Lin Zhe is currently involved in the public controversy over the garage murder case. Many of his close friends and brothers are starting to keep a distance from him, and some are preparing to start a lively event to keep their distance. Xiang Liu Shang is the first one to take the initiative to visit Lin Zhe. For such a friend , Lin Zhe certainly doesn’t know how to put on airs.

"Okay, I watched the news this morning and saw that something happened on your side. I know a policeman in the criminal police team. If you want me to ask you.'

Liu Shang also smiled and said to Lin Zhe, wanting to find someone else to ask Lin Zhe.

"No, these public opinions won't cause any crisis to me."

Regarding Liu Shang's help, Lin Zhe smiled and waved his hand, as if this matter was not a problem at all.

"I have long said that Mr. Lin must have a solution. It is true that our worries are a bit unnecessary."

Liu Shang looked at Lin Zhe like this and should have thought a long time ago that a person who can open such a large company would not be entangled in such public opinion.

Liu Shang also lost the condescending feeling he had when he first came here. If Lin Zhe really couldn't get rid of this matter, he would not be polite to Lin Zhe in the future. But looking at Lin Zhe like this, Liu Shang knew that he had guessed wrong, and he was glad that he came today.

"I heard that Mr. Liu's brother has been found. Have you caught who did it?"

Thinking of what he heard, Lin Zhe poured Liu Shang a cup of tea and asked.

"Mr. Lin is indeed well-informed! You now know about my brother we just found.

When Mr. Lin asked him about Liu Gong, Liu Shang was surprised at first, and then said to Lin Zhe with a smile on his face.

Lin Zhe was not destined to be the murderer who kidnapped his younger brother, but Lin Zhe could get the news so quickly, which was destined to be a terrible thing.

“As long as there is something I want to know in every corner of the city, there is nothing I don’t know.

Seeing Liu Shang's surprise, Lin Zhe said indifferently.

"Since I did this, many relatives, friends, and business partners have stopped looking for me. They are all waiting to see if I can handle this matter well. I also want to use this matter to see what happens. I also know in my heart who are my superficial friends."

Lin Zhe, with a somewhat disappointed look on his face, told Liu Shang his purpose.

"I, Liu Shang, have always been allies with Chairman Lin. As long as you say a word, I still have one or two hundred brothers under me who can do things.

After listening to Lin Zhe's words, Liu Shang also understood that this was giving him a way out, so he quickly said to Lin Zhe.

"Well, I guess I'll be using those of your guys soon."

Looking at Liu Shang's appearance, Lin Zhe just smiled and said.

Until the critical moment, no one knows who is telling the truth or not, but Liu Shang has this intention, and Lin Zhe is also very happy in his heart.

"Tell me what's wrong!"

Zhang Fan, who was still standing in the office, heard his walkie-talkie ringing, and the person on the other end said that he had something important to say. Zhang Fan glanced at Lin Zhe, and after getting Lin Zhe's nod, he said to the other end of the phone.

"A group of police officers came to the door and broke into the company. They said they were coming to arrest the chairman."

The security guard at the door reported to Zhang Fanhui.

"Let them all come in."

When he heard that the police were coming, Lin Zhe also knew that they would arrive sooner or later today. There was nothing to be afraid of. He just sat calmly on the sofa and drank tea.

But Liu Shang, who was sitting next to him, was really shocked when he heard that the police were coming to arrest Lin Zhe.

"Chairman Lin, I know you must have a background behind you. Use your connections quickly, otherwise you will be in grave danger if you are taken away like this."

Liu Shang looked at Lin Zhe who was still drinking tea and said to him in panic.

"Hello, I'm from the criminal police team, and this is an arrest warrant for you."

Just when Liu Shang finished speaking, the police arrived at the door. Several policemen walked in. They first took out the arrest warrant and let Lin Zhe take a look. Seeing that Lin Zhe didn't speak, they took out handcuffs and cuffed Lin Zhe. Left with Lin Zhe.

"I won't send you two away, please do as you please."

Zhang Fan watched Lin Zhe being taken away without any reaction, and just said to Liu Shang and Da Xiong who were still stunned.

After saying that, he left the office and followed Lin Zhe who was taken away downstairs.

"Brother, this Lin Zhe was just telling us what to do, and now he has been taken away."

Daxiong looked at the door and said to Liu Shang in confusion.

"Let's go, this matter is not as simple as we see."

In fact, Liu Shang didn't know what Lin Zhe was doing now, so he shook his head with a solemn expression.

"What? Lin Zhe was taken away by the police again?"

Ye Wanqing also asked in surprise when she heard the call from the company's secretary Wu.

"Yes, it may be that the police department took away the chairman due to pressure from public opinion."

"Isn't it just public opinion? We also have it. You are spreading the word to others, saying that Lin Zhe is innocent. The police station took Lin Zhe away at this time. In fact, they wanted to get money from Lin Zhe.

Ye Wanqing was startled just now. She held her stomach in pain and ordered to Secretary Wu.

She dared to arrest her husband, so she couldn't do nothing.

Lin Shuyu, who was walking to the living room, heard Ye Wanqing's words and learned that her brother was taken away by the 593 police again, so she left home anxiously.

"We meet again.

Sun Dahai sat on a chair and looked at Lin Zhe who had been handcuffed and said with a smile.

"I really don't understand what you policemen want to do? I made it very clear when I first came here."

Lin Zhe didn't panic at all, he just sat there quietly and calmly said to Sun Dahai.

"Explain your problem carefully. If you don't tell the truth, you won't be able to leave from here."

There was a hint of warning in Sun Dahai's tone, but this was because the superiors had to ask him to come here for interrogation. The superiors also did not want to offend Lin Zhe, the god of plague, so they had to make himself the scapegoat.

"It seems like your boss doesn't think highly of you either."

Seeing this person interrogating him, Lin Zhe also understood a little and said to Sun Dahai with a smile.

While the police station was interrogating Lin Zhe, there was quite a commotion throughout the city.

After Lin Zhe was arrested and Secretary Wu found someone to post those words on the Internet, citizens began to talk about it. Secretary Wu no longer allowed the company's employees to work. They all went to the police station to petition and ask the police to let them go. Lin Zhe.

In addition to Lin Zhe's employees from his own company, Liu Shang also mobilized his subordinates to follow him. .

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