"Third brother, don't worry, I understand this matter."

Listening to Liu Shuang's instructions on the other side, Li Yuan also understood the abilities of those in the underworld. If they were discovered and reported the news to Liu Shang, their kidnapping of Liu Gong would be enough to kill them. Yes, he also knows the seriousness of this matter.

In the top-floor conference room of Jingrui Group.


"What is that brat like Xiao Linzi doing~?"

"Why was he taken away by the police in front of his company?"

More than a dozen company directors sat on chairs in the conference room and questioned Secretary Wu next to Lin Zhe.

"Directors, please calm down. Chairman Lin was indeed taken away by the police, but he was not a murderer. He just went to cooperate with the police to ask some questions and then came back."

Secretary Wu looked helpless as the increasingly excited directors questioned him. These dozen people all held shares in this company.

I saw the report of the reporter who was on the scene at the time, and when I heard that the chairman of the company was taken away, why did you first invest in Lin Zhe because you believed that Lin Zhe would make money and bring them greater benefits? Normally, He also turned a blind eye to everything Lin Zhe did.

But once Lin Zhe is arrested by the police, the situation will be different. Companies that have cooperated with Jingrui Group and those companies that are preparing to cooperate with the group will be suspicious. They cannot treat it as invisible this time. Yes, we came to the company to question him directly.

"Asking about something? If Lin Zhe hadn't done anything? Would he come to him?"

A shareholder was a little unhappy and slapped the table, stood up, and asked Secretary Wu.

Secretary Wu, who was standing nearby, was frightened into a cold sweat. Everyone in the conference room were all uncles. He, a secretary, could not afford to offend anyone. Looking at the angry shareholders, he didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Feng Shi, sit down!"

After Lin Zhe was taken away, Hu Shan, who held the largest share among the shareholders, sat on the main seat. Seeing Secretary Wu's trouble, Hu Shan ordered Feng Shi, who was angry.

"Mr. Hu, I have a suggestion. Lin Zhe has taken over the position of chairman, but has repeatedly caused troubles. He should be dismissed from the position of chairman immediately."

Listening to Hu Shan asking him to sit down, the arrogant Feng Shi did not dare to continue to get angry in front of him. However, Lin Zhe caused a negative impact on the company this time, and the industry in his hands was seriously damaged. Originally, he originally They just don't agree with Lin Zhe being the chairman, but other shareholders value the value Lin Zhe brings.

Now, at this time, he was given a chance to let Lin Zhe get out completely and express his suggestions to other shareholders.

Secretary Wu heard that Lin Zhe was going to be impeached and quietly left the meeting.

After listening to Feng Shi's suggestion, other shareholders started talking about it. Impeaching Lin Zhe was easy to say. Lin Zhe has now acquired the shares from several shareholders, and his own shares can account for 100%. More than sixty years ago, such impeachment means that he will no longer be in charge of managing the company. In the end, he alone has the final say in all major and minor affairs of the company. If Lin Zhe is offended because of this matter, it will be a bit more than the gain is worth the loss.

Old guys like them all know that with these shares in the company, they can live without worries for the rest of their lives. Now they no longer have the management ability and drive they had when they were young, and they don't think they are better than Lin. This can better manage the company.

"No, please come to the company quickly. The directors of the group are having a meeting in the conference room, saying that they want to impeach Mr. Lin because Mr. Lin was taken away by the police."

Secretary Wu first called Lin Zhe, but the phone was turned off and no one answered. In desperation, Secretary Wu weighed the pros and cons. If no one handles this matter, something big will happen.

After thinking for a few seconds, he dialed Lin Zhen's old Ye Wanqing's phone and told Ye Qing what happened in the company.

"I'll be there soon. No one is allowed to leave until I arrive!"

After hearing what Secretary Wu said, Ye Wanqing felt very angry and ordered to Secretary Wu.

"Understood, I will definitely wait until you come."

Secretary Wu also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Ye Wanqing had come to resolve the matter.

Now Secretary Wu least wants anything to happen to Lin Zhe. He is Lin Zhe's close confidant in the company. As long as Lin Zhe is dismissed, no matter who becomes the manager,

They will not let themselves go, no matter whether they are capable or not.


At present, all hopes are pinned on whether Ye Wanqing can change the minds of these shareholders after his arrival.

"Hey, wait a minute you guys..."

Secretary Wu was afraid that he wouldn't be able to stop him, so he dialed another phone number and gave instructions to the other end of the phone.

"What's wrong, sister?"

Lin Shuyu looked at Ye Wanqing who had just answered the phone and looked very unhappy. She didn't know what had happened. Her sister-in-law, who could do things calmly, was so frightened. She thought: It must not be a small matter. She is so anxious about it. Ye Wanqing asked.

"Your brother was taken away by the police. The directors of the company are currently meeting to discuss whether to remove your brother's management rights."


Ye Wanqing told Lin Shuyu the contents of the phone call just now.

"What? What do those old guys want to do? When my brother was making money for the company, why didn't they say they would take less? Now that my brother was taken away by the police, they didn't want to find a way to get it out for my brother. Now they are thinking about how to get it out. Give yourself a tool that can make money. Sister-in-law, I will go with you.

Lin Shuyu was very angry after hearing what Ye Wanqing said. Thinking of what her brother had done for the company, she felt unworthy of him. Then she saw that her sister-in-law was still pregnant, so she directly asked Ye Wanqing to accompany her. , if these old guys are still stubborn, there is no need to be company directors anymore.

"Okay, let's leave now. I've asked Secretary Wu to stop the directors. I won't allow anyone to leave."

Ye Wanqing also knew about the condition of her body, and she didn't refuse Lin Shuyu who wanted to go with her.

"Voting by show of hands, those who agree to let Lin Zhe hand over management rights raise their hands. Those who disagree do not need to raise their hands. I am the first to agree, so I raise my hand first."

Feng Shi saw that everyone was hesitant and didn't want to be the first to express their attitude, so he first looked at Hu Shan. After getting a look of approval, he stood up and said to this person. After speaking, he raised his hand first and then looked at the other people in the conference room.

Hu Shan stood looking for the first person. Sure enough, he found the right person. Looking at the hesitant person, his eyes began to waver. Getting closer and closer to my plan

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