"So, wife, what do you think I should do?"

At night, Lin Zhe and Ye Wanqing made video calls.

He told her that Ye Wenbo asked him to take over Jingrui Real Estate in the afternoon.

I want to see what she thinks.

"I want to say, are dad's ideas so avant-garde?"

After Ye Wanqing heard Lin Zhe's words, she suddenly felt incredible.

If Lin Zhe takes over Jingrui Real Estate, what will happen to the old lady in her family?

Originally, the old lady was not very happy when the company asked her to take over.

As a result, my father is even more awesome.

Let Lin Zhe take over directly.

Fortunately, Ye Wenbin was sent in by himself.

Staying inside now.

Because he didn't use his connections, Ye Wenbin needed to stay there for a year before he could get out.

It's not that big of a deal after all.

It is also impossible to squat for too long.

If Ye Wenbin didn't go in, then join the old lady.

The Ye family is definitely going to be in trouble.

But now that the old lady is alone, her power is not that great.

"Don't make trouble, are you talking about Dad's avant-garde ideas now?"

"Give me your opinion quickly."

"I don't know how to decide yet."

Lin Zhe rolled his eyes and said helplessly.

Actually, compared to accepting Jingrui Real Estate.

In his heart, what he wants more is to make money while lying quietly at home.

However, Lin Zhe also knew in his heart that it was not possible to just lie quietly and make money like this.

There will be a lack of social interaction!

No matter how rich you are, you don’t know many people.

Then, if you encounter something and need help from others, you will find that you can't find anyone to help you.

Jingrui Real Estate is a very good platform.

If you really accept it, your life will go smoothly in the future.

Therefore, when Ye Wenbo said that he would take over Jingrui Real Estate.

He did not refuse directly, but planned to consider it.

That's why.

In this society, you need to slowly accumulate connections.

It doesn't happen in one fell swoop.

It’s always good to know more people!

"Husband, actually I think you can try to agree to my dad's request."

"Let's try taking over Jingrui Real Estate first."

"If you feel that you are doing well and are happy, then you can officially accept Jingrui Real Estate."

"If you are not very happy, then my dad will definitely not say anything if you leave."

Ye Wanqing thought for a while and gave her own opinion.

Of course, she still had something left unsaid in her mind.

That is, she actually hopes that Lin Zhe can accept Jingrui Real Estate.

Because then!

Two people can fight together.

However, she didn't want Lin Zhe to make a choice she didn't like because of herself.

So, she just gave advice.

"Try to take over Jingrui Real Estate?"

"It's not impossible!"

"However, if this happens, we will have less time to meet each other."

Lin Zhe touched his chin thoughtfully.

What my wife said makes sense.

You can definitely try it first!

It doesn't matter if you don't do well and leave.

However, what makes him a little worried now is.

If you take over Jingrui Real Estate.

The time spent with Ye Wanqing was very little.

One is in Hangzhou and the other is in Shanghai.

Although it's not far apart.

However, for two people who have just fallen in love.

It's definitely an unspeakable torture.

"Hehe, there's no need to worry about this."

"The development here in Jiajing is already very stable."

"The construction of Qingyuan District is also proceeding in an orderly manner."

"I can leave and go to the Magic City at any time."

"When the time comes, just appoint a trustworthy person to come to Hangzhou and take charge.

"Besides, even if there is any emergency, I can rush back from the Demon City at any time."

Ye Wanqing said with a smile.

The problems Lin Zhe is worried about are not problems!

It mainly depends on whether he wants to take over.

If Lin Zhe wants to take over, then she will leave Hangzhou and return to Shanghai to help Lin Zhe manage Jingrui Real Estate.

If, Lin Zhe doesn't want to take over.

Then they will continue to stay in Hangzhou and live a sweet life together.

"Well, okay."

"I'll think about it tonight."

"Then give your dad an answer tomorrow."

Seeing that his wife had said this, Lin Zhen already had the answer in his heart.

However, let’s wait until tomorrow to give Ye Wenbo a reply.

Tonight, you can think about it carefully.

"Well, you think about it."

"I won't disturb you anymore."

"I love you so much.""

Ye Wanqing smiled slightly, blew a kiss to Lin Zhe, and hung up the phone.

"This girl, when she usually hangs up the phone, she always waits for me to hang up first."

"Did you change gender today?"

Lin Zhe shook his head dumbfounded.

Then he put down the phone, put his head in his hands, and leaned on the bed.

Thinking silently.

In fact, if Jingrui Real Estate is accepted.

What worried him the most were his parents and little sister.

My wife is from Shanghai.

Therefore, she was able to return to the Magic City without hesitation.

But what about your own parents?

Once you stay in the Magic City, if you want to see them in the future, you will need to go to Hangzhou.

Especially after staying in the magic city.

Maybe, that little girl Shu Yu would also want to come over and hang out with him.

After all, Magic City is an international metropolis.

Many young people yearn for this city very much!

In this case, when the time comes, the parents will be the only ones in Hangzhou.

So, after thinking for a while!

Lin Zhe made a video call to his mother.

"Hey, Xiaozhe."

"How come you have time to call me tonight?"

"Didn't Wanqing say that you are busy with your career in Shanghai?"

Wu Xiaohui said with a smile.

"Mom, are you here?"

Lin Zhe asked.

"Here, what's wrong?"

"Do you have anything to do with your dad?"

Wu Xiaohui asked curiously.

"Well, I have something I want to ask you two."

Lin Zhe said very seriously.

"What's the matter? Just tell me."

"Your father and I are listening."

Seeing her son's expression so serious, Wu Xiaohui thought it was no small matter.

So, he also became serious.

Not only that, Lin Yuanhang also came to Wu Xiaohui's side at this time.

"Is such that."

"If I plan to settle in the Magic City."

"Will you, the second elder, move in with me?"

After Lin Zhe thought for a while, he spoke carefully.

"Settling in the Magic City?"

"Why did you suddenly have such an idea?"

"Did your in-laws ask you to move there?"

Wu Xiaohui was stunned for a moment, and then asked with some doubts.

“That didn’t even require me to move there.

"It's just that my father-in-law wants me to take over his company."

"I'm hesitating now whether to take over."

"If I choose to take over, I'm afraid I will have to settle in Shanghai."

Lin Zhe also told his parents what happened in the afternoon...

"What? My father-in-law wants to hand over his company to you?"

"real or fake?"

Wu Xiaohui and Lin Tianhang were stunned for a moment.

With their brain capacity, they really can't imagine why Ye Wenbo made such a decision.

That was the company he had worked for for twenty or thirty years.

The results of it?

Now he has to hand it over to his own son.

Although, it is true that his son is his son-in-law.

However, they have never heard of such a thing, handing over a company worth hundreds of billions to their son-in-law.

"um, yes."

"I think it's a good opportunity."

"So, I want to agree."

"Also, take that girl Shu Yu to the Magic City."

"As long as I'm here, this girl will be taken care of."

"It's just that what I'm worried about now is if Shu Yu and I both leave."

"You two are a little lonely in Hangzhou."

Lin Zhe expressed his worries.

"Son, I thought you were worried about something?"

"You are really worrying too much."

"Don't even think about it. You have moved out in the past few years."

"In the four years your sister has been in college, she has only gone home once every one or two months on average."

"We've long been used to it."

"Why do you feel lonely?"

"Besides, the Magic City and Hangzhou are not far apart."

"We miss you so much. Why don't we just go to the Magic City to stay for a few days?"

"So, what dad wants to say is, men, you should value your work and your hypocrisy."

"I support my father-in-law's decision."

After Lin Yuanhang heard Lin Zhe's words, he immediately took over and spoke with sincerity.

He didn't want to delay his son's future because of his wife.

It's rare for an in-law's father-in-law to be so optimistic about his son.

He didn't want his wife and himself to become a stumbling block to his son's success.

"It seems so.

"Haha, I think too much."

Hearing what Lin Yuanhang said, Lin Zhe suddenly reacted.

In the past few years, I have lived at home a little longer than before when I was in charge of the Stud family.

Other times, such as four years in college and two years after graduation.

The days I live at home are really only a handful.

In this way, the problem I was worried about before seems not to be a problem at all!

Thinking of this, Lin Zhe0.0 was a little bit dumbfounded.

"It's because you think too much."

"Son, Xian knows what you mean.

"Don't worry, we will take care of ourselves."

"You just have to live a good life as your son in the devil's capital."

"From now on, when you are free every month, just go back to Hangzhou and visit your mother and me."

"Or, your mother and I will go to Hangzhou to see you when we have time."

Lin Yuanhang smiled slightly.

He knew in his heart that Lin Zhe was a filial child.

And knowing this is enough.

"Okay, I know what to do."

"Mom and dad, thank you for your support."

With these words from his parents, the last worry in Lin Xi's heart disappeared.

Immediately, I thanked my parents.

Later, after the family of three chatted for a while, Lin Zhe hung up the phone.

"Dad, I've thought about it carefully."

"Tomorrow, I will go to the company with you."

Before going to bed, Lin Di sent such a message to his father-in-law.

Obviously, he has made his decision.


"Let's go together tomorrow."

Soon, Ye Wenbo's message was sent!

Obviously, he was very happy at this time.

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