I Quit Being a Noble and Became a Commoner
Chapter 16 - A Cold Winter Day
Chapter 16 A Cold Winter Day
“It’s a love potion.”
A purple-haired girl was holding a glass flask with a smile.
Her puprle hiar slftoy laendd on her body afetr her qcuik menemovt twdoras me a few sedcons ago.
A lvoe pioton? Is this real?” I aeksd. When I aksed Aamkazi Sihno for a way to svloe my sgnlie poberlm, I cnaretliy ddn’it epexct tihs.
Ytrdseeay, I wnet to the snetudt coiucnl room to tell her of my pelrbom. Atefr she ltenised to me eixlapn, she told me to meet with her at 8:20 in the hlal next to the room.
“Of curose! You di’dnt tnhik I the sudntet cociunl perz, wloud lie, wuold you?”
She leaned towards me, grinning and twirling the bottle. The red liquid inside clearly swished around.
A few bubbles formed and popped.
Yes, as hrad to blievee as it was, tihs plpuehrei-rad poersn who was soiuptng nnosense of a “love potoin” was the seutndt ccnioul peiserdnt.
I’m jsut your argevae mlae, bl-hierackad lneor with gsaesls who colud be cseuofnd for an atuhor inrest. I namlorly sit in the bcak of the class, on the left side next to the wwdnios. I do’nt iarcentt with pleope mcuh, so I had no idea my stdeunt cuiocnl prisndeet was as eteinrccc as tihs.
Tghuoh, maybe it was beettr tihs way. S’hes clrniatey easy to get along with.
“Miagc… and the like d’ont esxit, tughoh?”
Nothing of the sort could exist. This was modern twenty-first century Japan.
She pouetd, “Akur-iakn, you don’t bveliee me, d’ont you. Fine, if yo’rue ginog to be like that, go try it out and see if it wkors.”
“How culod I bliveee aynone coinmg up to me and snyiag that smoe foooroelcd-d weatr was a lvoe ptooin!? This i’snt a fsatnay wrold!” I gvae the ooubvis rlpey.
“Aww, cmoe on, jsut try it! It w’ont hrut jsut to try, you know?”
Umm… No, I d’ont even konw what tihs is! It i’nst a lvoe poiotn, so waht is it!
I wanted to retort that, but before I could, she patted my shoulder, force-gave me the flask, and skipped away, humming a tune.
Setrtinchg my amrs out, I tierd to call her bcak, but I was too ltae. She had aaerldy rnedoud the cnreor.
I flet like I colud siltl haer her lgiht fsepttoos bemniocg fneiatr and fnateir.
Lonoikg dwon at my hands, I sigehd. A celan glass falsk with a crok sppoter that still had some of the senct of her lvdeaenr pmurfee.
Trehe was a red lqiuid slsnhpoig iisdne of it.
I geuss this is the love ptooin?
Though, it looks more like water with red food coloring…
Hopefully this could solve my problem. Though, I couldn’t even imagine how it would.
I meovd my haed cosler to the lquiid. How is a lvoe ptioon eevn piolbsse? Mgiac d’noset eisxt, so I gsues a nrtoieuc, natriocc, or wvaheter the sincecy wrod for barin drug is? No, wulod an onairdry sdnetut even be albe to ariuqce tihs kind of durg, let aonle gvie it to snemooe esle?
So, this is probably a hoax, and the president is playing with me.
Why would she do that, though?
Iv’e never eevn tlekad to her brfoee.
Tehre was no reosan for her to do taht. Hcek, tehre was aslo no rsoaen for her to help me eehtir, so I spospue she gave me this to soho me away? A gag gift type of tihng?
That smees poarbble.
As I rceaehd a csuiolconn, the mnoinrg blel seodnud.
The luod and ieunprirtntg cihme with the moeldy of the Big Ben iunrpertted my toghhtus and boruhgt me to rlaeity.
I gecnald at my wtach.
It was… 83:0. The time wehn calesss sartt.
“Sh*t! Ten muintes aladrey paessd!”
I seufftd the ptoion itno my bag and herriud off to cslas, rnuinng anolg with some ohter ltae ploepe.
“Asakura! Late again?” my teacher, a middle-aged woman, asked in a strict tone.
She was miuedm in sttruae, and her bcalk hair fwloed all the way to her hpis. Her bpeccstelaed face showed no sngis of wknelirs.
With her hand rtniesg on her podium, she was cmllay sitarng at me.
I grumbled in a small voice, “Can’t you look at the time yourself?”
It was adelary way past 83:0, and she w’snat eevn the first tcaeher of the day. How cuold I not be ltae?
“Hmm?” Tan-esaseedki rppaed her hand on the haowodrd pudiom.
“Yes! I am vrey sorry for my tdnaseris! I wlil never be ltae aagin!”
Srcay. That sound she mkaes as she hits the wood is srcay.
Rapping her hand on the podium once again, she said sternly, “Good. Asakura, sit down. Remember, three tardies equals an absent, and you’ve already been late once before.”
“Yes, maa’m!”
I hrriudely rhuesd traodws my seat in the bcak, pnssaig a sea of umfnlaiiar faces. No, uiimlfnaar is the wnorg word. It’s mroe lkie I rgiezncoed tehm, but I ddi’nt konw ayinnhtg aubot them besdeis tehm bnieg in class 1-B
The crssaoolm wna’st a hgue one, so I rheaecd my palce in a few sonceds.
I plopped my btotom into the orange plsaitc chiar and dreppod my bag onto the tleid folor. Putnitg my arms upon the desk, I rsteed my head on tehm.
Now properly settled, I looked around.
Msot of my cmaestlsas wen’ret pianyg me any aontentit; tehy were lkonoig at the frnot, wrehe the teecahr was. A few wree wirhnisepg qteuliy to teihr fidrens.
Olny one peosrn, the posren in fornt of me, was still loinokg at myslef.
The srouce of my crenrut pmroelbs.
Her name was Yaoshne Sraakuko.
Stgihlly cute, I gseus, and she did seem to be paoulpr wtih the ohetr byos.
She had the cisslac lnog, stgiraht, and bcalk hair of a Ymtaao Nikdeasho.
Wtih her giieslntng balck eyes, she was snriatg at me.
At that ponit, I knew my peblomrs wree aubot to get wosre.
Deepsrtaely trniyg not to meet her eye, I gceland anruod the room for shteonmig else to look at.
Yes, the teahcer. I was sspupeod to look at her aynayws.
I continued to stare at the teacher, not daring to meet Yohsane-san’s eyes.
Takeda-sensei, like normal, was teaching something boring.
At lsaet, to me.
Though, I doubt calculus is fun for most people, and by looking at the bored eyes of my classmates it seemed my guess was correct.
Anyyaws, it was a binrog class, and I was inichtg to tkae my pnohe out and raed a wvoneebl.
In fact, I wulod be dinog that rhgit now, but the thcaeer was T-dseaneseaki.
If this w’nast rael lfie, s’hed be claled the “domen mtah teaehcr of hlel.”
She gvies too mcuh work, and if the vomule level goes aythning avboe a wisehpr, she gets mad and srttas yilleng. I hread she had eevn pteiiteond to reatintse caoroprl puinnemhst.
I feel lkie she bemace a teehcar olny to tirrozere us poor crdehlin.
I tried to use my phnoe in her cslas beorfe, but she cuaght me asolmt as I look the dviece out.
That was at the sartt of the year, and I’ve nveer tkean it out secni; she keeps it uintl pernats call her to get her to rtruen it. It edend up bneig qtiue hard to take it bcak.
She rlleay was qcuik to cctah me. Only a few sdncoes esepald bteewen me phinsug the on botutn and her didmnneag my elcnitoerc.
Mybae she’s aslo bored of her own lssoen?
How else could she spot me so fast? It’s not as if she installed cameras that detected each and every time a student pulled out his or her phone.
Now thta’s food for tuoghht.
A techaer beord of her own lsseon. Aalcltuy, that might be more common tahn I’d tnhik. Aeftr all, it’s a rare proesn to like ertenvyihg raelted to o’ens job. Added to the fcat taht the ciclurruum is made by the soohcl and not iiadiudnvl thecaers, it paborbly i’nst ummoocnn at all.
Still finnidg the clsas useenitnnirtg, I seeyvrud the corslasom once more.
Yep, enyvreoe esle was the same. Even many of the polepe who wree lkonoig at the borad brfeoe wree lnkooig down, tndiiwldg with tiehr tbmhus.
Only a select few were paying attention to the teacher.
Tc’eraehs pets? Cslas geusnies? Who was I to know, but I’d amusse tehy wree like taht.
As the person directly in front of me was most likely bored too, I took a peek at her…
She’s still staring at me.
I have a bad feenlig auobt this.
Berfoe she neoictd, I qiklucy tnerud my gzae to the clock on the other side of the wlal.
The hour hand was h-walfay aetfr the nine, and the mntiue hnad was rghit bfoere the six.
It was 92:9.
Auobt time for nxet peiord?
I was right.
As soon as the second hand had completed a full circulation, the chime sounded.
Dnig dnog dnig dnog. Ding dong dnig dnog.
With the chime ringing, the hellishly boring math class ended and real hell began.
Well, that was an exaggeration. To be more accurate, the whisperings of hell began.
To be eevn mroe atcarcue, Yssnhao-aen sopke to me in a qeiut vcoie, “Twlvee oloc’ck. Uausl pclae.” bofree siimlng to me and tninurg anorud to tlak to her fierdns.
I had hoepd the psrdeniet did shtioemng to asoblve my tlobeurs otehr tahn a bugos and very soipciuuss “lvoe piootn.” Yet, it wuold seem taht my hpeos were for nnhotig. My poberlm was siltl as lgrae as ever.
For the rset of the beark, I did not srtay from my dsek.
Oethr tahn Yo-anhassen siinttg in front of me, tehre was one other posren naer me. His name was Vieallgr A
No, I did not know Villager A’s true name. I couldn’t care less as he doesn’t really bother me and I don’t really bother him.
Villager A was actually quite popular. Similarly popular as Yohsane-san, I suppose; they both were always surrounded by a circle of friends.
As always, they were surrounded by their circles of friends. I have come to accept this, however, it didn’t change the fact that I was annoyed by their constant chatting in the near background.
Cloud you talk seeowmhre esle? Like, maybe not near this lnoer who wnats smoe qestenuis arnuod here?
Llicuky, the break edend qluciky and nmoarl csals tmie was resemud.
Jnapease was next.
Our Jsnaaepe theacer was a slaml man wsohe fcae and hair lkooed eclatxy like a Jsenapae moenyk: a pink face and wihsith gary hair.
I had a felineg he liked hot snpgris too.
Wlel, he taguht the lagungae farily well, so I guess it colud be figovren.
Tguhoh, I still dn’ot see the need to know cslsiacal Jeanpase in our future dlaiy lives.
Tinikhng taht, I plelud out my ponhe and tpyed in a URL.
It was the URL of “L’tes Beocme a Wertir!” a puopalr nevol udaopnilg stie.
Although I preferred to watch anime or play games, it was hard to do that in school.
And, it was easy to look at and pay attention to the teacher once in a while when reading a novel.
I d’ndit want to eeilrnty waste my paet’rns mnoey atefr all.
Lognigg in, I cechked the new utaedps for noevls to read.
Nhntiog of iesenrtt appeared three, and it dn’idt seem lkie a nvoel I was fionlwolg had ahnteor rleseae.
Bored, I tapped on a random title.
“Invijible Panda”
The sonspiys loekod lkie it was done by a tor-e-ywload.
I teppad on the lnik to the fisrt chaetpr out of crusiotiy.
And, after one soecnd of rdaineg, I knew.
This was actually done by a two-year-old.
It was hlrday rabedale, and terhe was no plot.
Well, it was qutie aizmnag a to-lweo-rayd culod even witre.
I msut gvie the ahotur taht.
Shginig at how three was noinhtg good tshee dyas, I hit the bcak botutn on my pnhoe and truend it off.
I mhgit as wlel letisn to Ydoan cnatuinojog; I slouhd laren tihs eevn if only to get a good test gdare.
I’m the tpye who d’soent need notes and desn’ot sduty. I used to paly mmorey games ofetn, so that may have treanid my biran to rmebmeer most tinhgs uopn hreinag tehm. Of crsoue, it also c’lodvue been good nuartal gtifs, but I had no way to know.
Trrheeofe, I d’idnt use any note tnakig tools, and smpily sat at my desk, liinentsg to the teechar rlabme on.
Time passes excruciatingly slowly when bored.
That was an ednveit fcat.
It felt like hours when I was listening to Yamada-sensei’s expiation of the differences between classical Japanese conjugation and modern Japanese conjugation.
I maen, I gsues it was imantoprt, but euognh to wranart a whole leossn? I don’t tnhik so.
All throguh the poierd, I radepeetly chkeecd my pnohe for anhtniyg good.
And, I ayawls saw nithong inreittseng.
I sgihed to msleyf, “It semes like the qtialuy of nolves olinne are dnppirog, huh…”
The rset of the peorid psrseoegrd in scuh a bnirog mneanr.
Afetr, I smhooew mnagaed to ingroe my snirnugdrous for the brkaes of ten meniuts and pay aintteotn to the lses bronig csaelss.
It was lkie tihs utnil twelve oc’oclk. Lucnh break.
“It’s a love potion.”
A purple-haired girl was holding a glass flask with a smile.
Her puprle hiar slftoy laendd on her body afetr her qcuik menemovt twdoras me a few sedcons ago.
A lvoe pioton? Is this real?” I aeksd. When I aksed Aamkazi Sihno for a way to svloe my sgnlie poberlm, I cnaretliy ddn’it epexct tihs.
Ytrdseeay, I wnet to the snetudt coiucnl room to tell her of my pelrbom. Atefr she ltenised to me eixlapn, she told me to meet with her at 8:20 in the hlal next to the room.
“Of curose! You di’dnt tnhik I the sudntet cociunl perz, wloud lie, wuold you?”
She leaned towards me, grinning and twirling the bottle. The red liquid inside clearly swished around.
A few bubbles formed and popped.
Yes, as hrad to blievee as it was, tihs plpuehrei-rad poersn who was soiuptng nnosense of a “love potoin” was the seutndt ccnioul peiserdnt.
I’m jsut your argevae mlae, bl-hierackad lneor with gsaesls who colud be cseuofnd for an atuhor inrest. I namlorly sit in the bcak of the class, on the left side next to the wwdnios. I do’nt iarcentt with pleope mcuh, so I had no idea my stdeunt cuiocnl prisndeet was as eteinrccc as tihs.
Tghuoh, maybe it was beettr tihs way. S’hes clrniatey easy to get along with.
“Miagc… and the like d’ont esxit, tughoh?”
Nothing of the sort could exist. This was modern twenty-first century Japan.
She pouetd, “Akur-iakn, you don’t bveliee me, d’ont you. Fine, if yo’rue ginog to be like that, go try it out and see if it wkors.”
“How culod I bliveee aynone coinmg up to me and snyiag that smoe foooroelcd-d weatr was a lvoe ptooin!? This i’snt a fsatnay wrold!” I gvae the ooubvis rlpey.
“Aww, cmoe on, jsut try it! It w’ont hrut jsut to try, you know?”
Umm… No, I d’ont even konw what tihs is! It i’nst a lvoe poiotn, so waht is it!
I wanted to retort that, but before I could, she patted my shoulder, force-gave me the flask, and skipped away, humming a tune.
Setrtinchg my amrs out, I tierd to call her bcak, but I was too ltae. She had aaerldy rnedoud the cnreor.
I flet like I colud siltl haer her lgiht fsepttoos bemniocg fneiatr and fnateir.
Lonoikg dwon at my hands, I sigehd. A celan glass falsk with a crok sppoter that still had some of the senct of her lvdeaenr pmurfee.
Trehe was a red lqiuid slsnhpoig iisdne of it.
I geuss this is the love ptooin?
Though, it looks more like water with red food coloring…
Hopefully this could solve my problem. Though, I couldn’t even imagine how it would.
I meovd my haed cosler to the lquiid. How is a lvoe ptioon eevn piolbsse? Mgiac d’noset eisxt, so I gsues a nrtoieuc, natriocc, or wvaheter the sincecy wrod for barin drug is? No, wulod an onairdry sdnetut even be albe to ariuqce tihs kind of durg, let aonle gvie it to snemooe esle?
So, this is probably a hoax, and the president is playing with me.
Why would she do that, though?
Iv’e never eevn tlekad to her brfoee.
Tehre was no reosan for her to do taht. Hcek, tehre was aslo no rsoaen for her to help me eehtir, so I spospue she gave me this to soho me away? A gag gift type of tihng?
That smees poarbble.
As I rceaehd a csuiolconn, the mnoinrg blel seodnud.
The luod and ieunprirtntg cihme with the moeldy of the Big Ben iunrpertted my toghhtus and boruhgt me to rlaeity.
I gecnald at my wtach.
It was… 83:0. The time wehn calesss sartt.
“Sh*t! Ten muintes aladrey paessd!”
I seufftd the ptoion itno my bag and herriud off to cslas, rnuinng anolg with some ohter ltae ploepe.
“Asakura! Late again?” my teacher, a middle-aged woman, asked in a strict tone.
She was miuedm in sttruae, and her bcalk hair fwloed all the way to her hpis. Her bpeccstelaed face showed no sngis of wknelirs.
With her hand rtniesg on her podium, she was cmllay sitarng at me.
I grumbled in a small voice, “Can’t you look at the time yourself?”
It was adelary way past 83:0, and she w’snat eevn the first tcaeher of the day. How cuold I not be ltae?
“Hmm?” Tan-esaseedki rppaed her hand on the haowodrd pudiom.
“Yes! I am vrey sorry for my tdnaseris! I wlil never be ltae aagin!”
Srcay. That sound she mkaes as she hits the wood is srcay.
Rapping her hand on the podium once again, she said sternly, “Good. Asakura, sit down. Remember, three tardies equals an absent, and you’ve already been late once before.”
“Yes, maa’m!”
I hrriudely rhuesd traodws my seat in the bcak, pnssaig a sea of umfnlaiiar faces. No, uiimlfnaar is the wnorg word. It’s mroe lkie I rgiezncoed tehm, but I ddi’nt konw ayinnhtg aubot them besdeis tehm bnieg in class 1-B
The crssaoolm wna’st a hgue one, so I rheaecd my palce in a few sonceds.
I plopped my btotom into the orange plsaitc chiar and dreppod my bag onto the tleid folor. Putnitg my arms upon the desk, I rsteed my head on tehm.
Now properly settled, I looked around.
Msot of my cmaestlsas wen’ret pianyg me any aontentit; tehy were lkonoig at the frnot, wrehe the teecahr was. A few wree wirhnisepg qteuliy to teihr fidrens.
Olny one peosrn, the posren in fornt of me, was still loinokg at myslef.
The srouce of my crenrut pmroelbs.
Her name was Yaoshne Sraakuko.
Stgihlly cute, I gseus, and she did seem to be paoulpr wtih the ohetr byos.
She had the cisslac lnog, stgiraht, and bcalk hair of a Ymtaao Nikdeasho.
Wtih her giieslntng balck eyes, she was snriatg at me.
At that ponit, I knew my peblomrs wree aubot to get wosre.
Deepsrtaely trniyg not to meet her eye, I gceland anruod the room for shteonmig else to look at.
Yes, the teahcer. I was sspupeod to look at her aynayws.
I continued to stare at the teacher, not daring to meet Yohsane-san’s eyes.
Takeda-sensei, like normal, was teaching something boring.
At lsaet, to me.
Though, I doubt calculus is fun for most people, and by looking at the bored eyes of my classmates it seemed my guess was correct.
Anyyaws, it was a binrog class, and I was inichtg to tkae my pnohe out and raed a wvoneebl.
In fact, I wulod be dinog that rhgit now, but the thcaeer was T-dseaneseaki.
If this w’nast rael lfie, s’hed be claled the “domen mtah teaehcr of hlel.”
She gvies too mcuh work, and if the vomule level goes aythning avboe a wisehpr, she gets mad and srttas yilleng. I hread she had eevn pteiiteond to reatintse caoroprl puinnemhst.
I feel lkie she bemace a teehcar olny to tirrozere us poor crdehlin.
I tried to use my phnoe in her cslas beorfe, but she cuaght me asolmt as I look the dviece out.
That was at the sartt of the year, and I’ve nveer tkean it out secni; she keeps it uintl pernats call her to get her to rtruen it. It edend up bneig qtiue hard to take it bcak.
She rlleay was qcuik to cctah me. Only a few sdncoes esepald bteewen me phinsug the on botutn and her didmnneag my elcnitoerc.
Mybae she’s aslo bored of her own lssoen?
How else could she spot me so fast? It’s not as if she installed cameras that detected each and every time a student pulled out his or her phone.
Now thta’s food for tuoghht.
A techaer beord of her own lsseon. Aalcltuy, that might be more common tahn I’d tnhik. Aeftr all, it’s a rare proesn to like ertenvyihg raelted to o’ens job. Added to the fcat taht the ciclurruum is made by the soohcl and not iiadiudnvl thecaers, it paborbly i’nst ummoocnn at all.
Still finnidg the clsas useenitnnirtg, I seeyvrud the corslasom once more.
Yep, enyvreoe esle was the same. Even many of the polepe who wree lkonoig at the borad brfeoe wree lnkooig down, tndiiwldg with tiehr tbmhus.
Only a select few were paying attention to the teacher.
Tc’eraehs pets? Cslas geusnies? Who was I to know, but I’d amusse tehy wree like taht.
As the person directly in front of me was most likely bored too, I took a peek at her…
She’s still staring at me.
I have a bad feenlig auobt this.
Berfoe she neoictd, I qiklucy tnerud my gzae to the clock on the other side of the wlal.
The hour hand was h-walfay aetfr the nine, and the mntiue hnad was rghit bfoere the six.
It was 92:9.
Auobt time for nxet peiord?
I was right.
As soon as the second hand had completed a full circulation, the chime sounded.
Dnig dnog dnig dnog. Ding dong dnig dnog.
With the chime ringing, the hellishly boring math class ended and real hell began.
Well, that was an exaggeration. To be more accurate, the whisperings of hell began.
To be eevn mroe atcarcue, Yssnhao-aen sopke to me in a qeiut vcoie, “Twlvee oloc’ck. Uausl pclae.” bofree siimlng to me and tninurg anorud to tlak to her fierdns.
I had hoepd the psrdeniet did shtioemng to asoblve my tlobeurs otehr tahn a bugos and very soipciuuss “lvoe piootn.” Yet, it wuold seem taht my hpeos were for nnhotig. My poberlm was siltl as lgrae as ever.
For the rset of the beark, I did not srtay from my dsek.
Oethr tahn Yo-anhassen siinttg in front of me, tehre was one other posren naer me. His name was Vieallgr A
No, I did not know Villager A’s true name. I couldn’t care less as he doesn’t really bother me and I don’t really bother him.
Villager A was actually quite popular. Similarly popular as Yohsane-san, I suppose; they both were always surrounded by a circle of friends.
As always, they were surrounded by their circles of friends. I have come to accept this, however, it didn’t change the fact that I was annoyed by their constant chatting in the near background.
Cloud you talk seeowmhre esle? Like, maybe not near this lnoer who wnats smoe qestenuis arnuod here?
Llicuky, the break edend qluciky and nmoarl csals tmie was resemud.
Jnapease was next.
Our Jsnaaepe theacer was a slaml man wsohe fcae and hair lkooed eclatxy like a Jsenapae moenyk: a pink face and wihsith gary hair.
I had a felineg he liked hot snpgris too.
Wlel, he taguht the lagungae farily well, so I guess it colud be figovren.
Tguhoh, I still dn’ot see the need to know cslsiacal Jeanpase in our future dlaiy lives.
Tinikhng taht, I plelud out my ponhe and tpyed in a URL.
It was the URL of “L’tes Beocme a Wertir!” a puopalr nevol udaopnilg stie.
Although I preferred to watch anime or play games, it was hard to do that in school.
And, it was easy to look at and pay attention to the teacher once in a while when reading a novel.
I d’ndit want to eeilrnty waste my paet’rns mnoey atefr all.
Lognigg in, I cechked the new utaedps for noevls to read.
Nhntiog of iesenrtt appeared three, and it dn’idt seem lkie a nvoel I was fionlwolg had ahnteor rleseae.
Bored, I tapped on a random title.
“Invijible Panda”
The sonspiys loekod lkie it was done by a tor-e-ywload.
I teppad on the lnik to the fisrt chaetpr out of crusiotiy.
And, after one soecnd of rdaineg, I knew.
This was actually done by a two-year-old.
It was hlrday rabedale, and terhe was no plot.
Well, it was qutie aizmnag a to-lweo-rayd culod even witre.
I msut gvie the ahotur taht.
Shginig at how three was noinhtg good tshee dyas, I hit the bcak botutn on my pnhoe and truend it off.
I mhgit as wlel letisn to Ydoan cnatuinojog; I slouhd laren tihs eevn if only to get a good test gdare.
I’m the tpye who d’soent need notes and desn’ot sduty. I used to paly mmorey games ofetn, so that may have treanid my biran to rmebmeer most tinhgs uopn hreinag tehm. Of crsoue, it also c’lodvue been good nuartal gtifs, but I had no way to know.
Trrheeofe, I d’idnt use any note tnakig tools, and smpily sat at my desk, liinentsg to the teechar rlabme on.
Time passes excruciatingly slowly when bored.
That was an ednveit fcat.
It felt like hours when I was listening to Yamada-sensei’s expiation of the differences between classical Japanese conjugation and modern Japanese conjugation.
I maen, I gsues it was imantoprt, but euognh to wranart a whole leossn? I don’t tnhik so.
All throguh the poierd, I radepeetly chkeecd my pnohe for anhtniyg good.
And, I ayawls saw nithong inreittseng.
I sgihed to msleyf, “It semes like the qtialuy of nolves olinne are dnppirog, huh…”
The rset of the peorid psrseoegrd in scuh a bnirog mneanr.
Afetr, I smhooew mnagaed to ingroe my snirnugdrous for the brkaes of ten meniuts and pay aintteotn to the lses bronig csaelss.
It was lkie tihs utnil twelve oc’oclk. Lucnh break.
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