I Randomly Have a New Career Every Week

Vol 2 Chapter 3340: : New account and old account start from 1

"Don't talk to me, there will be a special person to talk to you about it."

Wang Yaqiang looked at Lin Yi suspiciously.

"What do you mean."

"Don't worry, you'll know right away."

Lin Yi walked out, looked to the left and right, and beckoned:

"It's here, it's here."

Relevant personnel from the market supervision department trotted over and politely stood beside Lin Yi.

"You are Lin Yi, right?"

"It's me. Your leader should have said the specific situation, so you know what to do."

"I know, I know, just leave it to us."


The two staff members sorted out their emotions and walked into the booth.

Seeing people from relevant departments coming, Wang Yaqiang immediately changed his expression.

"Leader, you are here."

"Show me your production qualifications and licenses."

"Okay, okay."

Wang Yaqiang didn't look at Hanhu, and took out all the relevant documents and procedures.

Or look carefully and find no major problem, then say:

"Your environmental protection qualifications are not very good, and the car film also smells a bit strong. Now you will be punished to suspend business for rectification. When will the rectification be completed, come back to participate in the exhibition."


Wang Yaqiang was dumbfounded.

It never occurred to me that such a reason would come up.

"Clean up all the things that should be taken, we will seal off your booth."

"It's mainly because our company doesn't involve environmental protection."

"This is production and processing, why doesn't it involve environmental protection?" The staff said:

"Or do you mean that these things of yours are imported from other places for OEM? Lied that they were produced by your own factory? No matter which one, you will be banned."


"There's nothing wrong with it, come out quickly, we're going to close the booth."

Seeing the attitude of the staff, there is no room for retreat.

Sun Youtian who was standing aside was a little confused.

Only Lin Yi could think of such an operation.

In front of the officials, Wang Yaqiang had nothing to do.

Only some important things can be taken out, and then the curtain is pulled down to seal the whole booth.

The staff didn't bother, took the seal, pasted it on it, and educated a few words before leaving.

Lin Yi patted Wang Yaqiang's shoulder.

"It's true, you sell some **** things and want me to buy them. Isn't it obvious that you are familiar with it? You will gain wisdom by eating it, and you will have a long memory next time."

Wang Yaqiang's face was so ugly that he would die, he sneered and said:

"Sun Youtian really has you guys, he actually played this game with me!"

"This is your own problem, it has nothing to do with us." Sun Youtian said expressionlessly:

"Xiao Yi, let's go."

"Let's go, it just so happens that we are about to get off work."

The two of them didn't continue their shopping and were going back to Area B.

Lin Yi didn't ask much about Sun Youtian.

It's not a glorious thing, and it can be guessed.

"I made you laugh."

"What's the matter, I was beaten when I was in school, several of them beat me one."

"You don't look like a loser."

"The main reason is that there are so many of them, there is really no way." Lin Yi said:

"But if you want to say that you suffered a loss, you really can't talk about it. Although I was also beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face, I always found the leader to beat me up, and finally went to the hospital for six stitches."

"You're cruel enough, you dared to hit someone like that when you were in school."

"People are good at being bullied, and horses are good at being ridden." Lin Yi said.

"This is a brilliant achievement for you."

"You can't say that. My mother beat me up when I got home. I didn't dare to sit on the bench for three days."

"Ha ha."

"But if you want to beat him up, I'll definitely do it for you."

"We're all grown-ups, don't cause trouble if you can, and work hard."

"How can this be called causing trouble? He provoked us first."

Lin Yi said:

"The thing I don't like the most is this kind of pretentious person."

"Forget it, their booth was sealed, so it's a vent, so let's do it."

"no problem."

The two returned to Area B slowly.

Although the one-day exhibition is coming to an end, there are still many people.

The two did not return to their platforms, but stood in the Rolls-Royce exhibition area.

"This car may be exciting, it's too pretentious to drive out."

"This kind of car is not cost-effective." Lin Yi said:

"If you want to say that the king of pretense is Porsche, it costs 2 million to pretend to be 4 million coins."

"It really is."

Afterwards, the two went around to other places and returned to their own platform.

At this moment, the people have dispersed one after another.

Chen Lin is making the final inventory with the staff.

Because they had nothing to do, the two of them didn't want to stay any longer, and were going to leave.

With Lin Yi and Sun Youtian's status in the store, no one dared to say anything.

"Don't go, both of you."

Chen Lin called Lin Yi to stop.

"Mr. Wang said it's okay to treat guests to dinner tonight, right?"


"Then wait a while."

"We'll go out for a cigarette and wait for you."


After saying hello, Lin Yi and Sun Youtian walked out.

When he came to the side of the car, Sun Youtian handed Lin Yi a cigarette.

But before he lit the cigarette, he heard shouting and cursing not far away.

"Smash me!"

Turning his head to look, he found that the person rushing over was Wang Yaqiang.

There were two people with him.

It looked a little familiar, much like his employees.

"You're not done yet!"

Sun Youtian said angrily.

"Is it over? You have the nerve to say it."

Wang Yaqiang narrowed his eyes and said:

"Find someone to put us together, and we can't even participate in the auto show. Do you think I will let you go? If I don't break your other leg today, my surname will not be Wang."

"Third brother, look at what I said. Dogs will never change from eating shit. It's useless to give them a chance."

Lin Yi's words made Wang Yaqiang's face even more angry.

The instigator of all this is him.

Otherwise, your own store will not be closed.

"Boy, if he can't escape, neither can you. I will settle this account with you."

"It's Nima!"

Lin Yi slapped Wang Yaqiang's face.

The latter didn't react at all~www.readwn.com~ was hit by a somersault.

The other two rushed up immediately.

Lin Yi also didn't give them a chance, he kicked each of them and sent them all flying.

Only then did Wang Yaqiang realize that Lin Yi's skills were much better than his own.

It is difficult to deal with him with just three people.

"Boy, it's hard to count on you. I'll write down today's account first, and I'll settle it with you later."

"It's already here, how can I let you go easily?" Lin Yi walked over with a smile.

"Let's settle the old and new accounts together."

Wang Yaqiang's face changed, and he also realized that the question was wrong.

At this moment, a shout came, and two policemen ran over and said:

"What are you doing!"

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