
From the actions of this man and the two men just now, Li Jian knew that the man in front of him must not be simple. He was probably a small boss. When he heard what he wanted to ask, he nodded quickly.

"I'll take this away, but don't make any noise!"

Liu Shuang also wanted to laugh in his heart, thinking that what he said just now was simply asking questions knowingly. Looking at Li Jian who had been speechless, he smiled and pointed at the towel stuffed in Li Shuang's mouth.


Hearing that Liu Shuang wanted to remove the towel from his mouth, Liu Shuang was so moved that he almost shed tears.

"Cough cough cough, bah."

As soon as the towel was taken off, Li Jian finally felt more comfortable and spit out all the adventure in his mouth.

"Who are you?"

After spitting twice, he opened his mouth and felt that there was no problem. He raised his head and asked Liu Shuang.

He has been here many times, and he clearly remembers that he has never seen the person in front of him.

"Who am I? To put it simply, I am the second in command of this company. My name is Liu Shuang."

Looking at Li Jian who had never seen him before, Liu Shuang smiled. Li Jian used to go to the place where Gu Hai would meet his guests. He was just a middle-level cadre at the time. It would be strange to see him there. . Thinking of this, Liu Shuang knew that Li Jian still thought Gu Hai was the boss, so he suppressed a smile and introduced himself to him.

"Second in command? Liu Shuang? I've never heard of it! I remember what the second in command was called? Zhang?"

Listening to Liu Shuang talking about his second-in-command, Li Jian was also a little confused. He carefully recalled that every time he came, a man named Zhang would bring him in. He kept talking about it for a while, and he couldn't think about it. Woke up.

"You want to say Zhang Hao, right?"

Seeing Li Jian who had been sitting in a chair thinking about his name, Liu Shuang rolled his eyes and asked.

"Yes, that's the Zhang Hao you were talking about. Ask him to come see me. I'll see him if I have something to do."

Li Jian, who had been thinking about it for a long time but didn't remember it, nodded when he heard Liu Shuang say the name accurately and said to Liu Shuang.

"That Zhang Hao was indeed Gu Hai's confidant before, but he has not yet reached the second-in-command position, and now Zhang Hao is no longer in the company."

When he heard Li Jian ordering him to find Zhang Hao to see him, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and he pinched Li Jian's cheek with his hand and said.

"Where did he go? Ming, then I'll just wait for him inside."

Facing Liu Shuang's fierce eyes, Li Jian still didn't understand what was going on. He still thought that Zhang Hao could come to save him, so he placed all his hopes on Zhang Hao.

"Zhang Hao and the Gu Hai you want to see have gone away together. Now this company will also be renamed. I am the second in command of this company. My name is Liu Shuang. Are you sure you still want to find Zhang Hao? Or is it Gu Hai, the boss here before?"

Liu Shuang released his hand on Li Jian's face. He really didn't expect that Li Jian in front of him was really boring and didn't want to play anymore, so he told him about Gu Hai and Zhang Hao's departure.


After hearing what Liu Shuang said, Li Jian screamed in surprise.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that he had just entered the gate of hell. At this moment, he remembered that the security guard at the door suddenly changed his mind and asked someone to bring him in. It turned out that this was all for a purpose.

"What? I heard just now that you were very arrogant at the door?"

Looking at Li Jian who was already timid, Liu Shuang crossed his arms and mocked.

"Brother, I really don't know that Gu Hai has left this matter. I will leave immediately and will never have anything to do with him again in the future.

Li Jian didn't dare to think about it anymore after hearing Liu Shuang's words, and raised his head and assured Liu Shuang.

"Okay, let's go."

After Liu Shuang finished speaking, he untied the rope tied to Li Jianjian and said.

"Huh? That's it."

Li Jian, who was untied, didn't expect it. He stared blankly at the loosened rope, then looked at Liu Shuang standing in front of him and asked.

He originally thought that he would ask himself something, but he didn't expect that he would just let himself go without asking anything.

I thought to myself: Aren’t you afraid that you and Gu Hai might have some secret dealings?

"You don't look very happy! Okay, I'll find a few people to loosen your bones."

Looking at Li Jian who was still sitting on the stool, Liu Shuang walked out as he spoke.

"Brother Liu, don't, don't, don't."

Hearing Liu Shuang say that he wanted someone to loosen his bones, he immediately understood the meaning of Liu Shuang's words. Ga Jin stood up from the stool, grabbed Liu Shuang and said with a smile.

0Flowers requested00

"Hey, isn't there nothing wrong with your legs? I thought you were disabled?"

Liu Shuang, who was pulled, turned around and looked at Li Jian from top to bottom and said with a smile.

"Then I'll leave now. I won't disturb your work."

Li Jian felt his heart tremble when he saw the smile on Liu Shuang's face. He couldn't stay here any longer in this company. He had to leave quickly. Then he put a smile on his face and said to Liu Shuang.

After saying that, he walked towards the door, preparing to leave this place of right and wrong. If the other party regretted it later, he would not be able to leave. Li Jian walked towards the door step by step with an uneasy mood. He kept thinking silently in his heart, don't stop. Myself, let me leave step by step like this.


"Wait a moment!"

Just what Li Jian prayed not to happen, finally happened. When Liu Shuang stopped him, Li Jian looked back at Liu Shuang and asked with a smile.

"Brother Liu, what's wrong?"

"Are you going out like this?"

Liu Shuang asked as he watched Li Jian prepare to go out like this.

"If I don't go out like this, how should I go out?"

Li Jian lowered his head and looked at himself. He felt that there was no problem and said to Liu Shuang.

Liu Shuang looked up and down carefully, and finally his eyes stopped on Li Jian's face. With a smile on his face, he walked to Li Jianjian and moved his wrist.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing Liu Shuang's malicious eyes and movements of his wrists made Li Jian feel uneasy, and asked Liu Shuang nervously

"I'll put makeup on you!"

Liu Shuang looked at Li Jian who was already scared and said with a smile.

Then he punched Li Jian in the eye.


Liu Shuang's punch directly knocked Li Jian standing opposite to the ground. Li Jian fell to the ground, and the pain in his eyes made him howl twice.

"What are you calling? Get up quickly."

Li Jian fell to the ground unable to get up after being punched. Liu Shuang kicked Ji Jian and said.

"Hey! Why did you hit me?"

Li Jian stood up and looked at Liu Shuang across from him, pointed at his eyes and asked Zero. .

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