Tang Tianxin is still confused.

But this is all in Chen Feng's expectation.

He called his smart assistant, Weiwei, and started playing the video file.

Two stereo projections appeared on the long white table in front of them at the same time.

On the left is the scene when Chen Feng played chess with Tang Tianxin in the past, and on the right is the scene when the two played chess yesterday.

Tang Tianxin said with a little discomfort at first: "You videoed it? Did you know that it is illegal to record images of high level officers? This involves stealing military secrets."

Chen Feng curled his lips, "Sorry, I am also a colonel now, and your security officer, this is within my authority. Don't gossiping first, you carefully observe your micro-expressions and the tone of your speech. Pay attention, the critical moment Coming!"

In the two pictures, Tang Tianxin dropped the last son almost at the same time, and then Chen Feng confessed.

Tang Tianxin on the left is expressionless, thinking that everything is as it should be by rights.

Tang Tianxin on the right side is excited to show off that she has accurately controlled the time of the two games to half an hour.

Although her display is very restrained due to her calm personality, her slightly raised eyebrows and curved mouth corners perfectly betrayed her state of mind when she spoke.

Chen Feng clicked the switch button again, and the screen on the right changed, becoming the appearance of Tang Tianxin after losing to AI by one eye.

The contrast between the left and right is even sharper and stronger.

"So, my personality has changed? Become more active?"

Chen Feng shook his head, "No, you have never changed. This is your nature. This is a normal performance after you have a true self-emotion. In the past, your nature was suppressed by logical thinking, and then you were abnormal. Starting yesterday, after the successful implantation, your nature gradually recovered and was liberated. "

Tang Tianxin shook her head subconsciously, "How is this possible."

"Look, if it was before, you would definitely think thoroughly before making a judgment. Now you Subconsciously denies its probability. The so-called subconsciously judgments are perceptual judgments. Ask yourself, did you make such judgments before?"

Tang Tianxin shook his head, "No."

"The so-called perceptual judgment is not unreasonable, but an extremely profound, complex and fast way of working in your brain. Perceptual judgment may not be right every time, but for top talents with extremely high IQs, The correct one may be a bit larger."

"You have this ability again, so your battlefield command ability has been improved, and it is like my Star Front Armor's ability to control the whole army. This It’s your analysis of the battle report yesterday. Compare it with your own analysis of the battle report in the past. These are my analysis of the battle report for single-player and confrontation missions. You can also take a look."

Chen Feng said with a smile. NS.

In fact, he has sorted out some things.

The reason why he is so strong is that in addition to the stronger fleshy body and neural reaction ability brought about by higher genetic arousal, his perceptual judgment provides him with the possibility of extraordinary performance, which is sufficient. His "years" of high-intensity training has turned his extraordinary performance into a daily instinct.

Tang Tianxin also has enough accumulation in command training, but she lacked the ability of perceptual judgment in the past, so she could only play 100% of her abilities every time, and could not stand out.

Now she can also steadily and supernormally display 200% of her abilities, and the gap with others has suddenly come out.

"So Sergey Academician is actually correct? Human thinking really has a problem?"

Chen Feng decisively nodded, "Yes. And my research is better than Sergey Going deeper, I also know the representation of this infiltration influence. It is your extraordinary love for Go. Except for you, all the other commanders..."

"This person likes yo-yo My Heavens! This was a toy for children under ten years ago! This one is even more exaggerated, rolling the hoop, what the hell is this? And this..."

"I asked before After you, if these phenomena are normal, your answer is normal, now? You ask yourself again? Is it normal?"

Tang Tian thought for a long time and said, "But I still like Go. "

Chen Feng has a voice.

"The two are not in absolute conflict. My suggestion is that after you return to the base, you should get rid of the habit of playing Go. Don’t take this thing on the boat. At the same time, you should have our findings , Report it in your name, and let the commanders of the entire army who are suspected of having this symptom take the initiative to hand in various hobby's bearers and destroy them in outer space! You can't bring these things on board!"

Tang Tianxin asked: "Why use my name? You can report it yourself. This is your credit."

Chen Feng shook his head, "Because you are a lieutenant general, your words are more useful."

It didn't take long for Ou Qinglan to come.

She is still the chubby baby face, full of silver threads, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Ou Qinglan originally came for Tang Tianxin's change. She listened to Chen Feng's analysis again. Although she felt suspicious, she still approved the two people's ideas.

Ou Qinglan also made a suggestion that she will return to the Great Snow Mountain base with the two of them, take Tang Tianxin's Go away, and take it to the Black Tortoise Institute for analysis.

Two days later, the proposal and research report jointly created by Tang and Ou were handed over.

Compared with Chen Feng's nonchalant "researcher", the theory of civil sciences, professional researcher Ou Qinglan is much more reliable.

Although Ou Qinglan is mainly engaged in materials science, her scientific literacy and the level of report writing are very strong in all areas.

As long as the prerequisites are sufficient, she can write papers in any subject, and she writes well.

Ou Qinglan and Chen Feng talked in detail for two days, rearranging Chen Feng’s Minke thoughts and becoming more rigorous, and the method of argumentation is no longer the same as Chen Feng’s intuition to guess, but A large number of data comparisons were used to finally draw a conclusion.

In the office, the three of them stared at the projection screen intently.

File uploading...

File transfer progress 1...100%.

The leadership is reviewing...

Boyer Grant, a standing member of the Executive Committee, has reviewed the documents and reviewed the progress 127.

Executive member Lu Xianfeng has checked the documents and checked the progress 227.


"It's finished. The report is up."

Tang Tianxin breathed a sigh of relief.

pa pa pa!

The three of them clapped to celebrate.

Half an hour passed, the projection screen did not show the reply that the proposal was approved, but it was not rejected either. I don’t know what happened.

Tang Tianxin wondered: "What's the matter? Whether it is agreed or rejected, these decisions are usually made very quickly. What happened this time?"

Chen Feng didn't understand. In this situation, he shook his head.

Ou Qinglan said: "Perhaps because there are too many people involved, it is necessary to convene a larger committee representative meeting for public voting."

"Perhaps, first Regardless of this. Let’s continue to do our own thing. Next week, the Tianxin fleet will be launched into the air. I have to make some preparations and complete the selection of new fleet members in the base."

Put it down and go busy.

Ou Qinglan took the chess pieces and chessboard back to the Black Tortoise courtyard in the southwestern area of ​​China.

In the evening, Tang Tianxin approached Chen Feng and told him that he had to go to the administrative capital in the Americas. In response to her proposal, a major meeting for collective voting by all representatives was about to be held and she needed this proposal. The only signer on stage gave a more detailed explanation.

Chen Feng didn't think much, let her go early and return early. It is best to discuss with Ou Qinglan on the way and carefully consider the content of the speech after taking the stage.

Shortly after Tang Tianxin's departure, at eight o'clock in the evening, three large cruise ships appeared over the Great Snow Mountain base.

Jumped down many warriors with live ammunition in star armor.

The emergency assembly order in the base sounded, and everyone was called to the square.

As Tang Tianxin’s personal chief security officer, Chen Feng, as the temporary Chief-In-Charge of the base, met with the leading generals in the group of soldiers at the headquarters.

The title of this leader is actually higher than Tang Tianxin!

Chen Feng is at a loss.

"Excuse me, what happened?"

The general took a look at Chen Feng and said with a smile: "You are the one Ranked 1st in the holographic simulation system Super warrior, Colonel Chen Feng, right?"

Chen Feng shook his head modestly, "Don’t dare to be."

"Colonel, humility does not improve your character. The war is imminent, the military decided to All the warriors in the major training bases of the entire army have undergone a comprehensive assault psychological test. I hope you will cooperate."

Chen Feng wondered: "For such an important matter, it’s best to wait for our commander Tang Tian’s heart. Will it be executed after returning?"

"General Tang has an important task now, and he has no time to come back. This is not a major event, you can coordinate and arrange it properly."

While the two were chatting, the cruiser has successively dropped 200 sets of psychological testing equipment on the square.

These test devices are large white square boxes with a side length of three meters.

"Time is running out. Let’s start now. Twenty minutes per person. There are 63,400 people on the Great Snow Mountain base to be tested. I will be busy tonight."

Chen Feng is full of suspicion, but this is an order from a superior, and he can only execute it.

When arranging the base members to line up, Chen Feng quietly pulled Scott behind him and asked: "Scott, you specialize in this. There is nothing strange about these white houses, right?"

Scott shook his head, "No problem. This is indeed a very widely used psychological testing room, and the detection accuracy is much higher than ordinary political censorship."

"That's good."

As time passed, the base instructors, trainers, recruits and even technicians entered and exited the test equipment one after another.

None of the people who came out showed anything unusual, and the soldiers who got off the cruise ship did not embarrass the inspected personnel, and only asked everyone to go back to their dormitories to rest.

Chen Feng put his own test to the end, he did not wait here, but returned to the dormitory, turned on the smart assistant, tried to contact Tang Tianxin, to figure out what was going on.

But he couldn't get in touch, and only said that Tang Tianxin was attending an important meeting and could not contact the outside world.

Chen Feng simply landed in the holographic simulation system and planned to take the time to practice two.

Before the construction started, he first went to the Zhonghua Tower Cafe on the corner of the simulated square, and planned to have a big red robe to adjust his state.

"Chen Feng."

He took the first sip, but a faint voice came from his ears.

He looked around, and there was no one around him in the simulation system.

"Don’t look for it, it’s me, Qinglan Ou. I quietly lurks in the underlying core of the holographic system, sending you a message through the system message. I control your chair to make a sound by the slight vibration, and then use it. Analog signal bone conduction to you."

"Oh oh, what's the matter?"

"The major event is not good, Tianxin was relieved of his post and got arrested!"

Chen Feng was shocked, "What! What do those high-level officials mean?"

"I also not quite clear the specific situation. I only know that she was convicted of disturbing the military's morale. , Has been restricted from personal freedom. When tomorrow morning, she will be executed!"

Chen Feng did not react at all, "why is this!"

Ou Qinglan used He said in a puzzling tone: "I can't figure it out. Even if they disagree with our proposal, there is no need to do this. This is too unreasonable."

Chen Feng quickly calmed his mind," I have to save her and tell me what I should do. Since you contact me, you must have a way."

Although humanity will become extinct sooner or later.

Although Chen Feng has seen many deaths, the unfathomable mystery of Tang Tianxin was unfathomable mystery and Tang Tianxin died in his own hands before this kind of battle was unfolding. He couldn't accept it at all.

Those who make decisions are simply unreasonable!

There is only one explanation.

After Tang Tianxin's proposal was passed on, it triggered a certain mechanism of psychological penetration lurking in the bottom of the leader's heart, causing this strong backlash.

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