I Randomly Have a New Career Every Week

Chapter 454: : Buying swimsuits for Li Chuhan

   Knowing that Lin Yi would also follow, Wang Zeyi's mouth was smiling, and he said to himself in his heart:

   "This time, I want to let everyone know that in this real world, being handsome is useless. Money is the king!"

   When I learned that Li Chuhan had given everyone a half-day holiday, and that there were some people going out to play, the entire cardiac surgery room was a sensation.

   This is in the hospital. This kind of thing is not common, especially the young nurses, who don't want to work all morning.

   It’s fun, it’s noisy, but before leaving, Li Chuhan still tells everyone to arrange the work at hand.

  The working atmosphere of the cardiology surgery is very good. I learned about the vacation and fun. Although everyone wanted to go, I also knew that the work of the hospital could not be left behind.

   The older nurse voluntarily resigned, stayed on duty, and gave the opportunity to travel to the young nurse.

   Li Chuhan did not favor one or the other. The bonus of 200 yuan per person to the left-behind people is a certain compensation for them to some extent.

   In addition, people who work night shifts must return before nine o'clock in the evening, but this rule has little effect.

  Because it is nine o'clock in the evening, I must have finished playing, and it will not affect me when I come back to work.

   Everything is very K.

   After finishing get off work at 11:30 noon, the people in the heart surgery department all prepared their own travel equipment.

   At one o'clock in the afternoon, the people in the department gathered in the parking lot. Because most people had cars, they decided to drive.

   "Director Li, let's go, I haven't been to the beach for a long time. After buying a swimsuit for several months, it can finally come in handy." Qiao Xin said with a grin.

   "If you put your thoughts on playing and put it on study, it is estimated that your skills will not be much worse than Lin Yi."

   "How can I compare to Lin Ge, Lin Ge is a genius." Qiao Xin said:

   "Director Li, where's your swimsuit, let me see what style is it, conjoined or separate body?"

   "Yes, yes, Director Li, what kind of swimsuit do you have prepared? With such a good figure and usually wrapped tightly, you can finally see the true face of Lushan today." Little nurse Yuan Siqi said.

   "I didn't prepare any swimsuits or swimsuits. Just relax in the past. There is no need to buy a swimsuit."

   Li Chuhan is just a little colder, but not a very conservative personality.

   She doesn't resist things like swimsuits, she just feels unnecessary.

   "It's hard to come out. If you don't play in the water for a while, won't you come for nothing?" Qiao Xin said:

   "But it doesn't matter. They are sold at the beach. I will buy you a set when the time comes.

   "Forget it, you just have to have fun, don't worry about me."

   "Well, you are the boss of our department. If you don't have fun, how can we be happy." Qiao Xin winked, got close to Li Chuhan, and whispered:

   "Director Li, don't you see how good the figure was for the sister who came to our department that day? Many people are thinking of Brother Lin. We can't let others compare her."

   "I can't do anything with you."

   "Hey, that’s it, I’ll go to help you choose a bikini later, and I will ensure that the audience will be overwhelmed. I will compare all those glamorous goods."

   "Don't, normal swimsuits are fine, but bikinis are fine."

   "Hey, got it!"

  Everyone was assembled. The 20 people in the department drove their cars and set off towards Wangjiang Wharf.

   In addition, there was a van followed by Wang Zeyi alone.

   contains things for fun, but most of them are food.

   Twenty minutes later, when I opened the window, I could hear the sound of the waves.

   When we arrived at the parking lot, a group of people parked the car.

   Seeing the expanded Wangjiang Wharf, Qiao Xin and a few nurses all gave out one after another exclamation.

   "My God, the changes to the Wangjiang Wharf are too beautiful." Yuan Siqi exclaimed:

   "I've been here once before, and it feels very good. I didn't expect that after the expansion, it will become more international."

   "Indeed, it looks even taller."

   "There is something you may not know." Wang Ze said with a smile:

"Some time ago, Wangjiang Wharf was acquired. The boss behind the scenes spent 800 million yuan. He wanted to build Wangjiang Wharf into a world-class yacht center. So it has what you see now. It is said that in the future, There are two and three phases of construction, and by then, it looks more luxurious."

   "Director Wang, do you even know this news?" Yuan Siqi said.

   "My friend, a member of the yacht club, often comes here to play, so I know many things." Wang Ze said complacently.

   "Director Wang, I heard that people who play yachts are rich or expensive at home. If you can make friends like this, your family background is not bad."

   "Fortunately, it is an ordinary middle-class family, not as good as everyone thinks."

   "In a place like Zhonghai, it is already very good to be able to mix into the middle class, and the net worth is at least 8 million."

"It's not much money, everyone don't care too much, but don't worry, everyone, I saved this game, and I will definitely let everyone eat it for fun. I don't need to save me money. I can still spend this small amount of money. UU看书www .uukanshu.com"

   "Hey, then we won't be polite to Director Wang."

   "You are welcome." Wang Ze smiled and waved, "Let's unload everything and bake something to eat. When we are full, I will get a boat again and let's go out to sea."

   "Can you still go to sea?"

   "Of course, I have all come to Wangjiang Wharf, so I naturally have to go to the sea to play, otherwise it will be for nothing."

   "But it doesn't seem to be cheap to rent a boat. The cheapest one is 500 an hour."

   "It doesn't matter, it's all small money." Wang Zeyi said: "You are following me, so naturally you have to play well."

   "Then thank you Director Wang."

   Seeing the nurses in the department surrounded by him, Wang Zeyi felt full of accomplishment.

   When they were in the hospital, everyone was wearing white lab coats, so much so that they all circled Lin Yi.

   now comes out, they can realize the importance of money.

  It is estimated that in the future, these little nurses in the department will all become their own people.

   Thinking of this, Wang Ze turned his head and glanced at Lin Yi, "It's up to you to fight with me... huh? What did they do?"

  At this time, Wang Ze saw that Lin Yi, Li Chuhan and Qiao Xin had already reached the side of the road and got into the car at some point.

   "Brother Lin, do you know where there is a swimsuit nearby? We have to pick a set for Director Li."

   "Isn't it just a swimsuit? Lin Yi, a big man, is not so excited, why are you doing this?" Li Chuhan said.

   "Because many people say that Director Li is in good shape, I can't help but want to see it."

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