The director sat firmly in his seat and stopped looking at Lin Zhe.

"When I was young, my family always told me that the police are good people. If you encounter any bullying, just go to the police. But now I see that is not the case!"

Lin Zhe looked at the director and ignored him, just smiled faintly, and then deliberately walked back and forth in front of the director, talking as he walked.

"What are you talking about? I, Chief Ande, have always been a breeze and enforce the law impartially, if it weren't for those people."

As the director, Ande understood the meaning of Lin Zhe's words, which meant that he had accepted bribes and failed to enforce the law impartially. He patted the table and stood up, pointing at Lin Zhe in front of him and said

But in the middle of the sentence, Ander closed his mouth and looked at Lin Zhe's expression of success, and then realized that he had been fooled.

Then he sat back in his seat angrily, no longer looking at Lin Zhe. If he said anything to Lin Zhe again, he would definitely trick him out.

"Director An, tell me, what's going on? Who above you is targeting me?"

After discovering that Ander did know who it was, but the other party didn't tell him, Lin Zhe continued to ask Ander.

"I don't know, please leave quickly and don't bother me here."

Ande listened to Lin Zhe asking himself this question over and over again, and he was already very annoyed. He waved his hand and asked Lin Zhe to leave.

"I won't leave today if you don't tell me personally. I also know what kind of person you are, Director An, so I came to you specifically today. Do you think you can still be in this position if you don't tell me now?" How long will you sit there? Depending on your character, you must have offended many people. When you are dismissed, no one will say anything good to you. I hope that at this last moment, you can be an upright policeman."

Lin Zhe looked at Ander, who looked like he didn't want to communicate with him, and knew that ordinary words would have no effect and could only attack the weakest place deep in Ander's heart.

"Huh, what I do is worthy of the country and the people, but some people just can't tolerate me!"

After hearing what Lin Zhe said, Ande snorted coldly with deep feeling, raised his head and sighed.

"I understand your feelings, so tell me who the people above are. As long as you arrest these people, aren't you doing a good thing?"

Lin Zhe felt a little relieved when he saw Ander, so he continued to speak to Ander.

"That person is."

Ander called Lin Zhe over, and then whispered something in Lin Zhe's ear.

In the end, Ender also figured out that he would be squeezed out by those guys anyway. After this incident, he had to bear the blame himself, as it was the last thing he could do after leaving this position.

When he heard the name Ander said, Lin Zhe was stunned. He really didn't expect that the person who was going to deal with him was actually.

"I've finished saying it, so it's much easier to say it."

After finishing speaking, Ander stood up and moved around, smiling relaxedly and said to Lin Zhe.

"Are you telling the truth? Why did he target me like this? Is there any hatred between us?"

When he heard the name Ander said, Lin Zhe looked at Ander in disbelief and asked.

"I'm just doing business. I've made it very clear who wants to mess with you. It's up to you to believe it or not. As for what's going on between the two of you, shouldn't you ask yourself?"

Hearing Lin Zhe turn around and ask himself why, Ander helplessly shrugged and asked Lin Zhe.

"Okay, I understand Director An. When I go out, I will definitely restore the image of your police."

Lin Zhe no longer thought about why that person deliberately targeted him. Anyway, he knew who it was, so he would keep a low profile in the future. After getting the answer he was satisfied with, he shook hands with Ander and said with a smile.

"You stinky boy, get out of here right away."

Ander looked at Lin Zhe and cursed with an angry smile.

"Come out, I'll take you away."

Sun Dahai, who was still waiting at the door, heard the director's shout inside and didn't go in. He just stood outside the door and waited.

Seeing the door of the office in front of him being opened, he quickly walked over and asked Lin Zhe.

"Although I didn't get the answer I wanted, I don't want to stay in this place anymore. Send me out."

0…Please give me flowers…

After Lin Zhe closed the door of the office, he looked at Sun Dahai coming towards him, so he did not reveal that Director An told his name, and deliberately made up a lie, because Lin Zhe didn't know what happened in this police station. How many eyes are there on the other side?

"Please come this way, Mr. Lin."

Sun Dahai breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Lin Zhe was leaving, and then walked outside with Lin Zhe.

The two stood at the door of the police station and saw a large group of reporters waiting outside. There were also many people standing opposite the police station, holding banners that said "Save the Innocents".

"Mr. Lin is out."

Someone yelled, and all the reporters looked at Lin Zhe and Sun Dahai who were walking out of the door, and they all surrounded Lin Zhe at the speed of a 100-meter race.

"Quickly come out with a few people to maintain order on the scene."

Sun Dahai looked at the reporters gathered around him, fearing that something would happen, and hurriedly shouted into the police station.

Then a dozen police officers came out and blocked the rushing reporters.

"Mr. Lin, can I ask you a question?


The reporters kept talking to Lin Zhe, and their voices were so noisy that no one could hear clearly.

"Everyone, please be quiet."

The noise made everyone's ears hurt, and Sun Dahai shouted to the reporters around him.

The reporters seemed to have not heard Sun Dahai's words and continued to ask Lin Zhe questions.

Lin Zhe, who was watching this scene, stretched out his hand to signal the reporters to be quiet. Seeing Lin Zhe's gesture, the reporters' voices slowly stopped.

"Everyone, be quiet. I will tell you everything you want to know."

Looking at the reporters who had calmed down, Lin Zhe nodded with satisfaction and said to everyone.

The reporters asked the questions they wanted to ask.

"First of all, the police station asked me to assist in the investigation of the case. I was not caught here...

Lin Zhe answered all the questions raised by reporters.

All the reporters took this book and quickly wrote it down, and the cameras were recording the whole process. .

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