I Quit Being The Villain

Chapter 69 A Special Dream.

"...Gu Xia... Are you awake?"

Shu Ling whispered, her face was looking the other way from Gu Xia's face.

With a long sigh, Gu Xia's eyes opened and he answered the woman.

"Yes... I'm awake... What?"

Shu Ling bit her lip and gulped.

"G-Gu Xia... Could you tell me about your past self?"

"You mean when I was on earth?"


"Are you sure? I was a cold hearted monster..."

"I don't care about the past you..."

"Really? Well... Fine... I guess it wouldn't hurt for me to tell you... And to be honest this entire thing was a punishment."

Hearing Gu Xia's words, Shu Ling's eyes widened.

"W-What do you mean?"

Gu Xia laughed quietly to himself.

"Me being transmigrated into this novel world was a judgment made by the Gods..."

"A-Are you serious...?"

Shu Ling was in shock.

"Yep. I made the earth a hell hole..."

Gu Xia muttered under his breath but was heard by Shu Ling.

"How did you make earth a hell hole?"

She asked innocently.

"You know what? Neverminded, I rather not say anything right now... Let's get some sleep, ok?"

With those final words, Gu Xia reclosed his eyes leaving Shu Ling with the curiosity plague.

As Gu Xia was drifting off to sleep he found himself in a dream.




"Victor Von Bullet, you are charged with the following: mass murder, mass destruction, genocide, terrorism, conspiracy, incrimination, torture, war crimes, hate crimes-."

The male judge began to sweat and had to take a deep breath before continuing:

"Human trafficking, drug dealing, arms trafficking, theft, treason, war instigation, propaganda, extortion, blackmail, kidnapping, nuclear warfare, racketeering, money laundering, usurpation, **** by proxy, and crimes against humanity."

The entire court room was silent...

Nobody dared to speak.

The only sound that was heard were the clicking sounds of the camera's taking pictures.

At the moment the entire world was watching this trial with great interest.

The man who was being charged with all these crimes stood silently in place with no emotions on his face, only coldness was present.

He who announced war on every country in the world racking in over 5,000,000 K.I.A.

Under his direct order millions suffered and were oppressed.

Tears and blood painted the once 'peaceful' world.

He was labeled the most dangerous man in history to ever roam earth.

He was fighting his own war which held no rules.

No boundaries.

No sympathy.

He didn't flinch at torture, human trafficking, genocide, or the millions of civilians who perished.

He wasn't loyal to a flag or country or any set of ideals.
He traded blood for money.

He lived by his pleasure and displeasure.

His name...?

Victor Von Bullet, also known as the Reaper of Tears.

After years of an all out world war which he started, he was finally caught.

How did he get caught?

Well, he gave himself up...

Yep, he got bored of a total world war and decided to give himself up.

He hadn't even spent a week in a private prison which only held himself before he was put on trial under the eyes of the entire world.

"Do you have anything you want to state?"

The judge asked, his eyes showing disgust.

Victor ignored the blatant hate and shrugged his shoulders.

He then looked over at the cameras which were recording everything live, his eyes were empty and his face was expressionless.

"Any hierarchy other than strength is boring."

Victor casually commented with a sigh leaving his mouth.

He didn't utter a single apology from his vocal cords or tried to ask for forgiveness.

Instead he spoke his ideal of what he thought a hierarchy should be like.

At the moment, he was bored... Really bored...

Seeing the lack of symphony being presented the entire world erupted in rage and soon hatred grew past a boiling point.

It was at this exact moment people all around the world began chanting one thing, "death sentence! Death sentence! Death Sentence!"

Fortunately the judge didn't need to wait on a jury as the punishment was already decided when Victor was captured.

"I hereby sentence Victor Von Bullet to death on a firing squad!"

The judge slammed down his gavel onto a sound block determining the fate of the Reaper of Tears who terrorized the entire world just out of boredom.

The entire courtroom erupted in applause including the entire world which began celebrating that such a nightmare is finally over.

"Don't I get a final meal?"

Victor laughed to himself as he eyed the judge.

The judge gritted his teeth as he yelled, "no!"

"Damn, I really wanted a good steak before I was killed." Victor sighed in disappointment. For some reason he started to have fun with the current situation he was in.

Noticing the behavior, the judge clasped his hands and yelled.

"Get him out of my courtroom!"

Instantly, two military personnel grabbed Victor on each side of his arm and dragged him out of the court room with force.

Once Victor was dragged outside the courtroom one of the military personnel equipped a hood to his face; making it impossible to see.

A doctor who was holding a syringe was waiting patiently only a couple of feet away.

Once the military personnel knew the hooding was on perfectly, they looked over at the doctor and ushered him over.

The doctor did as he was told and walked over.

"Gentlemen... Where do you want me to inject him?"

"Right shoulder."

One of the military personnel spoke.

With a nod, the doctor injected the sharp needle into Victor's right shoulder.

A couple of seconds later, Victor's entire body gave out and went unconscious.

When Victor opened his eyes after an unknown period of time, he discovered he was in a temple.

It appeared to be an ancient structure made out of pure white stone.

'Where am I?'

Victor thought to himself as he looked around.

Suddenly a feminine voice resounded throughout the temple.

"you're inside my personal temple."

A woman with blond hair, dressed in an elegant white tunic, appeared out of thin air with a giant smile on her white face.

She floated in the air delicately.

Her skin, her eyes-everything about her was beyond perfect...

It was clear she wasn't human.

Her beauty was too flawless, it's as if she was carved by a master sculptor.

Any man would have been captivated by her beauty.

Victor showed no interest in the little beauty and instead asked.

"where am I?"

"..." The woman saw no lust inside the man's eyes, she covered her mouth and let out a cute giggle.

"I must admit, you are the first man to not care for my beauty...are you impotent?"

Victor lifted his right brow.

"Sorry sweetheart but I'm not controlled by the little brother inside my pants."

He laughed.

In response to this, the woman's face went a little red but she quickly shook the blush off her face.

Clearing her throat, she began speaking.

"Well, whatever... Aren't you curious why you're here?"

Victor sighed.

"so, it's true... Blondies are truly a lost cause..."

The woman's entire body flinched, disbelief filled her eyes.

'T-this man is so shameless!' She thought to herself.

Clearly hearing the growl starting to leave the woman's mouth, Victor rolled his eyes.

"For the love of god can you just tell me where I am?"

He looked at the woman with annoyance and started to fill voice.


The woman forcing a smile nodded her head. She took a deep breath and began explaining.

"You are currently in my personal domain, I have pulled your soul from the cycle of reincarnation for a judgment."

"Oh, so... What's my judgment?"

The woman licked her lips when she heard Victor's words.

"Let me pull up your soul binding history."

Her eyes began glowing a bright light.

A couple seconds later, she lived through Victor's entire life from his perspective.

"!?-H-How cruel are you!?"

The woman looked at Victor with shock, never in her life as a goddess has she seen someone this evil.

Victor lazily shrugged his shoulders as he answered the woman.

"I was bored."

He let out a yawn.

"T-That doesn't excuse your actions..."

The goddess denied his excuse, instantly.

"I wasn't giving myself an excuse?"

Victor looked at the goddess with a confused look.

"I'm telling you my reason for why I did those actions."

"..." The goddess was silent for a couple of minutes before clearing her 'mortal' conscience and instead decided to read out his judgment.

"Victor Von Bullet, your judgement by the unknown is to be transmigrated into the novel world, [Emperor of Luck] where you will be a villain named, Gu Xia who is spit on and tortured. If you can pass the plot we will return you back to earth."

This was the start before all his hellish torture was about to set off…

He didn't know that this was a judgment by the unknown who wanted to change him and show him that he could change for the better and live life without feeling the need to live for pleasure or displeasure.

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