Yes, that's right, it's the five major families of Shanhai City.

The five major families paid for it, selected some of the most outstanding disciples of their own clan, and asked Lu Zhou to guide them in cultivating the Sanyang Fist of the Perfection Realm and the Ben Thunder Dao of the Dacheng Realm.

In their eyes, if there are children who can cultivate these two combat methods to perfection or completion, let alone 100,000 gold coins, even if it is 500,000 gold coins, they are willing to take it out.

Without it, they know very well that as long as they become talents and have strong combat power, how many gold coins they will need in the future can be easily earned back.

They know very well that combat power is everything.

In this way, Teacher Lu continued to go online for a week.

At this time, Lu Zhou had already consolidated the foundation building, and had begun to quench the bloodline of the foundation building.

Originally, he had already built the foundation and completed it before, but he wanted to make his path more stable, so he was not in a hurry to carry out the cultivation of the foundation building two calcinations.

Lu Zhou consulted his husband and grandson, and learned that cultivating this realm, the most perfect scripture in the Origin Continent, is called the Blood Channeling Vein Sutra.

This scripture is found by the mercenary union.

But merit is required to redeem.

Lu Zhou's current merits are still zero eggs.

In the end, he went to the Wanbao Commercial Company and spent a full 500,000 gold coins to buy a one-time transmission jade Jian with a record of the Blood Movement Meridian.

To tell the truth, although Lu Zhou's current worth is several million, this scripture costs 500,000 yuan, and it is still a one-time use....

This situation still made him feel a little shocked.

You know, this is more than ten times more expensive than a yellow-level combat method.

The four elements of cultivation, the law of wealth, are indeed indispensable.

"No way, who called this scripture, it is indeed the best scripture in the current foundation building, and the descendants of the great lords of the major kings realm, they also practiced this set of scriptures when they were building the foundation and the second calcion.

The old man Guan Xiaoyou is a person with great courage, and if you want to cultivate, you must cultivate the best method.

In comparison, the rest of the methods that are much cheaper, the cultivation effect must be much worse, and the old man believes that Xiaoyou can't look at it. The

treasurer told Lu Zhou like this, I have to say that he really said this to Lu Zhou's heart, which is one of the reasons why Lu Zhou paid quickly.

At the same time, the treasurer also recommended the Blood Movement Pulse Pill to Lu Zhou, saying that taking this Pill to assist in the practice of Moving Blood Pulse can complement each other.

Not only can it greatly increase his cultivation speed, but the foundation he has built is also the strongest, and the heirs of the Great Venerable of the King Realm still practice like this!

And this pill, worth 10,000 gold, is more than ten times more expensive than the calcined bone cleansing pill that Zhuji Yi took with a calcination!

Lu Zhou found out that this old man's mouth was really practiced, and it went to Lu Zhou's heart.

In the end, Lu Zhou took out another 1 million gold and bought 100 Blood Shifting Pills.

When he was calcined on the foundation, he knocked 30 pills before he cultivated the foundation to perfection.

He estimated that this foundation building should require more elixirs, after all, the more difficult it is to cultivate.

This is a full 100 pills, he estimated that it should be not bad!

If it's not enough, make it up!

After buying these pills, Lu Zhou was about to leave, but suddenly, the treasurer stopped him.

As soon as you open your mouth, you are a little friend, the old man sees your bones are clear, and his eyes contain divine light, and he will become a great vessel in the future.

The old man still has some exercises, combat methods, body techniques, etc., I wonder if you need to take a look?

"Most cultivators, when they were in the first three calves of foundation building, as long as the resources were sufficient, they entered the realm very quickly, and it was rumored that my prince of the Qin State was extremely talented, and it only took ten days to reach the realm of the great consummation of the three calcinations of foundation building.

Little friend, you have purchased the exercises of the foundation building two calcinations, why don't you buy all the exercises of the foundation building three calcinations, and even the foundation building four and five calcinations?

And now the old man here, there are just goods, all of them are the most perfect cultivation exercises in the various realms of the foundation.

Nowadays, demonized creatures are rampant, and business roads are often destroyed... The old man is worried that the next time you come over, you may not have the most perfect exercises to provide you.

Wouldn't it be a pity to delay Xiaoyou's time at that time?

When Lu Zhou thought about it, his words seemed quite reasonable.

I asked the treasurer, what are the most perfect exercises for building the foundation three, four and five?

How is it sold?

Seeing Lu Zhou's intention, the treasurer's great joy, his mouth was screaming.

However, Lu Zhou just listened to him quote a price.

Immediately clenched his fists and said 'farewell'!

Immediately turned around in stride, ready to flash people.


It's so dark!

His heart was filled with the word black in an instant.

In particular, the most perfect technique of building the foundation of the three calcinations is called the Yuan Fetal Transformation Cocoon Sutra, and its one-time transmission jade is worth more than ten million gold coins.

The price is more than twenty times that of the Blood Movement Meridian!

The perfect exercises of the three calcinations of foundation building are all at this price, but what about the four calcinations of foundation building?

What about Wuxuan?

Is it worth hundreds of millions, billions of gold coins?

He realized that he was still too poor.

I also understood why I often heard the old cow crying poverty, and why the higher up the path of cultivation, the fewer the cultivators.

If nothing else, the amount of money required to practice this practice alone has already blocked the vast majority of cultivators.

Not to mention the rest of the resources to assist in the practice.

Some cultivators, who can't get so much money and buy the most perfect exercises, can only retreat to the second place and buy poor exercises.

This would definitely cause their cultivation realm to be insufficient.

And they couldn't afford to buy treasures such as elixirs to assist in cultivation.

It can only rely on time, to grind slowly....

Eventually, the gap formed and grew bigger and wider, until it was completely out of the team, or even cut off the path of cultivation.

The pyramid effect of the spiritual world began to take shape.

"Xiaoyou thinks it's expensive?"

"It's not expensive, it's black..."

Lu Zhou complained.

The speechlessness of the treasurer!

"Xiaoyou, do you know that refining this Transmission Jade Jane is not easy?

It takes the combined efforts of alchemists and formation masters who have reached the spirit level to be able to refine a Transmission Jade Jane.

And if you want to record exercises and battle methods in these transmission jade Janes, you need to at least reach the Divine Sea Realm cultivators with divine consciousness to be able to do so.

Every time a Transmission Jade Jane is burned, it will consume a part of the power of divine sense, the higher the level of the burning exercise, the greater its consumption, if there is no elixir to recuperate, it will take a long time to recover.

Does Gongzi still think that this transmission jade is simple? Listening

to him say this, it seems that it is really not expensive.

Lu Zhou was powerless to refute.

In the end, Lu Zhou still did not leave, and he was pulled by the treasurer.

Finally, under the three-inch tongue of the treasurer, he hollowed out his family and bought two Xuan-level battle methods, one Xuan-level body method, and more than ten yellow-level battle methods!

Those two Xuan-level combat methods, Lu Zhou had learned from Lao Niu Lao Pang to the Xiaocheng realm, and among the more than ten Huang-level battle methods, several of them he had also learned from Lao Niu Lao Pang, and they were not complete.

The reason why he chose these is more for the old cow and their consideration, Lu Zhou wants to comprehend these battle methods to complete or become a master, and then instruct the old cow to cultivate.

It can also be regarded as returning them a little favor in advance.

Time passed quickly, and seven days flew by.

Since he accepted other people's money, Lu Zhou would naturally fulfill his obligations seriously.

He did not hide his selfishness, but all of them carefully pointed out and taught, pointed out the mistakes in their combat cultivation, corrected them and solved their confusion.

The people who can be sent by the five major families must be some cultivators with outstanding qualifications, and they originally have a good foundation in Sanyang Fist and Ben Thunder Dao.

Coupled with Lu Zhou's unselfishly and meticulous guidance, they have made very good progress every day.

Seven days later, more than ten people had cultivated the Sanyang Fist to the Dacheng realm, and the rest were not far from the Sanyang Fist Dacheng.

As for the Xuan-level Battle Technique Thunder Saber, all thirty people had cultivated it to Xiaocheng, and a few of them were already close to the realm of Dacheng.

I believe that it is only a matter of time before they are given another period of cultivation and enter Dacheng.

In just seven days, each of their combat power has increased a lot.

The major families were very satisfied with the hundreds of thousands of gold coins they spent.

On the last day, Old Man Sima even personally came to the door, picking up his little girl by the way, and also wanted to discuss with Lu Zhou.

He said that he hoped that Lu Zhou would continue to run this training course, and for this reason, he was even willing to add more money.

For this, Lu Zhou did not hesitate and directly refused.

This is not the way he should go.

Because, just last night, he had a deep conversation with his husband and grandson.

My husband and grandson told him a lot.

I emphasized that without experiencing the beating of the wind and rain, the sapling will never grow into a towering tree....

If you can't turn the cultivation gains into real combat power through actual combat, everything will be like a dream bubble in the air.

Old Gongsun believed that Lu Zhou should go outside the city to fight some bloody battles and squeeze the potential of his body, only in this way could the foundation of cultivation become more and more stable and solid.

Otherwise, the realm he cultivated by relying on drugs would become an increasingly heavy shackle on his cultivation path.

At the same time, Lao Gongsun also said that although Lu Zhou had cultivated some combat methods to perfection or completion.

But success in cultivation is one thing, and dismantling moves is another, none of this can explain anything!

Often the strong are fought out through one bloody battle after another.

He said that Lu Zhou did not fully exert the power of those tactics.

He also said that if he wanted to defeat Tang Tian, he could only take the road of bloody battle.

Fight all the way to the end, fight to the strongest!

He said that Lu Zhou's path has now gone astray.

In the eyes of the real strong, the so-called money is nothing but dung!

"You keep the treasure house with you without knowing it!"

Old Man Sun looked at Lu Zhou, his tone was unprecedentedly harsh, and he was a little distressed.

"You're wasting your time, you're going off the rails, do you know why my mercenary union is the most powerful force in the Terrans?

Everything is because of the system of training juniors by my mercenary union.

The purpose of freeing you is so that you are not bound by all the rules and regulations on the path of cultivation, so that your nature can be completely released so that it will not be suppressed.

So that you will not lose your spirituality!

The mercenary union advocates 'fighting', does not directly provide you with the cultivation resources you need, and lets you 'fight' by yourself, in order to temper you.

It is this cultivation mode that is different from the rest of the forces that makes our mercenary union the most powerful force in the Terran race.

You keep the treasure trove with you without knowing it! (He repeated the phrase again, in a tone of regret.) What

your eyes should see, is not what money, but the level of authority you have in the mercenary union, is merit!

What you can buy in the outside world will definitely be found in the treasure house of the mercenary union.

And it must be cheaper than the value of the outside world!

Remember, power is everything!

With combat power, you will have everything you want!

Paying to teach others to practice is just wasting your time to practice!

Terrans, maybe there is not much time left, we need you to grow up as soon as possible, when the older generation supports the sky, it is time for you to support the sky yourself..."

His words silenced Lu Zhou.

That night, Lu Zhou lay on the roof, looking up at the sky full of stars, and did not close his eyes all night.

Old Gongsun's words kept turning in his heart, like a heavenly knife, cutting away the fog in front of him.

The day after the training, early in the morning, Lu Zhou took the knife, took over several internal tasks, and strode out of Shanhai City!

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