In Tang Tianxin’s office.

Chen Feng is standing in front of the stereoscopic projection, and Tang and Ou are sitting on the sofa, really like good students who are listening attentively.

Tang Tianxin is very interested, while Ou Qinglan eye shows the ominous light.

Obviously, she doesn't think Chen Feng has any wisdom.

Chen Feng first waved his hand, and took out Ou Qinglan's research report in the stereo projection.

Skipping a lot of unintelligible calculation formulas, Chen Feng went straight to the topic-the final conclusion.

He pointed to this line and said: "Researcher Ou Qinglan, I will give you a very clear answer regarding your report. Your conclusion is correct, and there is indeed a way."

"Nonsense! Want you to talk? Otherwise I will spend so much time and energy on this project?" Ou Qinglan said ill-humoredly.

Chen Feng smiled again, "Don’t be impatient. Because I will tell you another thing, you can remove the first inference. At least at this stage, it’s not necessary and doesn’t exist. What kind of energy injection method. With the energy that we humans have, even if the entire electricity obtained in the Dyson membrane is injected in, it cannot be used to prepare an anti-matter bomb that can be used for war."

Ou Qinglan gave him a glance. , "Take out your argument, your argumentation process. The real science is very rigorous, and Minke will directly give a conclusion."

Chen Feng: "..."

This It's very stiff.

He doesn't understand Ou Qinglan's calculation formula at all, and can give a ghost the demonstration process.

He looked towards Tang Tianxin next to him, "Thank Assistant Teacher Tang for help, and stop the mouth of this thorny student, don't let her interrupt me. Otherwise I can't give a lecture."


Tang Tianxin really listened to him to cover Ou Qinglan's mouth.

Ou Qinglan can be considered to have stopped seeing the whole traitor of her girlfriend.

"Energy perfusion is useless, what is the method? It is the second possibility you mentioned! An enzyme, a catalytic medium. I will tell you what this medium is..."

Ou Qinglan wanted to interrupt again.

I still want to say about his reason, where is the argument, and what is the specific energy transfer and mass-energy conversion process when the medium promotes the transformation of positive matter to antimatter.

Fortunately, Tang Tianxin subdued her in time.

"The medium is just a kind of particle! Its quality level is lower than that of gluons, that is, standard bosons. How much lower?" Chen Feng asked himself, "About two or three masses lower Level."

Ou Qinglan couldn't bear it anymore, she jumped up and said, "You're kidding me! Are you kidding me? You're talking about a ghost! Impossible! We have studied all the former sons. And the theory of superstrings. We have also inferred the particles one level lower, but there is still no elementary particle that can promote the transformation of positive and negative matter without consuming energy."

Chen Feng squinted his eyes, what predecessors, what superstrings, he has learned basic concepts in elementary school textbooks, but he doesn't want to think about it, let alone explain any reason, anyway, he can't explain it.

He just wanted to skip the problem-solving process and give the answer directly.

"But if I tell you, is there a way to make this kind of particles? I even gave it a name, involving particles."

This time it’s Tang’s turn. Tianxin interrupted, "relic?"

"It's Shee! Li! Zi! Assistant Professor Tang, please respect the class!"

"Okay, you continue."


Ou Qinglan next to her is already on the brink of a big bang at any time. She feels that Chen Feng is ravaging her scientific literacy.

She didn't expect to kill her. She worked so hard to prepare for the lesson, and she taught a civilian student. It was a blemish in her life.

"Say, you should be clear about how to do you, the particle. If you don't tell me something, I will definitely not spare you today."

No Chen Feng Not in a hurry, he asked, "Excuse me, what do you think is the most complex and dramatic quantum change in our solar system in the 31st century today?"

Ou Qinglan:" In my mind, it is my mind that wants to strangle you, but it will become your skin in a while."

Chen Feng nodded, "Yes, in the second book of fifth grade biology It is clearly pointed out that the human brain thinking is actually a continuous quantum storm. Although the energy level is extremely low, its complexity is comparable to the entire galaxy. My theory is to use effective methods to guide our brains The generated quantum storm, converging it in one point, can create what I call this involved particle."

"You are bullshit!" Ou Qinglan completely broke free of Tang Tianxin's control, "You read so Many books, what did you read? I told you about science and you told me about fantasy? You are idealism and feudal superstition a thousand years ago!"

Chen Feng does not evade. Looking at her, "You think about what I said, is it possible in theory?"

"The possibility that cannot be proven is superstition!"

Chen Feng pointed to the sky, "Then can you write the formula for the energy movement of the solar system barrier over our heads? Can you prove why it is so stable and powerful?"

Ou Qinglan was silent .

"You can’t, because it is completely beyond human cognition. But it’s there, pressing on all of us. You don’t understand it, but it exists objectively. Its existence is Superstition?"

Chen Feng continued to pursue, "Can you explain the evolutionary principle of S bacteria? We have conquered S bacteria, but what we conquer is still only its appearance. We still can’t understand, S Why does the evolution of bacteria go against the laws of the universe as we know it! So, in our history, is the existence of S bacteria an illusion? The antibodies in our body, the illness I got a few days ago, is an illusion?"

Ou Qinglan, the project leader of the dignified Academy, was so dumb to ask him forcibly.

"Okay, then when you said it’s okay. Tell me how to make your particles."

Chen Feng smiled happily, "It’s not difficult, it’s really It’s not difficult. Let’s turn our attention to another thing that we cannot explain, but it also exists objectively. The song "Morrowind"! And its dark side! I named it "Song of the Outside World" !"

Next, Chen Feng briefly talked about the method.

First, reverse the rhythm and structure of the song "Morning Wind", and deduce the "Song of the Outside World" that humans have not heard so far, but objectively exists.

Then, in a closed space, play this song at a high frequency to a few people who have the spirit of self-sacrifice.

This group of people cannot choose at will. They must be at least the battleship captain level or above. They cannot be those who can become captains in the future, but they must be captains now.

Subsequently, there will be some unfavorable changes in the personalities of these people.

Of course, their will to fight for humans is equally firm, but there will be some more peculiar hobby.

This kind of hobby will become the second highest pursuit of these people's second only to sacrifice for mankind.

The thing that carries their hobby is the anti-matter bomb, which contains the particles.

It's just that the particle is in a silent state and will not detonate.

Why it is silent, Chen Feng doesn't know.

As for how to release the silent state and detonate the bomb, Chen Feng does not know.

"My conclusion is this, how to implement it, how to detonate it, how to make it into a weapon. That's your business, I can't control it, after I finish, do you agree or disagree?"

Ou Qinglan was stunned.

She didn't expect in her dreams. Chen Feng's conclusion went around a big circle, and actually landed on the dark side of the song "Morning Wind".

For hundreds of years, it is not that human beings have not had an idea about this matter. They have tried to study something from it. They have also selected some volunteers to try, but these people have lost their emotions because of this. Did not show any abnormalities.

Since then, human beings simply believe that the only function of that frequency is to suppress human feelings and weaken battle strength.

But no one really thought of this possibility.

After all, every captain is very important. It is impossible to let the current captain participate in such an unknown trial experiment.

If there was a lucky coincidence in history that allowed an incumbent captain to be infiltrated by that special frequency fluctuation, humans might have discovered the anomaly early.

But unfortunately, such a lucky coincidence did not happen.

"Why must Captain?" Tang Tianxin asked.

Chen Feng glanced at Tang Tianxin who was be eager to have a try, for fear that she would die too, and quickly said: "Don't ask, it has nothing to do with you. You are a high level captain, top level Commander-type talent, you can play your best role in the war by staying sober. Just send some ordinary captains at the grassroots level to participate in the project."

He looked towards Ou Qinglan again, "Do you believe me now? ?"

Ou Qinglan wanted to say something but stopped.

Chen Feng decided to come up with the final heavy evidence, "After my careful calculation, this particle-related prediction model is as follows."

He began to crackle against the projection keyboard Knocked hard.

He still doesn't understand it himself.

But it’s okay. In the last timeline, it was Ou Qinglan who analyzed Tang Tianxin’s Go pieces on a large amount of data, and finally found the particles from some extremely subtle abnormal string energy vibrations. The basis for the possible existence, as well as the predictive description of some characteristics.

Chen Feng has read her report word by word. Although he did not understand it, he has a deep memory. Now he has directly carried her analysis report over and dropped it into this timeline. Guang, in front of Ou Qinglan, who is more knowledgeable.

Ou Qinglan just looks at the writing style of this analysis report, and she has a kind of intimacy and familiarity of hard to describe.

She spent half an hour digesting the contents, and she believed in seven-eight out of ten points.

She was shocked and dazed to ask: "How did you come to these conclusions? Why is the writing style of this report so similar to mine?"

Chen Feng again Smiled, "Because you are my primary school teacher. The knowledge I learned from you, my thinking mode is similar to yours, is that irrelevant? As for how my conclusions come from? Of course it depends on this. "

He pointed to his head, and said, "You don't know. Apart from reading, I usually have some free time when I am free, how do I turn my mind. I think repeatedly Ah, deduction, estimation. I shed countless pieces of information, and finally came up with this most likely inference."

"I admit that my basic theoretical knowledge is not solid, and the process of my calculation is indeed It's very popular. I haven't even written a draft paper. But many times, the inspiration bursts, and there is no need for such a rigorous argumentation process. Okay, now I give you my inspiration. Please go back. Help me prove that my inspiration is not wrong."

Ou Qinglan stood up and said, "Okay, I will go back and try. You wait for my message."

, She quickly walked out of the office, raised hand and beckoned, and a very fast vehicle flew down from the sky, dragging her in with a light ladder.

After blinking, her vehicle disappeared into the sky.

Three days later, a red-headed document from the Ministry of Science was sent back to the Great Snow Mountain base.

Chen Feng, who was preparing to make a splash, was stopped by Tang Tianxin personally.

She said: "Congratulations, your guess is completely correct. You may be the best folk scientist in the history of mankind."

Chen Feng put down his backpack, "That's good . I don’t have to go anymore?"

Tang Tianxin shook his head, "Not necessarily, it depends on your personal choice."

"I understand."

She slightly After taking two steps forward, I looked closely at Chen Feng's face, "Seriously, I now feel that you and Chen Feng Master are more and more alike. Can you tell me how you infer it in your head?"

Chen Feng thought for a while, "I may not know science, but I know people and history. I believe you have recently investigated my browsing records, and I have spent a lot of energy studying history. I went to learn Chen Feng Master’s foresight and analyzed Zhong Lei’s "Morning Wind". I also analyzed the evolution of S bacteria."

"I think that the intruder may have discovered the "World The strategy of "Song of the Outside" failed, so S bacteria was used to remedy it. Then the effect of "Song of the Outside" is not just as simple as changing the character and suppressing emotions. There must be a killer move that can destroy the military strength of mankind."

"I have been puzzled about what this ultimate move is, but you told me that Ou Qinglan was studying anti-matter bombs, and I suddenly woke up. In fact, my conclusions were drawn at that moment. I mainly rely on intuition."

Tang Tianxin blinked, "Is that Ou Qinglan-style analysis report also from intuition?"

Chen Feng nodded, "Yes."

His attitude is very hard, anyway you have to believe it, and you still have to believe if you don't believe it.

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