Meng Xu’s originally half-black and half-white realm began to gradually change under the erosion of dark energy.

Under the influence of the dark energy emitted from the body of the second-generation Kyriarodite, the domain polluted the entire space into a dark space full of deathly silence and ominousness.

Meng Xu’s combat effectiveness in his own domain is increased, although not much, but now that the domain is being eroded and replaced by dark energy, Meng Xu’s combat effectiveness will not only not increase, but will even decrease in this space. Of course, just change the form.

The moment the second-generation Kyriarod completely transformed the realm into a dark realm, Meng Xu felt that his current glorious form had suppressed a quarter of his combat effectiveness.

Looking up and looking around at the changes, Meng Xu was a little curious. His domain was actually turned into a dark domain by the second generation Kirialoid?.How did he do it?

Just use that dark energy?

But Meng Xu was not panicked, and even wanted to laugh a little. He was not a pure giant of light, and he still had a dark form. Thinking of this, dark energy surged in Meng Xu’s body, and he changed his form again.

Extremely dark form.

After seeing Meng Xu transform into a form full of dark power, the four Kirialodians were all shocked. Isn’t the other party a giant of light? Why is there still a dark form?

Meng Xu’s original battle video was not recorded because the city was destroyed. Only the official satellite recorded it. However, in order not to be exposed to the enemy, only the senior management of the Transcendent Management Association had viewing rights.

This resulted in the fact that Ultraman Jack Ole could change his form, and only the people in nearby shelters and a few official people knew about it. These people were all given gag orders, and those who couldn’t keep their mouths shut had their memories erased.

This led the people of Kirialod to think that Meng Xu was in the same form.

Meng Xu stopped stalling and raised his left arm, the energy in his body rushing towards his arm crazily.

Then he dodged and rushed over, punching through one of the Kirialodians instantly.

After the violent explosion, there were only three Kirialodians left in the entire dark realm.

Meng Xu’s figure had just fallen from the sky, and when he saw his companions being wiped out with one blow, the second-generation Kirialodian in the distance knew that he could not drag it on any longer, so he stepped to the front of 200, and the two men behind him An ordinary Kirialodian understood something and nodded to the second generation.

The figures of two ordinary Kirialodians gradually became illusory, and under Meng Xu’s probing eyes, they melted into the second generation of Kirialodians.

Meng Xu was greatly surprised when he saw this scene. He didn’t remember that in the original work, the Kirialodians also had the art of merging.

In Ultraman Tiga, the second-generation Kirialodian easily defeated Tiga’s three forms: aerial, powerful, and composite.

If it weren’t for Tiga’s idealistic ability to enhance his combat effectiveness and gain stronger strength in the end, the second generation Kirialodian would be the victor in the end.

And the second-generation Kirialodian that Meng Xu faced was undoubtedly more than twice as powerful as the guy in Tiga.

But he is several times stronger than Tiga. After taking a look at the opponent’s current strength, he was a one-star legendary warrior. She is still four small realms away from herself, making it easier to fight.

“What, you look scared?”The second-generation Kirialode turned his wrist and looked at Meng Xu with disdain.

With a move of his feet, the Kirialode figure flashed and came to the front of Meng Xu as if teleporting.

“boom!”Punched out.

Meng Xu had already discovered the opponent’s attack, so he nimbly dodged it.

“I absorbed the dark power gifted from the gods, assimilated all my people, and gained the powerful power I have today, and you…….You are just a giant of light who somehow possesses the power of darkness. You are completely vulnerable to me now.”

Looking at Meng Xu who was hiding away, the second-generation Kirialodian laughed wildly and seemed extremely confident.”Kill you and sacrifice you to the gods of our faith. What kind of gift will I get then? It’s wonderful to think about it…….”

Sharp hand blades condensed on the arms of the second Kirialodian. He was just about to rush towards Meng Xu, when his running steps suddenly stopped there.

Meng Xu really didn’t know who gave the Kirialoid people confidence. He felt that he could beat himself because he had assimilated all of his race and absorbed the dark energy of who knows who.

But now, Meng Xu is tired of listening to the opponent’s nagging. The energy in his body is chaotic, so outsiders generally cannot see through his strength.

So now he is not ready to pretend anymore. Instead of suppressing the dark energy in his body, the legendary warrior’s five-star dark energy spurts out, and the dark energy that controls his field is swallowed by him in an instant. The second generation Kirialodian in the distance He was also frightened by such terrifying dark energy and his jaw dropped.

This sudden change made all the”evil gods and unspeakable things” in the phase space look horrified.

They had never thought that such a terrifying power fluctuation would occur in the human world.

I’m afraid this power has reached a level that they can’t resist……..No, maybe even surpassed them.

The terrifying power only lasted for a while, and the aura that erupted from his body began to converge into his body.

People returned to normal from the bewitched state. They all looked at the tall silver-black giant in the distance with dull expressions, and they were all shocked.

Looking at the stunned second-generation Kirialodian, Meng Xu seized the opportunity to gather his dark energy into his fists, and then punched out. Dark Storm, Meng Xu’s ray skill in extremely dark form.

After just a moment of energy gathering, it accurately hit the second generation Kirialodian.

The unparalleled powerful attack hit the second-generation Kirialodian, and his chest covered with hard skin dented directly.


Withstanding this extremely powerful ray attack, the huge body of the second-generation Kirialodian flew into the sky uncontrollably.

The strong body withstood the rays poured out by Meng Xu. The second-generation Kirialodian did not make any move to resist. He had already lost consciousness the moment the rays approached his body.

Meng Xu’s powerful ray pierced his chest, and the force had not yet dissipated.

The body of the Kirialodian flew all the way to an altitude of 80,000 meters before slowly stopping. Then it exploded at a distant altitude and turned into fine dust.

Meng Xu turned his head, and the field had long since disappeared. Then the scene changed and transformed into a glorious form again. He charged up and shot out another ray of light. The white light energy ray flew toward the half-open door.

The astonishingly powerful and overbearing energy ray hit the door of hell, and the terrifying power contained in the energy ray shattered the door into nothingness. It returned to calm amidst the violent white light of the explosion.

The sky returned to blue again.

The bright sun hangs high in the sky, shining on the earth.

Meng Xu’s silver eyes looked around, and he saw those people who were gradually waking up from their dull eyes.

I saw the fighter jets circling in the distance, I saw…….On the other side of the distant phase space, I saw those so-called”gods and angels” observing the mortal world.

Looking up at the sky, Meng Xu’s body gradually dissipated among countless silver-white light particles…..

Meng Xu’s figure fell in the dim alley. This battle was very comfortable. He had used 80% of his dark energy in the energy attack in the extremely dark form. How powerful it was. But I may have to reply for a few days.

Okay, I went home to sleep. Just when Meng Xu was about to go home, the cell phone he brought with him suddenly rang.

Seeing the contact above, Meng Xu’s expression moved slightly and he answered the phone.

“Classmate Meng Xu, where are you?”

“I’m watching the fight here…….I don’t know if you’ve seen Captain Yalian, that silver-black giant……..It’s too strong. It’s completely different from the strength he showed before. He killed the terrifying monster instantly with just one blow.”

“Yes, through analysis, the strength shown by Ultraman Jack Ole this time is indeed much stronger, and it does not seem to be at the same level as what he showed before. With the death of the second generation of Kirialodians, the bewitched people have gradually regained their consciousness……..”

“That’s good. There’s nothing going on now. I have to go back to class. It’s still early. Maybe I can go back and make breakfast.”

“Why don’t you stay here for a while?”

“You must be very busy, right? Should you be responsible for the damage caused by monsters and giants, as well as the exploding buildings?”

“It’s a good thing you didn’t mention this, I’ve got a big head now…….Then I won’t keep you here”

“��, I’m going back first, no need to send me off.”

Meng Xu hung up the phone, got up and flew towards home………

A week later.

A week has passed since the Kirialodian incident, and everyone has to look forward. The city that was destroyed at the beginning has also been restored to its original state under the intervention of a mysterious force.

After a week of recovery, Meng Xu had recovered half of his dark and light energy, but he was still unwilling to move. So after arriving at school, when he was considering whether to bask in the sun or go back to the classroom to take a nap, he found something in his pocket. The golden crystal emits faint mental fluctuations

“Something’s wrong?”Meng Xu’s spiritual power touched the spiritual imprint from the white-haired girl.

“Do you have time now? I want to discuss something important with you. Should I come to you, or should you come to me?”

“Important matter?

Meng Xu thought for a while, as if it would be more troublesome for the girl to come to him and be seen by outsiders, and said,”I’ll come over.””

After saying that, Meng Xu walked into the corner, his figure became transparent and invisible, and then he shot directly into the sky from the corridor on the second floor.

The white-haired girl’s villa is located on the hill behind her high school. It is built on the top of the mountain. It has beautiful scenery and occupies a large area. The land is vast, but Meng Xu has never been there before.

When he flew over the villa, he saw a white man wearing a military uniform and a military cap in an open-air flower bed full of green plants and flowers on the third floor of the villa. The girl is already waiting there

“You came”

“I am coming”


“By the way, why are you dressed so strictly at home?”As he said that, Meng Xu took off the white-haired girl’s military cap. Suddenly her silky white hair fell down, and the girl who looked like a little adult became cute.

“Why are you taking my hat off? We’re going to talk about something serious later.”The atmosphere was ruined again. The white-haired girl was very angry. She grabbed Meng Xu’s hand and glared at him fiercely.

“Okay, okay, girls should behave like girls. Let’s go into the house and talk. By the way, won’t you show me around your house?”Meng Xu said nonchalantly.

After saying that, before the white-haired girl could speak, Meng Xu walked inside very familiarly, which surprised the white-haired girl who wanted to talk to him on the rooftop.

“Yo! We meet again.”When Meng Xu just walked into the messy living room full of games, comics, and snacks, his undulating body was lying on the sofa. The lazy black-haired Hanfu beauty said hello to Meng Xu. She was just lying there, and She has restrained her own charm, but her astonishing charm is stronger than any woman Meng Xu has ever encountered.

You can imagine how earth-shattering it would be if this woman fully exuded her own charm, just like her. It represents the ultimate law of beauty and has been generalized into a conceptual existence.

“Hello.”Meng Xu nodded, and then looked at another woman in the room, a purple-haired beauty wearing a gorgeous skirt and a round hat.

At this time, Yakumo Zi was sitting at a table, looking through the books with a contented expression. She was reading a book, with snacks and light wine on the table, very leisurely.

When Meng Xu looked at her, she simply nodded, and then immersed herself in the world of books, looking like an elegant lady.

But when Meng Xu saw the title of the book she was reading, his eyes were very strange, because it was an ancient romance novel. At this time, the white-haired girl came in from behind. After seeing that there was no strange look on Meng Xu’s face, He breathed a sigh of relief, then said seriously

“Let me introduce to you. This is Yakumo Murasaki from Gensokyo. Her strength is at the moon level. She is one of the foreign aids I am looking for this time.”

“This is a stinky fox, you can just call her concubine. She has lived for thousands of years, has many names, and her strength is only so-so.”

When introducing the black-haired beauty, the white-haired girl’s tone was full of dissatisfaction, but from the casual words, it can be seen that the relationship between the two is very close.

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