The splendid martyrdom swept across this space.

I want to devour everything.

The colorful flames and red clouds are intertwined and entangled, merged into one, almost becoming a short-burning sun.

Hundreds of millions of particle bombs exploded at the same time within a radius of 5 million kilometers, and the heat and radiation equivalent released instantly are indeed close to the sun.

Although its continuous output energy is far less than that of the sun, the instantaneous impact and high temperature are especially superior.

The composite energy field shield cannot withstand such strikes at all, and the escape capsule is flying ash annihilation in the flames.

Chen Feng can't stop it either.

He didn’t even block it at all. Instead, he disconnected the towing hooks of the space fighter and the escape capsule five seconds beforehand, blatantly speeding up, and burst out the real performance of the space fighter used by the Morrowind system. The power protection shield turns into a real streamer, along the twisty curve, rushing forward and then rushing forward.

Fleeing for so long, this is the first time he has charged like others against the invader battleship.

Unparalleled determination.

Will he be willing when abandoning the escape pod?

Of course not reconciled.

He is not reconciled every time.

But there is no choice.

As Ou Qinglan said before, after tempering time and time again, the assimilation rate of the storm caused by the Morrowind system and particle bombs has reached the limit, 90%.

Even if he opened the huge shield to block it, he could only block 10% of the impact.

For the escape pod, his umbrella of life has become riddled with holes and no longer makes sense.

The impact comes from all directions. No matter how beautiful his instant maneuver is, no matter how fast he transitions, he can only block one direction.

Hanging the escape pod, we can only go to Yellow Springs senselessly, and sacrifice is meaningless.

Chen Feng's decisive Shache Baoshuai won him a first-line opportunity.

He keenly caught a glimmer of survival in this dazzling explosion.

Two adjacent ion bombs exploded at the same time, causing spherical shock waves to be produced at the same time.

After the shock waves collide with each other, they will each retreat a little distance as water waves collide.

This energy-staggered dividing line will become a short-term impact blank.

Comparing this piece of smashed explosion to a big pomegranate, then the boundaries of these blank areas can be regarded as the white space between pomegranate seeds and pomegranate seeds.

Subsequently, the continuous shock from the rear will push the shock waves of the two bombs to close together, hit, and disperse again.

The blank area is born and disappeared, and the duration will be shorter and shorter, but it will always exist.

Chen Feng caught these gaps, turned himself into a slippery loach, and plunged head-on.

The Morrowind system is difficult to damage in the blast. After he himself became a galactic human, his resistance to radiation and particle impact has also become much stronger, but if he is careless, he falls into the Central where the explosion point is. Region, of course, will still be shredded and evaporated into cosmic particles without any suspense.

To continue to live, he must grasp these details and put an end to all mistakes.

If he was the previous one, even if he is very strong, it is impossible to do it.

The double impact of energy and particles involved in the explosion of particles is too violent. In the process of such a large-scale explosion, countless random factors are superimposed together, which makes the situation more complicated.

Chen Feng can only bet on luck and avoid getting involved as much as possible.

The performance of the equipment after experiencing the tempering of the particle bombs surpassed Chen Feng's understanding, and even exceeded the expectations of the designer, Ou Qinglan.

Sprint, slow down, change direction, speed up, and sprint again...

The whole process seems to be very short, but in the countless details of his operations, no one reveals beyond human understanding. Of beauty.

If there are other survivors who can capture his dynamics, they will be shocked that human beings can reach such a high level.

The estimate of the upper limit of carbon-based humans in the minds of ancient people thousands of years ago is simply an ignorant joke.

Who said that carbon-based life is destined to be fragile?

That's just a frog in well looking into the starry sky.

The ants on the white paper are arguing about Heaven and Earth.

That is the misunderstanding caused by ignorance!

Ignorance gives people the courage to guess the universe with infinite possibilities.

Until the thirty-first century, human understanding of the carbon structure was still on the surface, never reaching the level of the predecessor.

Looking back at the 21st century, the emergence of C60 and carbon fiber has given humans a slight initial understanding of the esoteric structure of carbon.

But people at that time only knew that carbon fiber was stronger than steel, and they were amazed by it.

But I did not expect that at a lower level, the mystery of the carbon structure can also be sublimated to the realm of life.

Human genes are by no means a simple combination of atoms and molecules. They also contain a huge amount of information that humans have not yet figured out in the 31st century.

The reason why the degree of gene arousal can increase with the improvement of technology is because the expression of genes is directly related to human technology and the depth of exploration of the universe.

When the conditions are met, the human body and brain will continue to improve.

This progress involves the protein molecules in the big way, and in the small way, it also involves the two-level precursors below the quark, and even the lower level.

After becoming a galactic human, Chen Feng himself has no way of knowing the extent of his potential.

He just kept sprinting in the flames.

Seventy-three seconds later, a tiny starlight rushed out of the martyrdom range with dazzling fireworks and lightning, and appeared in the spherical battleship up ahead forty thousand kilometers.

Without any pause, Chen Feng broke away from the space fighter form and switched to a humanoid form. The eight plasma thrusters behind him made a loud hum and rushed forward again.

He could have continued to escape.

But he did not escape.

The escape pod loaded with 100,000 embryos has been destroyed. Even if he does run away, it is impossible for a single person to reproduce a race.

Even if his Morrowind system has sufficient energy storage and continues to consume at full capacity for a long time, the remaining energy is not enough to support him to reach the next star system.

So he also knows that he is impossible to escape, and there is no possibility of becoming a lonely hero.

There is no point in continuing to flee.

Then, instead of kneeling and dying on the escape road, it is better to stand vigorously on the battlefield.

His humanoid armor has not changed much from the previous appearance. It still looks streamlined, but its natural body is much smaller. The whole body is only three meters high.

The reduction in weight has greatly improved his mobility.

In the form of humanoid armor, it is not known for extreme speed, but in terms of the ability to change direction and sudden acceleration, the eight power engines on the back are stronger than the space fighter form.

Chen Feng brought the equipment performance and his own abilities into full play, suddenly left, suddenly right in the air, constantly dodge, jump, and advance.

He began to shorten the distance between himself and the ball battleship inch by inch.

He saw the dim light that could shred his soul again, and he began to feel a faint pain.

But the amazing thing is that his body didn't shatter in an instant, he only gradually felt discomfort.

Although this discomfort will increase with the shortening of the distance, his tolerance threshold has already increased.

It's near.

It's getting closer and closer.

The three-meter-high humanoid armor and the extremely large invader battleship with a diameter of 3,000 kilometers are getting closer and closer.

All the automation chips of the Morrowind system have long since failed, but all of them are switched to manual mode, which does not affect his control level.

On the contrary, it is stronger!

Inside the Void began to have an invisible repulsive force to push him away, but his perfect manual operation can always accurately avoid the interference of these thrusts!

Ion bombs began to appear on his path.

Now Chen Feng has no one to help him predict in advance with a gravitational wave field detector.

But it’s okay. The direction of his broken line is completely irregular. It is truly random, not the pseudo-random of computer lottery.

His thinking is actually more inaccurate than the inaccurate electronics.

The intruder can't capture his movement either.

He had good luck, and he never got hit by mistake.

However, the closer you get, the shimmer that can hurt the human body that the intruder battleship sometimes dodges after the fog is covered is everywhere and cannot be avoided.

Even if Chen Feng already has the body of a galactic human, he seems to be facing a killer weapon of the same level, or even a higher level.

His body is still injured, and the speed of his advancement is constantly slowing down, even if the resuscitation factor is activated again, it will not help.

Finally, Chen Feng stopped a thousand kilometers away from the intruder's battleship up ahead.

This is a location that no one has reached so far.

His naked eye still doesn't really see the situation on the ball-shaped battleship.

But the optical telescope system that comes with the Morrowind system helped him see the surface of the metal creation.

The shield technology possessed by the spherical battleship seems to be far superior to that of human beings. The essence of the mist flowing on the surface seems to be a kind of entanglement of energy and particles.

The rays of light in the distance are more vigorous.

Chen Feng's consciousness is blurred again.

He knew that fainting this time was a real death.


He switched to the form of a land-based gun, floating in the universe.

He poured the remaining 90% of the energy into the land-based gun.

Plasma super-heavy neutron shells were created in an instant.



The cannonball screamed and flew up, but on the other end of the cannonball, there were dozens of ropes made of extremely tough biological materials that bound Chen Feng in combat uniforms!

All the Dyson membrane bio-batteries are still strapped to his body.

He appeared naked in the vacuum of the universe!

In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng arrived at a position less than 300 meters outside the ball-shaped battleship case!

The direction of the shell is slightly changed, but the launch distance is too close, and Chen Feng activates the plasma throughout the whole process, spares no effort to infuse the energy in the bio-battery, so that the super-heavy bomb always maintains the form of neutron star matter, and the mass is too large. Not completely removed.

He has successfully approached!

His body began to disintegrate.

But he still stared straight ahead blankly.

The biological material rope was untied, and the cannonball slammed into the invader battleship obliquely.

It did not hit, but first hit a layer of energy shield of unknown principle.

The shell began to disintegrate, but immediately exploded on its own.

The shock wave of the explosion did not blast away the energy shield and injure the prototype battleship inside, but the light and fluttering particle wind passed through, and a little thick fog was blown away.

Chen Feng's eyes go through the hole in the dense fog.

He saw the enemy for the first time.

Behind the transparent window, there is a pair of seemingly cold, but there are deep jealous compound eyes inside.

Like a fly, but certainly not a fly.

Chen Feng was very satisfied, but he was a little regretful. He only saw his eyes, but didn't see the other person's face clearly. The fog returned to thick and blocked his vision.

But it is not important.

Chen Feng raised his finger and pointed at the position of the window.

Regardless of whether the other party can understand or not, his mouth changes slightly, as if speaking in a vacuum.

"You lit the flames of war.

I saw your eyes clearly through the firelight.

I remembered your eyes.

I will let this flame of war burn forever until you burn out your civilization."

Chen Feng knows that he is blocking the car with a mantis arm, but he is burning with a fighting intent that will never go out.




Wake up.

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