I Pretended To Be Bankrupt At The Beginning, And I Was Kicked Out Of The Group Chat By My Classmates

Chapter 68 The Copybook Of Song Huizong Worth 350 Million Was Found Successfully!

That night, Lin Zhe also met the girl Yang Chaoming was dating.

She is quite handsome and looks polite.

He is a perfect match for Yang Chaoming!

In terms of speaking, he is also very decent.

Lin Zhe feels that if nothing unexpected happens, two people should be able to make it happen.

After all, as a salesperson, Yang Chaoming’s salary is not high!

But there is still a minimum of 10,000 to 20,000 a month.

The conditions are pretty good.

And after eating with Yang Chaoming.

As soon as Lin returned home, he faced the judgment of his family.

Everyone was scolding him.

I didn’t know how to talk to my family about such a big thing as getting a certificate.

In this regard, Lin Zhe can only surrender

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed since Lin Zhe received her marriage certificate!

For the past three days, Lin Zhe has been wandering around the antique market.

For the future Lin Zhe sent him several pictures.

He felt that he could clearly remember what it looked like even without looking at his phone.

"Wanqing has decided to go to the Magic City tomorrow."

"If I can't find it today, I will have to wait until I come back from the Demon City to look for it again."

In the afternoon, Lin Zhe said helplessly after going around again.

He has almost searched the entire antique market in the past few days.

However, he just couldn't find the copybook of Song Huizong that Lin Zhe mentioned in the future.

"It's almost time, let's just take a walk and look around."

"If "247" is still not found, I should pick up Wanqing from get off work."

After looking at the time, Lin Zhe secretly made a decision.

Next, Lin Zhe wandered aimlessly in the antique market.


"I haven't seen this stall before."

However, when passing by a stall, Lin Zhe suddenly stopped.

He had been to this place several times before.

However, he seemed to have never seen this stall when he came here before.

Immediately, he stopped and looked at the things on the stall.

The next second, Lin Zhe couldn't help but shrink his pupils!

A familiar copybook caught his eye.

Damn it!

I've been looking for it for so long but haven't found it yet.

Just when I was about to give up and wait a few days to come back, it appeared.

what is this?

Is there another village where there is a bright future?

Thinking of this, Lin Zhe shook his head in confusion.

It's really unintentional.

Forget it, why are you thinking so much?

Now that I have found it, the next thing to do is to buy this copybook of Song Huizong.

"Boss, I haven't seen you a few days ago."

"Are you new here?"

Lin Zhe came to this stall and said familiarly.

The purpose of saying this is to make the boss think that he comes often.

"Haha, I've been busy these past two days, so I didn't come out to set up a stall."

“Brother, I have a lot of good stuff here, would you like to buy some?

Seeing Lin Zhe squat down and check the things on his stall.

The stall owner immediately became enthusiastic.

He has been setting up his stall for a whole day today and has not sold anything.

In addition, the stall has not been set up in the past two days, which means it has not been open for several days.

Now I see Lin Zhe is interested in the things on his stall.

Of course he doesn't want to miss Lin Zhe as a customer.

At the very least, you have to sell something, right?

"Okay, then I'll just take a look."

"If you like something, I'll buy a few."

Seeing the boss's enthusiastic eyes, Lin Zhe readily agreed.

First he looked at a few other things, and then finally looked at the copybook of Song Huizong he was looking for.

After reading it carefully, I am 90% sure about it.

This copybook is the copybook of Song Huizong that I am looking for.

"How much does this cost, boss?"

However, he did not immediately ask about the price of Song Huizong's copybook.

Instead, after looking at a few things again, he picked up a seal and asked the boss.

"Little brother, you have really good vision, this is a good thing.

"To tell you the truth, this is the seal that Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty carried with him."

"That's priceless."

"If you like it, I'll give you this number!"

Looking at this seal, the boss immediately started to boast about it.

Finally, he stretched out his hand and held it in front of Lin Zhe.

"50 yuan?"

Lin Zhe couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he saw the boss in front of him who was making random boasts.

At that moment, I also decided to fool him.

He was directly quoted a price that made him collapse.

"What 50, what are you thinking about?"

"This is the seal that Emperor Qianlong carried with him. How could it be worth only 50?"

"I tell you, it's fifty thousand, fifty thousand!"

"That is to say, I feel that I am destined to be with you, little brother. Otherwise, let alone fifty thousand, even one hundred thousand, I would not sell it.

The stall owner said seriously.


"Boss, do you believe what you said?"

Lin Zhe was amused by the boss's words.

Even if you like to blow randomly, you can still blow decently if you are good at it.

Why are we destined to be together? I don’t need 100,000, but only 50,000.

This is treating him as a fool.

If it weren't for this copybook of Song Huizong, it would be in the boss's hands.

He was afraid that he was about to get up and leave immediately.

I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to this profiteer.

"Ahem, are you good at antiques? Isn't that what they say?"

Facing Lin Zhe, the boss was not embarrassed at all.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't feel embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Well, that’s the truth!

"Okay, I'm too lazy to talk to you anymore."

"This seal looks good."

"I'll give you 500 yuan. If you can sell it, you can sell it.

"What if you can't sell it?"

"That's it."

Lin Zhe was too lazy to talk nonsense with the stall owner and went directly to the topic.

"I'll go, little brother, you are too ruthless in bargaining."

"It went directly from 50,000 to 500, which was 100 times less in an instant."

"It's not like you bargained for it."

The boss's face darkened.

I was shocked by Lin Zhe's bargaining gesture.

"Don't care how many times less it is."

"I know very well that there won't be anything of real value in your stall."

“The reason why I bought this seal is because I like it.

"However, even if I like it no matter how much I like it, I will only pay up to 500 at most.

"It's too much, I don't think it's necessary."

Lin Zhe made it clear directly.

Just break this seal, let alone 500, I'm afraid it's not even worth 50.

If it weren't for the purpose of paving the way, then pretending to be unintentional and buy the copybook of Song Huizong.

Not to mention 500, 50 is too much.


"It's not impossible to sell it to you for 500."

"But you have to pick a few more pieces!"

"Anyway, let me earn more."

Look at Lin Zhe's determination, ready to leave if he doesn't agree.

The boss struggled for a while and then agreed.

He hasn't opened for several days.

It's not easy for someone to fall in love with a seal, and of course he doesn't want to let it go.

Although less than 500 is a bit less.

However, the price he charged for this seal was only 5 yuan.

Selling for 500 is already 100 times the profit.

However, in order to maximize profits.

He still wanted Lin Zhe to buy a few more pieces.

Anyway, let him earn a little more, right?

"How many more should I choose?"

"It's not impossible, but what about the price?"

"Don't just get me tens of thousands at every turn..."

"Then I can turn around and leave, even if I don't want this seal."

Lin Zhe was worried about how to prepare her words and buy a few more things.

As a result, when drowsiness comes, there is a pillow.

The stall owner himself brought it up.

At that moment, he agreed without hesitation.

Of course, a promise is a promise, but in terms of price, he won't give too much.

"No problem, just choose, the price will definitely satisfy you."

When the stall owner heard this, he immediately said happily.

Lin Zhe heard this and nodded with satisfaction.

Then I started picking things at the stall.

In the end, Lin Zhe selected a total of five things, including the copybook and seal of Song Huizong.

"That's it."

"Boss, please tell me how much it costs in total."

Lin Zhe said, pointing to the five things he selected.

"Little brother, everything else is easy to talk about, I can give it all to you for 500.

"But I can't return this pendant!"

"This pendant is made of jade. Even if it has no historical traces, it is still priceless."

"Let's do this. I'll give you 3,000 for this jade pendant, and then add these four items, for a total of 5,000.

Looking at the few things Lin Zhe chose, the boss pointed to a jade pendant and said.

I saw that the boss didn't care about the copybook copied by Song Huizong, but instead paid attention to a pendant.

Lin Zhe breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that his boss would see that his real target was Song Huizong's copybook.

At that time, many changes will inevitably occur.

Fortunately, my worries are unnecessary

"Is this thing worth 3,000?"

After putting down his worries, Lin Zhe pointed at the jade pendant and said.

"Yes, it's worth at least 3,000, brother, I won't lie to you.

"Let me tell you, this is..."

The stall owner prepared his tirade again.

"Stop, stop, stop, I don't want to hear the story about this pendant."

"I'll just say one thing, if I make these five things, I'll make an extra three thousand.

"If you agree, I'll pack it up and take it away."

"What if you don't agree?"

"I'll just look elsewhere."

Seeing that the boss was going to make a long speech again, Lin Zhe stopped immediately.

He admired this boss.

In terms of storytelling ability, 2.2 is really a strong group.

"This... this is a bit low."

When the boss heard the price of 3,000, he was a little dissatisfied.

Doesn't this mean that this pendant was only sold for 1,000 yuan?

After all, it is a jade thing.

Although, he originally purchased this thing for only one hundred yuan.

However, this is not how it works.

"It's too low."

“Then I’ll go look elsewhere.

Lin Zhe said as he prepared to stand up.

"Hey, no, no, no, 3,000, just 3,000."

"Sweep me."

It looked like Lin Zhe was about to leave.

The stall owner was anxious.

He immediately agreed.

At any rate, it’s open today.

And it was sold for 3,000 yuan.

Anyway, the combined price of these five items is less than 200 yuan.

I have already made a lot of money.

Simply, I won’t spend that little money anymore.

If it turns out to be self-defeating and this little brother doesn't buy anything, he will suffer a big loss.

"Okay, I'll scan you."

Lin Zhe said, took out his mobile phone and paid 3,000 yuan.

From this moment on, this copybook of Song Huizong, worth 350 million, belongs to him.

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