Sand sculpture group leader: Poof!

Seeing this message sent by Banlaozu, the soy milk that Wuyue drank into his mouth was almost spewed out.

Mentally disabled female nerve: Oh my God, Xiaolan, you won’t really be interested in other people’s mothers, right? That’s a taboo road, you have to be careful!

Poisonous tongue old fat: Yes, we must not learn from the bad example of our group master!

Black line without moon full head: Comrade Axia, please don’t make trouble!

Poisonous tongue old fat: Whatever, I’m just admonishing Brother Dian…

Hairspray Hand Man: Thank you.

Lan Ran didn’t care about the “special habits” of these sand sculpture friends, sitting in front of the cylindrical culture vessel, staring at the strange creatures that were gradually taking shape.

The shape is similar to a human, the whole body is covered by a strange white film, there is no nose and mouth, only a pair of “ten” shaped pale yellow pupils, staring ahead without focus.

“It seems that our route is correct.” Retracting his gaze, the corners of Lan Dye 21’s mouth curved. “It’s developing very well.”

“But the ability numbers don’t seem to be very balanced.” Standing beside Lan Ran, the medicine master, who was also wearing black-framed glasses, glanced at the report sheet in his hand. “It seems to be missing something.”

“You’re watching carefully, Pocket.” With a sigh of admiration, Lan Ran slowly stood up. “But don’t care, I’ll personally complete the missing part of it next.”

The medicine master quickly lowered his head and said in a sincere tone: “It’s not that you observe carefully, it’s all taught by Lord Lan Ran!” ”

“Excessive humility is also a form of arrogance, pocket.” The blue-dyed brown pupils looked directly into his eyes through the lenses, and said with a gentle smile on his face: “You should understand that I am different from the big snake pill. ”


The medicine man swallowed his saliva, cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

Although the other party’s smile and tone were full of warmth and softness, it made Pocket feel an unprecedented trembling.

As the man in front of him said, he was different from the big snake pill-sama.

The horror of Lord Orochimaru is on the bright side, his usual expression is very cold, and he laughs like a snake that chooses people to eat; And the blue dye in front of him never makes people feel terrible and dangerous, and the smile on his face is always so pleasant to make people feel like a spring breeze.

But it is precisely because of this that the medicine master pocket will have a heartfelt fear of it.

This person is too good at disguise!

But apart from his medicine master pocket and Lan Ran himself, no one knows so far…

And his terrifying insight, even the slightest glimmer of his eyes, he already knew what he was thinking.

However, what slightly reassured him was that the leader of his own river country had a deep friendship with the person in front of him. As long as he does his job well, he is not afraid that the other party will harm him.

“Your current power of death has been fused perfectly.” Lan Ran turned his back, and the capital five-letter behind Haori was particularly conspicuous. “After a while, I will arrange for you to join the team of the Quiet Spirit Court.”

“I see, Lord Lan Ran.” The medicine master was stunned and nodded slightly.

Of course, he would not refuse, after all, it was also his leader’s plan to join the Shinigami team. I’m just curious, I don’t know which team the other party will arrange for him to join?

Lan Ran didn’t say anything more, and his gaze turned back to the group chat interface.

Mentally disabled female nerve: I suddenly feel that this group is a little dangerous! Except for me and Ah Xia, there are no normal people in your gang! Human wife control actually occupies half of the country!

Sand sculpture group master: Once again, I am not controlled by human wives! Do you think my family Xiabao is a human wife? Lord Akuya, don’t talk nonsense!

Poisonous tongue old fat: Hmph.

Hairspray Man of the Hand: Hmph.

Sand sculpture group owner:? What are you two sneering at?

Poisonous tongue old fat: Some people know it themselves.

The little padded jacket between the pillars: I’m not a human wife control!

Mentally disabled female nerve: I quite believe it, after all, your lover is on your screen name and chest.

The little padded jacket between the columns: Am I special…

Sand sculpture group owner: I personally think that Brother Ran should not be controlled by human wives, or that he is not interested in love at all.

In the past life post bar or comment area, the blue dye CP is usually Ichimaru silver.

But Wuyue knew that this was not the case, and Lan Ran had no heartfelt love for anyone.

Uchiha frowned, and took a step: But didn’t you just say that even hobbies will be inherited?

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: That’s right, but is it possible that the ape flying sun chop is making up nonsense? What his Konoha voice came from, he hadn’t verified it at all, right? Shine your eyes, Madara! Don’t be fooled by unscrupulous media!

The unscrupulous media are talking about yourself, right?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu is quite speechless, your own newspaper is full of fabricated things, and there is a face to say others? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The little padded jacket between the columns: So it is, malicious slander? It’s boring!

Originally, he thought that he had found the black spot of blue dyeing, and his heart was quite excited. Bear 403 fruits, the intelligence is fake?

Hairspray man: I don’t think it’s necessarily malicious slander.

Poisonous tongue old fat:?

Small padded jacket between columns: ?

Sand Sculpture Group Leader: Hey, Brother Dye, you this…

Lan Ran picked up the teacup on the table with a calm expression and gently sipped it: His Excellency the group leader’s guess is only one of the possibilities, and it does not mean that the ability of the leader of the country of the river must be a role template.

Sand Sculpture Group Owner: That’s true.

Wuyue understood the meaning of Lan Ran, this is to fill a hole for himself

If the Bandan Laozu discovered the stone hammer of the leader of the Sichuan Country and those ladies, it would easily arouse suspicion. Fill this loophole, and when the time comes, it will be able to be rounded.

Brother Dan is worthy of being a particular person!

Wuyue, who was lying on the desk and writing hard, sighed, and suddenly heard the characteristic laughter of her sister on the sofa. “Hahahaha, Naruto’s first kiss was actually given to Sasuke? My God, these two fools! ”

Glancing sideways, he saw Jiu Shinai holding this Naruto manga in his hand, reading it with relish.


Wuyue’s expression paused, and he didn’t answer this stubble. His gaze turned to the group chat, and his eyebrows were slightly raised.

The little padded jacket between the pillars: I’m ready to leave for Sand Hide!.

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