"Hurry and check your cell phone to see if your brother has called you!"

Liu Shang slumped down on the sofa, looked at the mobile phone on the table and said to Liu Gong.

"No one called."

Liu Gong picked up his phone and checked that no one had sent him any messages. He handed it to Liu Shang and said.

I took Liu Gong's cell phone and took out my own cell phone, but I didn't see a message or call.

"Oops, something happened!"

Liu Shang dropped the phone in his hand, lay on the sofa and looked at the ceiling with a decadent face and said in despair. ,

"Brother, did something happen to the third brother?"

Liu Gong looked at Liu Shang's expression and knew something, and asked anxiously.

"Maybe something happened. I wonder what's going on now? No one called us, which means Liu Shuang didn't accuse us."

He knew that it was impossible for his third brother not to come back, and the only possibility was that something had happened.

Ring ring ring

"Hello, I'm Liu Shang."

Liu Shang, who was lying on the sofa and thinking about what to do, heard his cell phone ringing and quickly picked it up from the ground to answer it.

"Okay, I understand, I'll go right now."

Toot toot

"What's wrong, brother?"

I saw my eldest brother was stunned after answering the phone, and heard the person on the other end asking in a low voice after he had hung up.

"There was a big incident in the company last night, and Gu Hai told me to come over quickly. Hurry up and hide in the old house. Don't come out unless I look for you, and don't turn on the phone."

Liu Shang didn't know what was happening in the company, so he looked at his reckless brother and ordered.

"No, brother, you go alone. I have to follow you, otherwise if something happens, we will have someone to take care of you."

Hearing that Liu Shang wanted to go alone, Liu Gong rolled up his sleeves and wanted to go with Liu Shang.

"Second brother, Gu Hai has not asked you to go now. If something happens to us, you should go find the two sisters of the Zhou family and discuss the countermeasures again. I'm leaving!"

"Brother, nothing will happen to you. If Gu Hai dares to attack you, I will directly kill him."

Liu Shang put his hands on Liu Gong's shoulders and said. When he heard that Liu Gong was no longer with him, he turned around and opened the door and left.

Downstairs the office building where Gu Hai's company is located.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"I don't know, I was sleeping well at home.

"It doesn't look like it's a trivial matter, otherwise we old guys wouldn't be called over."

Some company veterans who followed Gu Hai to conquer the world were standing under the office building chatting with each other, all wondering why Gu Hai asked them to come here?

"Little brother, do you know why you asked us to come here?"

A big boss looked at the subordinates at the door and walked up to him and asked.

"have no idea!"

The subordinate didn't say anything because of the boss's words, and still looked straight ahead.

"Little brother, we have been here for half an hour, why don't you take us in?"

An older man walked out and asked Gu Hai's men at the door with his hands on his hips.

"You still have one person left. When that person comes, you can go in."

The little brother guarding the door took a look at the person who came, and then said to everyone.

"You yellow-haired boy, do you know who I am? You didn't know where I was when I was in society?"

The older man looked at Gu Hai's younger brother's expression at the door and immediately became angry and shouted.

"Mr. Meng, calm down!"

"Say less."

The others quickly grabbed Mr. Meng who was about to get angry and tried to persuade him.

"Everyone is here, it seems I'm not late."

Liu Shang ran to the door anxiously, looked at the people still standing at the door and took a long breath and said.

"I've been waiting for you, and you still have the nerve to say it."

Seeing that he refused to listen to his subordinates at the door, Meng Lao criticized Liu Shang who came late.

"What Mr. Meng taught me is that I must be punctual next time."

For an old immortal like Mr. Meng who is about to be buried in the grave, if he usually doesn't even take any notice of him, he can endure it when he sees other powerful bosses standing by. After all, this Mr. Meng is the most powerful among these people. It is also a deterrent.

"Well, Xiao Shang, just correct it if you realize your mistake."

Seeing Liu Shang, who was also the boss of dozens of small groups, bowing his head and admitting his mistake, Mr. Meng felt very happy. After all, after he withdrew from the world, these juniors no longer took him as an old guy seriously. Looking at it again today I have regained the feeling I had when I was a big brother, and I feel very happy.

0Please ask for flowers…………………………

"Everyone is here. Follow me and I will take you in."

The men at the door watched the last Liu Shang arrive and said to the crowd who couldn't wait any longer.

"Hey, Xiao Li, why is Brother Hai so anxious to find us today?"

Liu Shang looked at the subordinate who was leading the way, took his arm and asked in a low voice.

"You shouldn't ask about this, don't ask. Besides, I'm just a guide."

Xiao Li looked at Liu Shang who wanted to get the news from his mouth, and then glanced at the other big guys next to him who also wanted to get the news. He didn't want to speak in a low voice or speak loudly to everyone.

"Let's go!"

Xiao Li turned around and walked towards the office building. The big guys who had been waiting at the door for a long time saw that they could finally go in and followed them one after another. Liu Shang felt that it was not that simple.

Standing at the back of the line.


"There was a fire in the company last night. The fire was located in the Hai Ge De base. I heard that some things were destroyed. Fortunately, they said they still arrested one person alive. They have been interrogating since last night."

A man walked up to Liu Shang and whispered to Liu Shang what happened last night.

"Where is my brother?"

Liu Shang wanted to know how his brother was doing more than completing the task, so he asked anxiously.

"Liu Shuang came to the company this morning and was called in. Then he notified you all to come." 1

After the man said what he knew, he retreated to a distance and kept a distance from Liu Shang.

He saw that the person who was talking to him just now was one of the chess pieces that had already been buried beside Gu Hai, but this chess piece was still too small and could only be one of his eyes. But fortunately, I had the foresight before and started the layout in advance.

Everyone entered the hall of Gu Hai's base and looked at the empty hall. Except for the sofa where Gu Hai sat on his butt, there was not a single stool in the whole room. They looked at the burned bookshelves and the people who were tied to the pillars with ropes and had been beaten. Among the people covered in blood, only some middle-level backbones of the company appeared here. The ones responsible for guarding were more than thirty men trained by Gu Hai himself.

"Gu Hai, did you bring all of us here just to watch you beat up your men?"

Without saying anything, Gu Hai picked up a cigar and lit it up. .

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