Poisonous tongue old fat:?


Mentally disabled female nerves: It’s time to arrive, why do you shout in the group? What a nuisance! There is still work on this goddess’s side! Do you know how much those young men and women who died yearned to be reborn in another world? Don’t you feel ashamed that you disturbed them here?

The little padded jacket between the pillars: The existence of a goddess like you is the most shameful thing!

Neuroretarded women: What do you say? You bastard, you wait!

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: Wow, Ban-san really arrived in the ninja world? Good guys, this wave of ninja is directly peaceful, okay! Quick, let’s go! Bring a little shock to the ninja world!

Wuyue first deleted all the chat records in front of him, then slowly stood up from his desk and pressed the communicator in front of him.

“Chief, please.”

There was Ye Cang’s voice over there.

“Let the people of the ninth district evacuate, and then deploy the water stop to the bell tower to standby.”

“The third and fourth troops erected a six-fold enchantment to cover the entire Black Stone City.”

Ye Cang was silent for a moment, and replied, “Yes, Lord Chief.”

“What happened?”

Jiu Xinnai listened to the conversation between the two, and her face became serious.

“The Ninja Alliance has called? No, even the Ninja Realm Alliance doesn’t need to open the six-fold enchantment, right? ”

She knew that the terrifying protection power of the Chuan Country Enchantment was even far beyond the Six Red Sun Array that the Four Shadows Alliance could use.

Such an enchantment, it is actually necessary to open six layers in a row?

“It’s the ancestor who is here.”

The corners of Wuyue’s mouth curved, and the expression on her face showed expectation.

Poisonous tongue old fat: Bansan, open a live broadcast?!

Shiha Kasumigaoka is also looking forward to it, not only looking forward to what type of Uchiha will be broken, but also looking forward to how he will be ugly.

From any point of view, it should be a great picture!

Wuyue also sent a message in response: Yes, let’s start a live broadcast! I can’t wait to see Madara Mulberry!

Mentally disabled female nerves: sassy and heroic? Bah! I’d love to see this red-eyed rollover, it must be funny!


Akuya even couldn’t help but start making up her own brain, and then inexplicably laughed out loud in her office.

“So, Goddess-sama?”

The young reincarnation standing opposite her who was still waiting in line to register was full of confusion.

“Can I choose the ability I want now?”

“Ah, sorry.”

Akuya instantly regained her reserve, and said with a smile: “You can choose three abilities now, in view of your death method, I have been extraordinarily gracious.”

“Yes, thank you, Goddess-sama!”

This reincarnated person was so excited that he couldn’t help but want to cry bitterly.

This goddess is simply too benevolent and kind.

Akuya didn’t care about his gratitude, and focused on the group chat in front of him.

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: Master Akuya, don’t talk nonsense! You are a goddess, your mouth is open! If you really turn over, Bansan will probably hate you for the rest of your life!

Uchiha’s cheeks showed a sneer, and his expression was disdainful: Joke, I Uchiha Don’t care about this useless curse! Shinobi, huh! Well, since you want to enjoy the gorgeous stage that my Uchiha has set up for the future, I will satisfy you!

[Tip: The small padded jacket between the columns opens the live broadcast room. 】

[Tip: The owner of the sand sculpture group, the poisonous tongue old fat, the mentally disabled female nerve, and the man with hairspray hand joined the live broadcast room, and the current number of viewers in the live broadcast room is 4. ] 】

In the picture, Uchiha is standing in the middle of a lofty mountain.

He was not wearing that familiar set of dark red armor, but a blue-white kimono.

The collar is slightly open, and a long knife with a taupe handle hangs from the waist.

Mentally retarded female nerve: Hey, what is this place?

Akuya stared at the picture in the live broadcast room in front of him, trying to identify the location of Uchiha Bambike against the Hokage’s memory.

But this turned out to be futile after all.

And at this time, the young reincarnation opposite her had already chosen the skill she wanted.

“Lord Goddess, you’re in trouble!”

“Ah, it’s okay.”

“Let’s go when you’re ready.”

Akuya waved her hand and sent the reincarnation away a little perfunctorily.

It wasn’t until the other party was engulfed by the magic array under her feet that she suddenly reacted.

“Huh? Did he just be issued to the S-class world? Eh, his ability value seems to be only suitable for the C-level world…”

Forget it, it shouldn’t matter.

Akuya decisively put this unlucky egg behind and continued to watch the group.

Uchiha in the lens looked around and made a judgment: from the terrain, this should be the country of water.

It is indeed the land of water.

Mugetsu already recognized the mountain behind him, and he had been there on a mission in the Land of Water two years ago when he was a Konoha ninja.

I also met the future five generations of water shadows, and Zhao Meiyu.

But she should not recognize herself now, after all, Wuyue would have been disguised.

Mentally Disabled Female Nerves: Where is the Land of Water? How far away is it from that Kawanokuni? How long are you going to pass now? It won’t take days, will it? First of all, this goddess doesn’t have so much spare time to watch you hurry.

Uchiha looked sad and joyless, and his eyes were disdainful: I didn’t force you to look.

Wuyue found that this line of sight was a little strange, and felt that he was a little afraid to look at the camera? No, this Uchiha spot… Is it still the kind of personality that is shy in front of the camera?

Poisonous tongue old fat: On the right, it seems that someone is coming.

The live room lens of the group chat is not a fixed angle of view like a mobile phone or a traditional camera, but more like the mode of watching a movie in a movie theater.

The audience has a special perspective of God, and can even find loopholes that the anchor does not see.

Hairspray Hand Man: It’s a Mist Ninja.

From the lens, it can be clearly seen that these people are wearing fog hidden foreheads on their heads, and they are in a hurry.

The small padded jacket between the pillars: Don’t bother, my goal is Kawanokuni.

When the message was sent, Uchiha was ready to stagger past the gang.

“Hurry, hurry up! We must arrive at the dock in the Land of Fire in five days, where Captain Oni picks us up! ”

“I heard that Captain Ghost Fish seems to have turned into a broken face?”

“yes, that white shark face mask looks a little scary.”

“However, the strength has indeed become much stronger, and it is not in vain that Lord Shui Ying spent 500 million to buy the virtual object.”

“This time, the combined forces of our five powers besieged the country of Kawanokuni in order to get more virtual objects, and this technique came from there.”


Uchiha’s figure suddenly froze, and his face in the camera showed a ghostly expression.

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