Early morning, Kawanokuni Conference Hall.

All the representatives of the Kawanokuni gathered here, staring at the curtain in front of them. The picture that appeared was the scene of the Five Shadows talks.

“It seems that His Excellency Shui Ying should have understood the power of the old man at this moment.” Tuan Zang was in the center of the venue, his face full of pride. “Who else are you going to try?”

It is clear from the picture that the bandages on his body and face have been untied. The bone mask with half of the face looks extremely hideous, and the dark yellow pupils are like tyrannical beasts.

“The face-breaking technology was leaked out?” Nagato took a breath, his expression incredulous.

The time he has spent in the country of Kawanoku is not too short, and he naturally knows how strong the power of breaking the face is. His friend Yahiko is now also a broken face, and his strength is simply two dimensions compared to before.

Nagato also finally understood at this time why Kawanokuni did not need a fighting ninja.

But now, such an important core secret of Kawanokuni has been obtained by Tuan Zang? This is big trouble, big trouble!

Nagato, who already subconsciously regarded Kawanokuni as his hometown, was full of anxiety and looked around. As a result, both the leaders and other representatives present were still calm.

The aged Vortex Six Elder even picked his nose and pointed out his middle finger to Mu Buru’s Tuan Zang.

Nagato paused and asked weakly, “Everyone… Isn’t that a dangerous thing? ”

“You’re still too young, little Nagato.” Hearing this, the Vortex Six Elder turned his gaze and reached out to pat his shoulder. “Just that thing can also be called broken face?”

The corner of Nagato’s mouth twitched, and his forehead burst into bruises.

He saw very clearly, just now this old guy was picking his nose with this hand, and now he actually used it to pat him on the shoulder? Believe it or not, sending you the Shenluo Heavenly Sign makes you feel pain?

“Broken noodles are not so simple to make.” Ye Cang, deputy director of the Kawanokoku Research Institute and also a representative of the broken face, explained: “This in the hands of Tuan Zang is just an experimental product of living body blurring. ”

Nagato looked startled and said, “So…”

“Well, we sent it out on purpose.” Ye Cang nodded and continued to look at the curtain.

Opposite Danzo, the fourth generation of Mizukage Yakura fell to the ground panting. That slightly immature cheek was full of depression.

Speaking of which, this brother is also quite unlucky.

At the beginning, he was controlled by Obito with the Sharingan, and did a lot of evil things in Wuyin Village. It wasn’t until four months ago that the control was lifted that I regained myself.

Yakura originally thought of abdicating the throne to make way for Ken and leaving the village to someone more competent. As a result, it was opposed by the Mist Ninjas, and everyone expressed that they were not responsible for the past, allowing him to continue to lead Mist Yin to become bigger and stronger.

In fact, no one wants to take this plate.

Today’s fog can be said to be in a semi-paralyzed state.

The seven knives of the fog yin died and ran, and the major blood ninja clans were fragmented and did not survive. The economy was even more depressed, and the daimyo of Mizunokoku even transferred most of the entrusted tasks to the neighboring village of Yunyin.

With such an environmental situation, who dares to say that he can revitalize Wuyin Village?

Since Lord Mizukage has said that he has recovered his sanity and admitted his mistake to everyone, then you can continue to work on this Mizukage. What line of work do you want to retire at a young age?

Helplessly, Yakura can only bite the bullet and continue to be this water shadow. This has been a few months of hard work and diligence.

Until he was invited to participate in the Five Shadows talks in front of him, Yin and Yang mistakenly became the target of Tuan Zang Liwei. There was almost no room for resistance, and it was directly thrown down.

Yakura’s heart is simply cold at this moment, obviously it is still late autumn, but it is already like a cold winter moon.

Seeing that Yakura, who was a water shadow, was so easily subdued by Danzo, the rest of the shadows were surprised. Although neither of them moved the real thing, they could also see the strength of Tuan Zang after the blur.

“Are you Konoha really going to sell us this technology?” The third generation of Tokage Onoki frowned, and asked in amazement, “There is no other intention?” ”


If he had obtained such power, he would never have been able to sell it. But now Konoha did this, and the reason behind it made Onoki feel confused and suspicious.

“The time of ninjas is coming to an end.” Danzo snorted lightly and said lightly: “We, Konoha, just want to push the entire ninja world to continue to move forward and move to a new height. ”

New heights?

Hearing his words, everyone present looked strange.

Could it be that this ape flying sun slash and Tuan Zang still want to emulate the original Hokage of that year and show their strength in front of these shadows?

Do they deserve it?

“Hmph!” A sneer appeared on the rough face of the fourth generation of Lei Ying, and said, “Less come to this set of rhetoric with Lao Tzu!” Tell me your true purpose, Danzo! ”

Tuan Zang was not angry, and still said in a flat tone: “The old man hopes that everyone can form an alliance with me Konoha and jointly defeat the country of Kawu!” ”


Except for the four generations of Thunder Shadows who knew part of the inside story, the rest of the shadows felt that they had misheard, and the broken place of the country of Dachuan still needed their five major villages in the ninja world to form an alliance?!


Wuyue turned off the picture of the curtain in front of him and clapped his hands. “Gentlemen, now the Ninja World has formed an alliance to attack us. How do you think we should respond? ”

“Five major ninja villages, one billion for each ninja village, right?” The sixth elder of the vortex took the lead in speaking and said, “Five billion war reparations, it should be about the same, right?” ”

“I think one billion is not enough, at least two billion!” Sitting opposite the Vortex Six Elders, a fair-skinned middle-aged woman stood up and said. “The five great ninja villages bully the weak, and deceive me that the country of Kawa is barren and powerless! Without tens of billions of taels, this matter must not be finished! ”

This is a native ninja of Kawanokuni, originally the city lord of Black Rock Castle. Half a year ago, he was “reformed” by Wuyue and brought more than a dozen of his subordinates to his command.

Nagato listened to the speeches of this group of deputies and felt extremely outrageous.

Before this battle was fought, it began to discuss how much war reparations would cost, right? How can people say that it is also the five major ninja villages, so they eat people?

“The Five Great Ninja Villages are not weak.” Wuyue slowly spoke, attracting everyone’s attention. “The shadow of each village is a character that should not be underestimated. Coupled with the bonus of virtual transformation, we still need to be strict. ”

Nagato nodded secretly as he listened, saying in his heart that he was worthy of being a leader, at least a little sanity did not float. Open your mouth and be ready to echo. “I think Lord Chief…”

“Just let Lao Ba and Lao Jiu go.” Wuyue waved his hand, turned to Rina and said, “During this time, expand the luxury suite, and there may be many people.” ”

“I see.”

“Then, adjournment!”


Nagato froze in place with his mouth open, only feeling that his whole body was messy in the wind. In the face of the entire Ninja Realm’s coalition army, you plan to send two people? Is this what you said about being in a stern position?!

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