In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed!

Lin Zhe also ended the chat with his future self.

In this half hour, Lin Zhe already knew how Ye Wenbin framed Ye Wenbo.

It can be said that all processes are understood very carefully.

He already knew in his heart how to stop Ye Wenbin.

This is the result of discussion between him and his future self.

"Husband, the bathtub is almost full."

"Get ready, you can take a shower."

At this time, my wife's seductive voice came again.

"Ahem, take a shower and take a shower!"

"The world is huge, and taking a mandarin duck bath with my wife is the best."

Lin Zhe couldn't wait to rush into the bathroom after hearing this.

More than an hour later.

Lin Zhe hugged his wife's soft and cute body and returned to the bed.

"Honey, how many days are you going to stay in Shanghai?"

After returning to bed, Lin Zhe held Lin Wanqing in his arms and asked seemingly casually.

"Stay for two more days."

"What's wrong, are you going back to Hangzhou in a hurry?"

Ye Wanqing arched her arms in Lin Zhe's arms, found a comfortable position, and asked curiously while holding her husband.

"That's not true.

"I was thinking, I just invested in Tianxing Studio.

"If you just leave regardless.

"It seems that I feel a little sorry."

"How about we stay a few more days?"

Lin Zhe said what he had planned for a long time.

Yes, talk about sleep!

The reason why Lin Zhe really wants to stay in Shanghai is certainly not because of Tianxing Studio.

But he wanted to expose the conspiracy between Ye Wenbin and another shareholder of Jingrui Real Estate.

However, there is no trace of the collusion between Ye Wenbin and another shareholder of Jingrui.

Of course he couldn't tell Ye Wanqing.

"Well, if you want to stay in the Magic City for a few more days, it's not impossible."

"I can control it remotely and complete the company's work."

"As long as nothing serious happens."

"Then there's no problem."

After knowing Lin Zhe's "reason" for wanting to stay in the Magic City for a few more days, Ye Wanqing said nonchalantly.

The company has already entered the right track.

Moreover, before she left Hangzhou, she also planned the development direction for the Qingyuan District project.

As long as nothing major happens that shakes the foundation of the company, it doesn't matter even if I don't go back for ten days and a half.

"Well, that's okay, then let's stay in the Magic City for a few more days."

When Lin heard this, he made a decision without saying anything.

"Okay, let's celebrate more.

Seeing this, Ye Wanqing agreed.

"I'm tired. Let's go to sleep."

At this time, Lin Zhe yawned and was ready to sleep.

This morning, before seven o'clock, they got up.

After a busy day, I was in the bathroom again with my wife for more than an hour, which was indescribably heavy.

Already tired.

Immediately, holding my sweet-smelling wife in my arms, I was ready to sleep.

"Well, I'm so sleepy too.

"Good night, dear husband."

Ye Wanqing smiled sweetly.

After pouting, he kissed Lin Zhe goodnight.

She also closed her eyes and fell into sleep!

In the blink of an eye, Lin Zhe had been in the magic city for five days.

These days, when he has nothing to do during the day, he will go to Tianxing Studio to check the progress of the game.

After all, this is the reason why I stayed.

If you don’t go even once, that would be too much to say.

That's commendable.

After investing 100 million yuan, the work efficiency of Tianxing Studio has skyrocketed.

Under the offensive of money, Hua found many powerful programmers.

Now the entire studio is holding their breath, waiting for their game to become a blockbuster.

In addition to game development, Ji Hua also found some customer service.

Be prepared to put them in charge of the advertising side of things.

"It's almost time."

"If I am not mistaken in the future."

"Today is the day when Ye Wenbin meets another major shareholder of Jingrui Real Estate."

"They were also discussing how to frame Ye Wenbo."

This day finally arrived for Ye Wenbin to meet with others.

Glancing at the time, Lin Zhe thought silently in his heart.

"Honey, I've been at home for so many days."

"Let's go out for a walk."

Since we want to capture the evidence that Ye Wenbin framed Ye Wenbo.

Naturally, I have to bring my wife with me.

Only in this way can it be convincing.

"Okay, where should we go?"

Ye Wanqing nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

These days, Lin Zhen goes out early and comes home late. She rarely spends time with her husband.

Hearing that Lin Zhe was going out for a walk today, he immediately happily agreed.

“Go to Disneyland.

"It's been so long since I've been to the Magic City, but I haven't been there yet."

Lin Zhe said seemingly unintentionally.

Disneyland was the place where that man made an appointment with Ye Wenbin.

And the reason why we made the appointment was at Disneyland.

That's also because the other shareholder of Jingrui Real Estate happens to be here today.


"You can have this."

Ye Wanqing didn't think much and immediately agreed happily.

Going to an amusement park with my husband is one of the must-do activities for couples.

"Ye Wenbin, you must have been having a hard time recently.

"There is an unprecedented wealth for you."

"Do you dare to ask for it?"

"If you dare, come to Disneyland to meet me at one o'clock this afternoon."

"Remember, you are the only one here."

Ye Wenbin was a little stunned when he looked at the message on his phone.

Just now, he received these messages.

After reading it, I immediately called back.

But what he didn't expect was that after he called back, it turned out to be an empty number.

To go or not to go!

This has become a question that Ye Wenbin needs to think about now.


After much thought, Ye Wenbin finally decided to go.

His life has been really hard these days.

In the past, he was used to spending money lavishly.

Every time Ye Wenbo gave him living expenses, “it wouldn’t last until the end of the month.

When he had a big fight with Ye Wenbo, his family's living expenses had already been spent.

While waiting for the beginning of the month, Ye Wenbo called him.

As a result, after something like that happened.

Ye Wenbo directly cut off his living expenses.

This made Ye Wenbin, who suddenly had no money to spend, extremely uncomfortable.

It's not like he hasn't asked Hou Guifang before.

However, Hou Guifang still has no money in her hands.

Usually when Ye Wenbin doesn't have enough money at the end of the month, he will ask Hou Guifang for some.

At the beginning of the month, return it to Hou Guifang.

However, for so many years, he never paid it back after leaving.

Now, Ye Wenbo not only cut off his living expenses, but also stopped paying Hou Guifang a penny.

It’s not like Hou Guifang has never asked Ye Wenbo for money.

However, Ye Wenbo refused without hesitation.

Just one sentence.

Whatever you want, I'll buy it for you.

I want money, but I don’t have any money!

In this way, after eating at 12 noon, Ye Wenbin left his parents' house alone.

……Please give me flowers 0…………

Went to Disneyland.

Because both the car and the house were repossessed by Ye Wenbo.

Therefore, if Ye Wenbin wanted to go to Disneyland, he could only take a taxi.

Fortunately, although the big money is gone.

But he still has the money for the drip.


When Ye Wenbin first got into the taxi.

Suddenly he received a call.

Looking at the caller ID on the phone, it was not a normal phone number at all.

But a long series of numbers.

After thinking for a while, Ye Wenbin answered the phone.

"Ye Wenbin, are you out yet?"

This man's voice was very hoarse.

As soon as you hear it, you can tell that it is transformed through a voice changer.

"I've already gotten in the car, it will probably take more than half an hour to get there.

"Also, who are you?"

"What is the purpose of meeting me?"

Ye Wenbin said softly.

The other party is really too mysterious.

First, there was an empty number that couldn’t be reached.

Now, get another voice changer.

He always felt that it would not be a good thing if the other party came to find him.

"Haha, what's the rush?"

"You'll know when you get to the amusement park."


"Okay, now that you're out."

"Then, see you at the amusement park.

"Remember, after arriving at the amusement park, stand at the east gate and wait."

"Someone will be looking for you."

After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

"Hey Hey hey?"

Ye Wenbin's expression changed. He didn't expect the other party to hang up the phone so quickly.

Try dialing it back.

Sure enough, it is still an empty number.

At this time, Ye Wenbin became even more uneasy.

I always feel like I have fallen into some kind of trap.

"No matter what, we will act according to the situation when the time comes."

"If it doesn't work, I'll leave.

After Ye Wenbin struggled for a while, he finally did not go home.

Instead, I planned to go to the amusement park and meet the mysterious man before talking about it.

Half an hour later.

Ye Wenbin finally arrived at Disneyland.

According to the mysterious man's request, Lin Zhe came to the east gate and waited.

I waited for about ten minutes, but no one came.

This made Ye Wenbin become a little irritable.

However, what Ye Wenbin didn't know was when he appeared at the entrance of Disneyland.

A young man and woman were looking at him with surprise.

"Ye Wenbin???"

"Why did he come here?"

"Besides, he looks so sneaky."

"I always feel like I'm going to do something bad?"

Ye Wanqing was not far away. Seeing Ye Wenbin looking around and sneaking around, she couldn't help but frown.

"Yeah, I always feel like he's waiting for someone."

Lin Zhe said seemingly unintentionally.

Obviously, Ye Wanqing can meet Ye Wenbin here.

This is entirely due to Lin Zhe.

He just pinched it deliberately and came to the amusement park.

After Ye Wenbin arrived, he and Ye Wanqing also arrived.

And, because he was afraid of being discovered by Ye Wenbin.

Lin Zhe and Ye Wanqing both wore big sun hats.

In this way, as long as you lower your head, it will not be easy for others to notice.

"Should we follow him in the dark?"

Later, Lin Zhe asked seemingly unintentionally.

"Okay, that's what I meant."

Ye Wanqing agreed without even thinking about it.

She also wanted to know why Ye Wenbin appeared here sneakily at this time!

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