I Quit Being The Villain

138 Earthy Protag's Death!


A body flew through the trees, destroying several in the process.

"W-Who the fuck!?" Zhao Yunhai muttered as he found himself lying in a crater with no damage to his body.

Gu Xia appeared in front of Zhao Yunhai with a big smile on his face.

"I wonder how you managed to get past my senses, you random!" Even while resting, he kept his senses open for possible attack.

"Ahh~, you foolish protag, there are thousands of ways to trick one's senses."

Zhao Yunhai looked neutrally at the random man who attacked him: "... I call that bullshit."

"Hahaha, you really underestimate how big the world is."


Gu Xia watched with interest as Zhao Yunhai rose and destroyed the surrounding terrain through his lack of control.

"Okay, earthly protag. You will fight me just using your strength." Gu Xia cracked his neck a little.

"I'll kill you off here." He spoke with the same big smile on on face as he cracked the bones in his hand with a monstrous grip.

Gu Xia's eyes widened when Zhao Yunhai disappeared from in front of him, and appeared beside him.

"Don't underestimate me..."

Gu Xia instinctively placed both arms in front of him to defend himself.


A monstrous punch landed on his crossed guard.

As Gu Xia flew, he was delighted when he saw the result of Zhao Yunhai's punch, his arms had been broken.

'Interesting~' Gu Xia's blood red eyes flashed.

His smile grew even wider, his smile became more bloodthirsty.

Regaining his center of gravity, Gu Xia dropped to the ground while looking straight ahead, specifically at Zhao Yunhai who had just arrived.

"Well, Well~, shall we dance!!!" Gu Xia's tone was predatory. He was looking at the man in front of him as if he were a very succulent piece of meat, a slab of meat he would kill.

In the blink of an eye, the two disappeared and crash into each other.

An explosion erupted from their point of impact, a crater formed below them, and once again they disappeared, and appeared in another place, this time clashing against each other's right legs in a devestating kick.

The Martial Arts of the two were mirror copies; they were both masters at fighting, after all.

The exchange of blows began to get stronger and more destructive.

Their rationality was no longer in control, all that was left was...


The purest, most primal instinct!

Sounds of explosions echoed through the area. Trees and land were destroyed, but Gu Xia and Zhao Yunhai's fight never stopped. The two looked at each other with intensity, and at that moment, only the two existed in their little world.

A world that was made just for them.

Slowly but steadily, Zhao Yunhai's attacks were no longer breaking Gu Xia's body, and, while they were leaving bruises, his body was getting stronger the more he was beaten.

Gu Xia's Martial Arts, that the two combatants practiced, were evolving and improving step by step every second that they clashed.

Gu Xia dodged Zhao Yunhai's blow, and punched him in the stomach. For a moment, Zhao Yunhai felt his breath leave his lungs, but quickly ignored that, and punched him in the face.

Blood sprayed from Gu Xia's face, but his smile never left him.

Gu Xia punched Zhao Yunhai in the face.

Zhao Yunhai's entire face caved in and his entire body went flying toward the ground.

With a small smile, Gu Xia darted downward and aimed his foot toward Zhao Yunhai's face.

The next second, before Zhao Yunhai could even react...

Gu Xia's entire foot stomped onto Zhao Yunhai's face... killing him...

'Well, that was a short fight...'

He though to himself.

Suddenly feeling a presence, Gu Xia bit his lip and looked upward, only to be met with a dark portal.

"What the hell is that?"

Out of nowhere, a large giant hand made of black gu, appeared and wrapped around Gu Xia's leg.

"What the fuck!?"

Not being able to react in time, he was pulled into the black portal, in a second.

The last thing he saw was darkness.

What he didn't know was that not far from the area, a divine being was watching while grinding his teeth in anger.

"How dare you kill my fav protag..."

He muttered, killing intent clearly present in his tone.

"Let's see how long you survive in a cultivation world."

The divine being began laughing as he soon disappeared, leaving no traces.

Suddenly, all the heroines felt a unknown link shatter between Gu Xia and themselves, causing distress between all of them.

Some divine beings who took the side of Gu Xia were not happy at this siautiuon...

Somewhere in a white room.

Three feminine figures appeared in front of the giant television with nasty expressions.

A very attractive white young woman who dressed elegantly in a purple dress and wore jewelry on her ears took a step forward.

Her eyelashes were curved and she had a constant disgusted expression on her beautiful face.

She had long pink hair that fell down to her thick ass.

Her name was Jing Fang...

Mei Lin sharpened her gaze at the women.

"What deal? Oh... You mean that bullshit deal between all of us?"

Two women besides one felt absolute rage when they heard this and veins began appearing on their foreheads.

"You stupid slut!"

A beautiful dark skinned woman wearing a golden sheath dress and long golden earrings took a step forward.

She had an amazing athletic figure and just by one glance you could tell she is a tight one.

Her golden hair fell down to her back as her golden eyes shone.

Her expression had disgust but her eyes showed emptiness.

Her name was Chun Hua...

Mei Lin felt her entire body go red in fury as she stood up from the couch and pointed her finger at Chun Hua.

"I'm not a slut! For your information I'm a virgin!"

Sparks flew in the air between Chun Hua and Mei Lin as they gazed each other in the eyes.

"Ara, Ara, calm now ladies... Mei Lin could have just forgotten... After all, she is lacking in the brains department."

A stunning woman who had white snow skin and had a pure and holy aura around her disappeared from where she was standing and reappeared between Mei Lin and Chun Hua.

She had long black hair that fell down to her ginormous ass.

Her eyes were closed and she had a motherly feeling about her.

Out of all the women present she had the biggest tits.

Her name was Zhou Chan...

Both Mei Lin and Chun Hua clicked their tongues in annoyance as they both knew they couldn't beat this old hag.

So, both women stopped glaring at each other and instead let out a humph and looked away from each other.

"Good, now let's talk about why you didn't save MY beloved Gu Xia!!!"

Zhou Chan's eyes turned dark and her holy atmosphere disappeared and was replaced with absolute darkness.

She looked over at Mei Lin.

Mei Lin, Chun Hua, and Jing Fang all looked at Zhou Chan and all spoke at the same time.

"Gu Xia's MINE!"

Again... Sparks flew in the air, this time by all of the women...

Sighing in frustration, Zhou Chan bit her lip and snapped her finger.

Instantly, a dark abyss appeared in thin air, blinding the woman. The dark abyss like a vacuum swallowed the three women with Zhou Chan following behind.

Almost immediately Mei Lin, Chun Hua, and Jing Fang found their vision coming back to them.

"Why are we in our Gu Xia's fandom room?"

Mei Lin was the first to open her mouth as she asked with a gentle expression as she looked at all of the artifacts of Gu Xia scattered around the room.

Zhou Chan also showed a gentle expression as she looked at an elegant divine beautiful masterpiece painting of Gu Xia, after a minute she answered the question.

"This is our peaceful room, which can suppress our obsessive emotions, so we are able to discuss like adults."

The three women standing across from Zhou Chan nodded their heads in agreement as they took a seat around a large glass circle table.

Clapping her hands once causing the lights to lit up, Zhou Chan took a seat and said.

"Great, the 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000th meeting of the Gu Xia fan club has commenced! Now, Mei Lin, explain why you didn't interfere..."

Mei Lin lowered head as she began to explain in a saddening voice.

"Listen... I couldn't interfere with Su Air... He used 2/3 of his divine power to transfer Gu Xia from this world.."

Zhou Chan, Chun Hua, and Jing Fang all bit their lips and clenched their hands as their eyes showed rage.

The room became deathly quiet.

The atmosphere was straight up depression...

Zhou Chan wiped the single tear that fell down her cheek and spoke up.

After an hour of awkward silence, Chun Hua looked over at Mei Lin and opened her mouth.

"Let's take care of Gu Xia's harem... Let him gain power in the cultivation world and let him return back into this world with more power..."


[Gifts like the Massage chair, Luxury car, Dragon, Magic castle, Spacecraft, and Golden Gachapon will be the biggest help! But any size of golden tickets, even if it is one, is amazing!]

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