I Randomly Have a New Career Every Week

Vol 2 Chapter 3346: : How big is the **** and how big are the pants

Hearing He Li's voice, the two looked for it.

"I finally apologize."

Wang Heng said happily:

"Boy Lin Yi, it's really the right time. At this time, it's just right to apologize to them."

Chen Lin nodded.

Also agree with this statement.

Lin Yi apologized at this time, which not only dragged the other party into the water, but also saved himself to the greatest extent.

Really smart.

"What did Lin Yi say?"

Seeing He Li approaching, Wang Heng asked.

"Huh? Lin Yi didn't say anything."

"Didn't he apologize? How could he not say anything?"

"It wasn't Lin Yi who apologized, it was BMW who apologized."

"Ah? They apologized? How is that possible!"

"But they really apologized and posted it on their official account."

While talking, He Li handed over her mobile phone.

The two looked over, and it was indeed their letter of apology.

And the main content is an apology to Lin Yi alone!

As for the ice cream incident, just a mention.

The two looked at each other, never dreaming that they would apologize to Lin Yi!

And the apology statement was written very sincerely!

"How did Lin Yi do it, and let them apologize. Isn't this slapping himself in the face?" Chen Lin muttered.

"I can't figure it out either."

Wang Heng said:

"Even if they recognize the essence of public relations, they can't really apologize to Lin Yi."

"That's why I said, I can't see through Lin Yi at all."

"Don't say it's you, I can't see through it either."

"President Wang, what shall we do now?"

"Don't worry about anything, act like nothing happened."


Chen Lin took her mobile phone and sent Lin Yi a thumbs up emoji.

Some things are just enough to stop, there is no need to say too much.

When Lin Yi received this news, he was already on his way home.

In the next few days, the heat of this matter has not completely dissipated.

And this is all thanks to Yan Ci's subsequent operations.

It is precisely this operation that keeps the enthusiasm of the auto show high.

On the fifth day, sales had reached 70 million.

With such achievements, Lin Yi is already very satisfied.

The other two BBA companies have been left behind by a large margin in terms of sales.

In the next five days, in Lin Yi's view, breaking through to 100 million is not a problem.

And Lin Yi's life is also easy.

The daily task is to go around the auto show.

Looking at the sales, and then looking at the car models at each booth, life is quite comfortable.

"Lin Yi, where have you been?"

Seeing Lin Yi coming back, He Li waved at him.

"I've gone to see Heisi." Lin Yi said as a matter of course:

"Don't tell me, there are several people who can compete with you."

"Mainly, Mr. Chen has stipulated that we must wear the same clothes. If I wear letters with letters, I will definitely look better than them."

"If you say that, I won't be stubborn with you."

"By the way, I have some good news for you." He Li said mysteriously.

"What good news."

"Mr. Liu quit. Now Mr. Chen has taken care of the business in the store."

"Isn't that obvious?"

"But the problem is, once Mr. Chen is righted, the position of vice president will be vacated." He Li said excitedly:

"Just now I heard Mr. Chen chatting with Mr. Wang, and it seems that you are going to be the vice president."

"I can't do it anymore. I haven't been here for a long time. It's not suitable."

Lin Yi pretended not to know anything, and did not disclose relevant information.

"But I think you can do it." He Li said:

"The store can have such good benefits, and the auto show is well-organized, and you have contributed a lot."

"It's just that you think so. This is about qualifications and taking care of other people's emotions."

"You're right."

"I just want to buy A6L, hurry up and pay!"

While the two were talking, they saw a middle-aged couple with a young man looking at the car in front of the booth.

The middle-aged couple's dress is very ordinary, the clothes and trousers have been washed to white.

Looking at the cars in the booth, his expression was tense and cramped.

This kind of dress and mood seemed a little out of place in an occasion like an auto show.

Beside them, stood a young man in his twenties.

He was wearing slim-fit jeans, a pair of beanie shoes, his hair was also dyed green, and there was a tattoo on his arm. He was dressed in a standard social youth.

"Huh? Aunt Zhang, why are you here?" He Li was surprised.

"You know each other?" Lin Yi whispered.

"I know them. They used to be tenants of my house, and they lived there for many years." He Li said:

"Our family sold that house last year, so we have fewer contacts."

"So that's how it is."

Seeing the middle-aged couple, He Li went up to meet them, and naturally took the middle-aged woman's arm.

"Lily, you work here."

The middle-aged woman said in surprise, with a smile on her brow.

"I've been working here all the time, your memory is a bit diminished."

"It can't be done, I'm old and my brain is not working well."

"Not old, not old, still young." He Li said with a smile:

"Do you want to buy a car? Which brand do you like? I'll help you negotiate the price."

"Sister Li, I just want to buy A6L, how much is the minimum price?"

The person who spoke was Aunt Zhang's son, whose name was Li Hao.

After hearing this, He Li's face changed slightly.

She knew about their family's situation.

It is understandable if you buy a scooter worth tens of thousands of dollars.

But the A6L costs more than 400,000 yuan, which is not something their family can afford.

"The cheapest is 80,000 yuan. There is no need to buy this one. You can change it to another one." He Li organized her words, "A car is a means of transportation, as long as it can be driven."

"This car is so expensive." Aunt Zhang said.

"It's really not cheap." He Li said:

"We all have common boss surnames, so there's really no need to buy this."

"It's indeed a bit expensive." Aunt Zhang's expression was even more cramped, she looked at her son and said:

"Son, why don't you change to another car~www.readwn.com~ I think there are more than 100,000 cars, why don't you buy that one."

"The hundreds of thousands of cars are all domestic cars, and the performance is not good. How can the A6 have face."

"The main reason is that it's too expensive." Aunt Zhang said:

"Your father and I set up a stall, and we can't make so much money in a year."

"Don't you two have savings? These cars can be loaned." Li Hao said:

"After paying the down payment, you can just repay the loan every month."

"But our family still has to live. We can't spend all the money on cars."

Aunt Zhang said earnestly:

"I still need to save some money to buy you a house in the future, so this car, can we buy a cheaper one."

"It's cheap enough. My friends all drive better cars than this one. If I buy a domestic car worth more than 100,000 yuan, how can you let me go out?"

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