Time flies, blinking for nearly eighteen hours.

With this stroke of Chen Feng, he wrote in the afternoon of second day.

Sunlight spilled in from outside, shining on the notebook in his hand.

The vigorous and powerful handwriting is flamboyant on the notebook, just like a work of art.

Chen Feng has never practiced handwriting, but unconsciously, now even if he just writes with a pen, there is an unspeakable charm in the handwriting, which is very beautiful.

The word is good, the content inside is better.

This small booklet, in a certain concept, will become the development guide for mankind in the next hundred years, and determine the destiny of all mankind.

Chen Feng re-planned the development route of Star Peak Entertainment.

This time he brought back more than 30 songs. Zhong Lei has seven more Sword God songs and "showing off one's ability" in his hands. When she releases this album, she won't blow up the whole world. Chen Feng does not believe in Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Then Star Peak Entertainment will accumulate primordial capital faster in the early stage.

The market value of 8 billion today will soon exceed 10 billion, and the possibility of reaching 15 billion is not even ruled out.

The amount of funds is magnified again, so after he "leaves", the operation of many things will have to be changed from the last time.

He can enter the film industry in advance.

This small crossover from music to film should happen between 2025 and 2030.

The script library has expanded. Chen Feng wants to make more movies, and the time span of the film is longer, from 2050 to 2120, there are as many as fifteen, and some of the films can be disassembled Several copies were sold in a series.

These larger-span science fiction films have put forward higher requirements on special effects technology.

But Chen Feng doesn't care, because his investment is bigger and his technical strength is stronger.

With an asset scale of more than 10 billion in hand, Star Peak Entertainment can invest heavily in the development of a new 3D special effects engine on its own, once again accelerating the production level of computer special effects.

When the time comes this engine you did good, and you can also make some money for Star Peak Entertainment by the way. As long as the quality of the movie is followed, you can pay back and you are not afraid of losing money.

Chen Feng dares to increase investment in the film field, there is another major reason.

He not only has classic scripts that have proven his worth, but he also improved his thinking.

When the time comes, even if he is holding back himself and adding money, he has to pull James Diaz into the water and let the other party fulfill his betting agreement with himself, directing the first star in Star Peak Entertainment’s production A sci-fi blockbuster.

Then the first work can open the global market.

Loss and profit are not important. He has to use a clear attitude to tell the world that I am going to be a science fiction film.

Next, he will recruit more celebrity directors and big names, and start multiple crews at the same time, producing high-quality science fiction films at a rate of one or two a year, constantly snowballing.

Everything is naturally under control.

Of course, this "producer" must not be lazy. He must follow up the filming process and try his best to prevent celebrities from playing tricks. Philosophy and story rhythm.

As long as possible to restore the movies he has seen with his own eyes, then it is almost impossible to lose money.

After all, there are thousands of reasons for failure, but the reason for success is Myriad Laws Return To One. It is the work that is hard enough.

Chen Feng knew that he would be very tired like this, but as a galactic human, he should be able to handle that kind of work intensity.

After completing the development of music and movies and turning Star Peak Entertainment into a huge monster, Chen Feng's other leg should also have a similar pace.

The second leg is Xingfeng Research Institute.

Chen Feng plans to complete the comprehensive development of nine technologies in the next ten to fifteen years.

Whether it is room temperature superconducting metals, new solar panels, or other new materials, it is an epoch-making achievement in the current era.

Any one is enough to monopolize an industry and build patent hegemony.

Of course, Xingfeng Research Institute will not be good men and women.

The nine major technologies will jointly form an insurmountable barrier for others to build a hegemonic enterprise comparable to Dow, 3M, Monsanto, Bayer, and Apple, and then harvest profits for the entire world.

So at this time, Xingfeng Research Institute has completed its historical mission.

Chen Feng is about to turn the front of the car again.

Hegemony inevitably breeds desire, not to mention that the hegemony of the Star Front Research Institute will be stronger than ever.

After Chen Feng’s leftovers are squeezed dry, the pace of the Institute’s advanced by leaps and bounds will slow down and slowly become mediocre, and then indulge in the ability to attract gold from past achievements.

Xingfeng Research Institute will silently change from an engine that promotes human progress to a stumbling block that hinders the way forward.

Even if when the time comes Chen Feng himself can be aloof, there is no guarantee that other people in the institute will not be shaken.

Chen Feng predicted the hearts of the people and made his own choice.

Chen Feng will make a decision that others cannot understand, and may even call him a second fool.

But he doesn't care, he can't hear it anyway.

He wrote in the tip.

"Such a decision may be difficult and misunderstood by the world, but it doesn’t matter. I just know it myself and never regret every decision. Xingfeng Research Institute must take the initiative to remove patent barriers and get out of comfort. Circle, share all the results with all mankind in a more open manner."

"I must kick the Star Front Research Institute and Ryan out of the comfort zone I created, and let them return to the cruel competition. In the environment. I will find a perfect compromise point to keep a certain profit, but I will never suppress the creativity of others."

Chen Feng wrote this line very hard, and Also bold and black.

He believes that his "sacrifice" will definitely promote the progress of human science and technology.

He may make a trillion-dollar-worthy giant enterprise only reach 200 billion US dollars.

But he doesn't care very much, because the external driving force he releases is constantly magnified by society, and the value is likely to reach 100,000 million trillion US dollars, or even higher.

Society is an amplifier, which can increase the effect of gain exponentially.

Ryan and the Star Research Institute, who were kicked out of the circle by him, must still create good value after re-entering the competitive environment.

To drive Ryan away can also untie the shackles placed on Ryan by Chen Feng's use of "Madman’s Conjecture Collection" and the Nine Great Accomplishment, and give this genius’s thoughts true freedom.

This is a bold attempt by Chen Feng, using the competitive concept advocated by director James.

This may not be 100% accurate, but you can give it a try.

The above-mentioned idea of ​​walking on two legs should happen between 2035 and 2040.

By then, Star Peak Entertainment will have a market value of between 30 billion and 50 billion US dollars, and the Star Peak Research Institute will be worth about 200 billion US dollars.

Chen Feng's total personal assets should be around 180 billion US dollars.

He will quickly integrate the two industries and complete the ultimate meeting.

His industrial integration model is different from last time, and he will be more extreme and decisive.

First, sell Star Peak Entertainment and cash out.

Then let Xingfeng Research Institute merge into Ouhe Group and join Ouhe Research Institute.

At the same time, they sold their own shares in the research institute, took away the patents of nine innovative technologies, and authorized the patents to all mankind at a low price.

On the surface, his operation is very excessive, and Ou Guohua certainly cannot agree.

But at this time, I can see the benefits of his holding of 55%.

In the following specific operations, he will also use his unreplicated and unbreakable technical advantages to gradually increase his controlling rights, and eventually reach an absolute holding of more than 67%.

He will use this absolute holding advantage to force Ou Guohua.

I want to sell the production line to cash out the capital, and then everyone will divide the money by shares.

Then you take away all the research and development capabilities of the Xingfeng Research Institute, and I take away the technology patents.

If you don’t want to sell the production line, that’s okay. Leave your part and I will sell mine.

What? Don't you agree?

sorry, I absolutely control, if you don’t agree to me, you will share the patent directly, and the research institute will be dissolved on the spot, and everyone will be separated.

After completing the above steps, Chen Feng's personal assets will definitely shrink appropriately, leaving about 100 billion US dollars in the end.

Chen Feng will re-found the Star Peak Group with Meng Xiaozhou as the core of the skeleton, and transfer to the high-tech industry with spare no effort.

He will become an investment tycoon focusing on the high-tech field, madly sponsoring all kinds of scientists with dreams and capabilities to promote the progress of science and technology.

He is also a knowledgeable person, and he is still loaded with the analysis of the development of science and technology in the 21st century compiled by many coolies in the History Department Academy. Of course, he will not make random investments without a target.

He believes that each step of his will walk beautifully.

By then, if Ryan needs him, Chen Feng will still sponsor him, but at this stage Chen Feng only gives money and does not give Ryan any advice, let him use his abilities on his own.

Chen Feng can at least double the $100 billion in about five years, that is, before 2040.

Then he will once again show the operation that shocked countless people's eyes.

For the second time, it has launched an impact on the aerospace industry!

When the time comes, no matter how much money he has, he will spare no effort.

His goal is still to hunt down travelers, and he will never stop until he reaches the goal.

In addition to the above major plans, Chen Feng also wrote two additional pens.

The marketing of "Madman's Conjecture Collection" is also very important, and we cannot relax.

He doesn't want fame, he just wants to inherit the S bacteria vaccine related plan smoothly.

Secondly, he also plans to increase the implementation level of the "antique" hiding plan, to increase the budget for Fatty Ou, and to hide the box 100 meters underground.

Don’t be afraid to spend money, dig deeper every time to hide it more.

After finishing his thoughts, Chen Feng cautiously locked the notebook into the safe, and went back to bed to sleep.

It was already 7:30 in the evening when he woke up.

He went out and went straight to the airport.

He planned to go to Los Angeles this time to spend the 25th.

No other intentions, he just wanted to take a look at the current state of Zhong Lei before in the past.

Wan accidentally hit the Grand Canal. Is her progress in writing "Morrowind" faster?

On April 25, 2020, at 2 pm Los Angeles time, Chen Feng arrived at Mason Academy.

He stayed with Zhong Lei for a long time.

But he doesn't know whether he should be happy or depressed.

In this big half a month, Zhong Lei didn't make any progress in the creation of "Morning Breeze". Instead, he prepared a new album called "8th Layer Sound" in spare no effort to record.

Chen Feng couldn't say anything about her, and she was dragged into the piano room as a guitarist.

Lesna and two other mentors were also invited by her, a bass and a drum set, to form a temporary band.

Zhong Lei himself plays the piano and sings while playing.

Long time passed, after finishing the third round of the last song "Showing off one's ability", Zhong Lei wiped the sweat on his forehead.

She looked at Chen Feng with a very unwilling look, "When I completely digest these eight songs and make this album, I will definitely tell Ryan, tell the whole world that you are in art Chen Feng's creativity is ten times stronger than in science!"

Looking at her inexplicably unconvincing and extremely confident appearance, Chen Feng smiled and narrowed his eyes.

He stood up.


Chen Feng didn't care that Lesna and the others were still there, and amid Zhong Lei's exclamation, he gently fished her into his arms.

For some reason, before leaving this time, I really want to hug her gently.

He took a sharp breath in his nose and could smell a faint fragrance. He rubbed the back of Zhong Lei's head, took a step back, and quickly turned away.

"Thanks for your hard work, Zhong Lei."

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