I Quit Being The Villain

Chapter 91 Hatred And Darkness.

After he was done speaking, a pure black liquid suddenly began leaking from Gu Xia's arms and poured onto the ground.

Wu Kuang and the old man jumped a couple feet backward and started accumulating their Qi which was rapidly circling inside their bodies.

Showing indifference on his handsome white face, Gu Xia's blood red eyes began to turn pitch black, his eyes were empty... Only showing that of darkness.

While the black liquid began spreading onto the ground forming into a puddle, Wu Kuang suddenly heard Shang Yao, the Queen of the golden spirits whisper inside his head.

"Boy, you must retreat... The power radiating off that man is deathly... His emotions are in complete turmoil. Only hatred is swirling inside his body."

Clicking his tongue and scoffing at the woman who brought him back to life, Wu Kuang rolled his eyes.

"In all due respect, how can you read his inner emotions?"

He quietly muttered under his breath, his eyes never leaving Gu Xia.

Shang Yao, who was inside the medical protagonist's body, squinted her eyes, a little bit of annoyance appeared for a split second before clearing and going back to indifference.

'H-How dare this brat question me... Even after I brought him back to life...'

She thought to herself, clearly feeling annoyance she clenched her hands as if she was trying to stop herself from smacking the living shit out of this ungrateful brat.

After a couple of seconds and taking in some deep breaths, she told Wu Kuang how she could read Gu Xia's inner emotions.

"Well, its quite simple... I'm a spirit..."

Wu Kuang's eyebrows raised, curiosity appeared inside his mind.

"Then can you read my inner emotions?"

He asked, for a second he felt a little exposed...

Shang Yao's beautiful face showed disgust when she heard his question.

"Lust and hatred..."
She gave a simple answer.


Before Wu Kuang could open his mouth a cold distorted roar appeared.


The sound was deafening as no human words could describe such a voice...

The closest you could explain it as, is that of a loud echoing screech.

An enormous body size of 2.5 meters, has the appearance of a demonic flesh walking on two feet and with a tail twice as long as its height, this ugly being is covered in sharp spikes of fire and has a strong jaw that can easily snap people's hands.

One of its hands held a demonic pitch black sword which was covered in some sort of diamonds that had blood inside.

The dark being's entire body twitches like crazy before letting out another scream of death.


The earth's ground shook causing Wu Kuang and the old man to slightly lose their balance...

Gu Xia simply stood in place with his hands behind his back. His eyes still showed that of emptiness.

"Kill the boy..."

He ordered in a cold voice.

The ugly being let out another scream before dashing forward like a crazed maniac.


Wu Kuang's eyes widened, he was frozen in fear.

The old man glanced over at his adopted son, and seeing that he couldn't move his body due to the emotion called fear...he sighed.

Biting his lip and forming his Qi into a sword, he then shot forward his body toward the horrifying being that looked like it came straight from the lowest level of Hell.


He let out a scream as his Qi began exploding throughout his body causing his body to become enhanced with speed, strength, reaction time, and etc.

"Fine... Kill the old man first, let the boy taste despair."

Gu Xia gently waved his hand, the aura surrounding him was that of an Emperor.

The dark being let out a screech as if obeying its God's orders.


The old man ignored the loud scream and instead charged directly at the ugly being, hollering at the top of his lungs.

The movement actually consists of a very rapid shuffling motion of the feet, so that he stays balanced at all times.

At the last moment, the old man draws the sword up over his head and snaps it down toward the dark being.

The dark being brings his own sword up, rotating it around sideways so that the handle is up high, above and to the left of its face, and the blade slopes down and to the right, providing a roof above it.

The old man's blow bounces off this roof like rain, and then the dark being sidesteps to let it go by and snaps the sword down toward his unprotected shoulder.

But the old man is moving too fast, and the dark being's timing is off. The blade cuts behind and to the side of the old man.

Both fighters wheel to face each other, back up, get back into the stance.

The old man makes another attack. This one is pretty straightforward: a quick shuffling approach and then a snapping cut in the direction of the dark beings ribcage. It parries it.

Now the dark being knows something about this old man... He's pathetic and weak...

The dark being felt bored. He just wants this over with. The next time the old man sets up his ear-splitting screech and shuffles toward the dark being, cutting and snapping his blade, the dark being parries the attack, turns around, and cuts both of his legs off just above the knees.

The old man let out a blood gurgling yell before collapsing to the grassy land, his eyes went lifeless and the Qi slowly began disappearing from inside his body, leaving him as an old skinny dead corpse.

The dark being stabbed at the corpse of the old man several times like a bloody murderer.

Blood gushed out of the dead corpse and landed onto the dark being, but it ignored the wet liquid and instead cleaned its sword before letting out a victory roar.


. . .

[A/T: Readers! Let's try and reach the top ten for golden tickets!]

[Gifts like the Massage chair, Luxury car, Dragon, Magic castle, Spacecraft, and Golden Gachapon will be the biggest help! But any size of golden tickets, even if it is one, is amazing!]

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