"Gu Hai, let me see if you die this time!"

Liu Gong looked at the knife and gun in front of him with murderous eyes in his eyes, and said coldly.

Then he opened the door to his room, walked to the door and pulled the door. Through the gap, he saw that the door was locked. He looked at the wall next to him and ran directly over the wall.

Liu Gong, who jumped over the wall, arranged his clothes, took a taxi from the roadside and left.

Liu Shang and Liu Shuang, who were driving to the coffee shop, didn't know what was going on. They were still thinking about what to do later and how to discuss this cooperation with Lin Zhe.

After what happened, the two of them were completely dumbfounded.

"Sister, here we come."

Zhou Ruan kept looking out the window and saw a car parked at the door of his store and said excitedly to Zhou Wen.

"Oh? Who is it? Could it be Liu Shang who is here?"

Seeing her sister so excited, Zhou Wen took a guess and said.

"how do you know?""

Looking back at Zhou Wen, she knew who was coming without even looking. Zhou Ruan was really shocked.

"How do I know? Do you think you would be so excited if Lin Zhe came?"

Zhou Wen looked at Zhou Ruan who looked unbelievable and smiled as she told how she guessed it.

"You, you are so annoying!"

Zhou Ruan listened to Zhou Wen's words and looked at Zhou Wen's understanding expression. His face suddenly turned red and he smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Ha ha."

Zhou Wen couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing when she saw that her usually arrogant sister had such a feminine side.

"I'll go out and meet him."

Zhou Ruan ignored Zhou Wen and walked towards the door in a hurry.

"Stop, don't lose!"

Zhou Wen saw Zhou Ruan going out to pick up Liu Shang, and she spoke in a deep voice and ordered Zhou Ruan who was about to go out.

"Sister, why is this?"

After listening to his sister's words, Zhou Ruan stopped and looked back at Zhou Wen and asked in confusion.

Zhou Wen, who faced the question, did not answer, but still drank the coffee in the cup, with an imperceptible smile on her lips.

In the coffee shop lobby.

"What would you like to drink?"

When Di Zhizhi saw a guest coming in, he asked the guest enthusiastically.

"We'd like two cappuccinos."

Looking at the girl talking to him, Liu Shuang's eyes widened and he said to Zhizhi with a smile.

"Guest, please sit over there for a while and I'll send it to you right away."

Zhizhi also noticed Liu Shuang's unclean eyes, but it was difficult to say anything. He could only point to the empty things in the hall with a forced smile and said to him.

"Business matters!"

Liu Shang stood behind Liu Shuang. When he saw Liu Shuang's expression, he knew what this guy was thinking, so he slapped him on the back of the head and said.

"Okay big brother, I understand."

Liu Shuang was beaten by Liu Shang and suddenly came to his senses. Thinking that his appearance just now was indeed a bit out of time, he smiled at Liu Shang and said.

"You, you, you are!"

At first, Zhizhi only saw Liu Shuang standing in front ordering something, but did not notice Liu Shang behind him. While making coffee, he heard the customer's voice and felt it sounded familiar. When he looked up, he saw that it was exactly what he was thinking. People were so frightened that they couldn't even speak.

"Hello, little girl, we have met. We will go to the office to discuss something with your boss later. Just bring the coffee to us directly.

Looking at Zhizhi who was stuttering, Liu Shang looked down at himself and said to Zhizhi with a smile.

Before Zhizhi could say anything, Liu Shang led Liu Shuang towards Zhou Wen's office. After all, Liu Shang found the office easily after going in ten times last time.

Standing at the door of the office, Liu Shang knocked on the door first and put his ear closer to hear what was said inside.

"come in."

Hearing the sound at the door, Zhou Wen immediately knew that Liu Shang had come directly to the office. He had already known that Liu Shang's urgent box would not be waiting in the hall and would definitely be found here. If he had not even thought of this If so, there is no need to talk about it.

"Boss Zhou."

As soon as Liu Shang entered the door, he smiled and said to Zhou Wen with his fists in his hands. Out of the corner of his eye, he also saw Zhou Ruan standing at the window, but he didn't say anything, and then he quickly took it back.

Seeing Liu Shang not even paying attention to him, Zhou Ruan turned his head to the other side angrily and kept looking out the window. Even if Liu Shang talked to him, he would never pay attention to him again.


I thought to myself: Something feels wrong. I won’t talk to you today. It will all depend on his own performance in the future.

"Who is this?"

Zhou Wen didn't get up, but just motioned for the two of them to sit on the sofa, and looked at the man wearing gold-rimmed glasses following Liu Shang and asked.

After all, they had never seen anyone else when they were practicing before. According to Liu Shang's vigilance, he would not let casual people know about such things.

"This is my third brother Liu Shuang. He is not an outsider. I brought him here today because I wanted him to see the world."

Liu Shang didn't introduce much. He just gave a brief introduction and took Liu Shuang to sit on the chair.


"Well, wait a moment. Mr. Lin will get off work in a few minutes. He will come directly after get off work. The things you gave me have been completed."

Zhou Wen heard that Liu Shang said he was his third brother, so she didn't say anything. She turned to Liu Shang and told Liu Shang that her affairs were done, and gestured to Liu Shang how her affairs were going.

Liu Shang did not answer, but glanced at Liu Shuang slightly in response to Zhou Wen's words. Liu Shuang sat quietly on the sofa without saying anything.

dong dong dong

"Please come in!"

Hearing a knock on the door, Zhou looked at Er and said.

Zhizhi held a tray with two cups of coffee on it. Zhizhi put the two cups on the coffee table and said to Liu Shang with a smile: "Please taste it. If you need anything, call me."

Liu Shuang's eyes started to straighten again when he looked at Zhizhi, and his heart was beating wildly.

Zhizhi just glanced at Liu Shuang and walked out quickly.

Looking at my younger brother, I started to behave like this again. I couldn't take my eyes away when I saw a pretty girl since I was a child. I have always had this problem since I was a child. Liu Shang put a cup of coffee on the table in front of Liu Shuang and said.

"Stop looking and drink quickly!"

Liu Shuang's behavior was noticed by Zhou Wen and Zhou Ruan, and he no longer had a good impression of his younger brother Liu Shang. He looked so gentle and polite, but he turned out to be a lecher!

Not only Liu Shuang's favorability, the two women began to take stock of Liu Shang, who was Liu Shuang's brother. The two of them probably had a tacit understanding. They looked at each other and knew what the other was thinking. .

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