Twenty seconds.

All fell down, with heavy casualties.

The number of the two sides is very different. If you delay a little, you may be surrounded by the army. Chen Feng can't keep his hands.

But he is not without a price.

When he escaped from the heavy encirclement and rushed towards the hangar, a long string of black gray mist was left behind.

This is caused by the over-loading of the standard star blade armor on his body and the gradual collapse.

Fortunately, he doesn't have to face any enemies in a short time, otherwise he will be in big trouble.

Now that he makes a high-intensity maneuver a little bit, the Star Front Armor will fall off completely.

The hangar of the Great Snow Mountain base is located underground at the rear of the base. It is divided into several floors and covers a large area.

If there is a battleship to be driven out of the hangar, it will usually be transported to the riser by alloy rails, the riser is opened, and then the battleship is lifted to the ground with a lifter.

In view of this multi-layer structure, heavy space ships such as heavy cruisers and large combat ships are stored on the bottom layer, and the lighter space ships are placed on top.

Chen Feng first rushed in through the unclosed employee channel.

There are some technicians working here, and some soldiers sent by the military to maintain order.

But no one can stop him.

Chen Feng found a wasp, rushed in, and pulled off the data cable from the buckle of the about to collapse Star Front Armor, and connected it to it.

The words "Warning, you are linking illegally" appeared on the control panel of the Wasp.

At the same time, a piercing alarm sounded in the computer room, the red signal light suddenly lit up, and the army soldiers and generals who were rushing here in front of the complexion greatly changed.

The adjutant asked: "General, he is stealing control of the battleship! What should I do?"

The general thought briefly and analyzed the situation.

No one thought that Chen Feng's individual combat ability after putting on the star armor was so terrifying, so powerful that it exceeded the theoretical maximum value of intelligent simulation judgment.

Now that the Armored Soldier I brought has been wiped out, the reinforcements can only arrive in six minutes at the earliest.

In addition to the battle-type Armored Soldier, this time he also brought ten command-type Armored Soldiers.

At this time, these ten command Armored Soldiers are rushing to the hangar with him.

But unlike the battle-type Armored Soldier, although the command-type Armored Soldier also has a star blade, the individual combat capability is not strong, and it must be assisted by a large combat function cabin to exert its lethality. .

It can be inside Earth. Because of its characteristics similar to the mothership, the combat function cabin has poor maneuverability. It is similar to large trucks in ancient times. Even if it can fly short distances, the speed of this flight will not be Too fast.

"Chen Feng can get Star Front Armor, and now he is eyeing the battleship, then there must be a technician remotely helping him. Investigate the data flow abnormality of the Great Snow Mountain base immediately, just take this technician Come out and cut off the connection between the two, Chen Feng has no help, and naturally can’t take the battleship away."


Five seconds later, the military’s huge database gave Give feedback.

Another inner ghost was picked out.

Ou Qinglan, a high-level researcher at the Black Tortoise Institute, and director of the Xingfengjia Design Department.

"Cut off Ou Qinglan's communication authority, immediately approve Ou Qinglan!"

The Black Tortoise Institute responded, but it was already a step too late. Ou Qinglan had already driven her private fast shuttle The ship escaped from the Black Tortoise Yard base.

The generals here are sorry, "Forget it, issue a global arrest warrant. This is also good news. It means that Chen Feng lost Ou Qinglan's remote assistance from one minute ago. He is impossible... What!"

Before the voice fell, an orange-yellow, 33-meter-long triangular-cone battleship with a curb weight of 57.3 tons broke through the ground above the depot and rose into the sky.

It is the newest individual combat ship that has just been installed, the Wasp.

The Wasp did not adopt the shape of the currently widely used humanoid, oval or spindle-shaped individual combat ships. Instead, it looks a bit retro, and the overall shape resembles an origami airplane.

The fundamental reason for the design in this form is that the powerful four ion thruster engines occupy more than 50% of the structural volume and weight of the whole machine.

In outer space, the main combat mission that the Hornets face is a concentrated charge at short and medium distances, bursting out strong firepower in a very short period of time, forming a cluster assault effect.

Compared with other miniature combat ships, the Wasp pursues ultra-high maneuverability and super explosive firepower.

Due to the high output power, the Wasp has a short cruising range, only 400,000 kilometers, and can circle Earth ten times.

On the ground, this cruising range looks good, but if the battlefield is placed in outer space, it will probably only be enough to fight a small battle and run back and forth.

"Damn it, how did he take control. All the cruise ships charge up, give me a blow to him!"

has moved to the sky above, encircling the hangar below The muzzles on the five cruise ships of Shishi began to flicker with blue gleam, arcing lasing, and crackling noises one after another.

But they are one step late after all.

Chen Feng’s Wasp took the lead. The power of the propeller was maximized at the moment of rushing out, and an S-shaped arc was drawn in the air, perfectly passing the encircling circle of the five cruise ships and disappearing. Beyond the skyline in the distance.

"I really ran away for him." The leader of the team murmured, "Report to the military immediately!"

The adjutant came forward and asked: "Should we pursue it? He?"

The general shook his head, "In the internal environment, the cruise ship is too big and its maneuverability is far inferior to the battleship. We can't catch up. Let the bases along the way send battleships to lift off and intercept him. Team, continue the psychological test. Lieutenant Colonel Ye Luming!"

He has passed the psychological test and is on standby. Ye Luming doesn’t know what to do. Ye Luming hastened to take a step forward, "Yes!"

"I appoint you as the temporary Chief-In-Charge here. Your responsibility is to organize all Great Snow Mountain members who have passed the psychological test to form a special hunting team, and drive the medium battleship and the small battleship to hunt down Chen Feng. Only. You formed an elite team of more than 300 people in one minute. Here is a list of people who must join the team."

"As you bid."

Look With Ye Luming's back lead, the leader of the team looked deep.

None of his own cruise ships could catch up with Chen Feng, and of course he did not expect the special pursuit team led by Ye Luming to catch up.

He is considering another situation.

Chen Feng's destination must be the capital. The only suspense is whether he can break through and get there.

Although theoretically impossible, Chen Feng has done a lot of impossible things today.

If you really get him to the capital, then there will be an exchange of fire.

The general cannot be sure whether Chen Feng will be quickly annihilated.

If he really does, then this special hunting team he sent out will be able to play a role.

Chen Feng is undoubtedly an emotional outlier.

The list of personnel selected by the general includes Lin Bu, Ding Hu, Pound, Ouyang Academician, Scott and other Chen Feng recruits.

These people are all close contacts of Chen Feng.

Since Chen Feng cares about Tang Tianxin's life so much, he will certainly care about the lives of these people to some extent.

If the two sides exchange fire again, then Chen Feng's emotionalization will become his weak spot, let him refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, and he will no longer be invulnerable.

Don’t worry that Limbo and the others will rebel temporarily, as long as they pass the psychological test, then there is definitely no problem.

The leader of the team took his own casualty report, thinking like this.

This is the best plan, which can minimize the cost of killing him.

I really can’t blame him for his insidiousness, it is really because Chen Feng’s attack on Armored Soldier, a stranger he does not know, is too ruthless and the results are too amazing.

Sixty Armored Soldiers lasted only 20 seconds, 51 people were killed and nine were seriously injured.

too terrifying.

13 points Seven seconds later, a notification came from the military system.

Chen Feng arrived in the capital.

But instead of blindly rushing into the Defensive Array line of the garrison, he landed in a mountainous area 20 kilometers away from the capital.

According to the information from the other side, two minutes before Chen Feng's arrival, a private fast shuttle plane arrived there first.

There is a 99.99% chance that Ou Qinglan completed the connection with Chen Feng over there.

The top warrior merged with the researcher with super IQ, then Chen Feng's threat level suddenly skyrocketed.

Things are getting bigger.

The capital garrison has responded and dispatched an action team, which will be able to arrive at the scene within 3 minutes.

In addition, the special pursuit team from the Great Snow Mountain base will arrive at the scene on a medium battleship within 16 minutes.

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