"Professor Ouyang, I am so happy to meet you."

Chen Feng blinked at the white coat in front of him.

I can’t blame him for expressing his emotions so easily, and for appearing unsettled.

Since coming here, he has always been in a great mood.

Whenever one more familiar face still exists, he feels very comfortable and very lucky.

He has been changing history.

In his personal history, the history book is not a static book, but like Schrödinger’s cat, or as elusive and unpredictable as the electrons moving around protons.

Because of what he saw.

Before he arrived at this timeline and reconnected, all history was nothingness.

Only when he arrived here and opened the lid with his own hands, can he see whether the cat is alive or dead.

Expressed in an exaggerated language, Chen Feng, who constantly travels through time, creates a universe every time he opens his eyes.

But he himself doesn't know what the universe "created" by him is, whether people familiar with him still exist.

He has been avoiding one thing.

In the past, he did not want to have emotional intersection with people after a thousand years. The surface reason is that everyone will die eventually. The lower reason is that he is anxious that he will accidentally give the people he has made to the changes in history. It's gone.

That would hurt.

After he came here last time, because he saw Ding Hu several times in a row, the comrades in the boot camp did not change much, and gradually opened up the closed heart.

But the deeper he sinks, the deeper the anxiety.

He can learn to be calm, but he can never learn to be ruthless.

The familiar faces that keep appearing are like pulling the screwdriver out of the thorns in his heart one by one, so he is too active today.

Professor Ouyang's brows were slightly twisted, and his head tilted back, "Have you seen me before?"

Chen Feng shook his head and stepped onto the test instrument, "I haven't seen it, but we Those who go into battle always respect the technicians."

Ding Hu really can't stand his familiarity, "Shut up little bastard! You still have a million miles apart from the battle!"

Chen Feng flicked his arm and completed a test. He pointed to the huge three words "new record" on the virtual image in the air, and smiled at Ding Hu, "Is it not that far now?"

The entire laboratory went into madness in an instant.

The lap data measured by Ding Hu's own pinch watch is not rigorous enough, not enough to make people crazy, but the data in the laboratory is rigorous enough, and instantly synchronized globally.

No one would have imagined that a completely new physical measurement parameter that was so crushing appeared casually.

With the deepening of the test, Chen Feng constantly refreshed every record.

"My God, what kind of genetic arousal did you experience last night? I have seen your lateral parameters before, and you are obviously only above the middle, this..."

Ding Hu was speechless.

Chen Feng keenly caught the four words "gene awakening" and kept it in his heart.

Very good, it's a new technology.

This day was spent in various busy tests.

Physical test, psychological test, political review, somatic cell sampling...

"Well, Corporal Chen Feng, you will go back to the dormitory to rest. Tomorrow morning, the general will meet you when he returns to the base. "

The matter is finally finished, Ouyang Academician arranged.

Chen Feng endured for a day, but finally couldn't hold back, and asked: "Academician, as a recruit, I have a presumptuous question."


"What's the name of the general?"

"Corporal Chen Feng, what are you talking about? You didn't participate in the recruit mobilization meeting when you first came to the base? Haven't seen the general?"

"It may be that my genetic awakening last night caused some memory disorders. I have an impression in my heart, but I am not sure, so I think I will ask first, so as not to be rude tomorrow."

"You I already have a formal establishment. Although you can check it yourself after you go back, I can tell you. The general's name is Tang Tianxin."

"Men's and women's?"

" Female."


"From an aesthetic point of view, the general's appearance is impeccable."

"many thanks, This is the best news I heard today."

According to the help of the personal information system, Chen Feng returned to the dormitory alone, and then began to check the information.

The amazing physical test data has brought him a great degree of convenience. There is no need to declare, and his authority in the military system is automatically upgraded to a corporal.

At this glance, Chen Feng only felt that storms assaults the senses.

This time he has changed the past history so much that he himself is horrible to see.

First of all, the historical database he can access has become more detailed, and it looks countless times more comfortable than the last time.

Although the militarization management of this era is more stringent, in terms of information control, it has been more relaxed.

Although the doomsday disaster has not yet been exposed, the world government no longer compulsorily completely shields historical materials and knowledge, but has replaced it with another more inductive guidance strategy.

All changes still have to start in early 2020.

The "Ashes" created by Zhong Lei at the time is still a military song, and it still played an extremely important role in the birth of the Black Tortoise Academy.

However, the birth of the Black Tortoise Institute has advanced nearly a hundred years.

Ou Junlang became popular all over the world after the release of his first album. Although he did not create and sing other classics since then, his first album alone made him popular all his life.

Of course, due to the Early-Stage Great Renaissance in the 21st century and the music industry is blooming, Ou Junlang still regrets that he has not been able to make it to the top 100 before the millennium, but his artistic career as a singing artist is still successful of.

This made him helpless until he was sixty-five years old when he returned to take charge of Ouhe Group.

However, Ou Junlang's influence on the Ouhe Group has been weakened a lot, because he, the sole heir, has been reluctant to return to the throne. Ou Guohua simply put the Ouhe Group on the market in his later years.

In the market wave, although the assets of the Ou Family have been growing continuously, the Ouhe Group has grown faster. By the time Ou Junlang returns, the Ouhe Group is already a trillion-dollar asset. For large multinational groups, Ou's shareholding ratio has dropped to 31.28%, and Ou Junlang can no longer be allowed to mess around.

Since then, Ouhe Group has been maintained for nearly a hundred years before it lost the battle in the scientific research competition of new energy, was annexed by another company, and became the dust of history.

But Ouhe Group has left more scientific research results for all mankind.

These are visible to Chen Feng naked eye, and he personally made the most intuitive changes to humans.

But there is another important time in history that cannot be avoided with him and Zhong Lei.

The song "Burning Myself", especially its English version, caused a terrifying turmoil at the end of the 25th century, when the world government was established less than a hundred years ago.

This is a revolution.

Under the tide of the times, a Slav named Sergey was born in 2543.

Sergey is a genius scientist, a rare scientific all-rounder, and his first half of his life left behind many important scientific research results that can cross the age.

On the basis of their scientific inferences, after nearly three hundred years of advancement, later generations finally achieved a major breakthrough. The results of this breakthrough were still in use until 3020, and provided almost 100% of all mankind’s Energy supply.

In the previous timeline, there was not a well-known person named Sergey.

Maybe this person was not born at all, or died early under the interference of some external environment.

But in this timeline, Chen Feng can now see so many technological innovation products, Sergey’s role is no less than that of Ouhe Group and Black Tortoise Institute, and even It may be higher.

But Sergey's contribution was mainly only in the first half of his life.

At this stage, he is a researcher in the research institute under the world government.

He has almost become the only chief scientific officer in human history, who can control the overall situation.

But one year before his inauguration, he watched a movie that was considered crude to posterity.

"Chaos Space".

It is not the movie that changed Sergey, but the theme song "Burning Myself".

According to historical records, after Sergei listened to this song, he developed new ideas about freedom and the future of mankind, which changed him overnight, and finally set off on the day of the inauguration. A scientific revolution.

It is a real revolution.

He wants to overthrow the rule of the military party.

He has many supporters.

He told his supporter that the world government is a conspiracy.

He also told everyone that all mankind is being infiltrated.

Although he could not find direct evidence, nor could he write a complete argumentation formula to prove his conjecture, he smelled the breath of danger from the fresh air that would undoubtedly die.

The tragic war broke out. After nearly thirty years, the total human population dropped from 8 billion to 4 billion.

In the end, Sergey won.

Yes, he succeeded in the revolution.

But on the day when his revolution succeeded, at the age of ninety-five years old, he chose to commit suicide by drinking bombs.

Before he committed suicide, he shouted in despair.

"Humanity has no chance of winning, because everyone is in it. When I overturned an infiltration, I found that I was still part of the infiltration. Just like we live in this universe, we will always You can only follow the rules of the universe."

Sure enough, after Sergei’s death, the regime led by him eventually became the new world government, leading mankind forward again, and to where it is today .

When Sergey committed suicide, he himself believed that there was no essential difference between the two world governments.

So although Sergey has made great contributions, no one has ever thanked him in the heart.

The historian's evaluation of Sergey's merits and demerits was split in two.

Some people think that without him, human beings would be better.

But some people think that without him, human beings would be worse.

The two schools of thought are divergent, and there will never be a definite answer.

Because of the harm that his successful revolution caused to mankind, everyone thinks that the Earth people can’t stand the second toss, and the newly established world government is more centralized, more militarized, and becomes A more rigorous and cruel militarized society.

At the moment Chen Feng is in, there is no such stratum of subsistence allowances, instead there are slums.

The people at the bottom of the slum no longer enjoy any preferential treatment, only the minimum guaranteed quality of life.

This is the kind of real minimum guarantee, barely making people starve, nothing more.

Even if the social productivity is still surplus, but these surplus productivity is no longer distributed to the bottom as benefits, but used as rewards for contributing workers and warriors, or a greater degree of investment in Research, military industry and other industries.

The competition in this era is more cruel than any timeline Chen Feng has experienced in the past.

But the path for the bottom people to ascend has never been closed, because the world government founded by scientist Sergey, from the very beginning, has fixed a supreme principle.

Even if you know that everyone is infiltrated, even if you still can’t find the problem, everyone is qualified to learn all the knowledge!

In order to ensure that his highest standards are not shaken by future generations, Sergey even threatened future generations in his suicide note.

He concealed an explosion source deep in the core of the earth that was enough to blow up Earth into cosmic garbage.

Once someone tries to crack the source of his explosion, it will detonate on the spot.

Once his artificial intelligence lurking in the intelligent network determines that the world government leadership has closed the space for the lower-level people to rise, it will still explode on the spot.

In Chen Feng's view, this is Sergey's greatest contribution, because his threats are really useful.

Under such a special social background, all Earth people are in the fiercest competitive situation. Once they fall behind, they can only go to the slums to eat chaff and dignity.

Countless scientists, Economicsists, generals, elite warriors, top craftsmen, artists have come out of the slums...

As long as you have the ability, as long as you want, you can get you Everything you want.

If you are lazy and incompetent, even if your ancestors have accumulated wealth for you for dozens of generations, it is useless. As long as your abilities are not enough to support your status and wealth, you will also be gnawed away by people in just a few decades.

The upper class and the slum class are entirely different, but they are extremely related and can penetrate each other at any time.

The structure of the entire society is very dynamic and full of vitality.

Chen Feng feels that Sergei's achievements almost almost catch up with him.

When he committed suicide, he must have anticipated the social framework for hundreds of years to come, all of which were based on his crazy actions.

In Earth’s bombing, one threat temporarily replaces another threat to form this deformed but effective social structure.

This operation really broke the sky, and it really is a crazy Frankenstein.

Chen Feng even thought that letting Sergey do his job might be better.

There is no choice either, otherwise he really wants to choose.

In the early 29th century, after Watson Geislav invented the gene fluid technology, this cruelty was performed to the extreme.

The "incompetent person" of one third has been deprived of the right to survive since he was born.

The final result, to some extent, meets the expectations of Chen Feng, who left the introduction, but it is a history of blood and tears written with more blood and tears.

Everyone's clockwork is full, but the truth of the end of the world is still hidden. Everyone struggles like a machine numb, but doesn't know why.

After reading these historical materials, especially after seeing those tragedies, Chen Feng is not Sergey after all. He used a lot of effort to control his emotions.

He even can't help but look down at his hands.

If you want to indirectly count the lives of those who died in the war or under the system in your own hands, I am afraid that Chen Feng has become a super used killer.

But he finally calmed down.

The deceased has passed away, only the living can talk about the qualifications to continue living.

No matter how hard the process is and how much blood has been shed, the current level of human science and technology is indeed much higher.

The Azure Dragon Armor, A-3 loader, shock knife, high-explosive bomb under the crotch, and battle-class frigate that he had experienced last time have all appeared in history, about two The products of science and technology that were widely used from the 18th to the 29th century have now been eliminated.

He was busy all night and didn't sleep until the second day when he was about to see Tang Tianxin, his mood was completely calm.

Time and destiny are really wonderful things.

The inertia of history is also really strong.

Even if I have been playing for a thousand years, I am distorted so much that I can still see so many familiar faces.

I don't know if it is Tang Tianxin's fate or his fate is too good.

Knock on the door.

"Please come in."

"Hello General, I’m Chen Feng."

Chen Feng looked at the desk still on Tang Tianxin’s desk The black and white chess pieces and the Go board, said slowly.

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