"It seems that you have thought it through carefully."

Lin Zhe already knew when he saw Ji Hua's expression when he returned.

What are their options now.

Immediately, I felt relieved.

Investing in Tianxing Studio is considered a success.

Next, we will wait for the final development and then conduct internal testing.

Of course, after signing the contract.

You can also get ready to promote the game.

One month is almost just right.

Major short video websites, as well as various game influencers!

Lin Zhe was not ready to let it go.

Although it will definitely cost a lot of money.

However, as long as the publicity is in place.

This publicity fund is well spent.

Maybe, after such overwhelming publicity.

Is this mobile game so big that it has never been reached in the future?

You know, from the future information, Lin Zhe knew that this mobile game was not very popular in the previous month.

If there is overwhelming publicity from the beginning.

I believe that even if it is just launched on the market, it will attract enough players to join this mobile game.

The sooner players join this mobile game, the sooner they can earn money!

According to the popularity mentioned in the future information.

I believe that in one month, he can earn at least several hundred million, right?

In this way, his investment of 100 million can be earned back in one month.

Back to business.

"Yes, Mr. Lin."

“My two partners agreed.”

"But what I want to know is after signing the contract."

"When will your funds arrive at the earliest?"

Ji Hua smiled and nodded.

But then, he asked another question, more concerned.

After all, it is an investment of 100 million.

Of course he had to ask clearly23.

If the other party delays and refuses to give it, then the day lily will be cold by then.

You know, Tianxing Studio now has no money left.

The spare funds were also taken away by Cheng Wei and others.

If Lin Zhe’s investment cannot be received in a short period of time.

Their studio is sad.

"Haha, don't worry about this."

"As soon as the contract is signed, I will transfer 100 million yuan into the studio's account as soon as possible."

Lin Zhe knew what Ji Hua was worried about.

However, his worries were unnecessary.

Apart from anything else, 100 million yuan is still very easy for Lin Zhe.

After all, he has more than 1.4 billion in funds in his bank card.

"Okay, then let's start preparing the contract?"

When Ji Hua heard Lin Zhe's words, he immediately felt relieved.

As long as Lin Zhe can inject the investment funds as soon as possible.

Then he would have the confidence to completely revitalize Tianxing Studio.

Of course, in addition to this, we still need to find some programmers to come back.

After all, Cheng Wei is also one of the important developers of this game.

With him gone, he must find someone with skills as good as his to take over.

Otherwise, it will seriously delay the launch of the game to the market.

If it were before, Ji Hua would definitely be worried.

After all, the studio no longer has the money to hire excellent programmers.

but now?

If 100 million funds are in place, Ji Hua thinks.

There is no programmer that cannot be afforded.

"Okay, then I'll go find a lawyer and prepare a contract for us."

Lin Zhe said with a smile.

If you are a lawyer, you need to trouble Ye Wanqing.

After all, he was not very familiar with the Magic City.

Of course, it is not so much troublesome to Ye Wanqing as it is troublesome to Ye Wenku.

I believe that Jingrui Real Estate has a professional team of lawyers.

"Okay Mr. Lin."

When Ji Hua heard this, he became even more happy.

Lin Zhe asked the lawyer to prepare the contract, which means that Lin Zhe is sincere in investing.

With this, the last worry in Ji Hua's heart disappeared.

"Let's go, you and I can find my wife."

"She still needs to come forward to find the lawyer."

Lin Zhe said with a smile.

"Okay Mr. Lin, please come with me."

With a smile on his face, Ji Hua took Lin Zhe to the office where he was before.

And after Ji Hua and Lin Zhe left.

The four people who were standing not far away were a little dumbfounded.

"Via... Viagra."

"They shouldn't be signing the contract now, right?"

A stock withdrawal person said to Cheng Wei with a dull face.

"no, I can not.'

"Have you ever seen an investment project that was negotiated so quickly?"

At this moment, Cheng Wei could no longer remain calm as before.

Although, he didn't hear the conversation between Lin Zhe and Ji Hua.

However, it can be seen from their expressions.

The negotiations went smoothly.

This gave Cheng Wei an ominous premonition.

Could it be that...this person can really invest 100 million?

No, impossible!

I do not believe!

It must be fake!

"Then...then what should we do now?"

"Are you still staying in the studio?"

Another investor asked Cheng Wei for his opinion.

"Stay there."

"I don't believe it. They can really sign the contract."

Cheng Wei gritted his teeth and planned to stay.

He was unwilling to leave like this now.

He wants to see the end!


Seeing Cheng Wei being so persistent, the other people didn't say anything more.

Instead, he planned to wait with Cheng Wei.

In fact, they don't want to leave now.

I want to see if Ji Hua can successfully sign the contract.

Is this investor’s 100 million empty talk?

"Why did it take so long to finish the experience?"

When Lin Zhe came back, Ye Wanqing asked curiously.

She was almost bored to death waiting here.

"Haha, something happened in the middle [so it was delayed a bit."

"By the way, wife, I have something to trouble you with."

I have already negotiated terms with this studio. "

"Ready to sign the contract."

"Say hello to dad and ask him to recommend a lawyer.

Lin Zhe said with a smile.


"OK, no problem.""

Upon hearing Lin Zhe's request, Ye Wanqing dialed Ye Wenbo's number without saying anything.

"Dad, Lin Zhe needs a professional lawyer."

"Yes, he has negotiated with this game studio, and now he just needs to sign the contract."

"What's the address? Okay, I'll send you the message later."

"Well, just ask the lawyer to come over as soon as possible. We'll wait here."

"okay, I get it!"

After the phone call, Ye Wanqing blinked at Lin Zhe.

Said it was done.

"sorry to bother you."

Lin Zhe smiled fondly.

"Hate it, we are husband and wife, there is no need to worry about anything.

Ye Wanqing rolled her eyes and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Okay, I'll forgive you."

Lin Zhe also felt that he was a bit hypocritical.

Ye Wanqing is his wife.

Isn't it right to do this favor?

"Hehe, just know that you are being hypocritical."

Ye Wanqing smiled sweetly, and then ignored Ji Hua's presence.

He directly leaned his head on Lin Zhe's shoulder.

Ji Hua saw the interaction between Lin Zhe and Ye Wanqing from the side and couldn't help but lower his head silently.

At the same time, I was still thinking silently in my heart:

You can't see me, you can't see me, you can't see me!

Obviously, Ji Hua couldn't bear this sudden mouthful of dog food.

It's unbelievable.

During college, Ye, the campus beauty who was aloof and rejected all boys thousands of miles away, could still be so tender.

Ji Hua really wouldn't believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

For Ji Hua, the waiting time is excruciating!

Especially when you are waiting and eating dog food, it is extremely painful.

Of course, Ji Hua was not idle when eating dog food.

He also notified the lawyers he was cooperating with.

For such a large contract, of course, lawyers from both parties need to be present.

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour passed.

Ji Hua's lawyer has already arrived.

In four people.

No, that's not right!

Counting Cheng Wei, four people.

That is, while eight people were waiting, Lin Zhe's lawyer finally arrived belatedly.

And the moment Lin Zhe's lawyer appeared.

Cheng Wei and others suddenly felt uncomfortable.

I kept thinking about it.

You won’t really invest 100 million, right?

"Mr. Lin, this is the share purchase contract I prepared for you."

"Look, if there are no problems, just sign 713 in accordance with this contract."

After the lawyer arrived, he handed a contract to Lin Zhe.

Of course, I didn’t forget to hand a copy to the lawyer at Tianxing Studio.

And the reason why Lin Zhe’s lawyer took more than an hour to come.

That's because he spent a lot of time preparing the contract.


Lin Zhe said as he read the contract.

Ji Hua is no exception.

There are four copies of the contract.

After the contract is signed, Lin Zhe will have one copy, Tianxing Studio will have one copy, and the lawyers of both parties will also keep one copy of the four contracts.

About half an hour later.

Lin Zhe and the lawyers hired by Ji Hua put down the contract almost at the same time.

"There's no problem with the contract."

"If there are no other requirements, shall we just sign it?"

Lin Zhe said to Ji Hua.

Ji Hua looked at his lawyer.

"It's really no problem."

Ji Hua's lawyer nodded towards him.

Indicates that there is no problem with the contract.

"Okay Mr. Lin, let's start signing the contract.

Ji Hua smiled and nodded.

You can never go too far wrong.

After all, this concerns the entire Tianxing Studio.

Therefore, after his lawyer confirmed that there was no problem with the contract, he readily agreed.

Subsequently, a contract was signed in quadruplicate, on behalf of Lin Zhe and Ji Hua.

Officially signed!

After the contract was signed, Lin Zhe immediately transferred 100 million funds into Tianxing Studio's account.

From this moment on, the contract comes into effect.

Lin Zhe holds 85% of Tianxing Studio.

"Mr. Lin, happy cooperation!"

After the contract officially came into effect, Ji Hua finally began to feel happy.

With this 100 million in funds, he can confidently and boldly fulfill his ambitions.

This mobile game, which took them a year to develop, finally doesn’t have to worry about it dying.

"It's a pleasure to cooperate. I hope to get news about the completion of game development as soon as possible."

Lin Zhe also became happy.

This means that in the next two years, he will earn at least billions in income!

Moreover, he still wins!

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