“How strange.”

Looking at the picture on the screen in front of her, Ying Li tilted her head.

“This Tuan Zang has obviously been let go, why does it have a dull expression on his face?”

“Should it be that the gap in my heart is too big, and I feel that I am not valued?”

Megumi Kato said hesitantly.


Shiwa Kasumigaoka knew that Danzo had been imprisoned by Mugetsu, and Muzuki had shown that he took him very seriously at that time.

To say that Senju didn’t choose him as the Hokage is simply the biggest mistake in this life!

He praised the Danzo at that time so much that he even raised his ransom from 50 million to 500 million without saying a word, making Konoha, who was already difficult at that time, even worse.

But just like that, Tuanzang is still proud!

He feels that he is an important cornerstone that Konoha cannot lack, and even Uchiha Mugetsu, who is an enemy, should pay attention to him! But he was ignored.

This caused Tuanzo to have strong self-doubt, so much so that he is now in a state of confusion.

“Danzo-sama has worked hard and contributed greatly to the progress of the entire ninja world.”

Wuyue shook his head and sighed, “Our Kawanokuni can’t bear to let this old hero who is over half a hundred years old suffer from the second stubble and suffer the second stubble, so let him go back to Konoha.”

Ying Li was stunned, and an extremely strange expression appeared on her face.

Worked hard and contributed greatly to the entire ninja world? Old hero? Is this talking about Tuan Zang? Megumi Kato raised her eyebrows and said softly: “His hatred, my hero?” ”

“Miss Hui understands it very well.”

Wuyue looked at her with admiration, as if he saw a soulmate.

“I don’t understand.”

Megumi Kato shook his head and said with a calm gaze: “I also guessed it after being reminded by Wuyue-kun.”

“I see!”

Ying Li Li was stunned at this time, and her eyes looked at Wuyue.

“You used Danzo’s pit man attribute to deliberately put him back in Konoha, right?”

“No, I’m respecting the old and loving the young.”

Wuyue grinned.

The old and the young of the hammer! The ape flying sun is obviously also an old man, why don’t you let him go?

Ying Li rolled her eyes wordlessly, and at the same time muttered secretly in her heart: This Kasumigaokaoka’s boyfriend doesn’t seem to be as warm as jade on the surface.

Unexpectedly used such a poisonous scheme?! But think about it too.

If this guy is really a good person with a gentle nature, how can a super boss like Lan Ran befriend him?

Ying Li looked sideways at Wuyue, who was talking and laughing with Lan Ran, and her heart suddenly felt a little strange, and her cheeks were slightly red.

To be able to teach him with his heart even a guy like Lan Ran is also very remarkable in a sense, right? Kasumigaokaoka, I really found a treasure.

Just as Ying Li Li thought so in her heart, a voice suddenly sounded in her ears: “What I said earlier still counts.”

“If you’re interested, I don’t mind.”


Ying Li Li gasped and quickly skimmed her face.

What came into his eyes was the playful gaze of Shiyu Kasumigaoka.

“How’s it going, are you impressed?”

“You, you’re crazy!”

Ying Li’s cheeks were flushed, and she lowered her voice and said, “This kind of thing… How is it possible! ”

“How is it impossible? What are you worried about, An Yilun too? ”

“No, no!”

For that childhood sweetheart, Yingli Li does have a little good impression, but only a little.

“It has nothing to do with that guy Lunye, it’s a matter of principle!”


“That’s your boyfriend, I can’t…”

“But I allowed it.”

“Even so, the law does not allow it!”

“That’s the law of the island country, not the law of the Kawanokuni.”


Ying Li Li was stunned, and suddenly felt that what the other party said seemed to make some sense.

This is the country of rivers, but not an island country.

Why should they abide by the laws of the island country, they are married after all.

“Are you moved?”

The corners of Shiyu Kasumigaoka curved his mouth, like a little fox who had succeeded in a conspiracy.

“It’s a little… Wait a minute! ”

Ying Li Li suddenly came to her senses, her cheeks flushed and said: “What a ghost, you guy is absolutely crazy!” I would never do such a thing! ”

“Ah, that’s a shame.”

“I’ll ask Kato-san again when I’ll go back.”



Ying Li Li suddenly regretted it a little, but she had already said it.

And two people use a boyfriend or something, this kind of thing is very strange to think about, right?

The light curtain in front of him changed, changing from the battlefield on this side of the Eastern Front to the Western Front.

Compared to the more elegant fighting style of the Ghost Lantern Full Moon, the two brothers of gold and silver are obviously more violent.

The whole battlefield is full of potholed hollows.

The large diameter of these craters is hundreds of meters, and the small ones are at least ten meters.

Most of the ninjas in each village lie at the bottom of the pit, unknown whether they are alive or dead.

Occasionally, broken limbs can be seen scattered around.

This picture, not to mention Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Eiri who live in modern society, even Wuyue can’t help frowning.


“It seems that they have been deeply affected by the violent emotions and reduced to defective products.”

The blue dye was naturally not affected by the slightest influence of the picture in front of him, and his tone was still mild.

“It’s a pity.”

Say it is the gold and silver brothers, it should sound like the golden horn, the silver horn two people.

But in fact, the process of shattering their flesh fuses into new individuals.

It stands to reason that the strength of these two brothers is not weak, and when they are combined, they should be stronger than most of the ten swords.

But the result is that they can only be the bottom of the ten blades.

The fury of the shattering affects their consciousness, resulting in imperfect fusion.

The same body has two soul consciousnesses, and neither obeys the other.

Such a state naturally cannot exert its full strength, so it is a defective product.

“So, you actually want even a defective product?”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu cast a face and frowned and asked.

“You’re not right, Ah Xia.”

Wuyue shook his head and said, “In our country of Sichuan, we have always made the best use of things and fulfilled their duties.”

“Not to mention the broken surface of the defective product, even a toilet, a roll of toilet paper will make it play its due value!”

What a black-hearted boss speaks!

The corner of Shiyu Kasumigaoka’s mouth twitched fiercely, and he rolled his eyes.

“Hey, is there anyone there who hasn’t completely fallen?”

Ying Li Li pointed to the curtain in front of her, and said with a shocked expression.

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