In 2519, after decades of recuperation and development, Fire Star people built a base covering an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, with a total population of 3 million breakthroughs.

The main building structure of the base consists of hundreds of force field shields.

Under the shield of this force field, people plant farmland, lay solar equipment, build factories, research institutes, hospitals, schools, Commerce District, and accommodation areas, forming basic urban functions.

In addition to fire star, Mercury and Venus also gave birth to Mercury and Venusians, a total of 100,000 people.

Mankind also owns several large space stations around Earth and Mercury, Venus, and Fire Star. Each space station has as many as 100,000 people and as few as thousands.

The moon has also been completely remodeled. In addition to the gravity factor, it is very livable in all other respects.

Humanity has fully rushed out of Earth.

Although it is impossible to leave the solar system, the ordinary person does not fully know it.

In the eyes of ordinary persons, it is a matter of time before the rush out of the solar system. Now it is just the newly established world government who wants to do its best, so let everyone focus on their side first and develop the resources inside the solar system.

However, since the beginning of the winter of 2519, the cataclysm has occurred on Earth and spread to every human base.

All this came so fast, so swift and sudden.

A super bacteria appear out of thin air.

No one knows where it was first born, and when the others reacted, it has spread in a very short period of time.

Super bacteria are extremely infectious and possess amazing ability to divide and multiply rapidly.

At the same time, its incubation period is extremely long, reaching half a year, which is simply appalling.

The combination of various factors has resulted in results that humans can hardly bear.

During the incubation stage, there will be no symptoms at all, and even the comprehensive physical examination of the artificial intelligence medical assistants equipped by everyone cannot detect it.

Once it attacks, the symptoms are very violent, and neurological disrupting toxins may even be secreted, causing the patient to have hallucinations, and the temperament becomes manic.

And the cycle from onset to death is as long as two months. During these two months, the patient will gradually lose the ability to move and eventually die.

This gradual process towards death is almost irreversible.

Less than two days after the first patient broke out, tens of millions of people around the world broke out together in a short period of time.

The medical system responded quickly, but soon... it was in decline.

This is a powerful super bacteria that humans have never seen before.

Almost all the antibiotics that humans have mastered have failed.

Almost all biological treatment options are ineffective.

In the absence of an effective treatment plan, one can only rely on personal immunity to resist.

In the Early-Stage of the twenty-sixth century, the atom therapy device had not yet been born. Humans could not treat patients from the atomic level. The sub-level 1 molecular therapy device is still under theoretical research. Therefore, in the face Humans seem to be at a loss when dealing with such diseases that can't be helped by biomedical methods.

In the early stage of the superbug outbreak, the mortality rate is extremely high, and even if the recovery is completely treated forcibly, it will leave serious repercussions and make people lose the ability to work.

A variety of antibiotics went up, and all of them were defeated.

It is clearly a DNA bacterium, and its biological indicators are close to golden Staphylococcus.

It is heat-resistant, and the most suitable temperature is 37 degrees. At the same time, it is resistant to high salt and can grow in 10% salt water.

It should be ordinary everywhere, and it is not harmful to the human body.

Scientists don’t know exactly what degree of mutation it has undergone to produce such high-latency, high-lethal, super-high reproduction lethality.

Its rapid mutation ability is completely unlike a DNA bacteria.

Faced with the pursuit of antibiotics, it only takes more than a day to develop resistance.

Medical staff continue to replace antibiotics, and it continues to beat antibiotics.

Faced with the counterattack of the human immune system, it has become extremely cunning again. If the human immune system is strong, then it will be assimilated more deeply enough to deceive the immune system and enter a deep incubation period.

If it finds that the immune system is relatively weak, it will explode with stronger reproductive ability and resistance, and ultimately intensify the war with the immune system, leading to the death of the host.

Its pathological features are constantly changing, and the manifestations are becoming more and more complex. The only constant is that each pathological feature will eventually point to the death of the host.

Its rapid mutation and stubborn characteristics have led to the development of specific drugs and vaccines that are almost impossible.

Also, under normal circumstances, whether it is the direction of virus or bacteria mutation, it should be in a direction that is more suitable for transmission and less toxic. This should be like the sun rising daily as usual. The objective law of doubt.

But this superbug goes against this common sense.

It did not evolve in the direction of weakening toxicity, but continued to be more viable in the air, more concealed and stable in its silent state, more gentle and more extensive, and more and more types of human organs were attacked. The more cruel directions evolve.

This is completely illogical. It is a mutation with enhanced transmission and lethality, and it is extremely fast.

As concentrated outbreaks around the world and then unstoppable proliferation intensify, the conventional isolation methods of human beings are becoming more and more difficult to work.

Batch after batch of medical staff fell on the front line.

Farewells from life to death are happening all over the world all the time.

A group of medical staff fell.

Another group of medical staff signed the Life and Death Contract, waved goodbye to their families, and rushed up.

There are fewer and fewer skilled medical staff.

The shortage of materials is getting worse.

The air is full of super bacteria everywhere.

They become dust in the air, you can't guard against it, you can't avoid it.

Order gradually collapsed.

A doomsday catastrophe swept the world silently.

This is a war.

A war that happened before humans and super bacteria, without gunpowder smoke, but even more fierce.

In the long and long history of mankind, he has faced diseases countless times.

The number of people killed and sacrificed on this white battlefield is ten times the sum of all other types of wars.

This time, especially tragic.

Humanity is retreating steadily.

After arriving, medical students went up, as did volunteers who had received short system training.

Fear pervades the world, and mankind is irresistible.

If you can live, no one will actively choose to die.

But there will always be some people who understand that they can’t withdraw, they must go up.

Aside from the concept of country and country, and all the so-called feelings, people will always realize that if no one stops the disaster and allows the disaster to spread and develop, then their parents, children, grandfather, grandma, etc. Wait for the day when all relatives and friends will have to face all this.

The world government, which is still in its infancy, discarded all prejudices as quickly as possible, and reached a unified consensus in just a few days.

Humanity must unite unreservedly and declare war on this disaster.

Only by defeating the enemy can mankind survive!

Leaders who have been jointly elected by the leaders of all countries of mankind have stood up.

He rushed to the front line and let out a deafening cry.

"Mankind has a million-year history since its birth. Our civilization has a history of five thousand five hundred years! We are always confronting, confronting ourselves, and confronting nature."


"We will always face failure, but we can always stand on this planet in the end. We are called the cancer of Earth by environmentalists. Well, we admit that we are cancer. This bacteria, It is Earth’s antibiotic. It wants to destroy us. But what is the characteristic of cancer? It is stubbornness! It is never give up! Never give up!"

"We are facing an unprecedented challenge. This It’s not a personal matter, it’s a common challenge for all mankind! It’s time for us to unite!"

"The frontline needs a warrior and more warriors! Medical staff must not be sacrificed in vain, there must be more people Stand up and take over the trenches they once guarded! Hold on to the position that belongs to all mankind!"

"Our logistics resources must keep up! We can't let the warriors go to the front without equipment! We need to go to the front line without equipment! People from all walks of life return to their posts, and our social order must work!"

"We must deliver one piece of protective clothing, masks, eye masks, and medicines to the front-line warrior. !"

"Wear your mask, goggles, and gloves. Never touch your eyes, nose, ears, and mouth without washing your hands. Take all possible protective measures and stand Go to your post and fight!"

"Wave goodbye to your family and go to the front! Every post is everyone’s battlefield! Stand up, Lords! For you For yourself, for your family, for humanity!"

"To survive or to perish? It is everyone's choice! Make your choice! One step back is destruction, one step forward is rebirth Charge!"

This speech came hastily, without careful attention to detail, and the wording was mediocre, but sincere, it ignited the fighting spirit of the survivors in the despair of hiding the sky and covering the earth. .

When the leader speaks, behind him is the Weishui River.

Later generations will refer to this passage as the "Declaration of Backwaters".

The backwater declaration wiped out everyone's fluke and made everyone understand that human beings are already on the edge of a cliff and are in a situation of fighting backwater.

No one can be alone.

Humanity cannot retreat!

Isolation wards and hospitals are invalid, humans create isolation areas!

Evacuation of healthy humans in large areas.

Everyone keeps a physical distance from everyone on the street, but it only takes one look at a distance to meet each other to understand each other’s intentions.

At this moment, everyone is a comrade-in-arms with the same enemy.

Everyone understands that everyone who stands outside like himself has a family behind him.

The young and middle-aged men and women in each family have chosen their own positions.

More and more people, knowing that there is danger, also go to receive basic medical training, after less than a month of surprise training, the assessment is up to the standard, and then put on isolation gowns, masks, gloves, and glasses , Endured the sultry torture and rushed to the front line.

Sweat soaked the clothes of the warriors.

Tears are streaming down, but everyone gritted their teeth and supported them hard.

However, the super virus is too powerful.

The scope of the quarantine area is getting bigger and bigger, and the front is moving back a little bit.

The area of ​​the quarantine area marked red on the map is getting bigger and bigger.

Humanity fought and retreated, but never collapsed.

Because everyone knows that since ancient times, humans never kneel to death!

Even if there is a doomsday, we will sing the final battle song.

As Zhong Lei Master sang in "Ashes", as long as we never give up hope, there will be a day of reborn from the ashes.

Even if I die in battle, even if my ashes are buried deep underground, my family will surely see the light!

Someone will take over my trenches, and I will not sacrifice in vain!


One year later.

Humankind finally succeeded in drawing the land as the boundary and establishing a complete isolation zone.

The scope of human activities ranges from all over the world to only the territory remaining less than 2/3/2021.

This year, all mankind has lost more than 10% of the total population. The painful price paid is eye-catching, but it finally stabilized.

But there is still no time to be taken lightly.

Without the need for reminders from others, everyone in the world knows that they cannot relax, let alone give up the medical staff, volunteers, and self-sacrificing patients who use their lives to guard the territory in the quarantine area.

The will of the great will be inherited by the same great me!

The war is still going on, even becoming more intense.

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