"It seems that your work is not very harmonious internally.

Lin Zhe on the side picked up this scene and said thoughtfully.

As soon as Lin Zhe said these words, Ji Hua's expression couldn't help but change.

You know, all his hopes now are placed on Lin Zhe.

If Lin Zhe sees that their studio is not harmonious and chooses not to invest -.

The future of Tianxing Studio is completely worrying.

"Mr. Lin, this is just an accident."

"Believe me, the games developed by our studio will never let you down."

Ji Hua explained quickly.

At this moment, in his heart, he already hated Cheng Wei.

If you say you want to withdraw your shares, you will withdraw your shares.

Why do you say this in front of investors?

In addition, he took away the studio reserve fund without notifying him in advance.

It can be said that Cheng Wei stabbed Ji Hua twice.

Moreover, it is still deadly!

"Well, the game experience can wait for a while.

"You should solve the problems in your studio first."

"I don't want something like this to happen again when I'm halfway through the game."

After Lin Zhe thought for a while, he gave his suggestion.

He will definitely invest in Tianxing Studio.

However, Zhe wouldn’t dare to hire someone who is such a behind-the-scenes person!

Therefore, it is better to take advantage of this opportunity to clear out all these people at once.

It's better to avoid any unnecessary trouble in the future.


Seeing this, Ji Hua had no choice but to agree.

"You want to withdraw your shares, right?"

"Then come with me."

"We signed the contract."

"Also, I know that Cheng Wei is not the only one who wants to withdraw his shares."

"Now, everyone who wants to withdraw their shares, please come here."

Ji Hua first said to Cheng Wei expressionlessly.

Then, after looking around, he said to the other shareholders again.

"Ji Hua, since you said so, I won't hide it anymore."

“My family has been trying to persuade me that there is no future in gaming.

"So, I will also withdraw my shares."

As soon as Ji Hua finished speaking, someone came out.

"And I, too, chose to withdraw my shares.

Another person stood up.

In the end, a total of four people chose to withdraw their shares.

Among them, Cheng Wei holds the highest shareholding, accounting for 15%.

The other three people, plus Cheng Wei's, occupy a total of 27% of the studio's shares, which is almost a quarter.

"Okay, since you all choose to withdraw your shares."

"Then I won't stop you."

"I just hope you won't regret it in the future."

"I still have some funds on hand, plus the company's reserve funds."

"It's enough money for you to withdraw your shares."

Ji Hua said expressionlessly.

It can be said that he is now planning to make a desperate move.

All hopes were pinned on Lin Zhe.

Once Lin Zhe chooses not to invest.

Then, Tianxing Studio is completely finished.

He will also face bankruptcy.

However, in life, you have to be crazy.

The bet was won!

A life of wealth and honor.

Besides, for some reason, Ji Hua felt that Zhe would not let him lose.

This is an intuition!

Finally, after working for more than an hour.

Ji Hua finally signed an equity withdrawal agreement with Cheng Wei and the four of them.

It starts the moment you sign.

Tianxing Studio, and these guys.

There won't be any relationship.

"Mr. Lin, the internal matters in our studio have been resolved."

"Now, are you still willing to experience the games of our studio?"

After taking care of Cheng Wei and others.

Ji Hua came to Lin Zhe and said.

"Okay, let's get started."

"My wife has been waiting outside for a long time."

Lin Zhe smiled and nodded.

Ye Wanqing did not come here together before, but was waiting outside.

She is not particularly interested in games or anything like that.

"Okay, please follow me."

Ji Hua clenched his fists excitedly.

Lin Zhe is also willing to experience the game.

That shows that the probability of his investment is still very high.

While Lin Zhe was experiencing the game, people in Cheng Wei's stocks didn't know why.

Instead, he chose to stay in the studio and wait and see for the time being.

In fact, to put it bluntly, they were just waiting to see Ji Hua's jokes.

Because these people who chose to withdraw their shares thought that Lin Zhe’s so-called 100 million investment was a joke.

Only that fool Ji Hua would choose to believe it.

After about half an hour, Lin Zhe finally finished playing this game developed by Tianxing Studio.

What can I say, it was really done very carefully.

It is a rare production with conscience.

Moreover, the playability is also very powerful.

No wonder, the latecomers can catch up.

In one fell swoop, it surpassed the mobile games owned by Goose Factory and Zhuchang, and successfully reached the No. 1 position in the mobile game industry.

"Mr. Lin, what do you think?"

After Lin Zhe put down the phone, Ji Hua immediately asked impatiently.

"Well, I'm very optimistic about the prospects of this game.

"With an investment of 100 million, I can share it.

"But if I invest 100 million."

"How many shares of the studio do you plan to give me?"

When Lin Zhe said this, he looked at Ji Hua seriously.

Lin Zhe knows how huge the future revenue of this game will be.

So in terms of equity, he takes it very seriously.

For every one percent more shares, there may be tens of millions more profits.

"I need to discuss this with the other two major shareholders."

Ji Hua said slowly.

The other two major shareholders of this studio are his two other roommates, Zhang Qi and Pang Feng.

The shares held by these two people are the same as Cheng Wei's, both holding 15% of the shares.

Ji Hua himself holds 30% of the shares.

"I believe you have also heard what Zhang Qi, Pang Feng and Mr. Lin said."

"Tell me, if he invests 100 million, how many shares should we give him?"

Ji Hua came to the two roommates and started discussing.

"Ji Hua, actually there is one thing we can imagine."

"Our funding gap is only two to three million."

"Why should we accept an investment of 100 million?"

Pang Feng thought for a while and then asked his doubts.

This was something he couldn't figure out.

"I can answer you on this point."

"Most of this 100 million investment is used for publicity."

"You also know that our studio does not have any reputation.

"So, even if the game is introduced to the market, it is difficult to predict how many people will know about it."

“However, if the publicity is strong enough, I believe that many people will pay attention to our game.

Ji Hua said slowly.

He is also an ambitious person.

I am not willing to make a game by myself for a year and start in obscurity.


"Here, after spending so much money on publicity, aren't you afraid of losing money in the end?"

Hearing this, Pang Feng hesitated for a while and asked again.

"Hey, Pang Feng, you are worrying too much."

“That’s how much we invested.”

"If it's as high as the sky, there are only a few hundred thousand. Ji Hua has a little more, and he has a million or so."

"And what about their investment? A full 100 million!"

"He is not afraid of losing money, so what are we afraid of?"

"Speaking of which, our investment is not even a fraction in the eyes of others."

"Besides, don't think about it, our investment has already been spent in the studio anyway."

"No matter how much the publicity expenses are, it has nothing to do with us."

"Besides, you have to understand that the greater the publicity, the better it is for us.

Before Ji Hua could say anything, Qi spoke from the side.

Compared to Pang Feng, Zhang Qi still sees things more thoroughly.

Although, after accepting an investment of 100 million, their shares will be greatly reduced.

However, if with the promotion of 100 million, their game can sell well.

Then the money earned by then will definitely be more than what it is now.

"That's right, I'm overthinking it."

"Okay, we accept this 100 million investment.

"But in terms of shares, how many of them should we give away?"

When Pang Feng heard this, he felt it made sense.

So, I won’t push it anymore.

The next thing to discuss is the distribution of equity.

"Here's what I think."

"When the other party invested 100 million, our studio invested in the technology with technology, occupying 20% ​​of the total equity."

"Then, the amount of money we invested in the studio was almost five million."

"This five million, we count it as 5% of the shares."

"In this way, we will give Mr. Lin 75% of the shares.

"The remaining 25% will be allocated internally by our studio."

"What do you think?"

Ji Hua expressed his thoughts.

"Well, this is a good suggestion, we have no objections!"

Zhang Qi and Pang Feng both nodded in agreement when they heard this.

"However, if this technology investment accounts for 20%, is it too much?"

"I don't think Mr. Lin would agree."

But the next second, Zhang Qi suddenly asked again.

If technology shares account for 20%, it will be about 20 million.

Zhang Qi felt that their technology was not worth 20 million.

"In this case, I will go and talk to Mr. Lin according to this condition first.

"It would be best if Mr. Lin agrees."

"If we don't agree, we can appropriately reduce part of the equity."

"However, don't worry, at the very least, I will not let our studio's equity be less than 2%."

Ji Hua thought about it and suggested again.

"Okay, then do as you say.

Neither Pang Feng nor Zhang Qi had any objections.

They all decided to support Ji Hua.

"Okay, since you all agree, then I will go and make peace with Mr. Lin.

Ji Hua saw that his two roommates agreed.

I felt relieved in my heart.

He was really afraid that Zhang Qi and Pang Feng would stab him at the critical moment just like Cheng Wei.

Fortunately, my worries are unnecessary.

Zhang Qi and Pang Feng still support themselves as always.

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