

Maybe he shelved the communication request in the personal information system too After a long time, the people on the other side completely lost patience.

The other party began to "knock on the door" frantically, as if he could not wait to rush in.

It's no one else who dared to smash his door like this, only Ou Qinglan.


Sure enough.

"Chen Feng! You bastard! How can you be like this! Scum! Scum! Deserter! Are you worthy of us?" Squirting frantically.

If it was before, Chen Feng must be angry with her, argue with her, and even black her out.

But this time, Chen Feng showed great tolerance.

Only because of Ou Qinglan in the stereo projection, it seems that the state is really bad.

At this time, she has become full of silver hair, and even the hair volume is a little sparse, like a senior programmer who has been aged for several years.

She was originally a cute baby face full of collagen. At this time, her face is gray and pigmented.

Since becoming a particle-related project, Ou Qinglan has been fighting for nine months almost without sleep, making her personal status like this.

She has tears on her face, apparently she has just cried.

When she calmed down, Chen Feng asked: "What the hell happened, let's talk about it."

Ou Qinglan gave him a glance, and then she said.

After a long time, Chen Feng said: "Well, it was my fault for not picking up your communications just now. But the termination of the particle project is a joint decision by the leaders of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the world government. Since they did not invite me to participate in the meeting, they naturally did not intend to consider my suggestion. Even if I also participate in the meeting, I am afraid that nothing can be changed, and the project will still be suspended."

Ou Qinglan nodded, "I know, it's just not reconciled in my heart."

"Then you still scold me?" Chen Feng strangely said.

Ou Qinglan grinned slightly sorryly, "I'll vent, now I feel better."

Seeing Chen Feng seems to want to scold him back, Ou Qinglan quickly said: "You Wait, besides our own project, there are other things to inform you."

After a long time, she just finished speaking, and before Chen Feng could speak, she stood up and expressed herself. I'm going to board the ship soon, let's talk about it later.

Ou Qinglan ran out of sight before the voice was over.

Chen Feng only knew how many things had happened in Science City in the few days since the battle between him and Lin Bu.

The particle-related project has been disbanded, and the Ministry of Science has decided to abandon it.

The scientific researchers of this project team are going to the front line separately, going to different fleets, serving as technicians and even warriors.

Ou Qinglan and Dong Shan are on their way to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng does not intend to scold Ou Qinglan.

He knows how much effort she put in.

In the end, the project was unsuccessful, so she can't be blamed.

Including all the scholars of the Ministry of Science and Technology who decided to terminate the project, she will also not be blamed.

Do your best and obey the fate.

This time, even if Chen Feng took out the standard answer, the standard answer was finally transformed into a substantial result, and there is still a long distance that seems to be close at hand, but in fact it is the end of the world.

Everyone knows that the particles involved are there, but they can’t be found or activated, so the anti-matter bomb can’t be made.

The progress of Chen Feng's archaeological project team in the History Institute is still continuing, but it has no practical significance for Chen Feng. He has made a decision, and the results this time are of little significance.

Because next time he will bring more changes, when the time comes, the 21st century he faces must be a whole new pattern.

The research on Infinite Gene Awakening at Life Academy has also basically ended. Many young and strong, or Grandmaster Level scientists who are willing to go to the front at Life Academy are also rushing to the front.

This big project only retains the final core skeleton.

Other developments have no value.

Dozens of core scholars from the Academy of Life will bring the newly developed infinite awakening equipment to the Tianxin fleet together with Ou Qinglan and Dong Shan.

In the next two months, the Infinite Gene Awakening project will be carried out entirely around Chen Feng.

There is only one purpose.

Spare no effort improves Chen Feng's personal ability.

The new equipment is more effective, can create a more extreme training state, more squeeze potential, and can greatly increase the speed of Chen Feng's personal gene arousal.

Apart from this, the Life Institute will also bring another person and a second set of equipment.

This person is Lin Bu.

Now Limbu’s fleshy body has been remade, but he has been deeply injured, his adaptability to the new body is very average, and his fighting strength is less than half of the past.

He still needs the technical assistance of the Life Institute to recover his strength as soon as possible.

If all goes well, Lin Bu will be able to return to Peak in about two months.

But the main reason for Lin Bu to come to the Tianxin fleet is not this, but to give Chen Feng a "blood transfusion".

The Institute of Life found that Lin Bu’s amazing recovery ability originated from a unique protein named as a resuscitation factor.

The structure of this protein is very unstable and will quickly disintegrate after leaving Lin Bu's body.

The Life Institute thought of a way to make two interoperable nutrition warehouses. While placing Lin Bu, while placing Chen Feng who was injured by the infinite wake-up equipment intensive training, Chen Feng could also Enjoy the super life force and rapid recovery effect brought by the recovery factor.

This can improve Chen Feng's self-healing ability, allow him to receive more extreme training with new equipment, and speed up his genetic awakening.

Chen Feng was very moved by this, and his head was like a fight.

This clearly means what kind of hellish training he will experience in the next two months.

Can't even hold the atomic therapy device, the humanoid nurses are all arranged.


Emotions made him want to respect this kind of respect, but his reason told him that it was a good way to improve.

After all, his current arousal degree is still far away from the threshold of 35%. Without other strong means, he really cannot reach 35% in two months.

As for the reason why dozens of original particle project team members led by Ou Qinglan and Dong Shan came to the Tianxin Fleet, it is also related to Chen Feng.

A major project was annihilated in despair, but the knowledge of leading scholars such as Ou Qinglan and Dong Shan is still invaluable.

They will face the new challenge, which is to cooperate with the improved infinite wake-up equipment at the Life Institute to further strengthen and upgrade Chen Feng’s personal customized Morrowind system.

In order not to limit his abilities to equipment, the Ministry of Science has previously provided a customized version.

But in the next two months, Chen Feng's personal strength will continue to increase, and new equipment needs will emerge as the times require.

In order to keep up with Chen Feng's own pace in the equipment upgrades as quickly as possible, the Ministry of Science and the world government built an unprecedentedly powerful single-person logistics technical team around Chen Feng.

In addition to Ou Qinglan and Dong Shan of Grandmaster Level, the original members of the particle project team who came together were all Grandmasters. The academic field includes military, materials, power, energy and many other aspects.

The closer the wartime, the more extreme the many strategies of mankind.

From this series of plans, Chen Feng feels the infinite expectations other people have on him.

They have to do their best to make themselves a sharp sword that belongs to mankind, the ultimate form of humanoid weapon!

In addition to Ou Qinglan, Dong Shan, Lin Bu, and the Life Institute team, there are new surprises who came here on the same plane.

The gravitational wave field project team, led by Chen Feng personally and under the command of Matilde Academician, finally achieved a major breakthrough.

Even Chen Feng, the instigator, did not expect this, and was pleasantly surprised.

After nine months of difficult research, a total of 13,000 senior scholars in the gravitational wave field project team burst into unprecedented fighting spirit.

Although their research progress is far from developing a curvature engine and mastering a unified force field, they have completed the trial production of high-precision gravitational wave field detection equipment.

This is the most precise and sensitive detection instrument that mankind has controlled so far. It can even detect the abnormal dynamics of two-level units below the quark level.

Unfortunately, the time is too short. So far, only ten devices have been built in the Science City.

One of them will be shipped to the Tianxin fleet, and the others will go to various fronts, first to meet the needs of the top ten battleship teams of the entire army.

The Science City is still working overtime to build it.

Preliminary estimates are that in two months, about 500 fleets will be able to install this new type of equipment.

When Chen Feng heard the news, I was very pleased. I immediately expressed my opinion to Ou Qinglan. I will personally contact the faithful Matilde Academician who was enlightened by him once and then shelved him to praise him. Something.

But Ou Qinglan told Chen Feng that there is no need.

People have already left yesterday.

Matilde is not as young as Ou Qinglan. In nine months of endless struggle, he burned the last drop of life force.

Yesterday, Matilde died suddenly and was unable to rescue him.

And Matilde is not the first martyr in the gravitational wave project team.

No one told Chen Feng that in the past nine months, more than four thousand researchers in the gravitational wave field project team have sacrificed in different positions.

Ou Qinglan's particle-related project has suffered heavy casualties.

The infinite genes of the Life Academy are not much better.

Even Chen Feng's own archeology project team buried seven or eight people in silence.

He only reads the report and doesn’t know the team leader who doesn’t communicate with others.

In the next two months, their sacrifice will continue.

War is not just a warrior on the front line.

The scholars in the back are also throwing their heads and blood for humans.

After interrupting the communication, Chen Feng spent about half an hour to clear up his mood, and then clicked on a classic science fiction movie of the 22nd century Early-Stage.

This movie is called "Spark Unbreakable" and there are five in total.

Its theme song is "Cross and Crossing Stars".

Ten hours later, Chen Feng stretched and got up from the chair.

Tang Tianxin just opened the door and came in.

She also looked a little tired, she should have been dealing with official duties for ten hours.

She did not rest.

"Ou Qinglan and Dongshan teacher will be there in about two hours. Do you know everything?"

Chen Feng nodded: "Well, I know. I will Cooperate with training to prevent their efforts from being wasted."

Tang Tianxin nodded, "Yes, come on."

"What are you doing?"

"Life Constantly fighting. I’m not going to give up. Just before I got off work, I participated in a simulation battle. I was already ranked first in the commander system of the army. My command innate talent is undoubtedly, I have to Seeing how strong the genes of the two of us can be."

Chen Feng took a step back, "You should take a break? You are too tired."

Tang Tian Xinbai glanced at him, "I'm very tired, so this time I just lie down and take a rest."

Chen Feng:...

Time flies, and years flow.

In a blink of an eye, the past two months have passed.

October 25, 3020 AD.

There are still two days before the final battle day.

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