Commands are transmitted instantaneously through quantum networks, and are accurately divided into specific point-to-point instructions by artificial intelligence, which are implemented in everyone's ears.

Commander, combat unit and technical unit act in sync in an instant.

In the communicator and combat projection glasses of high level commanders like Tang Tianxin, a lot of information bursts out in an instant.

There are many types of information, including quick voice broadcasts analyzed and summarized by technicians, and image projections.

Image projection includes two major aspects, the image capture of enemy ships, and the analysis of your own battle formation.

Now Chen Feng also has the rank of major general.

His duties have not changed, he is still Tang Tianxin's security officer, Tianxin fleet's Morrowind warrior instructor, and Vanguard Team sharp sword warrior.

However, in Chen Feng's personal system, the intelligence summary of these commander sequences also pops up.

The technical staff responded quickly, and the information that popped up was as follows.

"The enemy ship is a sphere with a diameter of 3,000 kilometers and a metal structure as a whole. The metal material of the enemy ship is unknown, the internal structure is unknown, the number of enemy troops is unknown, and the life form is unknown..."

"The enemy ship's movement method cannot be determined. It may be curvature flight, or it may be an aerospace technology of the same level or higher rank as curvature flight."

Chen Feng thinks the following sentence is completely nonsense, maybe it is The military system does not understand the technology of the opponent at all, but in order to avoid hurting the confidence and fighting spirit of the warriors, and cannot admit that the level of the enemy is very different, we have to pretend to be a deputy, don’t panic. .

Chen Feng thinks this is good.

At the forefront of the battle line, the Morrowind warrior, swarm fighters and assault battleships patrolling are getting closer and closer, and the invader battleship is getting closer and closer.

In the process, everything seemed very peaceful and no explosion occurred.

The process of the tens of thousands of combat units advancing seems vigorous.

The mobilization of tens of millions of fleets in the rear of the large rear area looks spectacular in the universe.

However, this war seems to be just the heat of mankind.

The gunfire roared, but failed to hit the enemy ship at all.

Whether it was an energy weapon or a live ammunition weapon, they were all blocked by the intruder barrier, and even a little flame could not be exploded.

The spherical battleship has not moved since it suddenly appeared, like a dead thing.

But no one despised the quiet ball because of this.

This is the ultimate enemy shrouded in human heads and spreading fear for five hundred years.

The warrior on the front line is constantly sending back information.

"We have reached the edge of the intruder barrier."

"The weapons are all ineffective."

"The metal detector does not respond."

"The life detector is not responding."

"The energy detector is not responding."

"The gravitational wave field detector has detected a small amount of energy change, but it cannot be qualitatively determined. "

"Naked eye observes that the enemy ship’s surface has subtle lustrous flashes. But we can’t see the details of the inner layer. The enemy ship’s surface is covered with a layer of mist that blocks the line of sight, which can only be seen occasionally. Some metal structures, but I can’t see clearly."

Ding Hu: "The tenth test, the intruder barrier still exists. The super-heavy neutron propelled missile cannot penetrate."

"naked Eye observes that the rays of light have increased."

"The gravitational wave detector found that the energy has increased, but it is still impossible to qualitatively. The escaped energy disappeared out of thin air!"


"Not good!" I don't know what happened, there was a loud noise in front of me.

Tang Tianxin and Chen Feng's monitoring panel clearly saw that the front of the front line of light suddenly went out.

That was the front, and the bow almost penetrated into the several assault combat ships inside the barrier.

No one knows what happened, but these battleships lost control inexplicably, and moved forward slowly involuntarily, and then completely "hit" the intruder barrier until they collapsed into naked eyes. You can't see the basic energy mist that can only be marked on the instrument.

There were casualties, but although the soldiers in front were shocked, they did not panic and quickly sent back information.

Front intelligence officers manipulated the detectors to gather information. The commanders found that before these battleships got out of control, all the occupants inside had lost all signs of life.

Chen Feng is familiar with this scene.

Many times, he almost died like this unfathomable mystery.

This is just the beginning. In the following period of time, the front row of light spots representing combat units will go out one by one, like Domino Bone Token.

More drastic action must be taken.

Tang Tianxin sweats from her temples.

The originally meticulously prepared ambush, in front of the intruder barrier, seemed like the dying man’s weak middle finger.

The warrior who stood in front of the front line died so strangely.

So now is it the time to change the formation to disperse, or to launch a desperate impact at all costs?

Don't say Tang Tianxin, even the Legion Chang Lu Xianfeng from a district of Legion is also in a mental dilemma.


Then the ambush is meaningless.


But it can't get around the wall of sighs built by the intruder barrier.

By Tang Tianxin’s side, Chen Feng said: “Let’s retreat appropriately and get a distance of more than one hundred thousand kilometers from the enemy ship. The composite energy field shield and metal shield shield are fully open and see what happens. Is there any improvement?"

Tang Tianxin, who had no idea about the situation, subconsciously gave orders in accordance with the words.

Ten seconds later, all combat units have completed their orders.

However, the bizarre death of combatants has not improved significantly, only slightly slowed down.

Including Tang Tianxin, Lu Xianfeng, and all the rear position commanders who are observing the front positions through the quantum network, only one emotion is in their hearts.


With the shielding barrier coupled with this weird murder weapon, mankind has no chance of winning, and seems very ignorant and confused about everything.

This kind of war is too unfair.

The front line soldiers are still in an orderly and slow back.

Every minute and every second, people are dying. In just a few seconds, Legion battle damage has reached a million people.

But no one had a mental breakdown, but strictly followed the order to retreat.

The "environmental net" has not collapsed, but has continued to expand.

Tang Tianxin looked back at Chen Feng, "Why are you still here? Are you not going to the frontline?"

She hopes Chen Feng, the strongest person of individual strength, will go to the forefront. .

Others died unclearly, but with Chen Feng's current genetic arousal level, he may not die, and some intelligence can be found.

But Tang Tianxin is not sure about this.

Her feelings told her that Chen Feng should not be allowed to go to the front at this time, but reason told her that even if this man is the father of her child, he should be allowed to top him.

Only he has such a glimmer of hope.

Chen Feng shook the head, "I am your security officer. In addition, I also have my own considerations. Wait a minute."

Tang Tianxin looked away in pain, There was a little anger in my heart, but there was also a touch of relief.

Fortunately, he rejected me.

At this time, another Long River Fleet commander equipped with a gravitational wave field detector suddenly decided to initiate a charge.

"Let’s get on first! Must blast off this shielding layer! The other fleets are on standby, let’s go up and see the situation! You make your own strategy based on our intelligence!"

Long River Fleet The commander has made a decision.

You can’t continue to die like this, even if you die on the shielding layer!

His plan is not a senseless sacrifice.

As long as the speed is fast enough and the Energy Shield is fully opened, there may be a chance to hit the shield before all the staff are killed.

Then, the Long River Fleet's more than 800 battleships of various types, and more than 100,000 combat units, may be able to use fleshy body to test out more useful intelligence for the rear fleet.

Even if you just blow up some fireworks.

The fireworks are more gorgeous, and they will certainly bloom atomic spectra that can reveal information.

The front line spread out, allowing the Long River Fleet to open a sprint tunnel.

The roar of Commander Changhe resounded in the ears of all members of the commander sequence in the forward position.

"Charge! The river is in the sky!"

The other commanders of the fleet and the warrior greeted in unison, "The star is eternal!"

The river is in the sky, the star is eternal .

This is the military slogan of the Long River Fleet. It only sounds when the final desperate charge is launched, which means that this fleet sequence is about to become history.

Five seconds later, there was a bloody roar from the Changhe flagship that had reached the front.

Everyone can hear the hoarse voice, which means that the owner of the voice is in great pain.

His vocal cords seemed to be torn.

"The intruder barrier is dispersing! Our sense of distance is being stretched away! The speed of light is quickly recovering! You can attack! Go!"

Shen Changhe's three-dimensional The projected image appears in the projection glasses of the commander sequence.

He is the only standing person in the flagship command pod.

He was covered in blood, his eyeballs exploded, and his skin was torn every inch.

But he still held up with one hand, and desperately pushed forward the manual control power valve at full speed with the other.

Only Chen Feng understands what kind of pain he is suffering at this time.

It's a kind of pain that is deep and painful, it can swallow all of people's intellect in an instant, and it makes people impossible to move even a little bit.

"Masters! Mankind will not die!"

Shen Changhe moved.

He burst out his last strength, shouting and jumping forward.

His body exploded.

The broken bones were in front, and the manual control power valve switch that should have automatically rebounded back into place was stuck firmly.

He sacrificed.

The battleship speed of most of the Long River Fleet has suddenly slowed down, but there are still nearly a hundred battleships that keep sprinting at full speed and keep moving forward.

There is no time to hesitate, and he cannot be sacrificed in vain.

In the combat command channel, Lu Xianfeng yelled, "Total attack! Uranus, Legion, a general attack! All members charge!"

No one still understands the attack methods of the invaders.

Everyone knows that getting close to an enemy ship is death.

However, every battleship, every independent combat unit, rushes forward like a meteor shower against the space that is constantly being pulled backwards.

Tang Tianxin also gave the order to advance at full speed.

Chen Feng always watched this scene blankly.

He is still waiting, observing.

A huge amount of information is transmitted back from the front of the front.

When gradually approaching the enemy ship, all automation equipment will fail, and all operations must return to pure manual control.

The enemy has mastered an attack method that can break through the information defense and destroy the automated chip from the underlying structure.

Chen Feng kept looking at his watch while scanning the message from the front line.

Ahead, the originally still ball-shaped battleship seemed to sway slightly.

"It's moving! It's speeding up and approaching quickly!"

This is Lin Bu's iron and hanky voice.

He has rushed to the forefront of the formation.

Perhaps, Ding Hu, Pound and the others have already died in the vicinity of Limbu.

Who knows.

Chen Feng breathes deeply, it’s almost time, I can’t stay here anymore.

He turned and walked out, preparing to get out of the cabin.

In his mouth and heart, he firmly believes that mankind will undoubtedly lose this time.

But when things came to an end, he still wanted to let himself die on the charge.

In front of the front, the Morrowind Warrior patrol sequence led by Lin Bu, second only to the Long River Fleet.

Also close.

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