I Randomly Have a New Career Every Week

Vol 2 Chapter 3305: : secret connection

Lin Yi saw the scene below.

Two drunk men hooked their shoulders and held beers in their hands.

He laughed and said something, then left staggeringly.

Lin Yi frowned slightly.

He has seen a lot of drunks, but the two of them seem a little exaggerated.

Seems a bit overkill.


The footsteps of the two were weak, and one of them, unable to stand firmly on his feet, bumped into the car behind him, and then fell to the ground.

It seemed to be cursing and saying something.

After getting up, the two laughed again and walked towards the distance.

This scene made Lin Yi frown.

Lin Yi stared at the two drunk men as they walked into the opposite casino together.

Holding the mobile phone, Lin Yi dialed Xiao Bing's number.

"Brother Lin."

"You and Chao Chao go out, drive the car away, check this place where there is no one."


Xiao Bing was taken aback by the words.

"Just do as I do."


Soon, the two got dressed and went downstairs, and drove away separately.

About twenty minutes later, Xiao Bing called.

"Boss, there is a tracker in the car. The previous guesses should be true. Someone is following us."

"Don't move anything, just drive the car back."


After hanging up the phone, Lin Yi turned and walked out.

Go downstairs to the casino.

Because the local weather is so hot that night is the busiest time of the day.

Even after midnight, there are still many people on the street.

As soon as I walked to the door, I could hear the sound of the bubbling inside.

It was chaotic, like a vegetable market.

At the same time, there was a strange smell coming from inside.

Pushing the door open, Lin Yi found out.

The so-called casino is simpler than I imagined.

A rough room made of red bricks and cement, with a few tables inside, the casino took shape.

And there are no chips here, it's all cash.

In the eyes of the gambler, the flame of desire erupts.

Holding the cash that had been exchanged in advance, I walked around the Lin Yi Casino.

I found that many people are wearing ordinary clothes.

Vest, shorts, slippers...

They are all workers' standard dress.

Beyond that, there was a small group of people, wearing camouflage trousers, boots and vests, what appeared to be the Foreign Legion here.

The main task is to go to the tropical rainforest to perform tasks.

Just observed it.

Lin Yi found a gaming table and played baccarat.

At the same time, his eyes were fixed on every corner of the casino.

Although there are nearly a hundred people, none of them can escape Lin Yi's eyes.

Played a few rounds, win and lose each other.

The reason why a casino of this level loses is that Lin Yi doesn't want to win.

Just when Lin Yi was about to continue placing bets, he suddenly saw a black man walking out from the back of the casino.

Lin Yi's eyes were focused, and he recognized at a glance that the other party was one of the drunks!

It's just that his attire is completely different from before.

Changed into casual clothes.

Such clothes are definitely not available to ordinary laborers and local residents.

Soon, another black man came out and also changed into casual clothes.

But beside him, there was a middle-aged man. After he came out, the two kept talking about something.

It's just that the distance is a bit far, coupled with the noisy environment, it's hard to hear what the two of them are saying.

But for Lin Yi, being able to capture this information is enough.

Judging from various performances, these two people do not seem to be members of a large organization.

Secondly, looking at the appearance of the middle-aged man, he seems to be the owner of the casino.

In other words, the two people who put the tracker on the car are related to the owner of this casino.

If this can be found out, it will be of great help to analyze the identities of the two.

After a few words of communication, the two left.

Lin Yi firmly remembered their appearance in his mind.

But did not chase out.

The matter has only just begun, and if they really want to catch the two of them, they will startle the snake.

After the two left, Lin Yi continued to play.

He didn't go back slowly until he lost all the money in his hand.

When he returned to the room, he found that a group of people had gotten up and were waiting for him in the room.

"Boss, did you find anything?"

"Feels like someone from the Foreign Legion."

"Huh?" Luo Qi asked unexpectedly:

"These people dare to do something to us? It's a little bit wrong."

Teams like the Foreign Legion and the Central Guard Brigade are two different arms.

They are well-trained ordinary people, and the people in the Zhongwei Brigade and various organizations have surpassed the level of ordinary people.

Two groups of people who were completely different from the same level unexpectedly met together.

And the other party still committed the crime above, this kind of thing is incomprehensible.

"But their intelligence capabilities are really strong."

Lin Yi looked at a group of people, "Can you analyze anything?"

"There should be more than one group of people." Yu Siying said:

"If these things were done by the Foreign Corps, I'm sure there must be organizations similar to ours in this organization, but they only provide information. For specific things, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will be responsible for the foreign Corps. to execute."


"But what is the purpose of doing this?" Zhao Yunhu said:

"People of this level have no chance of winning when they meet us."

"Safe." Yu Siying said:

"As long as you don't meet people like us, their combat effectiveness can be said to be very powerful, and this approach can also guarantee absolute secrecy. If it were an organization like ours, once the news was accidentally leaked, it would There is a potential danger."

"Although there are some risks, I have to say that this move is really good." Luo Qi said.

"The specific situation is what you analyzed."

Lin Yi pointed to the casino outside, "Secretly check the situation of this casino, the background should not be simple."


After explaining the business, Lin Yi dismissed the others.

Just leave the rest to them, and make up for it yourself.

Early the next morning, when Lin Yi got up, a group of people had already assembled.

Eating what I brought.

"Boss, there is a result." Xiao Bing said:

"The owner of the casino is named De Nisso, and he has a lot of connections with a security company called Jinhe, perhaps an affiliation relationship."

"This security company named Jinhe is divided here by GP4 security company, and its headquarters is in the beautiful country."

"The largest shareholder of this GP4 security company is a company named Witt, and the general manager of this company is named Wiggins."

"His father, named Cynas, is one of the shareholders of Capgemini Group and an absolute core member."

Lin Yi's expression paused.

"It's actually related to the Capgemini Group?"

(end of this chapter)

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