Kawa-no-koku, Kuroishi Castle.

The black void opened in the center of the city, and the figures of several people from Moon walked out of the void.

“Lord Wuyue!”

“Lord Wuyue is back!”

“Lord Chief, he really made Konoha lose his face this time!”

Everyone gathered around them greeted them one after another, with hearty smiles on their faces.

“Good work guys.” Wuyue didn’t end the shelf, and the smile on his face was also very gentle. “Later, we will meet to discuss the next plans and direction of Shimokawa no Kuni.”

“Yes!” The crowd echoed.

“In addition, bring these big voids back to the factory.” Wuyue pointed to the few Killian who were standing stupidly, and said, “Just put on a posture, put it on the side of the road and turn around to scare the children.” ”

Several ninjas of the Uzumaki clan took the order, opened the sealing scroll to seal Killian inside, and turned to leave.

“This is Kawanokuni?!”

Looking at the environment in front of him, Izumi’s whole person was stunned.

She had been to this country two years ago on a mission, when it was starving and full of decay. But now what? Clean streets, spacious houses, people wearing neat clothes and happy smiles on their faces.

Is this still the country of the river in her impression?

Uchiha Izumi looked at Wuyue in front of him, and only felt very strange. She knew that such a big change in the Kawanno Congress was definitely related to her younger brother, but she really couldn’t think of how the other party did it.



In the crowd, two ripe beautiful women beckoned to this side.

Sasuke and Izumi’s eyes suddenly lit up, and they hurriedly greeted each other in unison. “Mom!”

Wuyue didn’t bother the reunion of the two, but glanced at Obito, who was fawning over Rin, and turned to walk towards the central building.

“Lord Mugetsu.” Pushing open the office door, I saw a red-haired woman dressed as a working woman standing there, and said softly: “You have worked hard, do you want to make up for the devil?” ”

The woman’s name is Rina Uzumaki, who is snatched from Kusanagi Village by Mugetsu… Brought back. Dead husband, has a daughter named Xiangphos.

That’s right.

She is the poor woman in the original book who was sucked into a human, and Wuyue brought her back, which can be regarded as a good deed of great merit.

As for the devil who does not mend the devil, Wuyue actually doesn’t care very much. Mainly, Rinai’s mother is more enthusiastic and proactive. He didn’t want to chill people.

“Ahem.” Coughing lightly, Wuyue lowered his voice. “I have business now, I’ll find you later.”

“Good.” Rina Uzumaki nodded sensibly, left the room, and gently closed the door.


Wuyue’s body slumped to the sofa by the window, and with a tap of his finger, a light curtain appeared in front of him.

Familiar interface, familiar style.

No matter how many times he saw it, Wuyue had a sense of returning to his previous life when facing it.

That’s right.

This thing is the golden finger he obtained when he crossed into this world, and it is also the capital for his life. The full name is “Sand Sculpture Netizen Exchange Group”.

There are not many group members inside, including the group leader of Wuyue, there are only three.

Wuyue himself is the most advanced group, and automatically obtains the identity of the group leader. I waited for a full eight years before I came in with a Xia Lao Fei. Then half a year ago, blue dyeing into the group.

And now Wuyue is fifteen years old, and he should be regarded as a childhood sweetheart in the form of netizens. But it’s not.

It has been five full years on Wuyue’s side, and only half a month has passed on Xia Laofei’s side.

In layman’s terms.

Wuyue met Kasumi Lao Fei when she was seven years old, and she was sixteen years old. Now that Wuyue is fifteen years old, she is still sixteen years old. This is not a childhood sweetheart at all, more like the other party is playing a Zhengtai cultivation game.

According to the explanation of indigo, the speed and rules of time flow vary from world to world. Only when there is a group chat will the time be completely synchronized.

[Tip: The owner of the sand sculpture group closed the live broadcast room, and the live broadcast duration was 60 minutes. Number of visitors: 2 people. You get 120 points. 】

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: How about it, brother just played that wave okay, right?

Poisonous tongue old fat: Well, it can give you ten.

Sand Sculpture Group Owner: Full Score?

Poisonous tongue old fat: 100 out of 100.

Sand sculpture group owner: Sleeping groove, is it so bad?

Poisonous tongue old fat: If it weren’t for your face, you wouldn’t even have ten points. In other words, it’s because you have this face that it’s worth ten points. You know what I mean, right?

Sand sculpture group leader: Xia Laofei, you are too much.

Poisonous tongue old fat: Well, now it’s only five points.

Sand sculpture group master: I’m too lazy to tell you, what does Brother Ran think?

Hairspray Man Man (Hairspray Hand): Not bad.

Although there are many flaws in the details, the other party is not himself, so the blue dye has not corrected.

Sand sculpture group leader: I just said, Brother Dye still understands me. What is Xia Lao Fat, spicy chicken!

Poisonous tongue old fat: Oh, now even the perverted wife control dares to mock others at will?

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: What are you talking about hammers?

Poisonous tongue old fat: Still pretending with me? I really don’t know what it means to replenish demons?

Sand sculpture group owner: I think everyone has the right to pursue love, and you can’t completely deny people’s love just because they are the child’s mother. You are moral kidnapping.

Poisonous tongue old fat: This shameless face is worthy of you!

Sand sculpture group owner: Recently, there is a lack of a printing house, help? Rest assured, there are dividends in shares.

Poisonous tongue old fat: Who is so rare in your dividends, your ninja world money can’t be used here at all! You shameless old thief, even my hard-earned manuscript fees are deceived!

Sand sculpture group leader: Good to say, good to say. It’s all taught well by everyone. I Yuchiha can have today, all thanks to everyone’s efforts and cultivation.

Poisonous tongue old fat:?

Hairspray Hand Man: Well said, Mugetsu-kun. Please don’t say any more.

He has lived for more than a hundred years, and he has never seen such a speechless guy.

Personality fetishes aside, it depends on what he did in Kawanokuni.

Sounds good to say.

In just nearly half a year, the entire country of Kawanokuni was built from scratch in an orderly manner, and even a perfect industry and industrial chain was established, with outstanding and admirable achievements.

But his means of making a fortune is really blue dyeing and does not know how to complain about it.

luring the group members into investing in the construction of a factory, saying that it is a share dividend system, and the result is distributed to people ninja tokens; There are no people in the factory, there is a lack of labor, so they are seconded from themselves to enter the factory ?!

Nima, is this what carbon-based organisms can do?

Even Lan Dye never thought of such an operation, this is simply a show!

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: Ahem, you all misunderstood me. This country has just started, and now everything is in ruins. Believe me, today’s effort is tomorrow’s gain! I, Uchiha Mugetsu, am by no means ungrateful! If you don’t believe me, I can swear here in the name of the ancestor of our Uchiha family, Uchiha Madara!”

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