"What? You two look a little nervous?"

One of the policemen asked, looking at the sweat on Liu Shuang's face as he spoke.

"Ang, it's just a little hot."

"That's right!"

Liu Shuang smiled and took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat on his face and explained to the police. Li Jian also echoed Liu Shuang's explanation.

"Hey, what's the matter with the bruise on your eye?"

Seeing Li Jian speaking, he noticed the bruises on Li Jian's face just now. He was too far away to see clearly, so he looked at Li Jian and asked.

"This, this is."

Li Jian was asked and didn't know how to answer for a while. He looked at Liu Shuang unconsciously, hoping that he would find an excuse for him.

"What are you looking at me doing? When the police comrades ask you how you did it, just tell the truth. What are you looking at me doing? Isn't it just that I had a few drinks with you last night? Is it necessary to do this in front of the police?"

Liu Shuang noticed that Li Jian was looking at him, and he was speechless. He couldn't even tell a lie. He was so stupid! There was no other way. 02 In order to prevent the police from becoming suspicious, Liu Shuang quickly thought of a countermeasure in his head. He said to Ji Jian with a smile.

"Yes, it's just such a small thing that makes the police comrades worry about it."

After hearing the excuse Liu Shuang made up for him, Li Jian also understood and said to the police with an embarrassed look on his face.

"What's wrong? Hello, I am the legal person of this company. My name is Liu Shang."

Liu Shang just received a call saying that the police were coming, and he hurriedly came downstairs. From a distance, he saw Liu Shuang talking in front of the police. He quickly came over and asked Liu Shuang, and then said to the police with a smile.

"You are the new legal person of this company, Liu Shang? I remember that the previous legal person here seemed to be called Gu Hai? When did you become the legal person?"

The policeman looked at Liu Shang, who claimed to be a legal person in front of him, and recalled in his mind that it was not the first time for the two of them to come here, it was always Gu Hai who came to receive them.

"You are talking about our former chairman. Due to his health, the company is now fully managed by me."

Liu Shang's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't expect that the two policemen came prepared. They didn't seem to be that easy to fool, but he still said with a smile on his face.

"No matter what happened to Gu Hai, now that you are the legal person of this company, we are here to ask you some questions."

Liu Shang's answer was also ambiguous. The two of them had been working as police officers for many years, so they had somewhat guessed the sudden change. Since Liu Shang himself didn't want to say anything, they didn't ask any more questions. After all, Gu Hai was already in the past, and now the boss of the company was Liu Shang. Now he had to talk to Liu Shang about everything in order to get more cooperation from him.

"Since there is something going on, let's go to our office to talk. There are too many people coming and going here, so it's not a good time to ask some things, isn't it?"

Hearing that the police came to ask him about something, Liu Shang couldn't help but feel nervous, but then he thought, if there was any evidence of his crime, he would not have asked him to question him, and he would have been taken away long ago.

Then his nervousness eased a lot, and he said to the two policemen with a smile.

"Well, then just do what Boss Liu wants."

The leading police officer looked around and said to Liu Shang that it was indeed inappropriate.

Liu Shang got on the elevator with the two policemen. Before leaving, he glanced at Li Jian and Liu Shuang standing in the lobby.

"What's going on? Why are the police here?"

Seeing the police getting on the elevator, Li Jian also breathed a sigh of relief, but still asked Liu Shang with lingering fear.

"Ask me, how do I know? Get out of here!"

Liu Shuang, who was already upset, heard Li Jian whispering in his ear and gritted his teeth and said to him.

Li Jian saw Liu Shuang getting angry, and he didn't dare to stop and walked outside quickly.

Liu Shuang looked in the direction of the elevator. Liu Shang's eyes must have seen Li Jian just now.


Li Jian walked out of the company gate, walked up to the security guard, snorted proudly, and left.

The security guard couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Jian's blue eyes.

I laughed in my heart and said: You are already acting like a bear, and you are still showing off here, you really haven’t been beaten enough!


Li Jian touched his belly, which was drumming unsatisfactorily, and looked around. I saw a noodle shop and walked in.

"Have a bowl of noodles boss."

Li Jian came in and asked for a bowl of noodles. He found a seat by the window and sat down. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed Li Yuan's phone number.

"Brother, I'm Xiaojian. Something happened with Gu Hai. Now the entire company is controlled by a man named Liu Shang. What should we do now?"

Li Jian anxiously said to the other end of the phone about the news he had just received.

"I know about this. You haven't been walking around much recently. Did anything happen there when you went there?"

Li Yuan on the other end of the phone heard that his brother had come out safely, and his nervous heart dropped. However, thinking that Li Jian was taken in, he asked with concern, fearing that Li Jian would be beaten by the other side.

"Nothing happened, nothing happened."

When he heard his brother ask this, he thought of Liu Shuang's instructions to him in the office just now, and pretended that nothing happened and said to Li Yuan.

"That's it, then you'd better stay 933 honestly for now."

Li Yuan didn't say anything more, just gave instructions, still afraid that Li Jian's reckless character would cause trouble for him. .

"Brother, what are you doing? What am I doing?"

Li Jian, who hadn't seen Li Yuan for a long time, asked Ji Yuan doubtfully.

Before he could finish speaking, Li Yuan had already hung up the phone.

Li Jian didn't pay too much attention, and he knew in his heart that his brother had something big to do, otherwise he wouldn't have been missing him all this time.

Li Yuan put down the phone and looked at the phone that had been hung up on the table. He really didn't expect that Liu Shuang could let his brother lie to him.

Liu Shang took the elevator upstairs and brought two police officers to his office. The beautiful secretary brought three cups of tea and left.

"Try it, you two."

Liu Shang put the tea in front of the two policemen and said.

"Okay, the two of us are here today to investigate. Recently, someone reported that your company was imprisoning and beating others. The two of us were sent here to investigate. I hope you can cooperate.

The younger policeman among the two pushed the tea cup away and asked Liu Shang.

"How could this happen?"

Of course, Liu Shang would not admit defeat directly when the police came to investigate.

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