Ryan’s life is legendary.

He lived in China before he was eight years old, and then he moved to the United States.

As a Chinese, in the discriminatory American education environment, he opened up and beat all the way, and finally won the Fields Medal at the age of twenty-six.

Since then, he has been recognized as one of the smartest mathematicians of the 21st century.

Although he grew up in the United States and changed his nationality, it does not mean that he has broken ties with China.

He is very upright, noble, and very sentimental. He not only recognizes his blood, but also takes practical actions.

He has close cooperation with many domestic universities and is willing to share the knowledge he can share. He has assisted in training domestic university lecturers many times, and personally brought several outstanding international students from China to help domestic universities improve Research and teaching ability.

After winning the Fields Medal, he unexpectedly did not go further on the road of mathematics, but turned his head and began to ponder applied physics again.

Others do not understand his behavior.

If you continue to study mathematics, even if he gets one more achievement, his academic status will be advanced by leaps and bounds.

Whenever someone asked, he just smiled but didn't answer.

But later generations based on the analysis of actions he made since then, his purpose for doing this is actually because he saw many shortcomings in the application of physics in China.

He is not a banana man, he has a yellow skin and a yellow heart.

In the four years since he switched to applied physics, he has left behind a lot of academic achievements, as well as several major conjectures that are enough to change the times and yet to be proved by him.

Before his death, Ryan had been privately evaluated by senior scholars in many fields that he might become one of the greatest scientists of the 21st century.

It's a pity that everything stopped abruptly when he was twenty-nine years old.

That was also one of the most regrettable accidental deaths in the 21st century.

In order to facilitate a Sino-US cooperation project, he came to Los Angeles and boarded the private helicopter owned by the energy tycoon Roerle, and died in a helicopter crash with the tycoon.

It was an evening when the sun was setting.

The helicopter took off from Beverly Hills and went to Casades, a county 80 kilometers away from Los Angeles.

Then, due to the straight reflection of the sun in the evening, the pilot’s vision was temporarily affected, and a series of chain reactions occurred. The helicopter finally hit the mountain at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour.

The explosion occurred, and the flames filled instantly, and a total of seven passengers and crew members survived.

This is a great regret in the scientific community.

Until hundreds of years later, many scholars still think secretly when facing difficulties.

If Ryan didn’t die an untimely death back then, whether the difficulties he is facing now have been overcome by others long ago, and whether his research is already the next stage of technology.

If Ryan is still alive, even if he only completes one of his conjectures, would humans not have to face the energy crisis in the late 21st century and the series of tragedies that have occurred as a result?

What is not available is always the best and worthy of being remembered.

Because Ryan has no chance to complete his research and demonstrate his great conjecture, later generations will easily deify him and think that he is omnipotent.

Curiously, the reason why Chen Feng knows about him and his fate has nothing to do with his achievements in science.

Ryan's academic achievements are part of the blocked information when Chen Feng went to the future several times before, even including his name.

But in another field, in the history of music, he has left a few classic works, and let him get into the list of discussions a thousand years ago.

While browsing art history, Chen Feng noticed this wonderful combination of a "half-handed" musician and top scientist, and learned about his short and brilliant life from his biography.

Chen Feng admired Ryan's achievements and regretted his fate, so after getting to know him, he immediately showed enthusiasm.

Ryan also admires Chen Feng's creative talents. Seeing the other person so approachable is completely different from the arrogance just now, but even more delighted.

The two only met late and exchanged business cards for a long time.

Until Ryan seemed to have something on the other side, the two waved goodbye.

Before parting, the two agreed to meet again in the morning the day after tomorrow to communicate more.

When Ryan walked away, Zhong Lei leaned in quite a bit tastefully, "The way you two met each other when we were chatting, tsk tsk, I can’t tell. Really, in gay Gay."

Chen Feng shivered all over, "I am not! I don’t! Don’t talk nonsense! I am normal! Forget it, you can’t make it clear, anyway, he can not simple."

"What a not simple method?"

"A great person is as great as you."

Chen Feng barely laughed, Then blinked.

Zhong Lei said: "You have something on your mind. Also, what does it mean to be as great as me?"

"Uh, I have something on my mind. Let’s stop talking about it. Let's sit there, I may have to be quiet for a while, I need to think about some problems."

Chen Feng's gaze fell on Ryan's back again, looked thoughtful, and muttered.

Zhong Lei nodded.

Just now, Chen Feng and Chen Feng chatted here for almost forty minutes, and others were about to accuse him of racial discrimination because of the differential treatment given to him because of the same skin color.

Zhong Lei didn't say a word during the whole process, nor was she impatient at all. She watched by the side and looked at Chen Feng secretly from time to time. She was happy and frowned at that time. It was especially fun.

Chen Feng asked the waiter for a glass of red wine, then walked to a slightly remote corner to sit down, put the red wine on the table, and then intertwined his hands and fingers on his abdomen, just like that. At the party, I began to close my eyes and rest.

He did this because he didn't want others to interrupt his thoughts.

Zhong Lei is also very cooperative. Not only does it not affect him, if he sees someone coming up to say hello, he will also inform the other party in advance that it is not convenient, and then leave the other party's contact information to indicate that he will come back.

Zhong Lei is one of the hottest first-line singers in China, but at this time he really forcibly became a female assistant.

Chen Feng opened his eyes from time to time, looking towards Ryan who was whispering to a group of people in the distance.

Chen Feng squinted his eyes and stared at one of the middle-aged white men with the strongest aura.

He took out his phone and searched.

The white man is the billionaire Roller.

Beverly, Roerle, 29 years old, Sino-US cooperation project, agreed to meet the morning after tomorrow...

Heavy keywords are stacked, and the intelligence is on.

After today’s party is over, Ryan will stay in Beverly Hills. Then tomorrow, the tripartite meeting with him as the introducer should be completed in Beverly Hills.

The meeting will end in the evening, and then Ryan should take a helicopter with Roller to visit the local factory site in Casades County, and eventually something went wrong.

An extremely complex emotion was born in Chen Feng's heart.

both have one's hair stand on end, but also ecstatic, his heartbeat speeds up suddenly, his expression changes rapidly.


Or quit?

What should I do?

He fell into intense thinking.

Clue after clue fluttered in his mind, sometimes gathered together, and sometimes analyzed one by one by him.

I have saved a "dead person", that is, Meng Wanyue.

But Meng Wanyue's position in history is very low, and her influence is basically attached to Zhong Lei.

The potential negative impact of saving Meng Wanyue's life may make Zhong Lei lose that important life experience, and then suppress Zhong Lei's creative inspiration.

However, Zhong Lei was inspired by Chen Feng's actions, so the negative influence did not appear, instead it turned into a positive influence.

When saving Meng Wanyue, because the situation was urgent and Zhong Lei's life was involved, Chen Feng didn't think about it very carefully, and did it directly regardless of the consequences.

But after the time has passed, he still reflects and summarizes, so now he has to treat Ryan's fate dialectically.

On the surface, saving him is a good thing, and it will inevitably bring short-term benefits to mankind.

But maybe a certain result he left behind will become an opportunity for world wars in the future.

The fan of the butterfly effect will always be suddenly left, suddenly right, both positive and negative effects may appear, just like Schrodinger’s cat.

Chen Feng's hesitation and worries are here.

"It seems that your meditations did not help you. What are you upset about, can you tell me about it? Work together, don’t always want to carry it by yourself, it will be very tiring . Sooner or later you will collapse."

Zhong Lei said with one hand on his chin and blinking at him.

Chen Feng opened his eyes and conceived the language in his mind.

For a long time, he said: "I was thinking about a philosophical question."


"If you go back to ancient times, you have a chance to save Under Yue Fei's life, let him not go to Fengbo Pavilion to die, would you do it?"

Zhong Lei was quite dumbfounded.

Chen Feng's thinking jumped too fast, which caught her off guard.

But she still thought about it seriously, nodded, "Surely save, Yue Fei is such a good person, die an untimely death is a pity. If he can survive, maybe the Song Dynasty will not lose so miserably. Hey."

Chen Feng laughed, "The straight-line thinking of an ordinary person is such a judgment. But have you ever thought that Yue Fei is a loyal minister. He is engraved on his back to serve the country with loyalty. I believe he is here. Before being controlled or even executed, he was loyal. But if you save him in Fengbo Pavilion, will he change his opinion because of despair. Since then, he has become less loyal? Then he is in the army. Prestige, he called out, how do you think things will develop next?"

Zhong Lei thought for a while, "External worries and internal troubles broke out further?"

"Finally, what do you think Who can win? Yue Fei? Song Dynasty?"

Zhong Lei shook his head, "I don't know."

"Who do you want to win?"

"Yue Fei."

Chen Feng asked: "Okay, let's assume that Yue Fei won after a difficult battle. During this process, what actions will the Jin make? The person who died last is compared to the real history. Is it much more or much less?"

Zhong Lei asked him speechlessly.

After a while, she said in a daze: "This is what you are confused about?"

"Well, I'm thinking about saving Yue Fei."

Zhong Lei thought for a while, "I think it. I still have to save it."


Zhong Lei said in a deep tone, speaking very fast.

"Because terrified and over-cautious is meaningless. If there is an opportunity to save but not to save, that is to let mankind lose a better possibility. Perhaps a more cruel war will kill more people , But history can always correct itself, and mankind can always find solutions to problems. So I don’t want to worry so much, I just want to do it more decisively and positively."

"Just give me the result. It’s up to history to judge. Don’t always think of yourself so importantly, and civilization so fragile. Think about it, mankind has encountered a lot of disasters that are almost genocide so far, but it didn’t survive in the end. Is it?"

"You are too worried about the possible impact of your actions, that is because you stand on a personal standpoint and regard civilization as a fragile little baby. You think too much, and Too much contempt for the power and inertia of civilization."

"Also, why do you want to save Yue Fei instead of turning Qin Hui into a good person? Let him work together with civil and martial arts. Do you want to make a more beautiful career?"

"Also, if you think that Yue Fei really caused unfavorable turbulence to civilization, since you can save him, it means that you can continue to treat the Song Dynasty. History has an impact, and you can do something else to eliminate the negative impact left by him. Isn’t that enough?"

Zhong Lei is rarely so talkative.

In order to enlighten Chen Feng, she also racked her brains.

Her words also perfectly exposed her character.

To achieve the goal, never let it go.

She didn't have so many worries. Once she made up her mind to do something, she would do it spare no effort without thinking about retreat.

Just as when she was in the public, she stance, pointed between her legs and scolded Zhou Ah, "If you have the courage to take out the ugly thing, I am in front of everyone. Make you cool enough! Do you dare?" Suddenly decided.

"Okay, I understand."

Chen Feng stood up abruptly and walked quickly in the direction of Ryan.

At the same time, he was muttering some weird things like "little baby" and "very strong".

After listening to Zhong Lei's words, Chen Feng suddenly realized that he was ridiculous.

Why am I hesitating?

I have experienced too much and understood too much, but have I changed?

In the past, when I was relatively ignorant, I acted more simply and decisively.

Now it is terrified and over-cautious for inexplicable reasons.

If you are worried that Ryan's results will trigger a world war, then Chen Feng is the real dangerous man.

Because he has been focusing on the historical data of science and technology after a thousand years from the very beginning, he is full of thoughts to bring back more science and technology from the future, but he has not been able to succeed.

When I was a porter, I didn't expect negative effects.

Now when I was about to save people, I thought of it instead?

Simply funny!

In addition, many top scientists in the world and those that will be born in the future have their own important positions.

So to move a person from here to there, it’s hard to tell the positive and negative in the future, but there will definitely be both positive and negative in the short term.

But Ryan is different.

He was originally gone.

If it is rescued, then equivalent to will create a top scientist out of thin air for mankind in the next several decades.

This must be a good thing!

And maybe there are more, he will be brought over, so whether it is to increase your wealth, expand your own territory, or move things back after a thousand years, he will help to achieve the results. Transformation is obviously helpful.

"Mr. Lai, Mr. Roller, sorry, excuse me, I am a bit urgent here and I want to discuss with Mr. Lai."

Chen Feng crosses the crowd, regardless of the relative privacy of others 'S conversation, leaned over and interrupted.

At first he was almost stopped by the bodyguard, but Roerle and Ryan saw him at the same time and stopped the bodyguard.

Although Ryan was surprised, he apologized to Roller and walked out.

"Mr. Lai, I have a presumptuous request."

Chen Feng said.

Ryan: "Please tell me."

"I just received a call from a domestic company. Change the meeting time to tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Are you not participating in the Grammys?" Ryan hesitated a little.

"I will not attend."

He thought for a while and said, "Then...I will have a meeting tomorrow morning and afternoon. How about the evening? My meeting is about five o'clock. It’s over. I’ll come to see you after it’s over."

Chen Feng was overjoyed, and his face remained calm, "Okay! Then I will book a table in the restaurant below Beverly Hills, when the time comes, neither drunk nor return!"

Ryan: "No problem!"

Now it's stable.

Ryan’s evening time was occupied by Chen Feng,

So, the helicopter pilot was still dead because of the direct sunlight affecting his vision in the evening, and Ryan was safe.

As things were done, Chen Feng returned to Zhong Lei without incident.

"What did you just tell him?" Zhong Lei asked very gossiping.

Chen Feng happily said: "We have an appointment to have dinner together tomorrow night. We will not get drunk or return."

Zhong Lei: ……

Said Good orientation is normal!

You made an appointment with a man for dinner, and you have an expression of looking forward to expectation, and the voice of your speech is raised in eight tones. What's the matter with swelling!

Do you want me to light two red candles for you? Candlelight on the hour?

Ah! You liar!

Lu Wei said that you have a woman's side in your heart, I still don't believe it!


If this is your reason for repeatedly rejecting my suggestion, it really disappoints me.

Zhong Lei said that the pressure is great.

Forget it, anyway, you also want me to write songs without distraction.

I will bear you.

What happened next made Zhong Lei feel "sorrowful."

The Grammy Organizing Committee issued an official invitation to Chen Feng, hoping that he can participate in the Grammy Awards ceremony tomorrow night.

And the organizing committee gave him a seat farther forward than Zhong Lei, in the middle of the second row, beside Katie Swift.

But he turned it down very formally without any consideration.

He didn't explain why to the Grammys, only that there was an important arrangement that could not be separated.

Only Zhong Lei understands the truth.

She is a Buddha.

In order to have dinner with Ryan, as the boss of Star Peak Entertainment, he actually gave up the opportunity to attend the award ceremony of the world's highest temple of music without the slightest hesitation.

That's still the second row!

That is a great opportunity to promote Star Peak Entertainment and increase corporate influence.

Zhong Lei really wants to knock on his head to see what is inside.

However, Chen Feng's good mood only lasted until nine o'clock in the morning of the second day.

In order to be foolproof, he sent a message to Ryan at about nine o'clock in the morning, trying to emphasize the dinner tonight.

Ryan returned the voice message.

"Don’t worry, no problem. I’m sure I won’t be late. Now we are going to take a helicopter to Casades to inspect the construction site, and return to Beverly before 11 am to continue the meeting. The meeting will definitely be at 5 pm Click to end on time."

Chen Feng looked back at the weather warning displayed on the TV in the form of a scroll bar in silence.

"Affected by the Pacific monsoon cold current, this morning, there will be foggy weather in the mountains near Los Angeles, such as Casades County, Merlot County, and Beiluntes County, with a visibility of about 300 meters. The foggy weather It will end at one o'clock in the afternoon. Please pay attention to travel safety."


Chen Feng slammed the door and went straight to the helicopter rental company 300 meters away from the hotel.

At the same time, he used a very unreasonable tone, hoping that Ryan would refuse this trip.

Unfortunately, Ryan did not agree.

Because this is not an important itinerary that he can decide alone.

Chen Feng said about the fog again.

Ryan told him again that Roller had specific considerations.

Their driver Cyclair is very good, and he is known as the most experienced and stable senior flight instructor in the entire California. The flight time is more than 8,000 hours without any safety hazards.

Chen Feng can only sigh.

The inertia of history is so strong.

It is really difficult to save a mortal person.

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