"Oh? Are you saying that the underworld has already spread the news, which means he also knows about it?"

When Liu Shang heard that everyone knew what had happened, he walked to the window and looked outside, his eyes so deep that he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Um, chairman, who is he that you are talking about?"

When asked by Liu Shang, the reporter was immediately confused. He didn't know who Liu Shang was talking about and how he should answer, so he looked at Liu Shang and asked.

"I know about this, don't tell anyone, go down."

Liu Shang came back to his senses. He was thinking about something and didn't pay attention to what he said. He turned his head and looked at the person who was reporting and warned him.


After the person who reported the report finished speaking, he withdrew. Liu Shang was alone again in the entire office. Liu Shang was still sitting in the chair and didn't know what he was thinking.

"850" "Wait a minute."

"What's wrong, Secretary Li?"

As soon as the reporting person came out of the office and was about to leave, he heard someone calling him from behind. He looked back and saw Liu Shang's secretary Li Linlin waving to him. The reporting person looked at the pretty Li Linlin calling him, Shang was also full of joy, trotting up to Li Linlin and asking.

"What's your name? Isn't it hard to run back and forth like this outside?"

Li Linlin straightened his wrinkled clothes with her hands, and spoke to the person reporting with concern in her tone.

"My name is Xu Tian, ​​and this is what I do. If you ask me to sit in the office, I can't sit still."

Faced with Li Linlin's sudden concern, Xu Tian, ​​who had never experienced anything between men and women, suddenly turned red, scratched his head and said to Li Linlin a little embarrassed.

"What are you mainly responsible for?"

Li Linlin also put down her hands. After all, she was in the corridor. It would be a bit uncomfortable for others to see her if she was too close. She looked at Xu Tian and asked.

"My main focus is on information gathering."

Xu Tian did not say that he was asking for information from Liu Shang, fearing that Li Linlin would hear and look down on him, so he gave him a nice name.

"Information collection sounds very impressive. Just now I saw you were so anxious to go into the office to report. It must be something very important, right?"

Li Linlin also snorted coldly in her heart. She, the chairman's secretary, didn't know what kind of work the company had, and she pretended to herself. But these words were not spoken [so he continued to ask Xu Tian with a smile.

"My job can be said to be very important. Did you know just now that the same people who attacked the second boss last time have probably heard of you, right?"

Xu Tian looked around and whispered to Li Linlin.

"The person who attacked the second boss last time? I heard that he stabbed the second boss and then ran away. The chairman is looking for him all over the world. What happened to this?"

Li Linlin couldn't help but feel nervous when she heard Xu Tian mention the last attack. It seemed that the Xu Tian in front of her did know something very important, and she had to find a way to get it, so she pretended not to understand and asked Xu Tian.

"What's wrong? I recently heard rumors about this.

Seeing that Li Linlin didn't understand anything, she proudly said to Li Linlin.

But halfway through speaking, Xu Tian seemed to have lost his cassette and suddenly stopped talking.

"What's wrong with you? What is this?"

Seeing that Xu Tian stopped talking, she would immediately know what the matter was. Li Linlin patted Xu Tian anxiously and asked.

"It's nothing, I have something else to do and I'll leave first."

Xu Tian seemed to have thought of something, and quickly pretended not to know anything, and walked away quickly.

"If there is any action, cancel it immediately. Liu Shang may already know about it."

Li Linlin looked at Xu Tian's back and saw that the news she had received immediately was gone. She sighed and took out her mobile phone to send a text message to Liu Shuang, reporting the news she had received.

Xu Tian, ​​who left the company, also took a long breath, as if he had finally escaped a disaster, and there were still beads of sweat flowing down his forehead.

"What's wrong?"

The younger brother waiting in the car looked at Xu Tian like this, then looked at the office building and asked Xu Tian.

"It's almost a cliche. The female secretary next to the chairman must be something special."

Thinking of what happened just now, Xu Tian felt a little scared. If he had told others what Liu Shang had told him just now, he might be really useless. Thinking back to the female secretary just now, he also had some doubts in his heart. 0..

"There's something wrong with that female secretary, so let's tell the chairman quickly and let him be on guard."

When the younger brother heard that the people around the chairman had problems, he was also surprised and quickly said to Xu Tian.

"Are you stupid? That female secretary's background must not be simple. She must be from the third boss. We'd better not get involved.'

When Xu Tian heard that he went to tell the chairman about this matter, he did not agree with the suggestion. He shook his head and analyzed it to his younger brother.

Xu Tian is also the backbone of the middle level and still has a certain reputation in the company. Recently, he has heard some rumors that the chairman and the third boss are no longer at odds. The third boss seems to be making some moves secretly. Now this female secretary If it is the third boss's people, if the third boss goes up in the future, he will definitely not be able to eat and walk around, so he doesn't want to cause trouble at all.

"Third boss, let's just be honest."

When I heard the name of the third boss, I was also frightened. Even though the third boss looks so polite, he is really very dirty. Anyone who offends him will hardly be retaliated against. The people below him in the company The person I'm most afraid of is Liu Shuang.

"Hahaha, it seems that we have left as planned."

Liu Shuang, who was in the office, looked at the text message from Li Linlin on his phone and said with a smile.

"Brother, our people are already in place and can take action at any time."

Several subordinates are also full of confidence in this plan for 5.4. They also know what they are going to do. Since they have followed Liu Shuang, if Liu Shuang can stand up

Naturally, they can get a lot of benefits.

"Third brother, the third officer won't give up."

A man ran in anxiously and said to Liu Shuang.

"Tell me slowly, what's wrong?"

Looking at the hurried people, Liu Shuang frowned and asked him calmly.

"After hearing the news, Liu Shuang has already transferred Liu Gong out of the hospital."

The subordinates reported the news they heard and told Liu Shuang exactly as they were.


Several confidants who were standing in the office preparing for action were surprised when they heard the news. They were all ready to take action, except for this kind of thing. .

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