Tanokuni, the underground base of Oto-ninja Village.

“It’s a terrifying power.”

The big snake pill touched the hollow in his chest, and a solemn expression appeared on his face. Even though he had already used the Great Snake Stream stand-in beforehand, that punch almost sent him away.


Too fast!

That kind of speed is a speed that he can’t reach at all!

The naked eye, nerves, and body could not react, and after returning to his senses, he had already been hit.

“I was spared my life.” Taking a breath, Orochimaru said in a low voice, “Is it to thank me for taking care of the pocket?” Ye Naiyu…”

He is well aware.

If the other party had launched a pursuit at that time, he would not have been able to run away at all. Those high-level broken faces, known as the “Ten Blades”, have completely exceeded the category of ninjas.

Even if it is an existence like the ninja god and Uchiha Madara resurrected, I am afraid that it is not an opponent.

Thinking so in his heart, Orochimaru slowly sat up from the chair and walked towards his blurring laboratory.

Since the emergence of such a thing as “blurred”, he has stopped all his other experiments and specialized in this aspect of research.

Because he found that this blur can not only increase the strength of ninjas, but also greatly extend their lifespan!

The road to immortality is just around the corner, and other aspects of research are considered farts!

Speaking of which, he is also worthy of being a research genius in this world. Although the time to get the “blur” is still short, it has indeed made a lot of improvements.

For example, the magnitude of the power increase, and then the aesthetics.

Other people’s blur is half of the face or the entire face is covered with white bone, but Orochimaru is only covered with a mask around the lower jaw, which is much more handsome than most blurred ninjas!

Originally, the big snake pill was still a little satisfied, and he felt that Uchiha Wuyue was just like that.

Even very inflated to find the fourth generation of wind shadows to seek cooperation, want to follow the army of ninja to pick up leaks, move the laboratory of the country of the river or something.

The price of cooperation is naturally the improved blur he made.

The fourth generation of Feng Ying is also worthy of being a person who is very good at seizing business opportunities, and decided to cooperate with him without much consideration. And in front of him, tried his improved type of blurring.

The result was unexpected, and the four generations of wind shadows directly turned into ash.

Orochimaru’s expression at that time was stiff.

Be reasonable.

At that time, he really didn’t plan to kill this wind shadow, and he really wanted to cooperate with the other party.

After all, they didn’t have any conflict of interest, and Orochimaru planned to let the wind shadow who had received the improved void test the bottom of Kawanokuni.

But I didn’t expect him to be so useless, simply!

Subsequently, after a series of practices, he finally understood that there is a limit to the ability of people to withstand virtual transformation.

As you do, you can first use the blur of Tuanzo, and then use the improved blur. But the fourth generation of wind shadow can’t, and after using up, it will return to the sky on the spot.

Orochimaru thought for a long time, and finally came up with the decision to replace the fourth generation of wind shadows with himself.

The plan went well.

Even the old woman Chiyo didn’t see that he was an impostor and took him for the real Rasha.

And Orochimaru also became the captain of the decapitation squad under Mao’s self-recommendation.

Successfully breaking into the country of Kawa, his whole body became excited, and he subconsciously began to lick his mouth. Because what follows will be his most coveted treasure hunt, and the laboratory of Kawanokuni seems to be close at hand!

As a result, he ran into the medicine master Nono-woo.

It’s still too far off!

Being killed by the other party’s punch in seconds, such an encounter made the big snake pill also put away his arrogance. The unparalleled power of the high-grade broken face left a deep imprint on his heart.

Try, he will try more! If you want to have or even surpass that high-level face-breaking power, the research of blurring must not stop!


“Uchiha Obito? `~! ”

He already knew the identity of the other party from the information given by Konoha, and it was all because of this man who was hiding during this time!

“Orochimaru, I think you should know my intentions, right?” Obito didn’t say much nonsense, and said straight to the point: “Hand over the teacher’s bones, otherwise…”

“Talk?” Obito frowned and said, “What do you want to talk about?” ”

“I can hand over the bones of the fourth generation, but you must bring me the medicine master’s pocket.” Orochimaru made his own request.

The pharmacist pocket is still very useful, and it is an all-round auxiliary talent. It was a pity to give it to Kawanokuni like this.

“Are you dreaming?” Obito sneered and said, “Pocket is now a person from Kawanokuni. ”

Don’t say that it is impossible to take the soil to promise, even if he promises, he can’t bring it out.

The entire Kawanokuni is under the control and surveillance of Wuyue, and no one can smuggle people away from under his nose. Even if the Six Dao Immortals are resurrected, it is impossible!

It may even be that you thought you took people away, only to find out in the end that it was an illusion.

The guy who likes to watch people have fun can definitely do this kind of thing!

“‘Ahra, that is, the negotiations broke down?’ The big snake pill’s body took two steps back, his expression solemn, and his hands quickly froze. “If that’s the case, that’s the only way it can be.”

The art of rebirth of dirt!


A taupe wooden coffin rises from the ground, with a capital “four” written on the lid.

The big snake pill already knew the power of the country of Kawanoku at this moment, and felt that most of the Obito in front of him should also be a high-level broken face.

You definitely can’t beat it.

He didn’t even plan to fight the other party, and using the Dirt Reincarnation only hoped that the fourth generation of Hokage would hold it off for a while.

Speaking of which, I have to admire that he himself had the foresight to go to the Namian Hall in Whirlpool Village. (Qian Li Hao) made this wave of filthy soil rebirth useful.

But he didn’t know that the Obito in front of him had changed his face at this moment, and his mentality almost collapsed. “Orochimaru, you fucking bastard! Lao Tzu swears that he will never let go of your Jie in this life! ”

Leaving down the cruel words, he directly turned into a vortex and disappeared.

What can I do if it doesn’t disappear?

He came here just to retrieve the bones of his teacher and return them to Kawanokuni for a good burial, so that Naruto would have a thought and let him know what a great man his father was!

But now it has become to face the wave feng shui gate, he decisively chose to run!

He is willing to reveal his mistakes to the Watergate teacher, and he is willing to admit that he killed the other party. He is not afraid to be forgiven, even if he returns his life to the other party.


He really can’t bear it! Did he want to tell the teacher that Senior Mother Jiu Xinnai was about to remarry?

What a crime!.

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