Chen Feng was a little nervous at first.

Could it be...

Isn’t it...

After the failed attempt to pair with frozen egg embryos, these people went on their own, and then some This girl, or she herself used our Chen Master brand gene fluid, gave it to her pregnant woman, and then came to announce her happy birthday, right?

When I look back, how should Old Chen face the General, or how should the General face me?

Do you blame me?

No blame.

Should the general congratulate him on his son?

That is absolutely impossible!

He hurriedly greeted him, deliberately amplifying his voice and said, "Is there any progress on the project? Don't say here, confidential projects are big things, the less people know, the better."

When he got far away, Ding Hu complained, "It's a pure bastard! Damn! A good elite warrior is not appropriate, go and do a ghost scientific research! I'm so annoying!"

Chen Feng rushed to the long-haired girl and made a silent gesture with her.

The joy of the long-haired girl does not fade, but her voice is indeed lowered a lot.

"What the hell is it? Can't tell me in the communication system? If you are frightened and flustered, you still run to my base. What are you doing?"

"Chen Yuan Long, I can’t blame me. I must bring it here myself, as you said, it’s top secret."

Chen Feng became more nervous, looked down towards her abdomen, and began to swallow wildly and sweat, And in the heart began to conceive all kinds of non-lethal phrases.

"Dean, you really hate, what are you thinking about!" The long-haired girl raised her hand and patted him on the shoulder.

Chen Feng flashed by silently, "If you can tell me, we are not familiar."

About half an hour later, Chen Feng stood on a clean and simple surface with extremely complicated internal structure. Yes, in front of the metal square box with a side length of eight meters, he sighed.

It's scary.

It's not the same thing.

The project has indeed made progress and achieved a major breakthrough.

But it is not an embryo experiment project, but the infinite gene awakening probability research led by this girl.

The east is not bright and the west is bright, every cloud has a silver lining.

In the aspect of embryo fusion, Chen Feng did not perform well as always, but this time, perhaps because of the advancement of science and technology, it is much stronger than the timeline he encountered before. The development has also undergone a qualitative change, and he has finally researched something new.

"Tell me what is going on, how can this thing help me?"

Chen Feng asked.

"Dean Chen, we have performed multiple analyses on your gene sequence. At first, we are still the same as before, focusing only on the structure of the DNA sequence, but we found that your base pairing method is the same as the ordinary Person does not make any difference."

"Well, I have known this conclusion a long time ago. But it does not explain my situation."

"Yes, so we started from Start at the lower level of the atomic structure."

"Okay, just tell me from which level you understand the problem."


"Huh?" Chen Feng thought for a while.

It can be said in general.

Quark is the lowest physical structure that human beings think of in the 21st century.

As for gluons, they are particles used to transfer strong interactions between quarks, also known as gauge bosons.

However, it was later proposed that quarks are particles composed of precursors.

The predecessors mentioned by Changfamei should refer to the more microscopic particles of the predecessors.

But in fact, when matter is so small that it can no longer be regarded as particles, perhaps it should be regarded as a very short period of time, but after each annihilation, it will regenerate almost at the same time, as if it continues to circulate Complex energy.

The regular movement of energy forms microscopic particles.

Chen Feng asked: "Undoubtedly? A leader?"

I never thought of the long-haired girl but shook the head, "Actually, it is not certain. We did not find a leader with a different structure. Zi, we just captured some of the unusual energy ultra-microwaves released by the predecessors in your DNA sequence. Maybe there are some differences in the lower level concept."

Chen Feng spreads out," Well, it seems that I may be as complicated as antimatter and gravitational waves."

Long-haired girl nodded, "Yes, the Ministry of Science has listed my project as the third most important project for research. It is how to allow modern humans to evolve infinitely to break through the outer limit of carbon-based life."

"It sounds like a very promising look." Chen Feng responded.

"It is indeed very promising. We have seen from you the infinite possibilities of mankind. Although there is still a long way to go, we plan to finish our work and do our best to help you improve your genetic awakening. It’s up to you to constantly explore the limits of humanity. Then, we can help others based on the data collected from you. Both scientists and warriors can benefit from you."

Chen Feng got it.

He pointed to the square box and said, "Is this the equipment you designed to help me improve?"

"Yes, we zoom in on this set of infinite wake-up devices The ultra-microwave of the abnormal energy released by the preproton in your DNA sequence should be helpful to you. You can do some physical and mental training here. And we, this will continue to collect your information on the other side of the terminal."

Chen Feng pondered for a moment, and said: "Let the dean of the Institute of Life Sciences, the relevant leaders of the Ministry of Science, and those who can speak in the world government talk to me. I can participate in this project, but There are some conditions."

What didn't expect was that it didn't take long for Chief-In-Charge of almost all major comprehensive discipline research departments to appear in the communication system.

Many big men from the Institute of Materials, Energy, Military, Ordnance, and even the Ministry of Science and Technology participated in this remote conference.

The magic is that Chen Feng, the dean of the History Academy, is on the same level as them.

The new agreement was reached in half an hour.

His terms were not excessive, they were all accepted.

He can provide personal data, but the scope of the project’s knowledge must be kept small.

Moreover, only the relevant personnel of the Infinite Gene Project can obtain his specific data.

External personnel can only obtain and see advanced data derived from his basic data.

His personal status will become top-secret information.

In the Great Snow Mountain base, he will also have his personal top-secret closed training ground.

From now on, Chen Feng's personal parameters in the information system will be blocked and locked, including his gene arousal degree and the overall military literacy ranking.

Then both the warrior and the researchers can benefit from this project, but they don’t know that it is Chen Feng who leads and guides everyone.

To get these things done, Chen Feng returned to Tang Tianxin’s villa at dinner time.

Tang Tian asked him puzzledly: "You are really complicated. You obviously have such a good opportunity to show off. Why should you keep it secret?"

Chen Feng thought for a while and pointed Pointing to the sky, "Maybe you don't want the intruder to notice me?"

Tang Tianxin thought for a moment, "Do you really think they are observing us?"

Chen Feng nodded "If it’s not, I can’t explain the emergence of S bacteria."

"That’s really desperate."

Chen Feng nodded, "Yes, but the wonderful thing is No one is going to give up."

Tang Tianxin shrugged, "Perhaps it is because the people who have the genes that are good at giving up have been killed and wounded in the S bacteria catastrophe."

"Very cruel theory of passive evolution, a bit social Darwin. I hate social Darwin."

"I also hate it." Tang Tianxin was nodded and took another bite of cake.

Since then, Chen Feng has once again started a continuous improvement attitude in his personal battle strength.

In a private place that was not noticed, he finally unlocked his shackles and began to take the posture of spare no effort, constantly squeezing the extreme performance of the Morrowind system and his own abilities .

It didn't take long for the military and the Ministry of Science and Technology to jointly upgrade his equipment.

Chen Feng was not surprised by this, after all, it broke too quickly.

Since a long time ago, every time I came here, regardless of what kind of social structure or ideology he faced, he seemed to be able to get the top level that he could only manage as a recruit. Super class equipment.

If he can't get it any time, he is not used to it.

After getting the new equipment, he once again upgraded his fighting skills.

His genetic arousal rate, from 34.37% of this data, began to climb again little by little.

This is due to the infinite wake-up device.

This allows him to constantly experience various extreme conditions.

However, his genetic arousal rate rises very slowly.

In the beginning, he could rise by 0.01 for more than a week, but a few months later, when his arousal rate increased to 34.5%, it took almost a month to rise by 0.01.

The hospital came to a conclusion that was very frustrating for the world.

Humanity does not have limits, but it will be more and more difficult for mankind to constantly exceed the limits.

Finally, this difficulty may become infinite again.

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