I Quit Being The Villain

Chapter 83 Phoenix International News.

"Master, why have you been so nice to the heroines recently?"

Zi Yu who was invisible to the human eye, currently floated behind Gu Xia with an expressionless face, the reason why she asked this question was because... It was so out of character!

Scoffing at this, Gu Xia rolled his eyes as he left the hotel where he spent the entire night with Chang Wen.

"Why? Isn't is obvious... I want loyalty not fear. Trust me, it will work overtime."

Zi Yu nodded her head as she got into a thinking posture.

"I see, I see, you truly are a womanizer."

"Sure, I guess you could call me that."

Gu Xia rubbed his head in annoyance, he walked down the sidewalk for a couple minutes before he arrived in front of a pick up location, seeing his vehicle fully parked he took out his wallet.

The valet, who was a young man, noticed the extremely handsome person making his way toward himself. He was caught by surprise when he was handed multiple hundred dollar bills which equaled up to one grand.

"T-T-Thank you!"

After saying these words, he instantly took out the keys that were inside his pocket and handed it over.

With a small nod, Gu Xia took the key and entered his vehicle where he then put on his seatbelt and started up everything.

While he was checking both his right and left to join onto the main road, Zi Yu was asking a question while she sat in the passenger seat putting on the seatbelt which she didn't need.

"So, does that mean you don't really care for the little girl?"

"Don't ask stupid questions, she did nothing wrong to me in any of my restarts, on the other note she actually helped make me feel better, remember my 80th restart?"

"When Lin Fan locked you inside a basement for an unknown amount of time without food or water?"

"Yep, then you should remember the small figure who would always sneak down stairs to hand over some food and water..."

"Oh, yes... I thought she wanted to make you suffer longer..."

"Well, I thought so at first as well but, when we started having multiple conversations everyday I noticed she was being genuine."

Zi Yu, who was looking out the tinted window, couldn't help but tilt her head when she saw where they were pulling into.

"Why are we pulling into Phoenix International News?"

Finding a parking spot, Gu Xia showed a grin.

"Well, I want everybody in the world to know about Wu Kuang's 'heroic' actions."

His voice was cold and his words held venom. Stepping out and closing the car door behind him, he stretched his shoulders.

Zi Yu followed suit and did the same actions.

"But... Saving an infant from dying isn't new or anything?"

She commented to herself with a long heavy sigh following after.

Hearing the quiet voice, Gu Xia shrugged his shoulders as he began walking toward the main entrance of Phoenix International News.

"Thanks to his protagonist halo that 'small' heroic act will cause a stir in the medical circle and I have no doubt that Wu Kuang has already made other medical achievements in the past 24 hours."

He yawned as he spoke to the floating flat chested system.

"Then he should have multiple connections and backers as of right now?"

Zi Yu asked with an indifferent voice.

"Correct, but that shouldn't matter once I expose his ass to the world, I don't think the protagonist halo can protect him from international exposure."

Leaving these words, Gu Xia entered through the two doors.

Two security guards who stood on each side of the entrance immediately stepped out in front of Gu Xia when he walked through the doors.


One of the security guards asked.

With both eyebrows raised, Gu Xia slanted his eyes, he was clearly annoyed... Not because his family owned 35 percent of Phoenix International News but, he was slightly taken back on the fact they didn't notice who he was.

'Their just doing their job.'

He thought to himself.

Before he could fully pull out his wallet, a middle-aged man who was as plump as a pumpkin and wearing a green business suit waddled over while wiping his sweat off his forehead with his headkerchief.

"S-Stop! S-Stop!"

Out of breath, he screamed hysterically at the two security guards after he caught his breath.

"Were you two born yesterday!? Do you not know who this amazing young man is!?"

Both security guards looked at each other with confusion hinged on their pupils. They were obviously muddled about what their manager was saying...

Gu Xia on the other hand was cringing about the little fat man kissing his ass.

'Who calls someone an amazing young man?'
Thinking this, he found himself cringing harder.

"Don't just stand there! Apologize to the Gu family's heir!"

The fat man's voice resounded throughout the main lobby causing everyone to stop what they were doing and turn their attention to the commotion.

Multiple muttering occurred between staff and visitors.

With a long sigh, Gu Xia simply walked past the two security and fat man. He truly didn't want to escalate this small situation nor did he want to waste his own time.

"S-Sir, where are y-"

The fat man tried to finish his words, but out of disbelief Gu Xia's entire figure disappeared like it was never there.

Wiping his eyes, he was utterly shocked, he even looked around to only be met with the same shocked expressions.




Gu Xia reappeared in the newsroom which was on the highest floor.

The room was filled with staff and upon noticing the infamous young master of the Gu family sudden arrival, they all respectfully bowed their heads a couple of seconds before returning back to what they were doing.

Not taking offense to some disgusted gazes directed at him, Gu Xia strolled over to news producer, Chao Bolin.

Chao Bolin's entire body stiffened up when he glanced at the heir of the Gu family making his way toward him.

'Is he going to make us cover him again...'

Gu Xia stopped moving his legs and spoke.

"I have something you might be interested in."

He took out his phone and made his way to his camera roll where he then presented a video of Wu Kuang forcefully feeding the infant a peanut.

Chao Bolin froze in place, his mouth wide open. Holding his head with right hand he took a couple of deep breaths.

"I-Isn't that the young man who was on the local news that saved an infant...?"

Gu Xia showed a small devilish smile as didn't speak but nodded his head.

Sighing, Chao Bolin was beyond disgusted at the sight of a man who almost caused an infant death just so he could curry favor...

"Let me guess... You want me to broadcast this... Live?"

Gu Xia placed his hand on the news producer's shoulder.

"Don't let me down."

He whispered, his tone was serious. If Chao Bolin fucked this up then he would surely have to answer to God himself...

Not wanting to meet God just yet... Chao Bolin hurriedly got to work.

Gu Xia simply stepped back and let the entire process happen as everything was professionally set up.

Not even 10 minutes went by and everything was ready to go.

A woman who was the news anchor sat idly behind the desk, waiting for the camera to start rolling.

The newscast director who was running the booth was holding up his hand toward the news anchor, counting down from five.






"Cameras are live!"

The news anchor looked toward the first camera which was directly in front of her.

"Good morning, my name is Shang Yao from Phoenix International News brining the world the real news."

She turns her head over to the second camera on the left.

"First up, we have an exposure regarding Wu Kuang, a new intern who just started at Dragon hospital..."

Chao Bolin snapped his finger.

"I want eyes on the chat room!"

The operator who was in control of the chatroom opened it.

Inside the chatroom a stream of text was shown.

[Oh, the good doctor who saved the infant?]

[Wow, about time a giant international news center talked about his heroic deed.]

[For real, more news centers should talk about his heroic deed.]

[I bet he's done a lot more since!]

Gu Xia showed a smirk as he read the flow of text streaming down the chatroom.

'Once this live broadcast is over, Wu Kuang will have no connections or backers. If any do stay... It will be out of stupidity.'

He thought to himself.

Shang Yao continued speaking some irrelevant filler words.

After some time, she finally got to the main part that Gu Xia's been waiting for...

"Wu Kuang, a rising star in the medical field who rose to popularity from a 'heroic' act might not have been so heroic..."

Her words seemed to cause the chat room to go ballistic.

[Wow, that's messed up...]

[Fuck Phoenix International News!]

[Evil, evil, evil!]

[Here I thought they would praise the good doctor!]

The next second later... The entire chat room went dead silent... When a video played in the background...

Yep, the video of Wu Kuang forcefully feeding the infant played for all to see and hear.

After 5 minutes the video came to a halt, and Shang Yao shook her head from left to right as she spoke.

"It breaks my heart every time I see this video, a 'heroic' doctor used a infant to gain fame, it truly is a cold world we live in... That is the only news we have today, thank you for listening and we hope to see you next time."

Chao Bolin who was behind the scenes nodded his head and yelled.


The entire camera crew stopped streaming live and shut off all the cameras.

Gu Xia, who was standing in the back, made his way over to Chao Bolin and tapped him on the shoulder.

"I'm going to head out."

Chao Bolin nodded his head.

"Have a safe trip."

With that, Gu Xia left Phoenix International News and when he got back into his vehicle he checked all the social media apps.

All the apps had Wu Kuang on their trending pages...

Videos of the situation soon made its way to more news stations and it instantly spread like a wildfire around the entire country.

All of Wu Kuang's backers and connections who all publicly announced themselves have all taken backlash and lost tens of millions of dollars in investments and customers, right as the exposure video dropped.

Their reputations took a huge dive into the sewers and many influential families and companies began to cut them off, from business relationship to personal relationship.

No one wanted to have their reputation plummet, so they all began condemning those who stood in Wu Kuang's corner.

Those who were the backers and connections to Wu Kuang still had made no public statement or spoken a word on a public platform.

Remember, it has only been at best 10 minutes since the exposure video was dropped...

That's how powerful Phoenix International News was, the highest rated news center which was personally backed by the government and all the four most influential families in all of China.




Shen Manjun who was about to be discharged from Dragon hospital, gritted her teeth in rage as she was laying on the gatch. (A/T: Hospital bed.)

Her eyes were bloodshot as she and her private doctor witnessed the exposure video on the decent sized tv that hung on the corner of the wall.

"Where are my bodyguards!!!"

She screamed.

Multiple bodyguards quickly slammed through the door and stood at attention of their young lady.

One body stepped forward.

"What is your order, young lady?"

He asked in a monotone voice.

"I want Wu Kuang dead!!!"

Shen Manjun clenched her hands as she yelled her order.

All of the bodyguards immediately followed their order and quickly walked out of the room.

The private doctor didn't say a word, the vast amount of disappointment was clearly seen on his face.

'It truly is a shame that such a young promising doctor would commit such a disgusting act...'

. . .

[A/T: Readers! There is a special event going on with golden tickets being doubled! Let's try and reach 2,000 golden tickets! If we reach that goal, I will give you guys more chapters from this novel during January, if we can get in the top 10 in the golden tickets I'll get a editor so I'll be able to post chapters faster.

[Also, if we reach such a goal I will let the readers pick the first heroine to be digitally illustrated!]

[Gifts like the Massage chair, Luxury car, Dragon, Magic castle, Spacecraft, and Golden Gachapon will be the biggest help! But any size of golden tickets, even if it is one, is amazing!]

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