"What did you say?"

"Have Xiao Hao and Wen Bin been sent to the police station?"

"Ye Wenbo, how do you become my brother?"

"My brother and nephew have been arrested and taken to the police station. Why don't you get them out quickly?"

When Hou Guifang heard the news brought by Ye Wenbo.

His whole face suddenly changed, and he started to accuse Ye Wenbo without hesitation.

"Mom, do you know why Ye Wenbin was arrested this time?"

Ye Wenbo had long known that Hou Guifang would say this.

Immediately, the coldness in my heart increased a lot again.

"How did you get caught?"

Hou Guifang was stunned for a moment, then became quiet a little.

"The reason why he was arrested was because he teamed up with others to frame me."

When Ye Wenbo said this, his tone became much colder.

Even now, he still feels chilled by Ye Wenbin's behavior.

"How can it be."

"Ye Wenbo, I know you don't like your brother."

"But you can't slander your brother."

Hou Guifang didn't believe Ye Wenbo's words at all.

"Oh, do you think the police will arrest someone if he slanders you?"

"I can tell you very responsibly."

“When Ye Wenbin was arrested, both the person and the person got the stolen goods.

"He can't escape."

Ye Wenbo said and planned to leave.

He just came to inform the old lady.

He didn't bother to talk to the old lady about anything else.

Anyway, in the old lady's heart, Tuesday is much more important than herself.

"Wenbo, don't leave."

"You can't ignore Wenbin."

"He is your biological brother."

"Also, Xiaohao is still a child."

"If he goes to jail, his life will be ruined."

When Hou Guifang saw that Ye Wenbo was leaving, she immediately became anxious.

He immediately started begging.

This was also the first time she begged Ye Wenbo.

"Mom, this matter is non-negotiable."

"When Ye Wenbo was preparing to frame him for that little money.

"Why don't you think about 717? I am his biological brother."

"Okay, that's all."

"I am leaving.

Ye Wenbo didn't bother to pay attention to Hou Guifang's request.

Left directly.

"Old man, please say something."

"If you don't speak up, your son will be arrested and imprisoned."

Seeing Ye Wenbo being so ruthless, Hou Guifang became anxious.

He immediately said to Ye Qingguo.

"Hou Guifang, can you be reasonable?

"Your son is not only Wenbin, but also Wenbo."

"When you say these words, can you think about Wenbo's feelings?"

"Let me tell you, I support Wenbo's decision in this matter.

"Wenbin and Xiaohao really deserve an education."

"Today he dares to frame his own brother, and tomorrow he dares to kill people and set women on fire.

"Is it possible that you really want your son to become a murderer?"

Compared with Hou Guifang, Ye Qingguo is much more sober.

Moreover, he was definitely right by Ye Wenbo in this matter.


When Hou Guifang heard Ye Qingguo's words, she was speechless.

"Hmph, a loving mother often loses her son."

"Wenbin's fate is inseparable from yours."

Ye Qingguo shook his head in disappointment.

Then he left without looking back.

Although he supports Ye Wenbo's decision.

However, his son was arrested and taken to the police station.

Regardless of emotion or reason, he would go and see it.

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

The matter of Ye Wenbin has also turned over in the hearts of Lin Zhe and Ye Wanqing.

At this time, Lin Zhe and Ye Wanqing are also returning to Hangzhou.

The reason why I stayed a few more days.

It was also to accompany Ye Wenbo.

After all, as the daughter and son-in-law, they couldn't just leave like this when encountering such a change.

"Mom and Dad, Lin Zhen will go back to Hangzhou first."

At the entrance of the villa, Ye Wenbo and Cao Yaqing were seeing Lin Zhe and Ye Wanqing off.

Because there is an Aston Martin that needs to be driven back.

Therefore, Lin Zhe and Ye Wanqing did not take the train back.

Instead, drive back.

Fortunately, the distance between Hangzhou and Magic City is not very far.

It only takes a few hours to get there.

"Well, go back and work peacefully."

"There's nothing wrong with Dad."

"You don't need to worry."

Bo also knew why his daughter and son-in-law stayed here for so many days.

"Yeah, I understand."

"Then let's talk about it first."

"Lin Zhe and I are leaving."

Ye Wanqing waved her hand and got into the passenger seat.

"Mom and Dad, let's go first."

"Take care."

Lin Zhe also waved and got into the driver's seat.

"Yes, you have a safe journey."

“Remember to send us a message when you get home.

Ye Wenbo and Cao Yaqing asked with concern.


"Bye now.


Lin Zhe said and started the car.

Then, under the watchful eyes of Ye Wenbo and Cao Yaqing, he left the villa!

"These two kids really think I'm so fragile."

"If I hadn't urged him, he wouldn't have left.

After Lin Zhe and Ye Wanqing disappeared from sight, Ye Wenbo shook his head in confusion.

"You, please stop being ungrateful."

"That's because your son-in-law and daughter are caring about you."

Cao Yaqing said angrily.

"Haha, my fault, my fault."|

"But time flies by so fast.":

"In a blink of an eye, it's time for Wanqing to get married."

Ye Wenbo withdrew his gaze and sighed.

"Who says it isn't?"

"In about half a year, my daughter's wedding will be held."

"At that time, I don't know how many times a year I can see her."

Cao Yaqing said sadly.

She and Ye Wenbo are just one daughter.

She felt uncomfortable when she thought about her daughter getting married and having less time to return to her parents' home.

Sometimes, Cao Yaqing is definitely conflicted.

When my daughter doesn’t have a partner, I’m always anxious to find a partner for her.

I am deeply afraid that she will not be able to get married!

You already have a partner, but you are afraid of marrying out (cdfi), and you will be too lonely.

No matter how you think about it, it’s full of contradictions.

"Let's go."

"Next, our home will be clean again."

"I'm really not used to it."

Ye Wenbo said and returned to the other party.

Two people left at once, and there was always an empty feeling in my heart.

Fortunately, this feeling comes and goes quickly.

It didn't take long for Ye Wenbo to recover.

time flies!

Soon, a few hours passed.

Lin Zhe and Ye Wanqing also returned to Hangzhou.

Because it's still early.

Therefore, after Ye Wanqing returned to Hangzhou, she went directly to the company.

As for Lin Zhe, he returned home.

"Old Lin, come out quickly."

"I've solved the big trouble with our dad."

"Next, let's talk about any more profitable projects."

"Of course, it's the more relaxed kind."

"If you're too tired, don't talk anymore."

As soon as he got home, Lin Zhe started messaging with his future self.

Ye Wanqing has been by his side these days.

He has no time to communicate with his future self.

Today, Tianxing Game Studio is on the right track!

Just wait for the game to be released and make money.

As for the No. 3 plot of land in Qingyuan District, Lin Zhe also completely handed it over to Ye Wanqing.

Let Jiajing Real Estate do the planning.

When the time comes, he will just collect the money.

As a result, Lin Zhe became idle again.

That's why he wanted to find Lin Zhe in the future to get some information.

At the very least, find something to do.

Otherwise, staying at home every day would still be boring.

Moreover, he is not an Internet addicted boy.

For playing games and so on, it’s okay to play occasionally.

If you play this every day, you will definitely not be able to stand it.

"Where are the people?"

"Where did you go wandering?"

However, what makes Lin Zhe a little helpless is that.

This time the message was sent several minutes ago.

Lin Zhe did not reply to him in the future.

Immediately, I couldn't help but urge it again.

"I'm coming."

"You're in a hurry, I can't wait even a few minutes."

Fortunately, after this reminder, it didn’t take long for Future Lin Zhe to reply.

"What are you doing? Why did it take you so long to reply to the message?"

Lin Zhe asked curiously.

"Ahem, don't ask, you just don't know!"

Lin Zhe said mysteriously in the future.

As soon as these words came out, Lin Zhe couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that he was the meanest.

Don’t you know what your personality is?

I just asked about Hammer!

"Forget it, I suddenly don't want to know what you did."

"Tell me, do you have any money-making projects?"

Lin Zhe asked the original question again.

"Hehe, it really looks good."

"I've checked a lot of information these days."

"I unexpectedly discovered a very surprising piece of news."

This time, Lao Lin quickly replied to the message.

"Oh? What's the news?"

"Come and tell me."

Lin Zhe immediately became energetic when he saw these messages.

You know, chatting with Lao Lin is not just once or twice.

Every time he mentioned money-making news, he never used the words "amazing".

Obviously, the news this time is definitely extraordinary.


"This news is guaranteed to shock you."

"It's like this. According to my recent investigation, I found that during your time period, the price of gold fluctuated greatly.

"I checked the news. The current price of gold is 1,588 US dollars per ounce." 1

"And in the next three months, it will rise to $1,977 an ounce."

"The leverage of gold is different from the leverage of other futures."

"The maximum leverage can reach four to five hundred times."

"So this is an amazing opportunity."

"You must hold it firmly!"

"If you do it well, you can earn as much money as you want in these three months.

"At least it will be more than one billion, and it's still US dollars!"

In the future, Lin Zhe will tell Lin Zhe the information he found.

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