let's leave this matter for later. See if you analyze me, I will analyze you too."

Liu Shang did not answer this question, but looked at Zhou Ruan and said.

"Since you don't want to say it, then analyze me."

Zhou Ruan looked at Liu Shang, who had been reluctant to talk about this matter, and did not continue to ask. They were not familiar enough to tell the secret.

"I just saw you frequently looking at your phone, but you just turned on the screen. I guess you must be looking at the time and looking outside from time to time. Today, when my men and I were looking outside, we looked at you Everyone in the coffee shop is here today, they are all dressed up and cleaned up specially. There must be very important people visiting your shop today, right?"

Liu Shang analyzed Zhou Ruan's behavior after entering the store and the abnormalities in the coffee shop.

Zhou Ruan was briefly surprised. He didn't expect that Liu Shang, who was stunned when they first met, was so thoughtful. He had already guessed that someone important was coming today. After being surprised, he returned to his normal smile and did not answer. .

"Even if you don't say anything, I know it. Your purpose of inviting me to dinner today is not as simple as reconciling the relationship. It is to drag me here. As long as I am not here, my subordinates will not rush to coffee. There was a commotion in the store, so it was a smart idea to say it or not.

"It seems that you have guessed it. Why do I think you have been pretending to be stupid? In fact, you have been hiding yourself. Why do you want to show it in front of me today?"

Seeing Liu Shang knowing his thoughts, Zhou Ruan felt that his little thoughts were just asking for trouble in front of these people.

"That's because I know the conflict between you and Gu Hai, and I can help you deal with him!"

Liu Shang moved forward and whispered to Zhou Ruan.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Zhou Ruan looked at Liu Shang who was sitting across from him with a look of disbelief. He couldn't believe that this man actually wanted to attack Gu Hai.

"This is my phone number. I'm leaving. Don't worry, we won't cause trouble today."

Liu Shang wrote a phone number on a piece of paper, put it in front of Zhou Ruan and said.

After saying that, he stood up and left the hotel. Before leaving, he went to the front desk and bought the order.

"I wonder if you are lying to me? It looks like I need to find my sister to discuss countermeasures!"

Hearing that Liu Shang was going to deal with this bastard Gu Hai, Zhou Ruan felt extremely happy, but he didn't show it. He put away the phone number, got up and left the hotel.

0Please ask for flowers…………


A car parked directly at the door of Ruila COFE.

People in the store also noticed that a luxury car was parked in front of the store, and they all looked outside through the glass.

"Holy crap, this is not a Maybach 575."

"Your license plates are all five and eight."

"Who is this? He drives a Maybach worth RMB 7,800,000 and has a license plate of RMB 5,800,000. This must be the first of its kind in the country."

The employees in the store looked at the luxury car parked at the door with envious eyes.

Even Zhou Wen, who had seen big scenes, was shocked by the way he appeared.

Boys are dreaming about when they can drive such a car, and girls are also dreaming about their prince charming looking at this car to pick them up.

"Look, someone got out of the car."

Zhizhi pointed to the Maybach outside and said to everyone. When he heard someone coming down, everyone's eyes were focused on it.

Lin Zhe came out of the cab, trotted to the co-pilot with a smile on his face, thoughtfully unbuckled Ye Wanqing's seat belt, and helped Ye Wanqing walk towards the cafe.

Ye Wanqing got out of the car and looked at the coffee shop in front of her that she had always wanted, with a happy smile on her face.

"I am still the second generation of rich people. This is so handsome."

The female shop assistants were all attracted by the appearance of Lin Zhe who came down from the cab. Then they looked at Lin Zhe supporting Ye Wanqing in the co-pilot. All the girls felt like a roller coaster, falling directly into the trough. They did not expect to be so handsome. The handsome guy actually already has a wife, and the wife is also so beautiful.

"Is he just a rich second generation?"

Some male employees looked at the female employee who was having an affair and said with disdain.

"Shut your mouth. This man is our new major shareholder Lin Zhe. He is the chairman of Jingrui Group. He is not a rich second generation."

Looking at the employees who were still watching the excitement, Zhou Wen said to everyone.

Hearing that it was the chairman of Jingrui Group who just said Lin Zhe was a male employee of the second generation of rich people, he also lowered his head in shame. .

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