In the next two hundred years, the technological level of human civilization has developed extremely fast.

Although humans cannot set foot on the outside world due to the blockade of the solar system, the development of science and technology is slightly deformed, but in the exploration of internal resources, humans have achieved the ultimate.

The last time Chen Feng came over, it was not until the last moment that he realized that the solar system was compressed, and the speed of light was less than 300,000 kilometers per second.

But this time the situation is completely different. After building the Dyson membrane, humans have already realized the changes in the speed of light and space.

But this did not cause any trouble to the development of human science and technology as Chen Feng had worried.

Earth people’s adaptability is much better than Chen Feng imagined.

Zhong Lei once advised Chen Feng, don’t treat civilization as a little baby, you don’t need to take care of it cautiously.

The current situation perfectly verifies the words of Zhong Lei.

Scientists have naturally adapted to the new physics rules of the universe under the changed speed of light, and there is no major problem.

Now everyone knows that humans are indeed struggling on the chessboard drawn by the invaders.

Since the Universe Rule has been changed, humans have to develop technology under the twisted rules of the other side. In theory, no matter how hard humans work, they cannot escape the invader Confinement Within A Circle Drawn On The shackles made by The Ground.

If the cataclysm brought about by S bacteria had not tempered the resilience of human beings, perhaps everyone would have collapsed when they realized this.

But not, humans still staggered forward in silence.

S bacteria almost destroyed the entire civilization, but they left precious spiritual wealth to mankind by mistake.

Even if it is Stranded Beast's Struggle, humans want to break the two teeth of the invader.

Chen Feng felt the spirit of the world and was intoxicated.

After reading history, it was four o'clock in the morning, Chen Feng stretched out and lay down on the bed.

But instead of falling asleep immediately, he raised his pillow and analyzed all the information he had collected so far.

The value of reading history is not for recreation, but to explore available intelligence and objective laws from what has happened in the past, and provide a theoretical basis for formulating future plans.

Sergey's judgment is completely correct.

The birth of S bacteria is a remedial action implemented by the invaders after discovering that the thinking of "Song of the Outsiders" has failed.

It’s just that perhaps the intruder didn’t expect that such a vicious strategy actually failed under the united resistance of human beings.

Humanity did pay a painful price, but in the end, instead of losing it, it developed better.

This shows that although the invaders are incredibly powerful, they will also make a not-so-beautiful stinky move.

Chen Feng's confidence was greatly encouraged.

In his mind, the invaders are no longer so desperately powerful.

In this move of S bacteria, the enemy did not make a good move, then another weakness of the opponent was exposed.

The 500-year time difference between the arrival of the solar system barrier and the arrival of the invader battleship should be fixed.

Before their battleship arrives, they can only rely on the remote control of the solar system barrier to play some "little tricks".

Their actions are not unlimited, there must be a limitation.

Otherwise S bacteria should be stronger.

Or, they don't have to spend so much time and effort. It's "Song of the Outside World" and it's S bacteria.

There is a paradox that is not easy to be noticed.

The solar system barrier is so terrifying that it appears without warning, and can even compress the space. The technological content is completely unreasonable.

The invaders themselves are extremely afraid of real contact with humans.

And watching the S bacteria strategy fail, human beings became stronger, and they did not speed up to shorten the time to reach their destination.

Time forward.

In theory, the most likely scenario is that the intruder’s detector has captured a certain traveler, parses its data, and sends the data back to the other’s base camp.

The base camp responded by dropping a star system-level blockade barrier and sending a battleship here.

The blockade barrier realized an instant travel over a long distance, arrived in 2500, and began to capture and block the solar system.

The battleship hangs behind, and the five hundred years of sailing time difference cannot be erased.

This is too unreasonable.

Civilization with the technological level of the solar system barrier should not be so easily limited by space distance.

Its main combat unit should have opened a wormhole outside the solar system and flew faster than light, arriving almost at the same time as the barrier.

Now this can only be because the technological content reflected by the solar system barrier and the opponent's battleship sailing speed has a generational gap between the sky and the chasm.

Chen Feng came to a conclusion.

The solar system barrier is incompatible with the invader's own technological system!

This is not something that belongs to their civilization.

It is another more powerful and advanced civilization that produces and creates barriers.

This situation is roughly equivalent to that when the Europeans landed in the Americas and intervened in the war between two aboriginal tribes, with food and construction materials as payment terms, they provided firecrackers and artillery to one of the aboriginal tribes.

Chen Feng is excited again.

This is another huge weakness of an intruder!

Well, write down the small book.

His thinking went back to another matter again.

In the past, intruders used thinking to infiltrate and lurked a kind of ultrafine particles in the small hobby carriers of the commanders.

At the critical moment of the imminent war, they activated this ultrafine particle, turning these small hobby carriers into anti-matter bombs, instantly destroying the huge fleet of mankind.

Later, Chen Feng asked Ou Qinglan to name the ultrafine particle,

The two named it Shepai.

This time the little hobby of the commanders is gone.

On the one hand, "Song of the Outside World" has failed. On the other hand, Chen Feng believes that there should be no particle bombs at this time.

Because the action of interfering with the fate of mankind through the remote-controlled solar system barrier requires certain energy to be consumed.

This kind of energy is limited.

Or, you can play "Song of the Outside World" and hide a particle bomb beside the commander.

Or, you can cultivate and catalyze S bacteria.

They can only do one of these things!

The third important message was analyzed by him.

Chen Feng's deduction continues to deepen.

Where did the previous particle bombs come from?

How does the solar system barrier interfere and influence the basic particle rules on Earth silently, and form involved particles?

Why don't the involved particles spread all over the world, evenly distributed in different regions, but concentrated around the captain of the battleship and many military commanders?

What is the relationship between the process of constructing involved particles and the hobby of these commanders?

When a person likes something and sees something, how does the thinking pattern of the brain change?

After the human Spiritual Plane is first disturbed by thinking penetration, will there be a special kind of quantum fluctuation, which is born with the thinking movement of the human brain, and converges on the hobby carrier, and finally catalyzes the formation Was shedding particles?

If I understand the whole process, can I reverse the principle, create the involved particles, and find a way to activate them?

Then can we learn from Gu Su Murongfu and return to others in the same way?

During the dazed deduction, Chen Feng finally fell asleep because of exhaustion.

In this sleep, he slept particularly sweetly.

Because even if he enters the dream of deep sleep, he is still doing the seemingly impossible deduction to get the answer in the dream.

After coming over this time, because the physical advantage ceased to exist, Chen Feng not content with the fate of sinking into mediocrity, and had to use his mind desperately.

It made him feel a little rusty because he relied on physical superiority in the past, and his brain was particularly active.

Therefore, human potential is always unlimited.

If you don't force yourself, you don't know how good your brain is.

"cough cough."

The next morning, Chen Feng woke up in the confinement room.

He said it was a confinement room, but his treatment was pretty good.

One bedroom, one living room and one bathroom, standard apartment layout, all daily necessities are available, and the cost of eating and drinking is not deducted.

The treatment was even better than when he was self-isolating at home for avoiding infectious diseases thousands of years ago, at least not having to cook and wash dishes by himself.

After eating a full breakfast, Chen Feng entered the holographic space a few minutes in advance, waiting to listen to the teachings of the teacher.

There is still a while before class time, and he clicks on the information system to clean up at will.

This time he chose to look at some contemporary facts.

Looking at it, he felt emotional again.

This era is really good.


Facing the doomsday is exceptionally peaceful, but people work harder than in the past.

Technology is advancing quickly, and everyday all can see new technologies being developed.

The decision-making level is also completely humanized.

Any major decision, every citizen has the right to vote.

As long as you want to participate in decision-making, you can open your personal SmartBrain terminal anytime, anywhere, to participate in the areas you are interested in, or know, and then vote.

Even Chen Feng, a detained person, is fine.

Regardless of whether they are poor or rich, they are treated equally in voting.

It is no longer the thinking of some people that makes decisions for the entire society, but the collective wisdom composed of the thinking of all human beings.

Moreover, due to the popularization of the education system, the whole people have a high level of education. The wisdom of this group is not only not ignorant, but also reveals mysterious wisdom and calmness.

The world government has transformed into a pure service-oriented government.

There are many coincidences in the birth of this wonderful pattern.

Chen Feng is not sure what humans will face next time is not S bacteria, and whether such a pattern can be formed.

However, even if you only come to experience it once, your life will not be in vain.

"cough cough."

His throat is a little itchy inexplicably, and he coughs twice.

At this moment, Ou Qinglan's image appeared.

She wrinkled slightly frowned, "Have you caught a cold?"

Chen Feng shook her head, "No."

"That's weird, many people spend their entire lives I only caught a cold once. With the physique that you can pass the volunteer test, you shouldn't have a cold. Didn't you see that you are so imaginary?"

Chen Feng smiled awkwardly, "Why, don't talk nonsense." I’m super strong, okay? I want to..."

"What do you think about that year? You, a new recruit from the tail of a crane, can you have what it was." A record of what he did yesterday.

"tsk tsk, what do I say. You are so capable. Looking at these historical materials, you can see that at four o'clock in the morning, you deserve it! How did you grow up so big? Why did you go there for so many years when you were a child? Forget it. Let's not talk about you."

Ou Qinglan was a little angry at him.

I think he has treated his face and name badly.

"To make a long story short, today your course has no chance to feel the beating of love that I personally do. I have something to do, so I can only use data to simulate my image to entertain you."

Chen Feng smiled, "It's okay, it's okay, I will work hard. You go to work on you, in fact, you don't have to deliberately inform me."

"No, it is necessary." Ou Qinglan grinned like a devil. Smiled, "Because I set the strictest extinction model for your simulation tutor. Good luck and goodbye!"

Chen Feng: "WTF!"

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