Anything new is destined to face controversy.

If this new thing is not an authority in this field, but a well-known non-authority who has achieved great Accomplishment in other fields, this kind of controversy will be particularly strong.

Just as the poetry and essays shocked Ghost God back then, the poet Li Bai who entered the court but hit the wall one after another.

Chen Feng has a pivotal position in the music world, but in the academic world, the words of the lowly carry little weight.

Academy and art are similar on a certain level, but in fact they are completely different.

Art is more subjective, and it has a metaphysical taste that only exists when my eyes are opened.

But science is objective, materialistic, and must speak the facts.

Even if it is an inference, it must be based on indisputable facts. It is not possible to skip an important argument in one stage and go directly to the next stage to produce results.

Then this is not called science, it is called theology or philosophy.

It is not so easy for an ordinary person to make waves in the academic field. After all, information is exploding in this era.

But Chen Feng is different.

Thanks to his fame, his cross-border behavior has caused an astonishing impact in a very short period of time.

Be the first to join in to see the excitement and wonder, mostly die-hard fans of artists under Star Peak Entertainment, or other singers and related people in the music industry.

These people turned to the first page of the e-book and soon began to doubt life and asked three questions about the philosophy of life.

After arriving, some people began to vaguely understand some of the content one after another.

These people are the transition layer between the music audience and the academic world.

They are researchers, graduate students, academicians or young scholars.

This part of the talents will not only like music, but also like to actively chase hot spots, but also understand some knowledge.

At first, these people thought it was funny and ridiculous.

An art artist suddenly came to do research, and he was doing the most profound and cutting-edge basic theoretical research in physics and mathematics in anthropology.

What he wants to shake is the foundation of the science building!

How dare he?

Where is the courage.

And the span of disciplines and fields he touched at one time is so large, it is simply...


So these people began to grasp the field that they knew to conduct calculations, planning to use what they learned to defeat this paranoid scientific music magnate, and by the way, show a sense of existence in front of the magnate.

What if you need a big sponsor to do any research in the future?

Then these people were dumbfounded.

I can't pick a thorn!

As long as his assumptions are true, then his argumentation process is seamless, and his conclusions are irrefutable!

The book "Madman's Conjecture Collection" has become a very strange existence.

Most people think of him as Minke.

But this Minke cannot be falsified.

Minke that cannot be falsified, isn't that the truth?

These skeptics question Chen Feng while questioning themselves, believing that most of them are inadequate and poor academic skills, so they cannot defeat the Minke Great Demon King.

So these people chose to call outside the field, and a teacher at random was summoned as a rescuer.

They forwarded one after another and sent the e-book to people who are more qualified to evaluate.

"Master Old Lin, here is a book about the neutrinos we studied. I think he is wrong, but I don’t know what went wrong..."

"He teacher, this person actually said that gravity is dark energy. Well, there is indeed such a guess, but he actually wrote the conversion formula directly..."

"Teacher Zhou, help! This person actually The former son has been classified, and the amount of charge and quality have been written out!"


The teachers joined the front of the falsification of Minke, and then……

Also caught blindly.

Everyone understands the truth, but they cannot defeat Chen Feng when all the conditions assumed by Chen Feng are true.

But the teachers are worthy of being teachers. They will continue to move forward in the direction of research. I can't beat your conclusion, but I can try to overturn your argument from the very beginning.

They set their targets on the conditions assumed by Chen Feng. If it can be proved that these conditions cannot be met, the conclusion will naturally be invalid.

But it didn't take long before a new despair was born.

The conditions assumed by Chen Feng still cannot be falsified.

The conditions cannot be falsified, and the conclusion cannot be falsified.

The result of two consecutive rounds of falsification failures, almost spanning a short period of more than ten years, and a long period of several decades of scientific development, forcibly came up with the "truth."

This feeling of knowing that he is likely to be wrong, but completely unable to prove him wrong, has not appeared for many years in the context of modern science. This makes scholars extremely crazy and desperate for life. .

If Chen Feng only came up with a certain conclusion, things would not ferment so surprisingly.

But he has broken too many areas at the same time, causing a chain reaction.

The entire Chinese academic community burst into tears.

However, only those who are serious about learning will try to falsify.

There is another kind of person in academia.

This kind of people have little ability, but relying on certain methods and hype, they have gained some fame.

These people have neither the ability nor the mind to falsify. They are better at criticizing and questioning, and they basically only know this.

They want to defend the dignity of academia.

After that, I don't know which hand quickly got the machine to translate the English version and send it overseas.

The same goes for overseas, academics are divided into two groups.

Different people have different feedbacks from those who do learning and those who "do" learning, but controversy has begun to brew and grow bigger and bigger like a tornado.

Critical scholars believe that Chen Feng's concluding statements in "Madman's Conjectures" one after another can be regarded as deviant.

Some people say that this is pure pseudoscience. It seems that the argument is rigorous, but in fact, he speaks nonsense throughout the whole process. He has no reverence for science and lacks respect for knowledge.

These people generally believe that if someone really believes in Chen Feng's pseudo-science, there will be endless disasters.

I don't know who started first. In the afternoon of that day, the first article condemning Chen Feng appeared.

It is shameful for the other party to scold Chen Feng, a layman who rashly publishes articles in the form of academic papers.

Wrong, he Chen Feng can spread both hands, sophistry, I am a songwriter, I also like science fiction movies, can't I write some science fiction?

By the way, he can only be right, and it does not prove his academic ability, but he will definitely leave a reputation as a pioneer in the history of science.

How shameless is this?

So, Chen Feng's unaccountable behavior is not worth promoting. He should be asked to retract the monograph and apologize to the public.

First Chapter's essay sounded the charge, and more and more young and middle-aged scholars with certain influence in the academic circle launched a condemnation to Chen Feng against the fire of fans in the music circle.

Chen Feng Master himself was a little nervous watching this scene.

Many people called him, with different backgrounds.

As large as ministerial officials or academicians related to the scientific field.

As young as his classmates and undergraduate counselors.

Even the Principal of Jiangnan University where he was studying didn't know where he got his number and called him.

Little Chen, please clarify a little bit. Let me say it publicly. This collection of your conjectures does not mean to provoke academia. It is just an essay written by a hobby hobbyist who has a personal interest in the pursuit of science. It is for reference only. some type of.

Chen Feng almost listened.

But he did not explain this after all.

Can't explain.

Once explained, then at least the effect he wants to achieve has to be discounted.

Many people who should have believed in him and worked hard along these research directions will quickly disappear into self-doubt.

What Chen Feng had to do was originally a good thing, but it has become a bad thing.

So Chen Feng decided to die, whatever you say, I don't care.

He doesn't hear anything outside the window, so he just waits for Sage to come.

But he failed to wait for "sage" in time and was even released.

It was said that Ryan, who flew from the capital to Hanzhou today, lost contact!

The call cannot be reached, no one answers.

Chen Feng asked Star Peak Entertainment’s office in Beijing to check again. After asking about the situation, he realized that Ryan hadn’t been out of Tsinghua’s campus all day and stayed in the laboratory there. It seemed They are working on major projects assaults and cannot get away.

Chen Feng is very angry about this and has nothing to do.

He threw out "Madman’s Conjectures" ahead of time, and his plan was not to throw a delicious bait for Ryan Little Brother, so that he would not patronize Qingbei and the little jokes in the laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. , Did you come to your side to make a big scene?

This product turned out to be a bad one, and it escaped all his bullets because of the retreat.

The master opened the dodge MAX and was unharmed. Instead, the crowd eating melons next to him was thrown down by a shotgun.

Chen Feng secretly swears, turning his head back, must cure Lai En, this reluctant little brother.

What's even more annoying is that if Ryan doesn't come, he will have to go to Ouhe Group alone to meet his scalp.

According to the battle report returned by the frontline agent Ou Junlang, the enemy’s leader, Ou Guohua, will go to Europe tomorrow, so if there is a major event, he has to act today, otherwise he will have to wait for next month to return to China.

Chen Feng drove out of the community.

"Fat boy, fat boy, how is the target situation? I am a bee. Over."

"Received! Bee bee, target is drinking tea in the study, just finished one A lot of documents, reading the newspaper. Over."

"What newspaper? Over."

"Reference news. Over."

"Good fat Tsai, keep watch, I'll be there in 20 minutes."

"Obviously the bees! Wait, my mom wants the target to accompany her to go shopping for clothes, I have to do it myself!"

"Ah! Fat boy, take care!"

Twenty minutes later, Chen Feng appeared outside the main entrance of the European-style mansion.

When driving into the villa area, Chen Feng passed by the car of Ou Junlang's mother and son.

The bee and the fat boy looked at each other through the two windows of the car, tacitly, and cherished each.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't want to be like an underground worker like this.

Before that, he asked Ou Junlang to help him initiate a formal invitation to Ou Guohua for an interview as the chairman of Star Peak Entertainment.

What's the matter with Fatty, who hit his father too hard last time, Ou Guohua has no hope of Fatty, and doesn't want to communicate with Chen Feng, a fatty face-slap tool, only to let this ineffective son It's best to squat where it's cool, and go to the freezer.

Chen Feng holds a heavy machine, but it is impossible to carefree and Ou Guohua said on the phone that I still want to cooperate with you, but the field of cooperation is not the entertainment industry, but your old line of business.

The Ou Guohua laughed hehe face-to-face on the phone, and backhanded Fatty Ou's skin.

Chen Feng has to present the facts face to face and talk about the basis to have enough persuasive power to complete such a heavy cross-border.

That’s why the two of them finally settled on this behavior pattern like an underground worker.

If Ryan goes with him, things will become easier.

Now only Chen Feng is here, things will be difficult, but you have to try.

For others, today’s delay is only a few days away, but for Chen Feng, this may miss an era.

He couldn't bear it.

When Chen Feng entered the Ou’s Mansion, he was not hindered in any way.

Fatty Ou greeted the bodyguard at home before going out.

"Ou Uncle, good afternoon."

Chen Feng stood at the door of Ou Guohua, said with a smile.

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