I Quit Being The Villain

Chapter 76 Savior.

At the current moment, Gu Xia and all the heroines sat around a circled table eating dinner and chatting away.

It was decided that the endings could be put on hold as of right now, for emotional reasons.

Although the heroines said they could handle it... They couldn't in the end so, Gu Xia put his foot down and decided they would pick that conversation up in the future.

As Gu Xia was drinking a glass of Domaine Leroy Musigny Grand Cru he felt his phone buzz inside his pocket.

"Please excuse me."

He told the athletic heroine, Chu Qing, who was speaking about football, hockey, baseball, and other sports to him.

Under the eyes of all the heroines whose conversations died down he took out his phone and unlocked it, he then tapped on the notification.

His eyes slightly widened when his sight landed on the video sent to him.

Without wasting any time he tapped on it, which took a couple seconds to load.

A few seconds later, the video began to play.

After 5 minutes passed and with the video ending, Gu Xia turned off his phone and placed it back inside his pocket where he then covered his face with both his hands.

"Gu Xia, is something wrong?"

Ning Meng, the oldest heroine asked, she had her right hand placed on the right side of her cheek as she was genuinely confused.

And it seemed that all the heroines wanted to ask the same thing, apparent to their confused expressions.

Suddenly, before Ning Meng could open her mouth again to say the exact words she said only a couple seconds ago... Gu Xia started laughing, hysterically.

"AHAHAHA! I can't believe it! Seems like this protagonist is a slave to his dick like the last one."

He wiped the tears that were forming in his eyes, he couldn't help but take a couple deep breaths in order to calm himself.

Hearing such shameful words, all the heroines slightly blushed.

"Gu Xia! Language!"

Shu Ling the iceberg heroine yelled, her eyes darting everywhere.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, calm down princess."

Gu Xia let out a deep sigh, he shrugged his shoulders.

He still couldn't comprehend how the heroines still blush at 'those' words...

20's and 30's... That was the age range for all the heroines present.

For them to blush at those words was childish.

Like for goodness sakes he had slept with multiple of these women!

Pushing back the chair he was currently occupying, he stood up, showing a smile on his handsome face as he began walking out of the dining room.

"Chang Wen, let's go visit your family."

Leaving those words behind, his figure disappeared around the corner.

Chang Wen was stunned for a couple seconds before she reacted.

Grabbing a napkin to wipe off the particles of the dinner that resided on her cheeks, she pushed out her chair in a fast like motion, she then hurriedly ran after Gu Xia.

"Wait for me!"

She let out a yell before her figure disappeared around the corner.

The rest of the heroines merely glanced at each other, ignoring the random leave of Gu Xia and Chang Wen.

After some silence, they all went back to chatting and eating.

Inside each of their minds, they knew it was probably important.

So, out of respect for their 'sister' they kept their questions locked inside their mouths.



Outside Gu Xia's private villa, Chang Wen eventually caught up.

She began to pant, placing her hands on her chest which was heaving up and down.

Sweat dripped down her forehead.

"Jesus, you need to exercise more..."

Gu Xia commented as he turned around, with a small laugh following.

Chang Wen puffed out her cheeks like a chipmunk, she began pouting.


She looked away, her ears turned slightly red.

A sadistic smile formed on Gu Xia's face as took a step forward, he began patting the pouting heroine's head.

"Ok, ok, calm down... Let's get going."

He whispered in her ear then gently blew a small amount of air.

Chang Wen's entire body froze and not just her ears were red... Her entire body was painted blood red.

This made Gu Xia's sadistic side want to go full berserk mode.

But, being a gentleman he controlled his urges and instead removed his hand and walked over to his garage.

Feeling the sense of warmth removed from her blue hair, Chang Wen was slightly disappointed.


She whispered under her breath as she followed behind Gu Xia.

Entering his garage, Gu Xia looked around and was thinking of what vehicle he should drive.

Chang Wen was in complete disbelief as her eyes wandered around.

All these luxury vehicles were more expensive than what she could make in 100 years...

"Oh, how about my black Rolls-Royce Boat Tail."

Gu Xia spoke aloud, he entered into the driver's seat.

The window rolled down.

"Hey, you coming?"

He asked.

Chang Wen snapped out of her disbelief and nodded her head thrice before walking over to the passenger side and entering in.

"How much is this vehicle?"

She looked in awe at the clean exterior, she was hesitant to even touch the seatbelt... Worried she might damage it in any type of way.

She didn't want to be in debt for the rest of her life!

Gu Xia observed this anxious behavior as he turned on the vehicle.

"Stop worrying, I can buy another with a snap of a finger, the only thing that scares me is the gas prices..."

He chuckled, starting the vehicle with a push of a button.

Chang Wen let out an awkward laugh at the small joke.


She truly didn't understand.

After all, she's been riding a bike for her entire life.

Pressing his foot on the petal, Gu Xia put the vehicle in drive and drove out of the garage and out of his private property.

Once they were passed the gate and onto the main road did Chang Wen ask the question which was plaguing her mind.

"Why do you want to see my family?"

She asked in a small voice, her eyes glanced over.

"Why? Because I need to personally make sure they are protected from the new protagonist."

He lightly commented.

At this point, he was already given information that Wu Kuang had made a connection with a slightly powerful person.

Although this slightly powerful person couldn't even make a dent into Gu Xia's power, what was the point of letting Wu Kuang grow more and more?

Only stupid and arrogant people would let their enemies grow more powerful.

So, Gu Xia decided to start taking certain people into his protection in order to keep the heroines from mentally breaking.

He needed working maids... Not broken maids.

"I see... You'll protect my family for me..."

Chang Wen looked downward, she twiddled her fingers as a small gentle smile appeared on her face.

"Of course, you're my property... And I always make sure my property is clean."

Gu Xia smirked.

Chang Wen's heart thumped inside her chest when she heard the word, "property".

'Strange, why am I not mad about being called property?'

She thought to herself with slight curiosity appearing out of thin air.

Gu Xia pulled into a small parking lot and found a spot to fully park his vehicle.

Turning off the vehicle, he stepped out of the driver's seat and texted his subordinates to stand guard around his vehicle.

Chang Wen followed suit and stepped out from the passenger's seat.

She recognized the area they were in almost instantly.

The brick apartment buildings stacked next to each other and the smoke coming up from factories that were nearby...

Homeless people plagued the sidewalk as dangerous looking thugs hung out in alleys.

Trash Cans were tilted over and overfilled, causing trash to spill out onto the road and sidewalk.

Cop cruisers sat on the side of roads, waiting for a crime to occur, after all this area was filled with bad people.

What made this area worse was that the air smelled horrible...

It also didn't help that the atmosphere was depressing.

Chang Wen couldn't help but clench her hands at the pathetic sight of the area she lived in throughout her childhood and teenage years.

This was the main reason why she wouldn't bring school friends to her house.

She didn't want something to happen to them... If something did, she would feel guilt clawing her heart for the rest of her life.

Gu Xia let out a quiet whistle from his mouth.

"Well, this place isn't really clean?"

He commented as he looked at his surroundings.

Chang Wen stopped clenching her hands and instead rubbed her forehead.

"It's gotten worse... A lot worse... I was just here just three weeks ago..."

She looked downward and bit her lip, she hated that her family had to live in such an environment.

Ever since her father crippled his left leg which was the reason he was fired from his job, her mother was forced to take on the role of being the provider.

As she was feeling down in the gutters, a sudden large sturdy hand was placed on her head.

She slowly looked upward and was met with Gu Xia's handsome white face.

"Don't worry, I'll get your family out of this dump."

He assured me with a calm tone.

Chang Wen without realizing found herself captivated from his glowing blood red eyes which seemed to show many complicated emotions.

'You really are my savior...'

. . .

[A/T: Readers! There is a special event going on with golden tickets being doubled! Let's try and reach 1,000 golden tickets! If we reach that goal, I will give you guys a nice Christmas filler chapter about Gu Xia and the other characters enjoying Christmas together. PS, it will be comedic and wholesome!]

[Also, if we reach such a goal I will let the readers pick the first heroine to be digitally illustrated!]

[What are you waiting for!? FEED ME YOUR GOLDEN TICKETS!!!]

[Gifts like the Massage chair, Luxury car, Dragon, Magic castle, Spacecraft, and Golden Gachapon will be the biggest help! But any size of golden tickets, even if it is one, is amazing!]

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